Villains Template

Chapter 536: I'm from Kama Taj

"You can destroy us, but you cannot defeat us."

Nick Fury put it bluntly: "I would give my life to defend what I have."

"The Old Man and the Sea, a good work." Yue Si said: "Then, if this is your choice, I wish you can survive the war. With your style of behavior, if there is a person on earth who dies in the end , then it must be you."

The psyker opened a spark-splashing portal with Kama Taj's magic, straight to the surface of the earth, and Nick Fury saw the opposite, which was the scene in his office.

A laser gun was given to Nick Fury as a gift, and Yues said: "As a friend, this is a gift for you, take it for self-defense, each battery can fire thirty rounds, and there are three energy sources here. Batteries, each laser is equivalent to the power of a large-caliber sniper rifle bullet.”

After demonstrating how to load and unload the energy battery, safety switch, etc., after confirming that Nick Fury learned the correct method, the laser gun and energy battery were delivered to Nick Fury.

Nick Fury didn't use the box that originally contained the laser pistol, but hid it on himself, and the agent's method made it impossible to tell from the outside that he had a gun hidden on him.

After returning to the office in the Trident Building, Nick Fury looked back at the spark-splashed portal, only to see it gradually shrink to a spark, and then disappear completely without leaving a trace.

But within a few seconds, a group of S.H.I.E.L.D. special operations teams with live ammunition rushed into the office, including Agent Hill. After seeing only Nick Fury in the office, Agent Hill immediately shouted: "Attention, don't shoot, there is no order against shooting!"

After hearing the order, the special operations team immediately put the index finger that was about to pull the trigger outside the trigger guard to prevent muscle twitching, subconscious reactions, etc., and fired the shot unconsciously, and then caused nervousness. The chain reaction of the team members smashed the director in front of him into a sieve.

Although shooting is prohibited, the weapons are not fully retracted, and the guns in the hands of the fans of the special operations team are still aimed at Nick Fury, and it takes less than a second to put their fingers on the trigger.

Nick Fury looked at the group of people, looked at Agent Hill, and his eyes paused on the faces of the people in the special operations team. From the list of Hydra personnel inside SHIELD that he got, special operations Almost all the people in the group are listed. Among these people, none of them belong to S.H.I.E.L.D., and the purity of Hydra is as high as 100%.

However, what is the reason for Agent Hill to come together with the position and Hydra? Is this forcing the palace? Now that the empire has come, Hydra has decided to no longer hide itself and officially come to the front?

Nick Fury adjusts his posture. If the situation is not right, he will hide in the bunker as soon as possible, and then pull out the laser pistol on his body to fight back. Charles Wu gave him this laser pistol, which is estimated to have been expected. When you get there, you will encounter this situation.

"Sir, please prove your identity." Nick Fury said, "Please prove that you are Nick Fury."

Hearing this sentence, Nick Fury understood the reason. There are sensors and alarm devices installed in his office. If he does not enter the office in a normal way, the alarm will be triggered. He enters the office directly through the portal. Yes, I didn't go through the necessary procedures, so the alarm was issued, and this happened.

After verifying the identity, the special operations team left, and Agent Hill also turned off the safety of the pistol, put it back in the waist holster, said "alarm off" in the wireless headset first, and then said to Nick Fury. To: "Sir..."

"Space teleportation, I was teleported directly to the office." Nick Fury explained the reason for his sudden appearance.

"Hill, I need you to contact Hank Pym. Humanity is doomed to fail. Although the invaders have lost all basic science, they have technology that is unimaginable on Earth, and the application scale of technology is very large. We can obtain The only way to win is to use more advanced technology to break the face. Hank Pym's invention, the Pym particle of a scientific miracle, is our hope."

"Will Hank Pym help us? His company has been taken over by his daughter and lover, and the whole person has been in a state of seclusion, and in the data, when he left S.H.I.E.L.D., it was related to the concept of S.H.I.E.L.D. There was a conflict." Her concerns were voiced by Agent Hill, who was parachuted by the World Security Council and had the authority to question Nick Fury's orders.

Nick Fury said: "No, when Hank Pym quit S.H.I.E.L.D., he questioned Howard Stark for stealing his Pym particle, plus his personal character problems, extreme, stubborn, and He was not a pleasant thing to work with, after you offended all your colleagues, you were the one to be excluded. If only Hank Pym was the only one in S.H.I.E.L.D., but Howard Stark was still Alive, Hank Pym is not irreplaceable."

After learning of an unknown inside story that happened inside S.H.I.E.L.D., Agent Hill left, the threat of the empire was imminent, and everything had to speed up.

Originally, she would also change her clothes, do hairdos and makeup, and contact Hank Pym in a non-agent dress to avoid causing the other person's disgust, but now she can't care so much.

Although the Empire only showed its power in New York, and only destroyed a city, the impact has spread to the whole world.

The first damage to human society is the economic crisis. A lot of wealth is constantly evaporating. Many people have turned from millionaires to extreme poverty, and they are even heavily in debt. Countless investors have jumped off the building.

"A butterfly in the Amazon rainforest of South America, with the occasional flap of its wings, can cause a tornado in Texas two weeks later."

As the world's largest consumer market, the global economic crisis must be caused by the US imperialists. This is the inevitable result of economic globalization. Just like when Chinese medicine treats diseases, human beings are considered as a whole, and lesions in a certain part will inevitably cause chain reactions. , Just like the blockage of the Suez Canal, the major artery, even if it is only for a week, the impact will take a month to adjust, and the economic loss caused is as high as tens of billions of dollars.

The best way to transfer the economic crisis is war, relying on plundering the resources of other countries to make up for its own losses, relying on war to "clean up" the excess population, relying on war to add more jobs.

Just like the U.S. imperialist global fire, it is for the global blood-sucking and plundering of resources.

There is no better way to do business directly.

But this time, the target of the war is still within the human beings on earth, and to some extent they are distant relatives. They made a fortune and left their hometown to work hard in the universe tens of thousands of years ago.

The distant relatives left on this side of the earth with wives, children and children. These old family members bullied orphans, widows and mothers, occupied homes, robbed people and property, slaughtered their wives and daughters. The distant relatives saw this and decided to take revenge on this group of savages. There is an irreconcilable contradiction between them, and a big fight is inevitable.

Of course, this is what the outside world has analyzed based on the existing information. It is fundamentally different from what Nick Fury has learned. The origin of the empire is far from simple.

But Nick Fury does not intend to reveal the truth of the matter, which will lead to the entire collapse of the current situation, at least the current empire can be understood and recognized.

Nick Fury sat for a while, sorting out the complicated information in his brain, and then took out a pager with a sci-fi texture from a hidden safe in the office, which was used to send a distress signal to Captain Marvel.

And in an unknown room in the basement of the Trident Building, Nick Fury hides a weapon there - the orange cat-shaped Primordial Beast, which, together with Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, is Nick Fury. Fury's trump card, even in the beginning, when Loki opened the portal to attract the Chitauri army, he was not ready to use them.

But now that the situation is at its most critical, all hidden forces must be brought to the fore and thrown into the war.

"Twenty centuries from now, the universe will be the human universe."

Nick Fury recited the information that Yue Si revealed to him: "So, the fundamental purpose of the empire is actually to compete for the qualification to become a 'human being' and the qualification to become the future overlord of the universe."

Suddenly, Nick Fury found himself dazzled, and his office began to twist upside down. After using the agent's method to quickly check his situation, Nick Fury confirmed one thing.

It's not that he's dizzy and hallucinating, it's that the space in the office is distorted.

This made Nick Freeton alert, and his tired and bloodshot eyes became sharp with a murderous intent. He couldn't help but suspect that it was the Empire who came to kill and silence. He obtained it from Charles Wu Yues. There is so much information that some people don't want him, or humanity, to know that much.

Among the existing forces, only the Empire has the power to manipulate space at will.

Then Nick Fury analyzed another thing, the empire is not monolithic, there are different factions inside.

A spark-splashing portal suddenly opened. Nick Fury didn't even think about it. He took out the laser pistol hidden on his body, opened the safety, aimed at the portal, and pulled the trigger continuously.

A magic shield immediately appeared in the hand of the visitor, blocking the deadly laser beam: "Please relax, I came here with no malice, I came to negotiate, we belong to the same camp."

The visitor was a black-skinned middle-aged man, wearing a strange robe, with a short stick on his waist, a thick book in his arms, and a ring on his fingers.

Although the other party said that he had no malice, if the conflict could be solved by relying on words, there would not be so many fights. Language is the most powerless thing, and Nick Fury is still aiming at the other party.

"who are you?"

Nick Fury looked at the man with a solemn expression. Although the other party's energy shield blocked his own laser rays, it also meant that the laser rays could hurt the other party.

"From your actions, I can't see that you are not malicious."

The dignified S.H.I.E.L.D. Tri-Wing Building headquarters and the dignified S.H.I.E.L.D. Director's Office were invaded so smoothly. This is a complete mockery for the organization of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. does not have an effective means of resisting space legends, it does.

"This is an inevitable method. I don't want your subordinates to rush in with a gun when we are discussing the future of mankind, point at my head, and ask me to kneel on my knees and put my hands on my head." The man said: "My name is Mordo, Karl Mordo, a magician from Kama Taj."

"Kama Taj? Sorry, I've never heard of it!"

Nick Fury still looked at Mordo vigilantly and at the magician: "Does magic exist in this world?"

In fact, Nick Fury lied. Yue Si revealed the existence of magic to him before he did not reveal his identity, but he deliberately pretended to not know anything Of course, otherwise how would I Bringing you into this mirror space, and how it crossed half the earth to come to you. ' said Mage Mordo.

"Hehe, I have seen the same teleportation technology in the Empire of Humanity." Nick Fury still hasn't put down the gun in his hand. After being isolated in this mirror space, he has lost the ability to contact the real world. The laser pistol in his hand was the only thing he trusted.

"That's my teacher, the traitor who betrayed mankind, and the Supreme Mage Gu Yi gave them to them." Speaking of which, Mage Mordu became gritted his teeth: "Kama Taj, an organization of earth mages, maintains A balance on the mystical side, preventing the real world from being invaded by dark and mystical forces, just like you've been working to maintain peace in the physical world."

"However, my teacher, Master Gu Yi, betrayed his mission. When the invaders came, he did not perform the duties of the Supreme Master, but surrendered to them and contributed all the knowledge of Kama Taj to In exchange for Kama Taj's existence not being eliminated."

"Your so-called space teleportation technology is one of the spells that the ancient master traded to the invaders. It is magic, not the application of any technology."

Nick Fury slightly believed the words of Mage Mordo: "What is the purpose of your visit this time?"

"I left Kama Taj and betrayed the ancient master of today." Mage Mordo said: "I need to use your power to defeat the invaders. The earth belongs to us humans."

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