Villains Template

Chapter 546: see also lightsaber

After Xu Xian bowed three times to Godzilla Buddha, countless golden rays of light were projected from the Li residence compound, looking at the shape of the light, it seemed that he had been driven out of the Li residence.

In fact, that is indeed the case. Those Jinguang are the gods who shelter the family, such as the kitchen king, the bedside woman, the **** of the toilet, and the door god. Li Gongfu's family was told to be careful. The gods take care of them, but not every family is very spiritual, but Li Gongfu's family is different. There are gods watching day and night to protect his family from disease and disaster.

Yesterday, when Li Gongfu led Yue Si home, the door **** was startled by the demonic wolf spirit, and he glanced at it and found that the wolf demon was just a little monster, and Yue Si, a Taoist priest with magical power, was beside him. The demon pet, who was subdued by the Taoist priest, reported the matter and no longer cares about it.

They are only door gods, they are the gatekeepers. They are not heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals, subjugating demons and subduing demons. It is not their professional field. It is enough to report this matter.

Who knew that after just one day and night, they were expelled and could no longer approach the range of Li Mansion.

Looking back, Li Gongfu's house exudes infinite golden light, like the sun at noon, which makes it impossible to look directly at it. If you look at it for a long time, it will cause blindness in both eyes.

"This battle is the result of the Buddha's personal visit and the birth of the Bodhisattva!"

"How could we possibly know such a thing."

"Also, what should we do next? We can't do what we ordered, and we can't even get close to that house."

"What else can be done, report it, and report it truthfully."

"Yes, that's the truth. As long as we report it, this matter has nothing to do with us. It's something that should be considered by the top."

Xu Xian returned to his room, so happy that he couldn't help himself, the corner of his mouth couldn't help hooking up, it was an unbearable joy.

Emperor Qin and Han Wu, the famous emperors in history all yearned for longevity, longing to become a practitioner, and did not hesitate to mobilize a lot of manpower and materials to seek immortals. It can be seen how tempting Taoism is, and now it is equivalent to a gift from heaven. before.

Sitting cross-legged on his own bed, Xu Xian put on a posture of five hearts facing the sky, which is the posture of meditation for monks and Taoism that he came into contact with, then closed his eyes and started to practice, but after crossing his legs for a long time, his legs were numb. No feeling at all.

In the end, Xu Xian had to give up, gritted his teeth and untied his knotted legs, endured the itch that seemed to have thousands of ants burrowing under the skin and straightened his mahjong legs, laying down on the bed and falling asleep. The idea of ​​​​can immediately fall into sleep, which makes countless insomniacs extremely envious.

And as soon as he fell asleep, Xu Xian was in a deep sleep. The moonlight came from the wolf demon cultivation outside, which illuminated his whole body, opened up and nourished the meridians, repaired and nourished the muscles and bones, and strengthened his body little by little.

In contrast, Xu Xian's spirit and will is extraordinarily sober, and a large amount of information is presented in front of him. It is a carrier of information that transcends words, languages, statues, paintings, etc., and conveys more of a feeling. A feeling.

As this feeling deepened, Xu Xian's soul gradually entered an unknown realm, which was his inner sea of ​​consciousness.

In the center of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, in addition to Xu Xian's own soul, there is also a huge phantom. I don't know how high it is, and I don't know how big it is. dust.

And that phantom was charred all over, skin was craggy like mountains and rocks, its teeth and claws were so majestic, its sharp teeth were like swords, backs and ridges were like peaks, and a long snake-like tail trailed behind him, and an inexplicable hot light radiated from the inside out. , let the charred body turn a slight red light.

It was the statue of Godzilla Buddha that he had worshipped before.

Xu Xian's spirit reached his heart, and bowed three times to the tall phantom, and then felt that he began to breathe out his vitality, and began to absorb the ubiquitous qi from the outside world, and that qi was not absorbed for himself, but merged into it. In the phantom of the Great Sun Godzilla Buddha, it was transformed into a scorching light and then gathered in Xu Xian's body to strengthen his soul.

In an instant, Xu Xian felt an unbearable scorching heat, which was the scorching heat on his body and soul, as if he had stuffed himself into the furnace of the blacksmith shop, refining himself with scorching flames.

After holding on for less than a breath, Xu Xian withdrew from the cultivation state, and at that moment, he also woke up from his sleep, feeling exhausted but full of energy, sweating profusely.

Pushing open the window, the night air entered the room, bringing a burst of coolness, the heat on his body gradually subsided, and he let out a long breath, as if to exhale the feeling that his soul was about to melt.

Yue Si didn't need to sleep. Xu Xian asked Yue Si for advice, thinking that there was something wrong with his practice, and asked the old seniors on the practice path for advice.

"It's normal." Yue Si said, "Everything in the world is full of vitality, and it all comes from the great sun, but the great sun has the power to destroy everything. The great sun Godzilla Buddha is that round of panic and great sun. To practice the practice of the Godzilla Buddha of the Great Sun is to master the great power of the Great Sun - such as the indestructible body of the King Kong, the immortal body for all eons, the perception of spiritual sense, the true fire of the sun, the supernatural power of magnetic poles, the evolution of thunder and lightning, etc. All kinds of magic."

"You have just stepped into the practice, and the change in yourself is the most obvious. It is said that everything is too much. If you feel unbearable, you can stop and proceed step by step. You can't eat a fat man in one bite."

After listening to Yue Si's words, Xu Xian finally felt relieved, and then saw Yue Si throw a thin bamboo to him, and after Xu Xian hurriedly caught it, he said: "Since you are awake, don't go to sleep, at dawn During the previous period, I followed me to learn a set of swordsmanship and keep fit, these days are not stable, and it is good to have martial arts for self-defense."

"Master, can I not learn?" Xu Xian said, he is not the kind of person who is brave and ruthless. He has been a dull nerd since he was a child. He can't lift his hands or shoulders. To strengthen his body, he also shied away from practicing, but now he has to learn swordsmanship, and he has some resistance in his heart.

"No." Yue Si said, "Practicing swords is not an end, but a means. It is for you to better restrain your mind... Don't look back to the left."

When Xu Xian heard Yue Si's sudden turning point, he subconsciously looked to his left rear, but saw nothing.

Then Xu Xian recalled that Yue Si told him not to look back, but he did that.

"Look, this is because your mind is complicated and crowded with thoughts, and you can't unify your thoughts, which is very unfavorable to your practice." Yue Si said: "Look at those immortal biographies, look at those Taoist priests, those who cultivated Taoism. People usually do that one or two times in order to restrain their minds and concentrate on one thing, and that is the case with those cultivators who are far away from the world, in order to calm their minds.”

Yue Si also had a thin bamboo in his hand, stood up and danced nine sword flowers, saying, "My swordsmanship was born out of many martial arts techniques, and it is fundamentally a variety of swordsmanship from the Five Mountains Sword School. After summarizing the method, it finally became five sets of swordsmanship, which is said to be five sets of swordsmanship, but it is actually five different directions of one set of swordsmanship.”

Although Wudang had a name in this era, it was not as famous as later generations. It was not until Zhu Di, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, who built Wudang Mountain and used his face to make a statue of Emperor Zhenwu, Wudang became very popular, so Xu Xian did not know the name of Wudang.

"First of all, it is the first way of swordsmanship, the most fundamental and basic swordsmanship and movement, and the most important set of swordsmanship. It is simple and complicated. It is the summary of all subsequent swordsmanship, and it is all the swordsmanship routines. A collection of all sword moves, just different dismantling applications."

"This way of swordsmanship can be said to be the foundation of this set of swordsmanship. The subsequent swordsmanships are just the direction of several different swordsmanship concepts.

As he spoke, Yue Si simply used a few swordsmanship moves, but showed the hook, hang, point, pick, stab, slap, and split in the swordsmanship to prove his words and give Xu Xian a simple exercise. teaching.

Xu Xian was confused, but he nodded solemnly. The so-called respect for teachers made him listen carefully to what Yue Si said, because it represented inheritance.

"The second way of swordsmanship is born out of the concept of Taishan swordsmanship. The swordsmanship is calm, disciplined, and upright. It uses the most concise and accurate swordsmanship to fight the enemy, and pursues a grand atmosphere."

"The third way of swordsmanship is born out of Hengshan swordsmanship and Huashan swordsmanship. It pays attention to being fast, light and clever. The essence is a change of character, unpredictable, and hidden murderous intentions. With constant attacks, the enemy follows your rhythm. Go, and then make mistakes, so in addition to swordsmanship, you need to cooperate with body skills."

"And this way of swordsmanship is also my proud work. Let others fall into my rules, and then use my identity as the rule maker to defeat them."

Because this swordsmanship is relatively loud, in order not to disturb others, Yue Si did not demonstrate it, but said to Xu Xian with a smile: "The most important thing is that this swordsmanship dance looks good, even if people who don't know the goods watch it. It feels great too.”

"The fourth way of swordsmanship, born out of the Hengshan swordsmanship, is a way of strict defense, step by step cautiously, like walking on thin ice, trembling with fear, using the sword as a shield, using defense as an attack, and using the blade to resist all attacks."

As he spoke, Yue Si danced another set of swordsmanship. The blade of the sword was like a cocoon, shrouded him, and he was closely guarded. He only wanted to protect himself, not to hurt others. A move can be turned into a killer move at any time.

"The fifth way of swordsmanship, born out of the swordsmanship of Songshan Mountain, is majestic and full of everything, like fighting on the battlefield, opening up and closing, focusing on one to win by force, and to overwhelm the enemy with one's own strength."

After roughly explaining the characteristics of the five-way swordsmanship, Yue Si put away the fine bamboo and said, "Actually, learning the first-way swordsmanship is enough to make you a martial arts master."

Xu Xian bowed his hands to Yue Si again and said, "Please teach me."

"Okay." Yue Si threw the twig in his hand, turned his right hand into a claw, exhaled a breath into the palm, and then pulled out a lightsaber in his hand. Because of the different rules of the world, the lightsaber is more like a magical power. A magical power that turns the sun into a sword.

Xu Xian was dumbfounded. His eyes were so wide that they almost popped out of their sockets. His mouth had grown so big that he couldn't close it for a long time.

"Daoist... This, this!? What kind of spell is this!"

"Light saber, it is a magical power of our lineage. When you practice to a certain level, you can use it naturally. This set of swordsmanship is used in conjunction with this magical power. The power of this magical power is too great. If you don't use it properly, you will hurt yourself, so you have this sword technique." Yue Si said, "But you are far from enough now, so brother-in-law Tony should buy a sword and use it temporarily."

Xu Xian's eyes lit up, all men killed were teenagers, who didn't like lightsabers, and became very eager to learn swordsmanship, and interest was the first driving force.

It can be seen from this that the five-way swordsmanship mentioned by Yue Si is actually an insinuation of the lightsaber swordsmanship in "Star Wars", but it is really a summary of the swordsmanship obtained from the world of "The Swordsman" It's just that there are more and more means, and the ability is getting stronger and stronger, and it is basically useless. Now it is just right to teach Xu Xian.

Early the next morning, Xu Jiaorong got up to cook, and planned to wait until the food was ready to wake up Li Gongfu and Xu Xian. One of them went to the Yamen Dianmao (six o'clock in the morning) and the other went to work at the pharmacy, but when they came to the yard, they were surprised. Seeing that Xu Xian had already woken up, he was holding a bamboo and waving it in the yard. His body movements were rhythmic, advancing and retreating in a certain degree. What kind of swordsmanship are you practicing?

She has been married to Gongfu Li these After all, she has seen Gongfu Li practice martial arts and has a certain vision.

Xu Jiaorong asked Xu Xian, who was engrossed in practicing swordsmanship, "Hanwen, are you practicing swordsmanship?"

Hearing her sister's question, Xu Xian put away the thin bamboo and said to her sister: "Yes, sister, the Taoist priest has led me into the path of cultivation, taught me to practice and learn swordsmanship."

"Ah." Xu Jiaorong was shocked when she heard this, she didn't even bother to cook, she pulled up Xu Xian's sleeve and asked.

The reason for the change in expression is the same as the reason why Xu Xian was entangled in the practice and did not practice before. It was the inheritance of the incense. Although she married Li Gongfu, Xu Xian's household registration was not linked together. Because Li Gongfu was an official, his descendants were not allowed to test. In the imperial examinations, although Xu Xian could not succeed in reading, his descendants could.

Xu Jiaorong still remembered what Yue Si said earlier that her family is very fortunate and will be able to become the champion. Xu Xian also lives here.

And the daughter she and Li Gongfu were destined to marry, the daughter who married Wenquxing Zhuangyuan Lang, must be the son of Xu Xian, and now, Xu Xian went to practice Taoism, which is equivalent to breaking the incense of the Xu family.

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