Villains Template

Chapter 434: Desperate

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Outside the door, A Xing and Fat Zaicong were courting the three coolies, and Fat Zaicong was also very attentive to fan the fried ghost who had been tired for a long time.

Hearing Yue Si's shout, Fat Zaicong immediately dropped his fan and ran in, saying, "Boss, where are the cones?"

Desserts and the like are held by the second stomach, even if he is full, he can continue to eat.

Going out with the ice cream in his arms cheerfully, Fat Zaicong took a spoonful of the egg tray and dug it out for himself. Before eating, he was hit by Ah Xing on the back of his head: "Let the three peerless masters eat it first!"

Fat Zaicong immediately understood, and handed the cone in his hand to Jiang Bang, and then made three cones for the three coolies, and shared the rest of the ice cream with A Xing himself.

During the period, a group of children came around, biting their fingers, looking at Fat Tsai Cong and Ah Xing eagerly, obviously wanting to eat ice cream.

There are not many rich people who live in the pig cage walled city. They are lucky to be able to eat enough. Snacks such as ice cream are not to be thought about. The bucket started to eat directly, and one or two all came over. He didn't say anything, just bit his finger and looked there. Seeing that A Xing and Fat Zaicong were uncomfortable, they had to dig two for themselves. Ice cream balls, and give the rest to the little kids.

After getting half a bucket of ice cream, the group of children shouted, laughed, and surrounded the one who was holding the ice cream, and the wind spread like a breeze.

"You left those three people behind, and you left the trouble. They offended the Axe Gang before, and the Axe Gang will definitely not give up." After licking the ice cream, the charterer said, "If they leave here, , anyway, there is still a way to survive, the world is so big, the power of the Axe Gang is also in Shiliyangchang, they go far, and the Axe Gang can't find anyone."

"Every family has a hard-to-recite sutra. My husband and I just want to be an ordinary citizen and spend the rest of our life. The same goes for the fried ghost and the coolie..." The renter said: "You can stop it For a while, you can't stop a lifetime, and no matter how high your martial arts are, you are not afraid of people coming with a clear sword and a gun. If you use any shady tricks or bad tricks, you won't be in direct conflict with you, but will only disgust you and support you. !"

"Splashing dung, cutting electricity, cutting water, harassing residents when people are not paying attention, their methods are very dirty, they don't directly conflict with you, but they disgust you to death, don't think that everyone in the axe gang makes a lot of money. , those who do dirty work with them, I don't know how many."

The charterer went on to say: "And the Axe Gang also has a relationship with foreigners, selling tobacco soil, and foreign guns in their hands, so they can't fight them."

"The soldiers come to block the water and cover the soil. This matter is no big deal." Yue Si said.

"It's good if you have this confidence. I think in the next two days, the people from the Axe Gang will start. I hope that our two in-laws will not need to break the oath they made." He slipped away.

The night was silent. The next day, A Xing and Fat Zaicong were sent by Yue Si to run errands early. When they came back, the two of them talked about an interesting story.

"There were two blind men, carrying a coffin board on their backs, with their backs running sideways, bumping into walls everywhere."

Ah Xing and Fat Zaicong imitate the appearance of those two people. They are vivid and have some dramatic talent.

"They are not ordinary sing-alongs. They are the temporary number one killers in the martial arts. There must be a reason for them to come this time. There is a high probability that they were invited by the Axe Gang." Yue Si Said: "According to their work efficiency, it is estimated that they will come tonight."

"Temporary first?" Ah Xing's attention was very strange, and asked: "Why is the temporary first, the real first?"

"The real No. 1 is the Ultimate Murder King Huoyun Evil God. He has killed countless people, and he is too obsessed with martial arts. He got into the devil and put himself in a mental hospital. He has not been active for a long time, so his No. 1 position is vacant. The second-ranked one will fill the vacancy, but whether the Huoyun Evil God is dead, they are not the first in the strict sense, so they are only temporarily number one."

"Huoyun Evil God, wow, such a fierce name!" Ah Xing said: "Boss, do you have the confidence to defeat that Huoyun Evil God?"

"Are you questioning me?"

Ah Xing quickly waved his hand and said, "It's not that I don't believe you, it's the number one killer who came here. Although it's only temporarily number one, it's definitely a master who can take that position. If you defeat that Fire Cloud Evil God, then you will definitely be able to defeat those two blind men."

After a pause, Ah Xing looked at Yue Si's face and said, "In that case, boss, you might as well teach me the kung fu of the Tathagata's Palm as soon as possible, so that I can become a martial arts master, and I can help you at that time. your busy."

"Tathagata's palm, you have already learned it, but you just forgot about it. You don't need to learn it from me anymore, you just need to tap your original heart, and you can naturally remember that set of palms?"

"My Tathagata Palm is also Tathagata's Palm, but it's not the same as yours. Even if I want to teach you, I can't learn it!" Yue Si took out a notebook, took out a pen, It was written on it, and it didn't take long for a page of formulas to be written, and then tore it off and photographed it in Ah Xing's hand:

"If you can read through, learn, and understand everything on this page, then you are qualified to learn the first style of my Tathagata Palm."

A Xing excitedly looked at the formula on the page, and was immediately dumbfounded. Although he knew some words, he couldn't read a single sentence of what was written on it. There were a lot of numbers and English, and occasionally a few graphics. , he didn't understand what that meant.

"Boss, it's full of words, I can't read it, what is it written?" Ah Xing said with a frown.

"It's just the basic application of optics. You haven't even studied it, so of course you can't understand it." Yue Si counted with his fingers: "And according to the progress of civilization in this world, the research results in optics will require fifty It took years to reach the level of being able to read these formulas, and I want to really practice this palm technique... tsk tsk."

If you want to truly practice the Tathagata Palm of Ontology development, you shouldn't even think about it, because Yue Si's body doesn't know how to teach others, and he just relies on the power of the card to simulate one or two points of power.

"Reading is something that can't be done overnight. If you want to learn to become a talent, it is impossible to give you another 20 years, so you can only develop your potential and borrow the power of a few martial arts masters. , to open up your two veins of Ren and Du, and compress the time of twenty years into one day." Yue Si took back the notes that were like a book from heaven to Ah Xing, stacked a stack in the palm of his hand, and released his hand again. Paper has turned to powder.

"Thank you boss, thank you boss!"

Thanks a lot, Ah Xing has dealt with the three reclusive masters in Zhucongcheng for the past two days, and is particularly envious of their heroic appearance that day.

"However, as I said before, compressing twenty years of hard training into a few days is unimaginable. You must be mentally prepared!" Yue Si pointedly said.

If you want to open up the two meridians of Ren and Du, you must break it and stand up, that is, break the meridian bones of A Xing, the one-of-a-kind martial arts prodigy, and let him heal under the action of his own constitution.

And Ah Xing certainly didn't know that he needed to go through this process, and he happily dreamed of becoming a hero.

"Thank you, boss." Ah Xing is grateful.

Yue Si waved his hand: "When the time comes, just don't scold me."

Fat Zaicong's eyes lit up, showing the eyes of a child who asked them for ice cream before.

"No one in ten thousand is no one in ten thousand, don't think about it, I'll give you a sum of money, you can start a small business!" Yue Si ignored Fei Zaicong's expectant eyes and wiped it out decisively. His unrealistic delusions.

A Xing put his arms around Fat Zaicong's neck and said, "Yes, yes, come out to hang out, there is no future, it is better to open a shop honestly... By then, I will become a peerless master, covering you, to ensure that no one is there. dare to bully you."

It was getting late, and the Zhucang Walled City gradually became quiet. Because of the high electricity bills, few households were willing to turn on the lights until midnight. The lights in the corridor play chess.

Of course, the leased wife as the landlord is different. The lights are bright and the record player is on. The couple dances there. The melodious singing from the loudspeaker echoes in the night sky of the pig cage.

In this very peaceful environment, a few piano sounds suddenly came out, which seemed very incongruous, just like eating a moon cake sliced ​​and then dipping it in an oil dish.

The sound of the piano was intermittent, and each time it only stopped for a short melody, just like tuning and testing the strings before the official performance.

After the melodious sound of the piano spread, the record player in the room of the chartered public servant and the wife suddenly stopped singing, and the window was closed, as if he had a premonition of something.

The fried ghost who runs the breakfast stall needs to get up early to cook, and usually goes to bed very early. At this time, he wakes up suddenly and pulls out a red tassel.

Coolie Qiang and Tailor Master Zhao hadn't slept yet, and immediately stood up, ready to fight.

Obviously, they all felt a murderous intent from the sound of the piano.

Even if you don't feel it, there are many poor people in Zhucongchengzhai, and no one has spare money to buy a piano to play.

It is clear that those who come are not good, and those who are good do not.

Especially when they offended the Axe Gang on the front foot, and the sing-along came on the back foot, no matter how you think about it, it reveals something is wrong.

A Xing and Fat Zaicong were playing Tetris with the retro handheld game console Yue Si gave them. When they heard the sound of the piano, they immediately put it down and ran to the window to see the person playing the piano.

Those were two men in blue tunics, jazz hats, and sunglasses at night, sitting on a stool made of bricks. Height, where two people are tuning sine.

"Hey, it's the two street bashers during the day." Fatty Cong recognized the two people.

Fat Zaicong, with a large body, leaned over to the window to look, pushed Ah Xing aside, and was pushed away by Ah Xing with a slap: "It's the only two that are missing, the top killers."

"Wow, that's not very dangerous. They are here for the three masters. Go and inform the boss immediately." Fat Zaicong looked at the window, but all the good places were occupied by Ah Xing, and he couldn't see anything. .

"No need, the boss has already gone, he will show his power soon, wait for the show!" Ah Xing said.

"Let me take a look."

Fat Zaicong jumped up and down, but was pushed away by Ah Xing: "Don't come in the way, I want to see the big guy show his power."

In front of the world, Yue Si took a piece of sugar cane and ate it there. After chewing the bagasse, he spit it out on the ground. He was very uncivilized.

At this time, Yue Si changed his clothes and wore clothes of this era bought from the tailor Zhao. It was loose and slouched. He stood crookedly, with a sloppy temperament on his face. It seemed that he knew it. It's the kind of little gangster who doesn't do the right thing, and he has a ruffian air all over his body.

A connoisseur of stealing, extortion and extortion.

It's the kind of person who waits by the side of the road, waiting for the kind of person who looks honest and easy to bully while walking on the street, spit chewing gum on others, or simply spit at them, if the other party stops to reason, Just use some trash talk to irritate the other party; even if the other party holds back their breath and admits that they are unlucky to leave, they will deliberately say something loudly to provoke the other party.

In general, the ultimate goal is to lead the other party to take action, and then immediately fall to the ground and call the police.

These people are used to being beaten and know how to protect themselves from injury. When the police arrive, they will be able to corrupt you in a private way.

Because the other party didn't make a move, you beat him unilaterally, not even a mutual beating.

That hands-on starts from 800 to 1,000.

After the corruption, the other party can still proudly show in front of you, so that you can't help but beat him again, but the money in the other party's hand was originally in his wallet, so he can only swallow it.

If you get angry, your money is gone, what is this?

This kind of method can also be done by maliciously abandoning the car and driving dangerously. In short, it will do everything possible to induce you to do it, and then blackmail a sum of money. Earn more with a slap.

Although Yue Si didn't intend to do that, it was too much, but the temperament of playing that trash man was similar and vivid.

A mouthful of bagasse was spit on the ground, Yue Si pointed at the sky with half of the sugar cane in his hand and said, "Hey, Pujiezi, I don't sleep at night and play the piano, do you know that you are disturbing the people, the neighbors don't need it? Go to bed, everyone has to go to work tomorrow."

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