Villains Template

Chapter 509: exile

"The Villains of the Heavens Template New Book Haige Novel( Find the latest chapter!

For the Asgardians who came at this time, Nick Fury did not think that they came with good intentions, and there is a high probability that they would not be the friends that Thor thought they were, and they may have come to kill people.

"Rainbow Bridge, space teleportation device!"

But when Nick Fury saw the combination of three men and one woman accompanying the Rainbow Bridge, he couldn't help crying, because it was completely beyond his expectations. He had thought that the Rainbow Bridge was the name of a spaceship, but he didn't expect it. Even this kind of thing.

Although the three warriors of Asgard, Fandral, Vorstage, Hogan, and the goddess Sif are all dressed in armor and dressed with cold weapons, they are still very dangerous with the space transmission device of the Rainbow Bridge.

"It is not only a space transmission device, but also a weapon. If it is turned on at full power, it is not impossible to destroy the planet. Otherwise, why would you think that Asgard would have such a great reputation." Yue Si said, and then Turned around and walked to the warehouse, and put on his newly built mechanical exoskeleton armor.

After seeing his friend, Thor was very happy. For thousands of years, they have been inseparable, going to wars and banquets together. Although the analogy is not appropriate, their relationship with Thor is like a modern mobile phone. Usually I don't feel anything when I hold it in my hand, but once I lose it, I feel like something is missing in my life.

"Let me introduce you, this is a new friend I met, called Coulson. He served me food and drinks. He is a rare good friend." Thor took Coulson and solemnly told himself Four of his friends introduced him.

Although Nick Fury was on the side, Thor ignored him again. It was the black gravy that exuded an uncomfortable temperament all over his body, as if he had dealt with him for a long time and would be calculated by the other party. That feeling.

Coulson is different. How many people have been deceived by the temperament of the good man.

But unlike Thor, who was beaming, the three warriors of Asgard and Sif were full of worries. They went to great lengths to sneak to Midgard, not to catch up with Thor and meet his new friends. , but had something important to tell Thor, so he interrupted Thor's rambling speech and told what happened in Asgard these days.

It's nothing more than the sleeping king of the gods, Loki usurping power, and doing things backwards. The reason they went to Midgard was to find Thor and find the legal heir of Asgard to go back and set things right.

It's a pity that Thor looked bitter and said, "I'm sorry, I can't do it, my power has disappeared, and I can no longer pick up Thor's hammer. I'm just an ordinary person now."

Asgard's group of four were stunned, Thor became a salted fish, unable to save the overall situation, so why did they work so hard?

Now that Loki is in charge of Odin's sharp spear, Gungnir, temporarily acting as the god-king's authority, their visit to Midgard this time can be said to be against the will of the acting god-king, and they are counting on Thor to go back to turn the tide and restore the overall situation. At that time, Loki's true face was exposed, and he was pushed down from the throne of the acting god-king. The charges on them did not exist at all, and there was "congruence of the dragon".

But you tell me now that you can't do that... Thor also blames himself for that.

The atmosphere here was becoming very heavy. Suddenly, the dark clouds in the sky gathered and swirled like a vortex. A rainbow beam of light shot down from the center of the vortex. Obviously, the Rainbow Bridge was opened again, and another person or thing was sent to the earth. .

"Anyone else with you?" Nick Fury asked as he joined the crowd.

"No." Sif and the others looked at each other and found that they all had the same expressions on their faces, confirming that none of them knew about it.

Soon, they could see what the thing that was sent was. It was a silver armor made of iron bars and rivets. There seemed to be brilliance flowing in it.

"Destroyer!" Thor looked at the humanoid armor with a heavy expression. It was the armor that his father Odin wore when he was young. , is an absolute weapon of war, it only released a trivial amount of power to destroy the frost giant who invaded Odin's treasure house.

Now the king of gods is sleeping, and the gun of the great god, Gungnir, is controlled by Loki. Through Gungnir, Loki also masters the authority of this war weapon. Obviously, the destroyer is sent by Loki.

"Get out of here quickly, you are not its opponents... I'll go talk to Loki."

Although he prefers his younger brother, Thor has now understood a lot of things. Although he does not know exactly what Loki wants to do, the brotherhood of thousands of years cannot be faked. Loki chats.

Sif and the three warriors of Asgard came up with the idea of ​​going with Thor. After all, Thor is an ordinary person now. If something goes wrong, they can take care of him.

Thor did not reject the offer.

Then he walked up to the Destroyer armor, and he knew that Loki could hear and see, so he gave a eloquent speech, trying to influence Loki with love and "talk".

Loki, who was far away from Asgard, sat on the throne, leaning on Gungnir to watch his brother's speech through the Destroyer, expressing his deep touch, and then controlling the Destroyer to punch Thor out. .

Kill you, I am the only heir to the throne of Asgard, why should I estimate brotherhood?

This made the Asgard quartet nearly collapse, Hogan chased to check on Thor's situation, and Sif, Fandral, and Vorstage stayed behind to deal with the Destroyer armor.

After fighting side by side for thousands of years, the tacit understanding between them has long been developed. With just one look, they understand each other's thoughts and the tactics are properly arranged.

The sturdy Vorstag lifted Fandral and threw it at the Destroyer armor, while he himself shouted "For Asgard" and charged away with his battle axe.

But the real killer move is Sif. They know the power of the Destroyer's armor. With the weapons in their hands, they can't kill them at all. The gifted long sword talent, they are just feinting.

When the Destroyer Armor was attracted by the attack of Vorstage and Fandral, Sif had sneaked behind it, pulled out a magic sword, leaped high and stabbed it, piercing the Destroyer The gap in the armor nailed it to the ground.

The light inside the Destroyer's armor went out and stagnated, as if the internal structure was destroyed by Sif's sword, causing the armor to lose its energy drive and stop.

But how could the dignified king Odin's battle suit be so simple, the corners of Sif's mouth didn't even have time to turn up, I saw that the Destroyer armor was re-ignited and turned upside down, in the form of facing Sif, Then the visor opened, and a beam of light stuck on Sif, causing her to fly out and fell to the ground, motionless, and she passed out.

Thanks to Loki's Destroyer Armor only controlled by Gungnir, it has insufficient authority and cannot fully utilize the Destroyer's own performance, and the transmission of the signal also needs to cross the long distance from Asgard to the earth. After that, the combat effectiveness of the Destroyer armor dropped by 99%, but it was about the same. Otherwise, Sif would not just faint after being knocked flying, but it would also be possible to be directly evaporated by the energy beam.

The Destroyer Armor ejected Sif's magic sword, and then walked in the direction of Fandral and Vorstagg. Loki was ready to kill and kill the Asgard quartet, and then no one knew about him. If you do this, and no one knows about it, it means that it didn't happen.

Then Loki suddenly stopped and looked in the direction of the temporary base. Thor's Hammer seemed to be affected by something, the clouds were dense, and lightning bolts began to brew. It was not a natural phenomenon, but caused by divine power.

It seems that Thor is about to regain his divine power. It seems that the blow of the Destroyer armor did not kill him completely and let him find his own power, but Thor's hammer has not yet returned to Thor's hands. , that means everything has a chance.

"Which side are you looking at?" A thick electronic voice came. Loki controlled the Destroyer armor and turned his head, and found a humanoid power exoskeleton that was about the same height as the Destroyer armor standing beside him. He didn't know when it came.

Before Loki could continue to move, the muzzle of the large-caliber energy weapon in the power exoskeleton armor fired a particle ray, and the impact force directly knocked the upper body of the destroyer armor crooked, the whole side to one side, from the visor The light beam emitted from the center was deflected elsewhere, ploughing a ravine in the ground.

Seeing that the power exoskeleton armor succeeded, Fandral and Vorstag cheered loudly, but Yuesi inside the armor did not expect his attack to knock down the Destroyer armor, because there was a very large gap between the two. .

"The coordinates have been entered, the energy system is activated, and the connection to the different-dimensional energy source begins."

Yue Si activated a module in the power armor, and the energy in the ark reactor was drawn out, continuously activating the magic spells one by one, and connecting to the unknown space - the pocket universe inside the pyramid of Wakanda.

The huge energy instantly entered the interior of the power armor, and then began to shape according to the preset program.

Facing the provocative power exoskeleton armor, Loki, who was far away in Asgard, felt a shame and was overcast by the Asgard quartet because they were Asgardians, but they were given by Midgard's creation. After staggering, he gave an order, the Destroyer mask closed, no more energy beams were released, and he punched directly at the powered exoskeleton.

Then the punch of the destroyer armor was blocked, the power armor raised its left arm and stood in front of it, and a magic circle was suspended in front of the left arm, resisting the punch that was enough to tear the armor of the tank - the shield of Seraphim .

Then, a magic long sword appeared in the right hand of the powered exoskeleton armor, the sacred sword of Emperor Weishan, Yue Si used the exoskeleton armor to use a set of swordsmanship, and all his moves went to the key point of the destroyer armor. — if it matters.

Loki in Asgard suddenly panicked. Although the strength of the destroyer armor itself and the blessings of the gods of Asgard, Yue Si's attack could not really destroy this armor, but the continuous attack The action of the Destroyer armor became stuck, and it became more and more difficult for him to control it. Even if he made an effective tactical attack, he was always one step behind Yue Si, and he missed every time.

In the end, the powered exoskeleton armor gave up the shield of Seraphim and the sacred sword of Weishandi, and began to punch the destroyer armor with fists. The hydraulic structure continued to force the destroyer armor to maintain its balance. He swayed to the right, and was finally hit by a dragon punch and flew into the sky.

There is a spark-splashing portal on the top of the Destroyer Armor waiting for it. After being smashed into the portal by Yue Si's rising dragon punch, its figure disappeared, and the portal also quickly shrank and disappeared. , Before that, you could vaguely see the vast starry sky opposite the portal.

In the case of an enemy that cannot be destroyed, banishing it to a place where it can never be returned, or sealing it up, is undoubtedly a good choice.

Although Yue Si's armor is made of technology, it is mixed with a lot of magic knowledge learned from Kama Taj. You only need to draw magic power to display a piece of magic, the previous shield, sword, and portal It's all used like this.

It's just that the magic level is the most difficult. Yue Si didn't want to deal with those dimensional demon gods, so he didn't do it. Until not long ago, the deity built a pyramid in Wakanda and obtained a device that continuously provides magic power. He asked for the authorization code, connected to the pocket universe, and absorbed the magic.

At the same time, in the temporary base of S.H.I.E.L.D., which had already started to evacuate the personnel, the instruments connected to Quake’s Hammer with various cables began to soar exponentially, and even an alarm was issued.

The Thor's Hammer swayed suddenly, then broke free of various cables on his body, soared into the sky as if he had broken free, rushed into the clouds, bathed in thunder and lightning, and then turned a corner and flew towards the ground.

Thor's hammer flew into the hands of its owner, Seeing this, Hogan immediately pulled up his legs and ran to the other side. In the next second, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky and hit Thor, who was lying dead on the ground.

When the dazzling light of thunder and lightning subsided, the one with perseverance was already wearing silver armor and a red cloak.


Thor, who had just regained his strength, shouted his brother's name angrily, then pulled the belt at the end of the hammer for a few laps, then jumped high, raised the hammer and smashed it towards the only exoskeleton armor on the field— His memory was still stuck in the scene where his younger brother controlled the destroyer armor to fly away.

"Huh? Isn't this the Destroyer Armor?"

When Thor's hammer was about to hit the exoskeleton armor, Thor realized that he had mistaken the enemy, but it was too late, and it was difficult to stop.

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