Villains Template

Chapter 540: lame man

If the herb collector hadn't met Yue Si, he would have met this Taoist according to his path up the mountain, but Yue Si stepped in and stopped halfway, leaving the Taoist waiting for nothing.

After pinching his fingers, the Taoist couldn't sit still, spit out the chicken bones in his mouth, stood up and said, "I haven't touched anyone for so long, and the chicken bones are tasteless from the touch, wait any longer, The child died."

After he finished speaking, he walked down the mountain, looking at the distance, it was in the direction of the village.

Just when walking, this Taoist priest's body rises and falls, and he is actually a lame.

Arriving at the entrance of the village, the lame Taoist caught a glimpse of a few farmers enjoying the shade under the shade of the trees at the entrance of the village, so he stood on the spot, looked at the sky above the village, calculated it, shook his head and sighed.

Seeing the Taoist priest's appearance, the peasants began to talk in a low voice, and finally an older, senior in the village stepped forward: "This Taoist priest, is there anything wrong with our village?"


The lame Taoist did not bow like an ordinary Taoist priest, but pointed directly to a scattered cloud over the village and said, "Old man, look at that cloud, it is the fortune of your village, if you see it, it was originally peaceful and peaceful without disasters. Suddenly there is a cloud of bad luck in your fortune, something strange must happen in your village, young and strong people are in full force, and will not be affected for the time being, but children or elderly people with insufficient or weak qi and blood An exception will occur."

When he was talking, the lame Taoist squinted at the old farmer who was looking in the direction he pointed.

It's right not to see it, the lame man can't see it himself, so the reason for the mystery is to make himself appear to be cultivated, to make himself look like an expert - the lame man knows that his appearance is not satisfactory, and at a glance, he knows that he is that kind of bad person, Even if you dress up as a Taoist, it's not very convincing. Only by pretending to be a ghost can you gain the trust of others.

"And once a child or an old man dies because of this bad qi, then the bad qi will be transformed into a suffocating qi, and it will be the whole village who will be disturbed."

The old peasant couldn't see anything, so he said to the lame Taoist: "Daoist, I'm too old to see anything, but there are some incidents in the village. 'Look at it, she said that she couldn't deal with the nightmare, and she had to go in that direction to find the way to rescue... It's a pity it's too late."

"What's so late?" The lame Taoist asked with a frown.

"The child is dead." The old farmer said, "The child's father and grandfather carried hoes to the hillside early in the morning. They must have gone to dig a hole and dig a grave. They hurried home at noon. , and then weeping and a puddle of fire or something, it is estimated that the child is gone, and it is estimated that when it gets dark, it will be held and buried."

The old peasant pointed in one direction, suddenly turned his head and said to the lame Taoist, "Hey, Taoist priest, you came from that direction. Maybe you came a day earlier and you could save the child."

The lame Taoist was anxious, he was busy with this child, but when someone arrived, the child died, what is this - his time is right, the child is not dead yet.

"No, there is still salvation." The lame man said, "The child is not dead yet, there is still salvation."

It was his secret hands and feet, unless the family didn't want to let his children live, it's not time to die now.

"Ah?" The old peasant was stunned. Although he didn't see the child of that family die, there were various signs that the child had died. Now the Taoist said that the child was still saved, so there must be salvation.

The person next to him who was enjoying the shade had been listening with their ears sideways, and when the lame man said that the child was still saved, someone jumped out and said to the lame man, "Master, do you think the child is still alive? I'll take you here. Go to his house... A child from his house was dead before, but now this one is a single seedling, and if he dies, he will be cut off from his descendants, and if he comes back, he will save his whole family."

It's just that the face of the lame Taoist is really a bit scary. I looked at him from a distance and thought he was a little ugly. Now that he got close, the farmer was startled when he saw it, and his voice trembled.

"That's not to save his family, but to save your entire village!" The lame Taoist repeatedly urged.

Only in this way can the whole village be mixed up, and how much can be squeezed out from one family to a single village, and there will be more things that can be taken out.

"Save my whole village!" The farmer repeated the words of the lame Taoist, and then led the way, leading the lame Taoist to rush towards the family.

"Master, if you can really save that family and our village, you must do it!"

"This Dao is the one who can't help him." The lame Daoist echoed, but if the village can't get a price that can satisfy him after the matter is settled, it will be a real disaster.

Arriving at the door of the house, the lame man smelled a burning smell and heard a faint cry, confirming that the family was ready to give up their child.

The farmer pushed open the door before the lame Taoist, and shouted loudly: "Liu's sister-in-law, your child is saved, the savior in the 'Xian'er' count, he is here."

After he finished speaking, he did not enter the door, but stood aside and greeted the lame Taoist attentively to enter the courtyard.

The farmer's attitude was very useful to the lame Taoist, and he felt great when someone bowed before him.

But after stepping into the courtyard and walking two steps, I heard a creaking sound of the wooden door behind it closing, and the farmer who led the lame Taoist all the way ran away without looking back, as if something extraordinary would happen. , he will suffer the same if he stays here.

"No, I fell into a trap."

The lame Taoist reacted at this time, and found that this was actually a trap, leading himself to step into it step by step.

"The evildoer will die!"

With a loud shout, I saw a strangely dressed young man in a nondescript Taoist robe walked out of the room, took only one step and came to the lame Taoist, his palms raised high, as if holding up the sky, pointing There was thunder flashing in the middle, it seemed that the calamity was brewing, and it was conceivable what the scene would be when the palm fell.

He who got this slap must be shattered and his soul destroyed.

The lame Taoist kneeled on the ground as soon as his knees softened, and repeatedly kowtowed and shouted, "Xianchang, spare your life, the little demon knows it's wrong."

Yue Si put away the thunder of Taoism that was brewing in his hand, and asked righteously: "You demon, your accomplices have already explained everything, and the sin is unforgivable, let's capture it!"

As Yue Si's voice fell, there were several sounds of iron chains colliding from the house, and then a squat old woman was pushed out. Although she was also dressed as a peasant woman, her clothes had no patches. The figure is also a person who can eat and drink well - it is not easy for the country people to eat enough these days, let alone getting fat.

Although eating carbohydrates such as rice and noodles is more likely to gain weight than meat, but this year, I can’t eat anything good except during the festivals, let alone polished rice and noodles. The snacks are high in sugar and oil, because they can bring a lot of sugar, which is usually not enjoyed. It can be seen that the living conditions of this woman are good.

And this old woman was the "Xian'er" she had seen for the family before, but now she doesn't look like she was arrogant and arrogant before, just like a wilted chicken, downcast.

Her hands were tied by iron chains, and the other end was held by a man dressed as a police officer. There were several people dressed in the same clothes beside him, and they were holding ruthless sticks in their hands.

The last person who came out was a head-hunting person, wearing a scarlet head-hunting suit, a black gauze hat on his head, emeralds inlaid on the forehead of the brim, a peacock feather pinned to the left of the brim of the hat, and the bright single sword in his hand had been sheathed. Looking majestic.

"You bastard, colluding with this country woman, kidnapping, and poisoning other people's children to make money." The arresting head was far away, and shouted to the lame Taoist: "My Qiantang county arresting head Li Gongfu, I am determined. I will arrest you."

Li Gongfu said it beautifully, but none of the group of people dared to step forward and stood at the door of the house.

Although the lame Taoist knelt on the ground, he was kneeling on Yue Si, not them, and it was a monster.

Monster! I have only heard of it but never seen it in my whole life. Who is not afraid of it?

a little while ago.

Although broad-spectrum anthelmintic drugs do not conform to the style of this world, the products produced by the system have their own special features, and Yue Si endorsed them and played their due role. The child who was basking in the sun suddenly She shouted that she felt sick in her stomach, and then she vomited and had diarrhea, which made the family wonder if there was something wrong with the pill Yue Si fed.

However, their doubts were quickly dispelled, because there were worms rolling and squirming in the child's vomit and excrement. I shoveled it onto the fire together with the soil, but it was a good chance that the fire was not extinguished. Four things to open the door, firewood, rice, oil, salt, and firewood came first. It was not easy to obtain fuel. So big.

And on a hot day, although it is very uncomfortable to be next to a fire at a certain distance, but after seeing this, I immediately added firewood to make the fire burn even more.

"Master, my child's disease is not because of the nightmare, but because of the worm in his stomach." The child's grandfather folded his hands and said to Yue Si. It seemed that he wanted to kneel down and kowtow to Yue Si.

"Yes, and no." Yue Si said, "This worm has not been in your child's stomach for a few days. This kind of thing is not a parasite that the human body can withstand. The human body can't support this kind of worm at all. You can eat people dry in three days, just like your child, someone must have made a bad hand."

"When the porridge is ready, put a bowl for your child, wait until it is warm, and then feed him, remember, let him chew well, even if the rice is rotten, you must chew it, and you can't let him eat too much at one time. "

Hearing Yue Si's words, the child grabbed his mother's sleeve, screaming and screaming for hunger. The child's mother wiped away tears of joy when she saw her child was alive and dead. How could she not agree.

All the eggs in her family were taken away by the "Xian'er", but she still borrowed two eggs from the villagers, one was put into the porridge pot, and the other was kept.

After giving the order, Yue Si continued to say to the child's grandfather: "If you want to harm others, it is the right thing to do with your family's labor. It is also easy to destroy your family, but it is your grandson who is recruited, then The other party must have a plan, and he must want to get something from your family, so I asked if there is any treasure in your family that is being missed."

But the child's grandfather didn't know anything about it. Apart from saving some food and saving coins for emergencies, his family had nothing of value.

He stroked a long beard that hadn't grown out for a while, but Yue Si couldn't figure out the joints in it. He wasn't the kind of person who played tricks. Do you know the way to Qiantang County? When you go to the county office to report to the official, they say that the 'Xianer' is trying to make money and kill you. If the parents in the county take this matter seriously, they will definitely send the head arrester to come back with you. You Just lead them to find that Xian'er, arrest her and press her over."

"If the yamen doesn't send someone here, then I'll do it myself."

"This matter has nothing to do with her."

What happened to the family, he had a general understanding of what happened through the narration of the bystander who collected the medicine and the child's family. Among the things that the child had eaten recently, the water and the harmony that "Xian'er" burned Incense ash is the most There is a high probability that it was recruited at this time, and the child's symptoms aggravated after "Xian'er" left.

It's just that Yue Si couldn't figure out why, why that "Xian'er" did this.

Farmers have been honest all their lives, and they seldom go to the county town, let alone to report to officials. When they see people wearing official uniforms, they lose a third of their courage, but the child's father still goes, and he wants justice.

"Things in the human world must be dealt with by means of the human world. After all, that Xian'er is still a human being. Even if she uses magic to kill someone, I would be considered to have killed someone other than her and took the blame, so it would be better to invite people from the yamen to come. , If there are demons, ghosts, and monsters who are in trouble, or if parents and officials don't care, that's my business, and my generation of cultivators is bound to do so."

Yue Si said this, but he didn't think so in his heart. He just wanted to test whether his "branch divination" was accurate and whether he could bring him to the main storyline, so he did it in a way that seemed very reasonable. A mindless thing.

The result was gratifying. The child's father really came back with a team of yamen under the pressure of "Xian'er". The leader of the team was the head of Qiantang County, Li Gongfu, Xu Xian's brother-in-law.

"Well, that's how I met the plot characters."

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