Villains Template

Chapter 571: That's what technology is all about!

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After carrying out some psychological activities full of middle and second feelings, Yue Si showed the "sample" he brought to the top person in charge - don't hear the "sample" and think it is a small thing, just like Just like a salesman, it can be carried in a briefcase, and three trucks are shipped directly.

Because of the difference in technology, no one knows what it does before they are put into use, but their operation is foolish. You only need to read the manual and then get started. It is more and more simplified, just like the intelligence of the smartphone makes it easier to use, as long as the learning ability does not deteriorate, even a three-year-old child who does not know a word can play with a smartphone.

However, although the things are already in the warehouse, only the top person in charge knows what they are and how they are used. Yue Si will describe them and not record them with images, words or graphics.

Yue Si's debriefing work lasted eight hours, and then he ushered in his own vacation.

Working in the base is not a difficult task. For the research on the origin of the universe, as well as the living environment in the near future, no matter the intensity of work or living conditions, the external environment cannot be compared with it.

However, the flow of time that is not the same as the outside world is a tormenting thing. You have been working there for a month, and when you go outside, you can't even finish the standard five-day work week.

Therefore, in the standard one-year period of the outside world, those who work inside the base are entitled to half a month of annual leave. During this half-month period, they can choose to leave the base and return to the outside world to reunite with their family members who have been away for many years. .

Although the flow of time is different, the time spent in the base is real. In the eyes of people who don't understand the situation, their aging rate is too fast compared to others, and their lifespan is greatly shortened.

Of course, in this process, those staff need to receive information from the outside world, so as not to let themselves get out of touch with the times, resulting in "I don't know there is Han, regardless of Wei and Jin".

Just like that astronaut who was alone in outer space and did not know that he had disintegrated and his country had perished.

But even on vacation, Yue Si can only move in a small area. After all, his nominal family members are far away, so he wandered around the city at will, just in a Under the guidance of the tour guide, I wandered aimlessly, occasionally buying something to eat, or going to the bookstore to read books, listening to the hawkers on the street, and standing on the overpass watching the busy traffic.

"I'm just feeling the feeling of a normal human society, a prosperous and peaceful world, feeling joys, sorrows and sorrows, which makes me feel like a human being." Yue Si said to the tour guide with a smile: "The development of science and technology It has drawn the distance between people, but it has also made people farther and farther away. As you can imagine, the most important thing in the year during the Chinese New Year will become more and more different from the usual ones. Does a weekend make a difference?"

"I'm different from you, I prefer the development of technology." The tour guide said: "When I was a child, my family was very poor, and it was difficult to endure winter. You can only see it during Chinese New Year, but today's children not only eat sauerkraut stewed white meat on days that are not Chinese New Year, but also other vegetables and fruits."

"It would be great if everyone could wear new clothes, delicious food, no quarrels, and say festive words when meeting each other every day like the previous New Year's Day! It would be great if there was no New Year's taste. - After a year of hard work, only on that day, those few days, can I live a better life for myself, and I never want to go back."

The tour guide didn't know who Yue Si was or what his job was. He was just an ordinary tour guide, and he only said some simple words, but he questioned Yue Si's "wenqing" in unquestionable words. argument.

Yue Si smiled very happily, this is human beings, this is the meaning of technology!

After visiting and browsing for a few days, Yue Si began to understand the modern society that he had left, all kinds of major events, all kinds of changes, and all of them indicated that the war was coming.

In terms of the scientific community, in addition to the confirmed failure of particle accelerators around the world, there are also attacks against the scientific community.

A particle accelerator, basic science facilities like two large genetic laboratories were damaged, and three Nobel Prize winners in physics were assassinated.

And the perpetrators of these actions are all the same people, the Eden Organization.

Like the eto group of people who read stupidly and feel superior to others, the Garden of Eden is also composed of a group of "elites" who master high-tech, but hate and avoid it - the reason for their thinking is very difficult to figure out , just like why dogs are considered higher than people in the eyes of 'dog lovers', normal people cannot understand their thoughts.

Relying on the wealth accumulated by technology, the Eden Organization obtained an island in the Pacific Ocean and transformed the island to make it suitable for human survival, production and life.

But just like women's boxing, the original normal demands will become more and more extreme, and the original pursuit of equal pay for equal work will gradually evolve into demanding privileges, demanding superiority, and taking all the benefits, and there is also competition within them. zz is correct, then I am more correct than you, and then it will become smoky - refer to Ruidian for details.

In an environment like this, the thinking inside the Garden of Eden has become more and more extreme. They have changed from staying away from technology to hating technology, and even wanting to eliminate modern technology itself.

It's like, some people don't eat pork, I don't eat pork, you can't eat pork, you can't even mention the word "pork", you can only replace it with "big meat", even more extreme, they even The Lunar New Year is not good, because they have their own set of calendars. Your family will paste the Spring Festival couplets for the New Year, and he will tear them off when he sees them.

Then the Garden of Eden left the small island where it lived and began to declare war on human society, destroying the carrier of human modern technology, large-scale research facilities, laboratories, scientists, these are the goals of the Garden of Eden.

Because he is a senior technician and also has a portable tactical mushroom egg called "Red Pill", the destructive power of the Eden Organization is very powerful.

The red pill is a small piece of enriched uranium encapsulated in some kind of nanomaterial that, as long as there is enough impact force, can fission explosion without centripetal compression—by comparison, the m-338 rocket launcher is a joke.

Before the end of the holiday, Yue Si had dealt with the Eden Organization. At that time, he was eating shabu-shabu in a copper pot. Compared with the shabu-shabu itself, he preferred to eat the candied garlic and one half of the palm. Sesame biscuits.

Well, it may be that it is the morning when he eats, and his eating habits make him not used to being a big fish in the morning.

The avatars made by the deity Yue Si are strong and weak, and they are different, but they have a common feature. The stronger the avatar, the less human beings. Yue Si, who needs to eat and sleep, and is picky about food, is not very strong, but Human taste.

After ordering the five plates of meat and the third plate, the color of the meat itself has not changed. A car directly picked up Yue Si from the store. The driver took Yue Si to the highest responsible person with superb driving skills and exceeding the specified speed. buildings where people are located.

In the office, the person with the highest responsibility has a solemn and anxious expression on his face. This kind of expression should not appear on the face of a person of his level. That's what he should have done: "It's bad, the power plant is occupied - the closest to where we are now, and the largest in the world."

"Who are the intruders? Their purpose?" Yue Si asked.

"Garden of Eden Organization." The top responsible person named the intruder, and then added: "Today, there was a popular science activity for primary school students to visit the power plant. They took this opportunity to hijack the bus of the primary school students, disguised as the driver and led the team. Teacher, entered the power plant and then carried out a violent occupation."

"What about the number?" Yue Si asked again, with a look of anger on his face.

"It is unknown for the time being and needs to be confirmed at the scene, but not much is expected. After all, it is a visit activity for primary school students, and the presence of too many adults will expose them." The top person in charge said: "After the incident, the commander-in-chief on the scene called Come to me, hopefully we can help."

Knowing the existence of the underground base, the level of the commander-in-chief is high enough now, and the impact of this incident is large enough.

Yue Si took out the device he had used before, wrapped his top leader with an energy shield, and the top leader asked, "Among the new batch of samples you brought, are there any solutions that can solve this problem? equipment?"

The top person in charge memorized the name, function and usage of each sample, but how to use it is not something that can be imagined.

The equipment was shipped by Yue Si, and only Yue Si knew how to use them correctly and in the right places.

"Yes, but the power is very low." Yue Si said, "So, I need to make a trip in person and enter the inside of the power plant."

"This is a very dangerous behavior." The top person in charge immediately said: "The project you are in charge of is the foundation of our progress towards the future..."

"But that's the safety of thousands of people's lives!" Yue Si said without question: "And I have confidence in those devices, which were developed to win the war, and now, the Garden of Eden is telling us declare war."

"Okay, a helicopter will take you to the scene." The top person in charge did not think much about this issue, and now the urgency of the matter does not allow him to delay time in this regard, saying: "What else do you need? , the equipment you sent is in the warehouse, and I have temporarily authorized you to call it."

Yue Si thought for a while and said, "If possible, get me a Taoist robe. If you want a real Taoist robe, the Taoist priests wear it every day, not the costumes. It's better to wear them."

This request made the top person in charge feel different, then nodded in agreement, then picked up the phone on the table and dialed it out. After suggesting something, he got up and took Yue Si into the warehouse here. According to the number, Yue Si I found a few pieces of equipment, very small ones, I didn't choose to put them in a suitcase or the like, I put them on my body and left.

The dispatched helicopter quickly picked up Yue Si, along with a staff member. Yue Si, who was wearing noise-blocking headphones, said nothing and his face was heavy.

The staff seemed to see Yue Si's nervousness, and said in the communication channel: "You are a researcher. This is the first time I have met. It is normal to be nervous, and I am also very nervous."

"No." Yue Si shook his head and said, "I was just thinking, that copper pot shabu-shabu in the morning didn't taste good!"

"What?" The staff member looked surprised.

"I have heard about the pork in a copper pot. I took the opportunity to come and try it this time, but in the morning only his house opened early. It's just that the meat is not good meat, it doesn't taste good, and it's not full." Yue Si said , and indeed thought so.

But the staff member didn't think that Yue Si's thoughts were the same as what he said. Thinking about these irrelevant things at such a critical juncture, he must be determined to die. At this time, some small regrets will be magnified.

It took less than half an hour for the helicopter to reach the vicinity of the power plant, which is what the top person in charge said was very close. With the knowledge gained from Thiam and the existing industrial capabilities, the nuclear power plant is very safe, so Only built so close to the city - provided that it will not suffer man-made damage.

Once the members of the Eden Organization do something to the nuclear power plant, it will not only affect the thousands of people that Yue Si said before, but the count of 100,000 people.

When Yue Si arrived, two officers from capf came to greet him, and the staff member who was in charge of communication was the one who accompanied him.

"Now they have thirty-six... thirty-five hostages. In addition to the twenty-seven elementary school students who entered the factory with the bus, the remaining eight are engineers and operators of the power plant."

"They can't negotiate, the purpose is to destroy the reactor, and they are broadcasting their ideas through satellite signals."

"All we can do is to surround the nuclear power plant, and snipers are on standby at any time, but the other party doesn't give us a chance."

After listening to the description of the situation at the scene, Yue Si asked, "How did they occupy the nuclear power plant? Also, what happened to the hostages?"

"They were able to invade the nuclear power plant so smoothly because they had their people inside the nuclear power plant and responded to them externally." An officer said: "The less hostage, he is a visiting primary school student... Members of the Eden Organization are working for The pupils were in class, the hostage said something contrary to what the 'teacher' said, and then..."

"These scumbags!" Yue Si cursed!

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