Villains Template

Chapter 273: must have 1 enemy

The cell door opened, and Yue Si found that Bolivar's single cell was actually very spacious. There was a very large living room. Although the decoration was not luxurious, it was also a star hotel level. .

However, Bolivar Strucker did not sit on the sofa watching TV, but wrote down a line of formulas on the whiteboard with a pen. It seemed that he was doing some data calculation. Yue Si glanced at it and found that it was A ballistic calculation formula for an ICBM.

Because of his height, there is a wooden ladder in the library used for sorting books next to the whiteboard for him to climb up and down.

In this cell, You Yue Si noticed that there were more than a dozen pinhole cameras placed in every corner.

On the bright side, there are also two cameras for monitoring, and another camera is recording Bolivar Strucker who is writing and calculating in real time. transfer to somewhere.

Obviously, even if he is imprisoned, Bolivar will not be able to live in peace. He still has to use his talent as a scientist to work for the U.S. imperial government and be squeezed out of value by capital.

Judging from the traces of paint wear on the wooden step ladder, it may have been with Bolivar for at least ten years. During this period, Bolivar did not know how much data was processed and checked in this cell. taken by the U.S. government.

"Dr. Strucker." Yue Si called out to Bolivar Strucker, but the doctor with dwarfism hissed without looking back, and continued to bury his head in writing and drawing with a whiteboard pen on the whiteboard .

The doctor devotes his full attention to the work of checking calculations. Everything in the outside world is a distraction to him, especially at this moment of inspiration, every second of time is precious, and he will never allow anyone This time to distract him.

If the guards outside knew that Bolivar was performing such a complex calculation, they would definitely not let Yue Si come in - it can also be seen that regarding the guards of Bolivar Strucker, behind these covert surveillance cameras The guards and the guards outside are two systems, and there is no communication channel between them.

Bolivar stopped frowning until a question troubled him. The scientist looked at the formula that just appeared from his pen, and the data calculation was stuck on this formula, and this was all he could think of. the best way.

Yue Si walked over, picked up the spare whiteboard marker on the whiteboard, and added another formula next to Bolivar's formula, which could help him solve the problem - his visit time was only fifteen minutes, and he couldn't stand there. Here, waiting for Bolivar to write and draw there.

"That's it!" Bolivar frowned when he saw the formula written by Yues, and finally noticed that there was another person in his cell.

"I seem to have seen you somewhere." Bolivar adjusted his reading glasses and looked at William Stryker's face.

Yues said, "My name is Stryker, William Stryker."

"Yes, yes, I remember you, we worked together, I still remember the name of your son, Jason, right?" Although decades have passed, Bolivar still has an impression of the people he worked with in the past, Still remember some seemingly insignificant details.

"Yes, Jason." Yue Si said.

Bolivar was very happy to see his old friend. Since he was imprisoned for crimes against humanity, he has almost cut off contact with the outside world. Although TV and computers can let him understand the changes in the outside world, it will not be a day for the mountain side. , The world has been out of touch with the times for thousands of years, but life is still very depressing. Only by immersing in the daily verification of the topics sent by the U.S. imperial government can I pass the time.

"I remember when you said that Jason was only ten years old, and he should be in his forties now." Bolivar has not communicated with people normally for a long time, and he does not know how to open the topic, so he can only follow his intuition. Westward pull.

"Jason is dead." Yue Si imitated William Stryker's tone and said: "He is a mutant, and his ability is to create illusions. With this ability, he drove his mother crazy and made his mother die. Yu committed suicide, then I killed my son, and now there is a body called Jason."

"His brain fluid is a good thing, and using it I can control the mind of a twisted mutant for my own use."

"That's a pity," Bolivar Strucker said apologetically.

Although both regard mutants as enemies, Bolivar Strucker and William Stryker have two different attitudes towards mutants.

One is that there must be a common enemy of mankind, and the mutants just caught up with and then the two sides forged a relationship; the other is because of distorted values ​​and hatred of killing his wife. The mutants want to get rid of them quickly, and killing them is his ultimate goal.

"Time flies so fast. The last time we met was at the end of the Vietnam War. The mutant codenamed Mystique disintegrated nine years ago. One of the two poles of the world just disappeared like that."

Bolivar Strucker was born between World War I and World War II, and it has been decades since the new millennium is within reach, and he is a complete old man. In his life, because of the continuous improvement of the way of information dissemination, he has seen too many things. After seeing the old acquaintance of William Stryker, it made him feel absurd when he recalled the past.

"U.S. imperialism is now invincible in the world, but in order to develop, it constantly selects targets in the world as imaginary enemies, which is no different from what I did at the beginning... You come to me, there must be technical problems that need to be solved by me, it is the X gene research right?"

It can be said that all advanced research on mutants is based on Bolivar Strucker's discovery of the X gene. After he was arrested and imprisoned, the Strucker industry he founded was divided up, and the remaining The research materials on mutants have also been obtained by all parties, and no one has dared to say that they have thoroughly understood them.

Although Bolivar Strucker, the culprit who undermined the relationship between humans and mutants, has been punished, the large and small organizations represented by the U.S. military have never let go of mutants. research, William Stryker, who was in charge of the project, came to the door, and Bolivar of course had an association.

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