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Chapter 417: robot martial arts

That is the "gun fighting technique" that Wiki has learned from the reincarnators. After perfecting it, it is sent to each NS-5 robot, and the electronic computer of the NS-5 robot quickly absorbs this skill, and the mechanical body can accurately execute it. Every command issued by the computer.

After seeing Spooner's gun, the intelligent robot immediately searched for the data of this gun type, such as ballistic trajectory, muzzle velocity, rate of fire, etc. The highly sensitive optical camera can clearly see Spooner's gun. Every muscle working...

All in all, the runaway robot looked like a few dodges, just like the body shaking when walking, and naturally avoided Spooner's bullets.

Spooner fired continuously at the robot in disbelief, but none of the shots hit him, which greatly affected his self-confidence. For the first time in his life, he was nicknamed the "Death Shooter" and felt insecure about his marksmanship. Trust, if it weren't for the traces of bullets on the opposite wall, he really thought that his pistol was loaded with blank bullets.

After getting close to Spooner, the robot raised its hand and smashed the gun in Spooner's hand into the air, and then punched Spooner's chest. The protecting heart is also hit hard.

But the robot didn't hit the punch, but was pinched at the elbow by a big hand in the middle, and could not make an inch.


Spooner laughed. His left arm and left rib were lost in a car accident a long time ago, and then Dr. Lanning replaced it with a mechanical version. Although he usually used bionic spray to cover it up, it couldn't hide his mechanical The essence of creation, leaning on his left hand, he blocked the blow.

There was no expression on the robot's face, and of course it didn't have such a function, and then used a punch that Wiki had learned from the reincarnator, Spooner punched him before he even had time to block. , The artificial ribs are superior to human bones and can withstand the force of this punch, but the heart is suddenly stopped by the impact, and Spooner also fainted.

Even after fainting, the robot did not intend to let Spooner go. The order it received was to kill these three people. It would not be like the villain in the movie. To stab at Spooner's neck.

Powerful flying bricks, as long as the strength is enough, the blunt palm blade can kill people.

Calvin and Lawrence watched this scene, their legs were so frightened that they didn't even dare to scream. The fact that robots killed people really challenged their cognition. They believed in the three laws of robots. This picture will appear before your eyes, and it will feel like your refrigerator is trying to kill you.

Even if they tried to escape, with their mobility, they couldn't escape the pursuit of the robot at all.

The robot's hand knife was about to stab out, but suddenly stopped, turned and looked up.

Like a hunting cheetah, Sonny stretched out his body, swooped down, and rushed towards the red-flashing robot.

After Dr. Lanning committed suicide, Sonny, who was not bound by the three laws of robotics, endowed with human emotions, and had a strengthened body, was listed as the first suspect. The general understanding of humans about robots is that robots are just a tool. , there are no human rights to enjoy, and at the beginning, there were violent assaults on the police, arrests and other acts. After a simple interrogation, it was handed over to the USR company as the murderer for destruction.

The person in charge of this part is Calvin. She is in charge of the research on robot psychology. She is curious about this special model of Sonny. Then she played a set of civet cats for the prince, and replaced Sonny with a normal NS-5. , secretly hidden it in the company headquarters.

The original Sonny was in a dormant state, disguised as an NS-5 robot that was dismantled into parts for himself, and then caught up with Wikipedia being invaded by a virus, and the USR headquarters sent out red lights of alarms. After waking up, he immediately looked for Calvin's whereabouts. , and then by chance rescued Spooner.

With one hand like a knife, the robot quickly got up and slashed at Sonny.

As a customized model, Sonny's performance is better than that of ordinary NS-5 robots. There is no problem in playing ten of them. However, today's robots are loaded with battle data packages, which is different from the past, and has exerted its own performance by 10%. Sonny fights together, even if it is only a version produced by a large-scale assembly line, its performance is not as good as that of the Seiko version of the same model, but they have come and gone. Relying on a variety of fighting skills, they can press Sonny for a while. Ni beat.

Human martial arts are limited by various aspects such as physiological structure and physiological functions, but robots don't care about these at all. Many action robots that humans can't do can easily do it, especially after Wiki got inspiration, not only collected many Human martial arts skills have also been combined with the design of robots to develop a set of robot martial arts.

However, being a robot, some tricks to attack the vital parts of humans are useless to Sonny. Sonny's attacks can always be blocked or avoided by intelligent robots, so if you want to decide the winner, someone must intervene.

Or delay time, wait until other runaway robots come to help, one-on-one Sonny will be a bit difficult, if other robots intervene, it will definitely lose.


There was a gunshot, and a bullet hit the back of the intelligent robot's The indicator light on it turned on and off a few times, and then completely dimmed, and the entire body stopped moving.

After firing a shot, Spooner coughed again and again, and his face was not good as he was lying half-lying against the wall: "In addition to the left arm and left rib, my left lung is also artificial..."

In addition to the ribs, the lungs also have a certain protective effect on the heart. You can see from the anatomical diagram that most of the pericardium in front of the heart is covered by the lungs and pleura. The punch of the robot passes through the artificial rib and the artificial lung. The weakened, the damage caused is not that big, Spooner just woke up after being in a coma for a short period of time, and then sneakily retrieved his gun, found the right time, and then shot out the one that almost didn't kill Drop his robot.

Looking at Sonny, Spooner showed an unexpectedly happy smile: "I thought you were dead...but, thank you."

"You're welcome." Sonny waved his hand and said no thanks: "Officer Spooner, the USR headquarters is no longer safe. We need to leave here. Can you act on your own?"

Spooner touched his left rib cage and said with difficulty, "No."


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