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Chapter 298: It was John Wick!

Although the current electronic smart devices are not as popular as they were after more than 20 years, there is a scene in remote areas where people can't even afford to eat but have a smartphone, but the basic equipment is still there. As logistics, IQ bosses are not lacking in high-tech equipment beyond the era, such as the vertical take-off and landing Blackbird fighter, which can even fly directly out of the atmosphere to perform missions in outer space.

Reed Wayne is the king of the electronic world. The higher the level of technology products, the smoother his ability will be. As long as he pays attention to the White House, he can understand what is happening through electronic equipment such as surveillance cameras, communication equipment, etc. what.

Just as he was talking, an emotionless electronic voice came from the X-Men's portable communicator: "I'm Reed Wayne, I noticed you there."

"William Stryker, he's dead."

Umbrella's base, the future Reed Wayne sits in a suspended chair, a semi-covered helmet with multiple lines connecting him to the giant chair.

It is an imitation of Professor X's brain wave enhancement machine, which can increase Reed Wayne's mutant ability. It is the product of the combination of the technology that Reed Wayne brought back from the future and Magneto's metal manipulation ability. It is completely integrated, with no traces of welding and splicing, as if it was cut from a whole piece of steel. Only the luminous crystals that are distributed around the chair like a printed circuit show that this is actually a piece of human top wisdom and industrial processing. Capable high-tech equipment.

Relying on this piece of equipment, Reed Wayne can indirectly control all technological equipment throughout North America - this range is not impossible to expand, but it is not necessary.

The power factor converter has also been successfully developed. The current Reed Wayne has successfully transformed into a mutant, and unexpectedly mastered the ability of electronic control, but compared with the future self in the decades. He is still very immature with the experience of using abilities. If he sits in that chair instead of his future self, the multiplied ability influence range and the exponentially increasing feedback will instantly burn his brain, and the best situation is the whole People go crazy.

Through the military satellite overhead, the future version of Reed Wayne observed that the hidden secret base in the dam of Lake Larry had disappeared not long ago, and investigated the energy observation records of the satellite and found that it was destroyed once inside. The energy burst, and after computer simulation restored it, it was found that the dam was first cut into pieces by countless energy rays, and then the mighty flood washed away everything.

In the current time period, the super potion has no effect at all, and William Stryker has no reason to turn against the US emperor at this stage, so it can't be his handwriting, and there is a high probability that a powerful mutant has lost control, causing it all that.

As for the invasion of the White House and the attack on the President, the future Reed Wayne and the current Reed Wayne got it very quickly, even if it was a local area network without Internet access, with their abilities Able to invade, the research results of various scientific research institutions are not secret at all in front of them. After projecting the surveillance video on the monitor with mutant power, they learned from the X-Men that the reason why the man attacked the president was just because of a dog. , the expressions of the two people at different time nodes became very strange at the same time, causing the Magneto and Mystique, who were paying attention to the situation together, to have doubts because of their facial changes.

"You know him?"

Knowing that the two are essentially one person, Magneto and Mystique have always regarded them as two distinct individuals.

"John Wick, there is actually John Wick in this world!" Reed Wayne couldn't accept this, and grabbed his hands and fingers into his hair.

"And **** it, an animal protection organization actually moved his dog. That was an operation to stack BUFF and hate him!"

I thought it was the world of "X-Men", but after a while, that mouse waved the banknotes to welcome the return of the copyright of the mutants to the Marvel family, and then expanded a Marvel universe, who knew that it would be linked In the world of "Chase", is there a Megatron frozen for hundreds of years in Hoover Dam and a source of fire that can turn machines into robots?

A future version of Reed Wayne learned another thing from the X-Men that made Reed Wayne even more devastated: "The guy, who went from the entrance to the White House all the way to the President, took a sharpened pencil."

"It's him, it's him, he's the only kind of fierce guy who likes to kill people with pencils, except for the clown!" Reed Wayne shouted disregarding his image.

Then the piercing alarm sounded, and the red light for warning that symbolized the danger signal flashed, which further exacerbated the panic in people's hearts.

"There is a high-energy object that is rapidly approaching us."

The future Reed Wayne said, and then projected an image on the monitor—a humanoid object that was flying faster than the speed of sound, flying at a very low altitude, almost touching the ground, and extremely flexible. , as if not affected by inertia at all—that's a person at all.

Unlike what Wolverine had guessed, Yue Si immediately flew in the direction of the pirate umbrella company after he noticed their and left the White House. The existence of , interferes with the perception of Professor X's psionic power in two ways: science and fairy tales.

Raiding the White House to scare the president was just a prank by Yue Si in order to avenge the other party for ruining his good deeds.

As long as he is given a period of time, he can copy the X gene codes of several mutants, and then artificially create a "super potion" that can impart mutant abilities to ordinary people by biochemical means, which can be used for his future biochemical people. Legion increases combat effectiveness—if the rules of other worlds allow things like X-genes and mutant genes to work.

Who knew that the President of the United States ordered to directly beat the Colonel William Stryker into a criminal and take back his rights-William Stryker's base is all the property of the American Empire military, including those mutant experiments and research Their scientist, Yue Si, who has no rights, can't control those people at all.

So in a fit of rage, Yue Si had no plans to stay in this world any longer. He directly used atomic breath and back radiation to dismantle the base. After finding trouble with the president, he went straight to a scientific research base of the Umbrella Company. The system showed that, The illegal time traveler is there, as long as he gets rid of that guy, Yue Si, who already holds the most precious treasure in the world, can submit the mission and leave.

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