Villains Template

Chapter 296: extraordinary times extraordinary means

"The president is fine." Professor X also looked sad: "The mutant noticed our arrival and fled ahead of time. He didn't have time to attack the president-but, in this way, the problem of mutants was pushed to the forefront again."

Reed Wayne from the future reminded them to stop a mutant from assassinating the president. It is because of this assassination that the problem of mutants has become the number one problem faced by the American Empire and the whole world. The oppression was further aggravated, and the Mutant Hierarchy Act was outrageously mild by comparison.

There are examples for the US imperialists to enact laws to infringe upon specific groups. The Indian Relocation Act, the Chinese Exclusion Act, etc., are clear examples.

The prosperity of the American emperor is like the magic way in fantasy novels. Daoxing and diligence are built on the blood, tears and bones of other races. It seems that they obtain wealth and power from some evil existence by means of sacrifice. If nothing is done, mutants are the next casualties.

Professor X, as a moderate among mutants who is trying to coexist peacefully with humans, still has some face on the side of the U.S. imperial government, so the X-Men and his party learned about what happened, and then looked at each other.

"Because an extremist animal protection group took a dog from a man and then euthanized him... And that dog, belonged to some mutant."

Wolverine took out his cigar, cut off one end with his sharp claws and put it in his mouth, lit it with the lighter of Burning Man, took a sip and said, "For his own dog, he killed through the security forces of the entire White House, killing him. In front of the president in an underground safe house, just for a dog!"

"He was unscathed the whole time, and only used a sharpened pencil... Aside from picking up a few guns, he used a broken pencil to kill the White House security forces, and did not show much more than a human throughout the whole process. The speed, strength, and even mutant abilities were not used."

After swearing a swear word, and being warned by the school teacher Phoenix girl to pay attention to her words and deeds in front of the students, Wolverine continued to say: "Who has such a powerful TMD!"

For an absurd reason, things were pushed back to the established trajectory. They tried to avoid this from happening before, so they went to great lengths to find the mutant mentioned by the future Reed Wayne, and temporarily Personal freedom was restricted and he was guarded at the Xavier Talented Youth Academy, but a mutant took his place on this road.

"Professor, can you find that mutant?" Wolverine asked.

The most important thing now is to bring out the person whose fighting power is on the table. Only by finding him, can we truly understand the cause and effect of the matter, and whether there are people with ulterior motives behind the scenes.

No matter how you look at it, the act of killing so many people because of one dog is pretty absurd.

The president was also uneasy. After completing the basic physical examination and changing out of the suit that was wet with urine, he was escorted by another group of bodyguards and took a vehicle to a place that was not suitable for most people. Known secret meeting place.

The White House was pierced all the way, and blood and corpses were all over the place. The safety was unreliable, not to mention the battlefield-like environment. gone.

Although the X-Men are out there to help out, they are also very unreliable in view of their mutant identities.

What, the man who killed the White House didn't show any mutant powers, maybe he was a human.

To be able to approach the president with a pencil and threaten his life, dare you say that these fierce people are ordinary people, are you underestimating the security personnel of the White House? Are you mocking that the staff in the White House are full of wine and money?

What's your purpose in saying this? Who instructed you? What is your motivation? Who are you mocking? Want to subvert what? Destroy what?

Can't answer? Come with me then, we suspect you have something to do with the attack on the President.

The president, who had stabilized his mental state with drugs, asked his own think tank: "Is there no one who can deal with the problem of mutants with iron and blood?"

The President of the United States does not need to consider IQ and all kinds of experience. He can be an individual. As long as it complies with the laws and regulations, a dog can sit in that position, because it is the think tanks who really handle all aspects of things, and they are the behind-the-scenes rulers of this country. He was inextricably related to the old men whom Yue Si had seen before.

An analogy is that the officials who can only do the eight-legged imperial examination must hire a master to handle government affairs for themselves. Those Shaoxing masters have no hope of the imperial examination due to the pressure of competition. , was hired by those officials and masters to really use that right, and then they assembled into a group due to kinship, blood, and teacher ties.

"Colonel William Stryker is an expert on mutants," says one think tank member.

These think tanks have long known that there will be mutants to assassinate the president, who are hired by the people behind them to fight for greater power for William Stryker.

But before the real action, William Stryker broke the scandal, the president had to deal with it under the pressure of public opinion, and then this thing happened.

The think tank believed that this was a good opportunity, not only to be able to exonerate William Stryker's actions with the prerogatives of the president, but also to fulfill the orders given to them by the old men, killing two birds with one stone.

Of course, this attack was clearly the work of the old men and their warning to the president - but the president himself had no idea what was going on.

"Come on and get Colonel William Stryker!" The president immediately gave the order, the pencil that had taken many lives was placed on his neck, and next time his head might be cut off and placed on the desk We must curb the unhealthy tendency of mutants to recklessly violate the law by relying on their own abilities.

In extraordinary times, extraordinary means should be used. As long as he does not attack children again, he will acquiesce in any means William Stryker will take.

Don't think that American imperialists can't play the white terror thing. When McCarthyism is rampant, what the American imperial society looks like, you can find out by looking it up on the Internet.

A member of the think-tank reminded the President that William Stryker was coming to Washington, not as a colonel in the US imperial army, but as a criminal against humanity, and he had issued the warrant depriving him of his arrest.

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