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Chapter 398: Ultraman's nemesis

And the man in yellow shirt touched his face with a lingering fear—to be precise, it was the position of the helmet that was hit by the substitute. Although the power of the blow was weakened by the helmet, it had become insignificant, and the impact on him was only there. Instantly broke his balance, but the moment he was hit, an unprecedented fear enveloped his heart.

"Discovered the shortcomings of sweet death."

Looking at the man in the yellow shirt who was directly hit by his own substitute, but still had to live in full shadow, he instantly understood that his abilities were not omnipotent, and that it was useless to robots that had not been promoted to independent intelligent life forms. body, the fists and hands of sweet death are not in direct contact with it, and there is enough thick material in the middle to resist.

Before Yue Si faced ordinary citizens, including the reincarnator, he was wearing clothes made of ordinary fabrics, and the ability of sweet death could interfere. People who are a little out of control.

Of course, Yue Si can switch the avatar to a phantom state at the moment of hitting the target, and then go through the opponent's combat uniform to materialize.

The man in the yellow shirt flickered again and came to the vicinity of Yue Si. The mechanical auxiliary arm spewed energy beams one after another, and then disappeared and appeared in another place. He kept moving with high-frequency teleportation, so that Yue Si could not lock his position. .

Then he was hit by an energy shock released by Yue Si, which evaporated half of his body. The Pym particle belt used to reduce his size was damaged, and the battle suit lost its integrity. The whole person disappeared suddenly and was engulfed by the quantum space.

"The energy fluctuations you released are too obvious... It's the technique of flying thunder god. The coordinates of the fixed point you left behind are just a few. It is also your shortcoming that you are too trusting in your own abilities."

Looking at the place where the yellow shirt man disappeared, Yue Si said.

Having used the "Didara" character card, Yue Si still has a certain understanding of the power system of "Chakra". After teleporting many times, the man in the yellow shirt found the dust where the man in the yellow shirt stayed. The size of the mantra kunai.

Although it sounded astonishing, the battle between the two was similar to that of an ant fight, and the victorious reincarnations didn't even notice that not far from them, there was a fight that started and ended quickly.

Miniaturization also has the benefit of miniaturization.

In the DC Comics "Identity Crisis" chapter, Atom Man Ray Palmer's wife Jane stole Atom Man's uniform and some technology, and sneaked into the brain of Scalable Man's wife Sue Dibney. Insignificant blood vessels are destroyed, and the result is the death of the whole person.

Yue Si can follow this method to further shrink himself to the size of dust, and then ride the flow of air into the bodies of those reincarnated, attacking from the inside with sweet death.

But before Yue Si took action, two rays of light fell from the sky and condensed into two figures.

One has a low left arm, obviously injured, and the other is shrouded in a layer of light, so that people can only see his outline, but not his appearance and clothes.

And the two of them have a ray of light belonging to Ultraman. Obviously, the people in this team who can transform into Ultraman are not only the ones that Yue Si saw before, who fought against the Hulk, and now have arms The drooping one.

"Captain, except for the man in yellow shirt, we have dealt with everyone else." A wounded Samsara said to another Ultraman.

The captain nodded and said, "The man in the yellow shirt has Pym particles and can freely change the size of his body. When I fought with him before, he was trapped in the quantum realm by him using Pym particles. Fortunately, I rely on the light of light. The power of the giant changed shape and escaped."

"I've seen this scene. In the episode of "Ultraman Tiga" Raven Man, Tiga was reduced and imprisoned in the capture space by the shrinking light gun. It was only by becoming bigger that he broke through the bondage." A better memory The reincarnator should speak in harmony.

Hearing this teammate's description, the rest of them had associations, and then nodded clearly-because the captain and the team's main force are the light giant's ability, they made up a lot of "Ultraman" series in the main **** space. The episode, get a feel for that scene.

"The abduction of the cosmic Lebibusters, the official name of the Ravens." The captain said: "The Yellow Shirts themselves are not strong, but the ability to grow bigger and smaller is very difficult to deal with, and weaponize Pym particles. If applied, unless you have a similar ability, it is hard to resist.”

"Maybe, he will now become the size of dust, floating around us, and then enter our body like Sun Wukong drills into Princess Iron Fan's belly, and then return to normal size..." It was the same team member who spoke before. , he clenched one hand into a fist, then opened it violently, describing the consequences of that possibility vividly.

Although it's just a guess, the entire reincarnation team has changed.

The captain reacted sharply, and immediately took out a half-slap-sized thing, pressed the switch and placed it on his chest. In a burst of light changes, he changed from a human to an Ultraman form, and the shapeshifter formed The colored timer on his chest, and the armor on his upper body.

Afterwards, the captain raised his right fist to the sky, and a dazzling beam of light shot out from his fist to form a hemispherical golden shield that enveloped the team and continued to spread outward.

"This is my realm of light. Everything within the realm is under the monitoring of my power of light. Unless the man in the yellow shirt ventures into the quantum realm, he will not be able to escape my perception."

Another samsara who could transform into Ultraman served as a translator, and relayed the words of the captain who could no longer use human language directly after transforming: "Fortunately, in this field, there is no whereabouts of the Yellow Shirts."

After a pause, the Ultraman Reincarnator with a wounded arm had a stunned and unbelievable expression on his face, and continued to translate his captain's words: "The reason why the captain did not participate in the battle of our Marvel team is because he sensed a An evil, dark, distorted aura, as if it were Ultraman's old enemy."

"Although the aura displayed by the other party is not strong, it has a very high potential and is constantly becoming stronger. In the episodes of "Ultraman", it is at least a big BOSS-level existence in the TV ending. ."

Hearing this, a group of people from the Samsara team took a deep breath.

An enemy who can get such an evaluation as their captain must be a very terrifying existence...

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