Villains Template

Chapter 481: fierce battle

On the Kerry mothership, the crew could sense a burst of shock, which was caused by the explosion. The imperial fighter jets cleared a large number of turrets on the hull to clear obstacles for subsequent landings.

The commander understood the role of the boarding team, and ordered to launch torpedoes in that direction. A large number of Necromancer fighters circled in the direction of the boarding ship to encircle and suppress the imperial fighters; Considering the area that the enemy is attacking, we are ready to rely on the familiarity with the hull and the home field advantage to eliminate the display of the opponent's jumping over.

The decoy aircraft driven by the servants actively rammed the torpedoes launched by the mothership. The attack of the Necromancer could not shake the shield system of the landing ship at all, and the fighter jets kept turning the Necromancer into cosmic dust.

As the assault ship and the landing ship approached a certain distance, the remaining decoy aircraft ignited and accelerated, slammed into the Kerry mothership, and destroyed the outer armor of the mothership with its own hot melt bombs. After tearing open a huge opening, the assault ship and the landing ship rushed in and plunged into the gap of the Kerry mothership.

The hot melt weapon in front of the hull fired, which further damaged the hull structure. Under the push of the tail engine, it penetrated into the interior of the mother ship hull. In order to prevent the air pressure imbalance caused by the loss of air in the hull from affecting the crew, the air pressure The capsule quickly played its role, and layers of energy shields blocked the large hole that was rammed and sealed off the air leakage.

The landing ship threw a few smoke bombs all around. The gray nano-smoke cloud completely blocked the light source. The hatch at the bow opened, and a group of Space Marines led out of the ship, holding the jumping shield in the left hand and the bomb in the right hand. The gun, the detector on the helmet feeds the collected information back to the display.

The Space Marines did not attack rashly, but erected a shield wall with a jumping shield, escorting the soldiers on several other assault boats and landing ships, and started a tactical formation.

Because of sufficient resources, the jump gang's commandos have a full set of carapace armor. In addition to providing a good defense effect, the fully enclosed structure also has an integrated life support system, which can ensure that the wearers are wearing in vacuum, high radiation, high temperature, Survive in harsh environments such as extreme cold and retain combat capability.

The Kree's counterattack soon came. The supreme ruler of the Kree Empire is not a human being, but the "supreme intelligence", a life computer created by the Kree people, which condenses the highest wisdom of the Kree people, including all sciences , philosophy, military, ideology, etc., dominate every aspect of the Kree Empire.

This is also reflected in the spaceship, which is highly intelligent. The location of the jumping team was quickly discovered and marked on the display in front of the commander. The air circulation system dissipated the smoke, and then a group of Kree soldiers with guns were different from different The direction of the group gathered towards this side, and the energy weapon in his hand was shooting in the direction of the commando.

However, the energy shield generated by the built-in force field generator of the Jump Gang Shield completely blocked their attacks, and there was no need for the Space Marines to waste precious bombs. The soldiers of the commando set up the **** gun or hotline platoon gun linked to the energy backpack in their hands. Go to the shooting gap reserved by the jumping gang shield, and then pull the trigger. Compared with ordinary standard laser guns, **** guns and hot line guns have a higher rate of fire and more powerful firepower, within their range and vision. All of the Kree soldiers were shattered by laser beams.

The high heat of the energy contained in the salvo laser caused a dramatic change in the air, as if a beast was constantly roaring and howling, and after this sound, the surrounding area of ​​the landing point became very quiet. Space Marines are all silent, and those who can take on the task of assault jumping are the elite of the elite. Language is sometimes unnecessary, and all the Kree soldiers hang up, not even a single scream of dying.

After solving the first wave of counterattacks, all the commandos landed and started the official raid mission. The released servo skulls will provide them with the structural reconnaissance of the main ship, allowing them to better play their role - their role is The center blooms, decapitating the commander of the main ship, or destroying the various systems of the main ship, paralyzing it, and then ushering in the reception of the imperial fleet.

And this is an inevitability, nothing can stop the pace of the empire.

Judging from the actions of Star-Lord and his party infiltrating the dark asterisk of the accuser Ronan in "Guardians of the Galaxy", we know the level of combat power of the Kree Empire in this world.

After thirty-seven standard earth days, the imperial fleet has completely taken this galaxy, or in the seventh standard earth day, they have done it, and in the remaining thirty days, they have extinguished those A small fleet of Kree ships roamed the galaxy, clearing the ground of any armament that dared to resist.

During this period, sporadic Kerry fleets sailed into this galaxy. The size of the opposing fleet was enough to threaten the general cosmic forces, but with the efforts of the Imperial Navy, most of them were bombarded by macro cannons, light spears, and torpedoes. After the cosmic dust, only some ships can adjust their formation when they feel that the situation is not good, make a superluminal jump, and leave the battlefield.

Of course, they spend more time frantically transforming the galaxy named 'No. 2', transforming it into the shape of an empire, and a lot of resources are mined, transported to galaxy No. 1, and sent to factories Among them, smelting and forging into various weapons and equipment and even ships.

A large number of ships and materials were transported from Galaxy 1 to Galaxy 2, and the galaxy was armed according to the standards of the Empire. At the same time, there were also many ring-shaped creations with unknown functions and a diameter of tens of kilometers were placed in it. everywhere in the galaxy.

After the forty-second standard earth day, the Kerry Empire's counterattack officially began. The vast fleet swept in like a tsunami, and the huge volume made people desperate.

Then the galaxy suddenly dimmed, and the light from the stars seemed to disappear for a few seconds. The total solar radiation energy of the stars in the solar system reached 3.78x10^26J/s (joules/second), which is equivalent to emitting every second. The energy of 1,050 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity, and the annual electricity consumption of the earth's world is only 25 trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity. Although there are differences at the subtle level, the energy radiated by the stars of this galaxy per second is very huge.

And the solar radiation that disappeared for a few seconds was taken away by the weapon system built by the Mechanicus, and used as the energy source for super weapons—and that was provided by Yue Si and helped to build it. The base' is the template, combined with the stellar cannon made by the 'Great Phagocytosis'.

In fact, the energy stored in the stellar cannon is far more than the solar radiation in those few seconds. After the assembly is completed, the stellar cannon has been in the charging stage, and now most of the energy is vented out in one go.

Thanks to the compatibility of the Marvel world, Yue Si was able to restore some of the effects of the Great Devouring Technique in the form of technology.

The final product is a huge structure equivalent to a large hive. After completion, it is almost impossible to move. It can only be disassembled into smaller parts that are towed by ships and assembled after arriving at the destination.

Just building, has completely smashed the three high-resource satellites of a gas giant planet in Galaxy No. 1, and the dismantled remains have been smelted into various materials.

The extracted solar radiation was concentrated into a beam of high-energy particles by the stellar cannon, and was launched in the direction of the Kerry fleet. The scarlet particle beam cut through the void of the universe, and even the structure of space was destroyed.

And those metal rings with a diameter of tens of kilometers that were previously arranged all over the galaxy are the barrels of the stellar cannons. Even if they are protected by a strong field, they are very dangerous within a certain range close to the stellar cannons, so their diameters are dozens of tens of kilometers. kilometer.

When the scarlet particle beam passes through the center of the metal ring, it is affected by the force field released by the ring on a spatial scale, correcting its direction. If observed from a larger scale, the high-energy particle beam of the stellar cannon will be found. In the galaxy, the ring is constantly offset, drawing a huge arc, and at the other end of the arc is the huge fleet of the Cree.

At the very end of the barrel formed by the metal ring, a beam of light swept across the Kerry fleet, the energy shield was instantly overloaded, and all the warships that were crossed were broken into two pieces, followed by a violent explosion of matter caused by high-energy particles, and the red light flashed. The entire battleship exploded, turning into space junk in the universe.

And that only appeared on flagship-level warships, their shield systems were strong enough, and smaller-sized ships were directly turned to dust.

Yue Si met Nick Fury in a coffee shop. The S.H.I.E.L.D. Chief did not wear the standard set of black military boots, black combat uniform, and black leather trench coat, but wore a pair of gray trousers and a light brown Oxford shoes, a gray trench coat over a floral shirt on the upper body, no blindfolds, a pair of high-end sunglasses on his nose, and a small bowler hat on his head, which is far from his identity as the king of secret agents. Rather, it's like a scumbag without a formal killer.

The dignified S.H.I.E.L.D. director will definitely not come alone. In addition to his confidant and beloved general Coulson, there are also senior agents who previously represented S.H.I.E.L.D. There is no need for Yue Si to write down his name. After all, it is very difficult to come up with a name.

"Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Yue Si looked at Nick Fury, feeling a little amused.

"I'm Nick Fury." Nick Fury reported himself: "I want to know your identity and origin, your attitude towards the earth, and your purpose."

After all, it is the Marvel world. Although the current stage has not been expanded in terms of worldview due to copyright issues, there are still mutants, superpowers, mad scientists, etc., if it is not for the previous incidents involving S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents, as well as the big killer such as mechanical exoskeleton armor, and the most critical alien identity, Nick Fury may not come to meet Yue Si in person.

"As I said, I'm an interstellar refugee. I came to earth just to escape. I just want to gain an identity on earth, and then live a prosperous and stable life like this. Although the earth is backward, it is at least safe." Yue Si was full of lies again, and made up a set of identities without changing his face.

"Can I say something about that special agent?"

Nick Fury made a gesture, and Coulson and another agent walked to the other side of the cafe. It was clear that Nick Fury did not let them know about the Skrulls, nor did he intend to let them know.

"What do you want to say about the Skrulls," Nick Fury asked.

Yue Si stretched out three fingers: "They should have told you about the three major empires in the universe, the huge Skrull Empire will fall apart, and some small planets will also change due to various reasons, perhaps internal turmoil, perhaps It's foreign aggression, or some kind of crazy person with a peculiar philosophy, and that's who I am."

"Besides, you, an earthling, have the guts to cooperate with the most dangerous Skrulls in the universe... I can only say that fortunately they are also refugees, not armed men with a certain armed force, otherwise the earth would have fallen to them. in hand - although that's an unlikely thing."

Nick Fury's face was black, and people couldn't see anything from his expression, but he was clear in his heart that in the two paragraphs Yue Si said, there was actually only a little bit of usefulness, and the rest were Empty talk.

"Why did you choose Earth?" Nick Fury asked.

Yue Si shrugged his shoulders and said, "Because this place is remote enough to have little value, and the water is deep, the forces in the universe usually don't pay attention to this place—similar to fleeing to a place in the Pacific Ocean that is not anywhere in the world. The island in the route, and that place has a relatively primitive society with a civilization in the early You can become a superior person by relying on the technology you master, and you can help this backward civilization. The upgrade of civilization can also improve the overall quality of life, and those can help me live well in such a world."

"Unless someone is blind and sends a signal to the universe, indicating that the earth has a signal to participate in high-level battles, or the earthlings in the galaxy can't interfere with my life at all."

"Do you understand what I mean when I say that?"

"What about your clan?" Nick Fury said. "And your identity. You were Charles Wu from the beginning? Or did you replace the real Charles Wu?"

Charles Wu has a different kind of science and technology here, so his clan must also have technology that surpasses the current level of the earth. If he strays to the earth, it is likely to be mastered by others, and then use alien technology to grow and develop.

Not all good news for Nick Fury.

Because it is very likely that the existing world pattern will be broken, and the originally stable world will be turbulent again, and there will be a big reshuffle-you must know that the last time the forces of all parties were reshuffled was World War II.

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