Villains Template

Chapter 490: hello takeaway

Samuel Stern can become a professor, and it is not a vain name. He can be recognized by Bruce Banner technically, which shows that he has made great achievements in life sciences.

In the Dutch version of the "Spider-Man" personal movie, Bruce Banner is featured in the celebrity portraits hanging on the walls of his classroom, which can bring out the professional level of Samuel Stern, he developed The serum medicine that can eliminate Bruce Banner's mutation has been verified by Bruce Banner himself and proved to be useful, so he returned to New York all the way to solve the Hulk problem once and for all.

And Mr. Lan, Samuel Stern did not disappoint Bruce Banner. After the serum medicine was injected into his body, the Hulk was really restrained. No matter the ups and downs of emotions or the change of heartbeat frequency, Hulk was not allowed to stop. signs appear.

After multiple verifications, Bruce Banner showed a smile on his face, and the whole person relaxed, since the Hulk was born from his body, he has not been so relaxed in many years.

In order to control his emotions, prevent himself from transforming into Hulk and bring disasters to others, hide everywhere to eliminate his traces, and prevent General Ross from discovering his whereabouts, and use himself as an experiment for research, in order to obtain Hao Hao The power to overcome and weaponize has become a weapon of American imperial hegemony.

Now both of these burdens have disappeared with the demise of the Hulk. Bruce Banner feels as if he is an athlete who is training with a sandbag on his body. Now that the burden on his body has been removed, the whole person has become light and airy. As if he was about to fly, he couldn't help but enjoy his future.

And without Betty Ross, the mediator, as two scientific researchers, Samuel Stern and Bruce Banner sat down and chatted together, and the topic was actually related to various scientific research projects. Bruce Banner I have been hiding in XZ for the past few years. I have spent most of my time in Brazil, dealing with a group of workers with low education level. Now I have finally found a person who can understand what he is saying, although it sounds like it to outsiders. It was a boring topic, but the two of them chatted happily.

Perhaps due to the infection of Bruce Banner, Samuel Stern excitedly showed Bruce Banner his experiments in order to develop a drug to suppress the Hulk - he copied a large number of Bruce Banner blood sample.

Seeing the huge number of blood samples, Bruce Banner felt his scalp tingle: "Listen, you must destroy these immediately. Hulk's power is a very dangerous existence, and it will bring disaster."

Samuel Stern said: "Bruce, we are all doing science. Whether a thing brings disaster or not depends on how to use it..."

Before he could finish speaking, there was a knock on the door from the direction of the door.

“Panda Takeaway!”

"Have you ordered takeout?" Bruce Banner asked while looking at Samuel Stern. The two of them have been busy and haven't eaten yet. They are a little hungry. It would be really good if they ordered takeout. If not, then It's worth considering.

Samuel Stern shook his head: "I didn't."

The next moment, with a slight explosion, the door of the laboratory fell off the door frame and flew into the laboratory. A group of soldiers with live ammunition rushed into the laboratory. The two people in the room for unknown reasons were out of living in the United States. Instinctively, he immediately raised his hands high, indicating that he was unarmed and unthreatening.

Although Bruce Banner and Samuel Stern were empty-handed, from the look of the group of soldiers, it was obvious that they were more afraid than the two men at gunpoint - obviously, they knew who they were facing. , Hulk's powerful strength is not something that their flesh and blood can match, and it is normal to be nervous.

Seeing that there was no change between the two, the soldier took out the handcuffs and chained the two.

Afterwards, Bronski and Colonel Ross, who were swollen in a circle, came in and saw his former father-in-law, Bruce Banner realized that he had fallen for this trip: "You are late, Hulk has disappeared. , you can no longer use its power."

"No, you don't care about this matter." General Ross looked at Bruce Banner, and then turned to Samuel Stern: "Professor Stern, I invite you to work for me—I know you're right The power of Hulk is very interested, I hope to be able to analyze the source of its power and make it into medicine for my own use. Our purpose is the same. I can provide you with more funds, equipment, manpower, and even some things that go against public good morals. I can let you do it too."

Bruce Banner turned his head to look at Samuel Stern, and found that the netizen who had been chatting for a long time had a moving expression—yes, although he and Samuel Stern had known each other for a long time, they only I talked on the Internet, but in reality it was the first time I saw him today. Although he felt that he had seen each other late, he didn't know much about his netizen 'Mr. Lan', and he had no idea who he was. Don't understand.

Referring to his previous behavior of copying a large number of his own blood samples for research, in the face of the olive branch thrown by General Ross, Samuel Stern has a high probability of agreeing.

What's more, now that the soldiers are pointing at guns, people have to bow their heads under the eaves. Looking at the current atmosphere, if Samuel Stern does not agree, the other party may shoot and kill.

Sure enough, I don't know if it was for his own life or the temptation of the prospect of research on the power of the Hulk, Samuel Stern nodded and agreed to General Ross's solicitation, and then his handcuffs were opened, Samuel Stern. Den wisely retreated into the corner, ceding home to Bruce Banner and General Ross.

As for the work of his university professor, it is natural that General Ross will handle it. Although he has not gone through any formalities, he is now a person who works for General Ross. As General Ross, everything is easy to say.

"His research on the Hulk is not thorough. The medicine he developed can only temporarily weaken the power of the Hulk, and cannot make the Hulk disappear for a long time and permanently." General Ross said the results of Yue Si's previous inference: "You don't have the power of Hulk for the time being, and there is no way to escape. In the next period of time, we will inject this medicine for you regularly to seal the Hulk in your body..."

"No, you can't do this!" When Bruce Banner heard these words, he felt a little despair in his heart. He finally saw hope, but the hope was shattered in front of his eyes.

Although he hid in XZ incognito and lived a hard life, he was free. Listening to General Ross's words, it was estimated that he would be controlled in the secret base and become an experiment in the future.

Bruce Banner's struggle is ineffective, without the power of Hulk, he is a weak scientist, even an adult male can't resist the two elite soldiers who control him, not only these two soldiers With professional grappling techniques, he couldn't struggle at all. He was still wearing handcuffs on his wrists. He struggled a little and his wrists hurt.

After capturing Bruce Banner, who was in his heart, General Ross took the man one step ahead, preparing to withdraw the team and return to the base. He was not sure how long the effect of the inhibitory agent would last, and the helicopter rhymed the man directly back to the base.

Bronsky stayed behind, and together with the rest of the soldiers, he took the blood samples copied by Samuel Stern, the computer, research materials, and experimental equipment, all of which needed to be packed and taken away, leaving nothing left.

For those soldiers, Samuel Stern is very distrustful, lest they smash and damage their precious items with great splendor, and command from the side.

And Bronsky looked at the iron bed where Bruce Banner lay before and was injected with medicine to suppress the power of the Hulk, a green flash in his eyes, the power he longed to pursue, but Bruce Banner abandoned it, he felt himself His ideals were trampled on and cast aside by others.

Bronski, who originally revealed a ferocious and unapproachable temperament, became even more insane, his eyes became more extreme, his expression became more ferocious, and the changes in his body became more obvious. the sound of.

It's just that the voice was hidden under the voices of personnel activities, conversations, and moving objects, and was not heard by outsiders.

"Can I get the power of the Hulk by injecting Bruce Banner's blood?" Turning to look at the warehouse where Samuel Stern used to store Bruce Banner's blood, Bronski showed a hint of determination.

He walked to the side of a soldier who was carrying things. The other party was wearing a bulletproof vest, with a pistol and a grenade hanging on his back. The rifle was still hanging behind his back. It was very inconvenient to carry things. When moving things, the equipment on his body kept bumping. To research equipment and the like, let Samuel Stern wailing for a while.

It's not a whining, right? It's the sound you make when relatives play with your belt and figurines, and the other party "slightly" vigorously fiddles with it.

Bronski tried his best to keep his expression and tone a little flat, otherwise others would see the anger hidden in him:

"Give me the gun and I'll hold it for you."

As a veteran who took the lead in charging on the front line, Bronsky had a good reputation among the soldiers, and he was a direct order from the commander. The soldier thought Bronsky was reducing the burden for himself, so he handed the gun to Bronsky. .

Bronsky held the gun, looked around, wrote down the position of each soldier, then turned on the safety of the rifle, set it to full automatic, and raised the rifle with one hand, facing the one farthest away from him. The soldier pulled the trigger.

It was originally the role of the king of soldiers in the urban net text, and with the strengthening of the super soldier serum, Bronski's dynamic visual capture ability and strength have been greatly enhanced. None of these soldiers are his opponents, not to mention the addition of firearms. After pulling the trigger towards the first soldier, the killing began.

The soldiers were surprised by Bronski's shooting at his own, but he was very sensitive to the sound of gunfire and reacted immediately, but Bronsky was faster and punched the soldier who handed the rifle to him. On the body, he hit him flying out, and hit another soldier who was about to draw a gun to shoot. The two were hit hard, vomited blood and rolled to the side. They fell to the ground and didn't move. I don't know if they were seriously injured. Couldn't get up or fainted, or just hung up.

Beyond the combat experience of the general elite and the physical quality beyond the human body, Bronski's combat effectiveness is terrifying. At close range, the elite soldier is not his enemy in one round, but for the distant soldier, he uses the weapon in his hand. The firearms were suppressed, only burst shots, the timing and the angle, but the few soldiers could not lift their heads.

In less than half a minute, Bronski brought down all the soldiers, either dead or wounded, but he was basically unable to get up and fight.

He took out a pistol from a fallen soldier, turned on the safety, pointed to Samuel Stern, who was huddled in the corner, curled up with his head in his hands, and said, "Stand up!"

Samuel Stern was horrified by Bronski's killing spree, fighting with his legs, showing no mercy to his own people, and now holding a pistol at himself, even if he didn't pee big.

Seeing Samuel Stern's cowardly look, Bronski grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up. This kind of guy with no guts, weak physique, and no pursuit, but holds the power to gain great power. method, really ironic.

"Look at my eyes!" Bronski said in an almost growling voice: "Bruce Banner's blood is injected into his body to gain the power of the right!"

"Theoretically, probably, yes." Samuel Stern was frightened by Bronsky's appearance, and did not understand what Bronsky's problem was.

"Why is it probably? You haven't done an experiment and have exact data!" Bronsky was convinced of Yue Si's words. The pursuit of power made him lose himself and only believe in what he thought was right.

"Experiment!?" Although Samuel Stern really wanted to study the power of the Hulk, he had not done any relevant experiments, but even if the murderous Bronsky held it like this, he knew that he had to follow In his words, otherwise it would be himself who would be unlucky in the end: "Yes, experiments, I have done experiments, but I have never done experiments on human bodies, I have never done human experiments, I don't know how it affects the human body, There is no exact experimental data..."

Bronski, who was insane with his power, ignored most of what Samuel Stern said, put him down, pointed a pistol at Samuel Stern with one hand, and pointed the other side with the other. Bags of Bruce Banner blood samples: "No need for human experiments, inject that blood into my body, right now!"

From the moment he pulled the trigger on his own people, Bronsky was desperate, no matter what, he had to gain the power of the Hulk.

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