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Chapter 557: Consciousness of Survival

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"What's wrong?" Emperor Song couldn't help asking when he saw the abnormal behavior of the old eunuch.

The old **** raised his head, but only dared to look at the toes of Emperor Song: "The official family, the old slave, the part of the old slave that was cut off has grown back, and the old slave has now become a normal man. ."

The old **** was very happy that the part that was cut off came back, because Yue Si had told him before that there was a way to regenerate his amputated limb. What he said was true, and what he had lost for decades has grown back, how can he be unhappy.

However, at the same time, this is also a disaster. After regaining his belongings, he can no longer hold the current position. It would be better if he was expelled from the palace. Over the years, he has also accumulated a lot of wealth to buy some fields and be himself. The rich man is also good, not to mention that he feels that his body is exceptionally good, and he will be fine for another 30 years.

If he stabbed the crotch and did it again, it would be better to let him die. It would be too cruel to throw away one thing twice, give him what he lost, and then forcefully take it away.

It is better to tell this matter directly now, taking advantage of Yue Si's presence, the emperor of the Song Dynasty is happy, and strives for a good result for himself. If it is later, it is estimated that there will not be such a good opportunity.

Who knew that the Emperor Song became even happier after knowing this. It could be called excitement. He pushed the old **** to the side: "Get up!" Then he stood in that position and looked at Yue Si. He said excitedly: "Master, let's start, I also want to try it."

"This can't be done." Yue Si said, "A considerable part of this officer's luck has already been extracted. If he extracts it again, it will be harmful to him. I can't tell what the result will be."

"Food for the emperor, loyalty to the emperor." The Emperor Song's eyes were a little red, and he said: "I have been a cultivator of the Song Dynasty for a hundred years. Now is the time for them to make sacrifices. He has no reason to reject him."

Later, Emperor Song turned his attention to the high-ranking member of the court, and after saying his name, he said, "Aiqing, you have no reason to refuse!"

Without waiting for the high-ranking officer to answer, the Song Emperor signaled to Yue Si that Yue Si used his spell to completely devour the high-ranking officer. One part is transported into the body of the emperor of the Song Dynasty.

The Song Emperor was still young, and the change was not very big after injecting that vitality, but he still felt full of energy, his ears and eyes were clear, his palms were empty, and he felt that his arms had great power. The belly is also gone, and the whole person has lost a circle.

This is not a bad thing. The emperor of Song Dynasty felt that his muscles and bones were solid, and he seemed to have infinite power gushing out from his limbs. He was refreshed, as if he was back when he was young. , the kind that can memorize the whole lizao in fifteen minutes in the morning reading class.

"'s really great!" Emperor Song seemed to be back in his youth, full of energy, high-spirited, the kind that had never been beaten by society: "Daoist, I, no, I, I have never been Feeling such a good life, I will greatly reward you, give you the position of national teacher, build a mansion, give gold and silver, and a hundred acres of first-class good land!"

After experiencing the feeling of being full of vitality, the Emperor Song decided to win over Yue Si, use the good things he could think of to win over Yue Si, and win over this wise man.

"I thank you in advance, but please take back those rewards and use them where they should be used." Yue Si pointed to the feet of the Emperor Song and said, "The four elements of practice, the law and wealth, you are only longevity. I don’t seek cultivation, so this wealth is the most important and most important.”

"Furthermore, eating qi, eating qi, is to use qi as food to replace whole grains. When people eat, one meal is enough. The luck of eating will be consumed little by little with the passage of time, and when it is consumed At a certain point, the current state can no longer be maintained, and it is necessary to continue to supplement with qi, and what happened today will repeat itself after a while."

In Yue Si's field of vision, Emperor Song's body was a leak. The vitality injected by Yue Si was gradually dissipating along with his limbs and bones. After a few days, that vitality disappeared. will completely dissipate.

Because Emperor Song didn't know how to practice Qi by luck, he could only absorb it passively by his body, and he couldn't keep much at all. Yue Si didn't plan to teach him, and he would also avoid Emperor Song from contacting him. That's what he wanted. .

Emperor Song looked towards the ground, and he knew a lot about what Yue Si was saying in his heart.

It is true that this method of eating qi does work, but the loss is too great.

Everything in this world is not without a price. The magic circle drawn by Yue Si has been deliberately destroyed by Yue Si. Although the waste of gold and silver is nothing to the emperor of the Song Dynasty, it is a lot of money. In addition, a high-ranking official was sacrificed, and he was directly drained, leaving only a complete set of clothes and a pool of ashes from the body of the high-ranking official.

Although Yue Si had reminded him before that if he continued to extract, the court official would be in danger, but he insisted on doing his own thing, which resulted in the death of a court official on the spot, without a whole body...

But so what, the Emperor Song, who was attracted by Yue Si's inner demons, has changed a person, and the feeling of sufficient vitality makes him feel very good, and refuses to return to the original mediocre state.

"Daoist, then, what should we do." Emperor Song said.

The nature of Jiangshan is easy to change and difficult to change. Although he has an obsession with eating qi and longevity, the emperor of the Song Dynasty is still the original him in his bones.

"Simple." Yue Si said, "The reason why this formation was scrapped the last time it was used is because its scale was too small and the materials used were too few. Suppose it was expanded to the size of half a mountain. , and together with the formation of gathering luck, an altar can be formed. On this altar, extracting luck and qi will not cause too much waste, at least not drain a person in an instant. At least 70% of the luck on the officers was wasted..."

"Also, the operation of the formation requires me to open it. After all, I want to rise from the house. If the altar is built, the formation will run naturally without external interference, and it can be used for thousands of years. Long…"

The scene that Yue Si described to the Song Emperor made his heart move. He immediately allocated the gold and silver and let Yue Si be responsible for building the altar he described. The partner with Yue Si was the old **** who was reborn from a broken limb.

As a person who experimented for himself, and a person who also changed his breath, the two had something in common before, and the same experience would shorten the distance between people, so the Emperor Song of the Song Dynasty naturally chose the old eunuch.

Although the high-ranking member of the court was turned into ashes and his soul was destroyed by the Great Devouring Technique, the Emperor Song had a grudge in his heart, so he went to another garden with a pavilion and talked with Yue Si about the mysterious way, the old **** Leave the beginning and end of the process.

"Burn this dress, clean up the ashes, mix with the dust, and transport it out of the palace." The old **** pointed to the clothes and dust left by the ministers in the court, and instructed the eunuchs and maids to clean them up.

People inside the palace must have connections with people outside the palace. Today's events will inevitably be known to the outside world. The old **** knows about this, and the emperor of the Song Dynasty is also aware of it. The old **** is left to deal with the beginning and the end, in addition to cleaning up the wreckage of the formation, and that In addition to the legacy of a high-ranking official in the court, the eunuchs and maids who knew about this matter also belonged to the scope of being cleaned up.

The filth among them is not enough for outsiders.

As a mythical world, the basis for the composition of the world of "The Legend of the White Snake" is "Qi", but the superficial manifestations are no different from other worlds, such as light, gravity, etc. Yue Si did not talk eloquently, but just came up with some superficial, as long as careful attention After observing and summarizing, you can come out with regular things, and the emperor of Song Dynasty is very excited.

What he had been exposed to before was philosophy, and what Yue Si said were some simple and easy-to-understand scientific principles, but it seemed to have opened the door to a new world for him, parsing the laws from things that he was accustomed to before but turned a blind eye to. .

"Master, is this the principle of heaven and earth you said before?" Emperor Song asked.

Yue Si nodded and said, "Yes, the principle of heaven and earth does not lie in the eloquent discussions of the literati, the writers, the scholars, the monks, and the Tao, but in all things. Zhuang Ziyun, 'The Tao is drowning in shit', that is what he said."

"It's just that people in the world are arrogant and unwilling to bow and walk, thinking that what is high and illusory is the Tao, but they don't know that the Tao is at their feet. Those who seek the Tao do not know where they are, and those who practice the Tao do not know what the Tao is. This is why the world is wasted ."

"If you understand this way, you will have all kinds of inconceivable abilities that ordinary people see, but it is not the case. It's just that you have a deeper understanding of things, and you can use the truth that ordinary people can't understand."

In order to verify his statement, Yue Si grabbed a handful of sand on the ground and cast it into a convex lens and a concave lens by hand. After getting the two transparent and uniform lenses, the Song Emperor held it in his hand and played with his own eyes. It is not surprising how Yue Si turned a handful of sand into such a transparent and uniform gem.

But what's even more strange is that Yue Si borrowed some paper from the Song Emperor to make a paper tube, and fixed two lenses in it, the convex lens as the objective lens and the concave lens as the eyepiece, and made a toy-grade Galileo telescope.

Even at the toy level, the effect of this simple version of the telescope amazed the Emperor Song, just like a father who bought a PS5 as a gift for his five-month-old daughter. With one eye, Emperor Song felt that something in the distance seemed to be close in front of him, he stretched out to grab it, but caught nothing.

"This is the Tao." Emperor Song said suddenly.

After communicating for a while, Yue Si was respectfully sent out of the palace, and naturally someone would arrange room and board for Yue Si.

And an emperor of Song Dynasty who hardly eats during the day does not feel hungry. He has vitality to supply his body for consumption, and he does not need to eat anymore. What Yue Si said before is not completely wrong, after all, it is recorded in Taoist classics. , but Yue Si deliberately misinterpreted the meaning.

Every word is true, but together it becomes a lie.

However, the habits that a person has accumulated over the decades cannot be changed. The Emperor Song Dynasty still enjoys his own dinner. When he is in a good mood, his appetite is also good, and his appetite has increased slightly.

But the old eunuch's call poured a pot of cold water on the head of the smug Song Emperor: "The official family, such a large-scale construction project, can't be concealed from the officials in the court, and they will definitely send a letter to discourage it."

The emperor of the Song Dynasty had previously expressed his desire to meet Yue Si, a capable man and a stranger, and several high-ranking officials in the court tried to dissuade him, almost equating the matter of meeting and chatting with Yue Si with the destruction of the country and the family. If you build any altar according to Yue Si's intention, then the ministers in the court will not be turned upside down.

Even if it doesn't turn the sky upside down, it's okay to stumble in the dark and prevent you from getting things done.

How the Song Dynasty governed the military with civility, as long as you have a card of grain and grass, you can't have an army of one million, and you can still fight on an empty stomach. For the army of this era, thinking about it is bullshit.

The same is true for the preparation of the altar in Yuesi. The construction of the altar requires manpower, people need to eat, drink and Lazard, and also have materials such as gold, silver, copper, iron, jade, etc. The officials of the Song Dynasty worked together, and there was nothing that could not be done. It's normal for the joints to catch you, and then shirk each other and kick the ball. It's normal for things that can be accomplished in one day to take ten days and a half months.

The reason why the old **** stood up and pointed out this matter was not for the sake of Emperor Song, but for himself.

He is now influenced by Yue Si and has become an outlier. In order to protect himself and survive, he must make himself useful to the Emperor of Song Dynasty, and doing dirty work is the capital of his life.

"Old slave here's an The old **** doesn't look too old now, and he's not a **** anymore, so the self-address now seems a bit funny, but it's a habit, and no one notices it. Come out: "The Taoist priest said that half of my country's luck in the Song Dynasty lies in those scholars, who took away what originally belonged to you, and you just took from them what originally belonged to you. "

Emperor Song put down the bowls and chopsticks and looked at the old eunuch: "What do you think, don't hide it, just say it!"

"Before entering the palace, the old slave was a poor family in the countryside. The villagers lacked everything. They were fighting for water and land, even if it was broken bricks and tiles. If you dare to fight hard, you will be hard-hearted, even if you don’t take the lead.” The old **** has a fierce light in his eyes: “Since those officials occupy the principle of ‘sharing the world with scholars and officials’, then we will use fists and sticks. Take it back from them."

"Those civil servants can't lift their hands or shoulders. As long as they ignore his identity, a strong man can kill them..."

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