Villains Template

Chapter 568: Space Tenjin

Then, Yue Si stopped talking, and let Dr. Chen and Lin Yun digest what he described, and prepare mentally for the gift he will bring to the human civilization in this world.

There are only two stations on this train. Both stations are terminal stations. There are no stopping points during the period. The whole journey is in the underground passage, so the carriage has no windows. After the door is closed, the acquisition of external information can only be Through the broadcast, for example, the loading of the cargo is completed, the cars are closed, and the train is started.

Unexpectedly, the train was very smooth, with almost no bumps and shakes, and all kinds of noise were very slight, as if there was no movement at all.

The final stop was coming soon, and Lin Yun and Dr. Chen, who were full of thoughts, were once again shocked by the scenery in front of them.

If the place where they got in the car was full of technology before, then this one is science fiction, and the text description looks very pale in front of the shock, and Dr. Chen lost his words for a while.

This base is a huge underground space. Because there is no reference, Dr. Chen can't judge how high it is. There is a glowing sphere in the center of the top, which provides light and heat for the entire base.

The underground space is filled with various buildings. Dr. Chen does not understand architectural design, but he can see that the structure of the building complex in front of him is anti-physical, and there are many places that are unreasonable, which makes this base like a futuristic city.

The wall is a material that Dr. Chen has never been in contact with. It reflects the light emitted by the photosphere, but it is not as dazzling as the sunlight directly reflected by the mirror. Instead, it is very bright, making people's eyes very comfortable.

On the platform, a man wearing the same style of work clothes as Yue Si was already waiting there. He was not here to greet Dr. Chen and the others. Yue Si introduced him to them as a freight worker.

"He needs to handle that much cargo alone?" Dr. Chen asked.

Yue Si did not answer Dr. Chen's question, but let him watch. The freight worker walked to the train with a suitcase, took out a data board to check the supplies, entered the password to open the suitcase, and put it on the ground. Countless bee-sized bionic drones flew out of the suitcases. These drones flew from the open doors into the cargo compartment, and passed through the gaps in the box. Each one was attached to the cargo box. bottom.

Then something that surprised Dr. Chen happened. The drone the size of the belly of the little thumb lifted up a cargo box that was dozens of times its body size and tens of thousands of times its own weight, and lined up in a neat queue on the platform outside the car. According to the preset program, it flew in a certain direction, and finally disappeared from his sight.

He once imagined what kind of form people's life will be when the production upgrade brought about by human technology advances to a certain extent. And free from repetitive labor, people only need to issue instructions, and the rest of the work is done by robots.

Just like the slave master issues orders, the slaves need to work according to the master's order.

After all, the robot "Robot" comes from the slave "Robota" - in addition, one of the reasons why the black slave trade disappeared is because the white-skinned people found a better slave than the black slave, called "Chinese laborer".

However, what Dr. Chen did not expect was that he would see that kind of scene today. The large-scale use of powered exoskeletons was already shocking enough, and the power of that small drone was terrifyingly high.

"It's just a little application of anti-gravity technology." Yue Si said without surprise, then pointed to the glowing sphere above his head, and said, "Don't be surprised by this, in this base, many applications of technology are Beyond the times, such as the lighting system, it is an artificial sun, and it is the result of controllable nuclear fusion. With it, the supply of vegetables grown by traditional farming methods in the base can be self-sufficient—although soilless cultivation technology can also be self-sufficient. It's very advanced, but some people like the texture of vegetables and fruits."

Yue Si's words awakened Dr. Chen and Lin Yun, and then saw him make a gesture of invitation, and walked in front.

Yue Si did not lead Dr. Chen and Lin Yun to visit the city located in the underground space. The two outsiders could only look at everything around them, but the shocking feeling they brought made them feel like they were here. The ancients of the twenty-first century.

Passing through several doors, through several areas, and finally, they came to a gate.

This door is very strange. Not to mention its huge size, it stands alone on the ground, located in the open space of a square in the center of the city. The structure similar to scaffolding fixes the door, and countless cables extend from both sides of the door frame. out and into the city.

Dr. Chen can completely bypass it and go to the opposite side of it.

Something like a door serves as a gateway to a certain space, and Yue Si proved this to Dr. Chen and Lin Yun.

After the door was opened, Lin Yun and Dr. Chen could see the other side directly, but they still chose to follow Yue Si into the door.

It was like getting out of the water and returning to the air when swimming. Dr. Chen and Lin Yun felt that they had freed themselves from a layer of restraint, and they were stunned. Their position had left the base, and they were in an indescribable space.

Here, the boundaries between reality and illusion are erased, and there is no foothold underfoot, but it feels like stepping on a solid ground. The methods that humans use to determine spatial orientation have all failed at this time...

But these are not important. After stepping into this space, Dr. Chen and Lin Yun's eyes were instantly taken away by something.

It was a gigantic robot with a human-like body structure. It was golden all over its body, and its surface was rugged like a rock. Its legs were slender and its arms were perpendicular to the knees. It was very thick and had a thick waist.

The head is like an upside-down cylinder with simple edges and corners, with four eyes symmetrically distributed on both sides of the face.

It is very huge and outrageously large. Dr. Chen thought of the scene when he took a civil aviation plane and looked at the earth through the window. Dr. Chen thought that Yue Si's description of it was exaggerated. Now Dr. Chen understands that Yue Si did not use exaggerated words. The description, on the contrary, is somewhat restrained. The existence of human beings is not as good as insects and ants in front of it, it is just an insignificant speck of dust.

The **** group Thiam is the true face of this huge robot.

Appearing in Marvel's epic ZZ correct big bad movie "The Eternals", the members of the **** group born by the earth grow by absorbing life energy. Its birth will inevitably cause the destruction of the earth, and then it will be given by Yue Si. He dug it out, sealed it, put it on a card, and was brought to the world of "Three-Body Problem" by today's Yue Si.

In terms of setting, the Cosmic Deity Group is the embodiment of the rules of the universe. After being released from the card by Yue Si, although it is still in a sealed state, it constantly modifies itself according to the rules of the universe. This process is recorded. After interpretation, it is an important research result.

This is the gift that Yue Si gave to the human civilization in this world, directly observing and recording the most basic rules of the universe.

Of course, it will be a long process to rely entirely on the self-evolution of the cosmic gods. For a short-lived species such as humans, it is a very long process, and the evolution process of Tiam is also incomprehensible to humans. , Under the guidance of Yue Si, the researchers learned to actively "feed" Thiam.

That is what Yue Si said at the beginning, teaching it "one plus one equals two". With the instillation of specific knowledge, the evolution process of Thiam can be observed and understood by human beings, and recorded accordingly.

But don't worry about Tiamu's resistance and other behaviors, Yue Si's deity hung up the mad scientist character card, and performed an operation similar to the frontal lobectomy operation, so that only his instincts were left.

"Three years ago, a strange wave was detected, a strange message was broadcast, and then a team of geological exploration and security personnel followed the wave's transmission to explore, and finally found its existence- That peculiar information is still being deciphered and parsed to this day."

"Around it, this base was built at a very fast speed, and within a year of the outside world, the general outline of what you are seeing now has been formed, and the resources consumed are astronomical. "

"It is speculated that it appeared on the earth in a form similar to an explosion. It appeared under the surface of the earth as a tiny point, and then its body expanded rapidly, squeezing the surrounding rock and soil. The base was based on the The extruded void builds up ... from the records I have been able to access, it woke up once and had a big impact."

This is actually what Yue Si did deliberately. The purpose is to create a suitable space for the construction of the base, including the detection of fluctuations and strange information.

"Remember the underground passage where the train runs? That is the trace of its activity. The energy beam excited from the fingertips directly burns the secret cave, the cave, and the material around the underground cavity where the base is located. The molecules have been rearranged and combined, and the resulting material has the strength of an armored alloy, with a thickness of twelve meters."

"It..." Lin Yun looked at the huge figure and murmured, "What exactly is it?"

Dr. Chen also remained suspicious.

Yue Si introduced to Dr. Chen and Lin Yun: "It is an alien, a life form beyond human understanding, its own existence, in human vocabulary, only 'gods' can describe its existence ."

"Why it appeared on Earth - unknown."

"What kind of life form is it - unknown, according to the analysis of the Ph.D. in philosophy and quantum physics in the team, it is a life form that exists in a higher dimension, and the image we see is high The projection of the dimension at low latitudes, its true appearance, is beyond human understanding."

"The space we are in now is all derived from it. If it weren't for this, the earth would have already perished. According to calculations, its mass has reached one-third of the earth, such a huge object. , the impact of its existence on the gravitational environment of the earth will directly collapse our homeland."

While speaking, Yue Si used his gestures to demonstrate what the earth would be like if that happened:

"All the rules of physics at low latitudes that we know are upended here, we've tried to get close to it, to study it up close, but shorten the distance from it on a spatial scale, and it becomes more and more Small, visually it remains a constant size until the distance crosses a limit that we have not yet been able to measure, and it collapses into an unobservable, sizeless singularity."

"Achilles paradox?" Lin Yun said.

The Achilles paradox is a paradox in the category of metaphysics - Achilles will never catch up with the tortoise.

Let the tortoise race against the famous hero Achilles, but the tortoise is a thousand meters ahead of Achilles, and it is assumed that Achilles is ten times faster than the tortoise. When the race started, if Achilles ran a thousand meters, the tortoise was a hundred meters ahead of him; when Achilles ran another hundred meters, the tortoise ran another ten meters; When Reese ran ten meters, the tortoise ran another one meter... In this way, Achilles can approach the tortoise, but it will never catch up with Although the Achilles paradox and Thiam caused the The spatial variation is different, but very similar.

Yue Si sighed and said: "Human research in space is still too weak..."

More than weak, it is simply not at all. In the face of the entire universe, human beings are really too small.

After sighing, Yue Si became more fighting spirit:

"We are the best students, no matter what, from one to ninety-nine, we are the fastest and best, but the most critical, from zero to one, from nothing, to open up a new research The direction of things is not what we are good at, but its existence points us the way and gives us the most crucial one."

"The purpose of the establishment of this base is to revolve around its research and analysis, so that humans can rely on technology to transform from insects in the mud into a powerful civilization. Of course, it is too early for us, although the research has already been done. Very good results, but we're just getting started..."

"However, we are confident that a number of confidential affiliated units have been established all over the country, and a brand new scientific research system will gradually replace the previous one and walk out of our own path."

"Occasionally, we also hand over problems we encounter to it."

The turning point of Yue Si's topic was very blunt, but it was a wake-up call for the two people who were dazedly watching and listening.

Dr. Chen looked at the suitcase in his hand, and then remembered that the purpose of his trip was to build a complete model of ball lightning with the help of a computer with powerful computing power: "What should I do?"

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