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Chapter 400: Ashina swordsmanship

Surrounded by Divine Speed ​​Force Lightning Yue Si strode forward, walked leisurely around behind the swordsman reincarnation, and pretended to say:

"One second has passed."

"Two seconds have passed."


"Five seconds have passed."

"Time begins to flow."

The Swordsman Samsara was stunned to find that Yue Si had disappeared from his eyes. In an instant, he didn't even have time to think. He instinctively turned around and slashed at Yue Si's head with a sword, but Yue Si's substitute, Sweet Death, had already been released. A punch hit him in the face before he could loop back.

At that moment, the concept of the swordsman reincarnation as a life existence was deprived, the whole person collapsed into a pool of compounds, the clothes on his body and the long sword in his hand fell down.

Yue Si made a copy with one hand, like an ox tongue rolling grass, holding the long sword's body, catching it before it fell to the ground, then holding the long sword upside down, the other hand gently resting on the sword body. One shot.

The long sword began to vibrate under the force of this finger, and the compound stained on the hilt of the swordsman Samsara after the body collapsed was shaken off, so that Yue Si's hand was not stained with that compound.

Holding the hilt of the long sword, Yue Si flicked the sword again, only to hear a sharp beep from the long sword.

"Good sword!"

After the initial buzzing, the long sword's body made a humming sound, like the sound of some musical instrument, from which one could hear the excellent metal quality of the sword body.

This sword is produced by the main **** (reincarnation) space. There is no material, forging technique, or weight. It is a good sword. In martial arts novels, it is a magic weapon that everyone is fighting for. Although Yue Si From the point of view of the main body, it can't be called a good thing. It is better to use a piece of scrap iron to refine it than this sword, but it is good for scoring occasions.

Imagine that, on the river, a knight in a hat and robe killed the challenger with his bare hands, the opponent's corpse fell into the winter river, and the knight took over his legacy - a long sword left on the boat, amid the snowflakes in the sky After a long silence, there was a faint "good sword".

The ambience came at once, didn't it?

"Ten years of sharpening a sword, Frostblade has never tried it."

"Swordsman, the weapon is also a murderer."

Taking "Special Card: Crime Syndicate" temporarily from himself, Yue Si hung up the "TheOne" card, and then walked into an apartment building not far away.

Among the information sent by Wiki, the reincarnation battle took place in this building, and the swordsman reincarnation also escaped from this apartment building—the most important thing is that there are still battles coming from the apartment building.

A few panicked residents fled from the apartment building and ran into the distance crying and howling. When passing by Yue Si, Sweet Death gave them a punch, before they realized what was going on. It becomes a pool of compounds.

Stepping into the apartment building, Yue Si distinguished where several battles took place, and found that the strength of these reincarnators was almost the same as the swordsman reincarnation before that.

The Swordsman Reincarnation left the apartment building in a escaping attitude. The Reincarnation opposite him was still here and was about to chase after him. After seeing Yue Si with a long sword, it doesn't matter if it was the previous Swordsman Samsara. The man, holding a long knife with a straight back and a straight blade, slashed towards Yue Si.

The Chuanwu on the U.S. side is a gun, and the one carrying a sword must be a reincarnator, even if it is not the one who escaped before, as long as it is a reincarnator, as long as it is not his teammate and has signed a non-aggression pact , if you cut it, you will get points.

Even if you kill the wrong person, it doesn't matter.

The natives of the mission world, except the protagonist, are all NPC characters. In the eyes of the reincarnators, they have no human rights at all.

The blade was sharp, revealing bursts of invisible murderous aura in the hands of the reincarnator, like a ray of moonlight in the cold night, shining on Yue Si's body.

There are no particular swordsmanship moves, and the first shot is a fatal blow, discarding the minor details and only taking the main part - killing.

The deity of Yue Si has experienced the world of martial arts. I don’t know how many martial arts cheats such as swordsmanship and swordsmanship have been read. Later, in order to match the lightsaber after the realm improved, he summed up a set of his own swordsmanship, which Yue Si used when he picked it up. .

The swords collided in the air, and the blade and the blade slashed without a short period of time.

The two of them were faster than the other, and the sword was faster than the sword. At the end, the blades in their hands seemed to have lost their shape, and only one handle was left in their hands. In fact, they were waving the swords too fast, and the blade was already fast. Only afterimages are left behind. For those with weak dynamic visual capture ability, the long sword and straight knife seem to be invisible.

The place where they met was in the corridor. The space was long and narrow, and there was no room for them to move around. They could only face each other and fight fast. Whoever loses momentum and moves slowly will end in death.

This reincarnation of the knife is very well-organized. Although the knife is deadly, the overall posture is not chaotic. Always place himself behind the back of the knife, the tip of the knife and the eyebrows, not the knife but the body. The knife, not the knife to control oneself.

Attack and defense are integrated, and changes are brewing in every knife.

That is, keeping the middle and using the middle in boxing.

The reincarnator suddenly retreated, let out a long breath, and exhaled a breath of white air, which lasted for a long time.

"who are you!"

The reincarnator Yu Guang swept the straight knife in his hand, and found that the blade had left gaps in the collision, and the straight knife had become a long saw.

And the long sword in Yue Si's hand is not much better. Yue Si has a deep heart and does not use the stand-in and special energy in the battle. The collision between the long sword and the straight knife in the opponent's hand is also full of flaws.

The sword moves lightly, and the sword is a one-sided thick back and thin blade, head-to-head, the sword suffers, and it is almost broken.

"The one who killed you." Yue Si put on a gesture and said indifferently.

The face lost in the high-level field must be made up through the abuse of vegetables.

"Okay, come again!"

The samsara who made the knife let his breath out and continued to wave the knife forward, but before the person arrived, suddenly there was something in his left hand—a gun.


A gunshot rang out, and one shot came out of the chamber and shot at Yue Si.

Not to mention how the reincarnator's marksmanship is, at such a close distance, he can at least not miss the target.

When Yue Si had an extra gun in the opponent's hand, he erected the long sword in front of him, with the blade facing the left and right sides, blocking the trajectory of the bullet with the blade.

The impact of the bullet became the last straw that broke the camel's back. With a "dang" sound, the scarred long sword broke into two sections from the part hit by the bullet. On the wall, half of the hilt of the sword was still in Yue Si's hand.

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