Villains Template

Chapter 58: Business

After many days, Yue Si's grocery store finally opened, but until noon, no customer came.

In this regard, Yue Si is not worried, the store is his own house, and there is no pressure on rent at all.

No guests came to the door, he was also happy to relax, sitting on the chair holding the professional books bought from the second-hand bookstore next door and reading with relish, although it was not as exciting as the previous life's web articles, if he was not interested, he would feel sleepy after half an hour, but But it can enrich Yue Si to enrich himself, and better exert his strength in the following tasks.

For example, the power armor is what he saw in a book about boiler workers. The exoskeleton system that kills all directions is just their work clothes. It is difficult for Yue Si to imagine how powerful the militarized power armor will be.

Just as Yue Si was thinking, the sound of the bell woke him up, and someone pushed the door and entered his shop.

Putting down the book, Yue Si got up and stood in front of the counter to greet him with a smile.

"Welcome... come ↑."

Entering the door was a white male in a suit and leather shoes, with long black hair combed back and a gold earring on his right ear, but with a morbidly swollen body.

"I was introduced by Jules. He said that you have a lot of good things here, and there are no good things on the market." The white man didn't talk nonsense, he took out a business card from his jacket pocket and put it on the counter.

Looking down at the business card, he found that it was indeed given to a regular customer by himself. Yue Si said, "What's your name?"

"Vincent." After the man who called himself Vincent said his name, he hesitated before starting to introduce himself: "Because of the diet structure, irregular work and rest, and the pressure at work, I have a hard-to-speak, Going to the toilet every day is a test…”

"I understand..." There is no need for too much self-reporting, Yue Si already has a general understanding of what Vincent wants to buy, isn't it hemorrhoids? This bug.

The introducer, Jules, is a killer, and the people who can be introduced by him will definitely not be any kind people. It is very common for people in this industry to suffer from hemorrhoids due to mental stress.

Bending down to find a carton under the counter, Yue Si thought about it, and only took out a box of six-pack of ointment and put it on the counter: "Ma Yinglong's hemorrhoid ointment, it's a good thing from other places, it's priceless. City, one piece at a time, each support will benefit 50 credit points."

"Online payment, please feel free to buy something in my store; if you pay offline with a storage device, you can get a discounted price, forty-five credit points per piece."

Vincent took out three memory sticks the size of a USB flash drive and placed them on the counter: "There are 100 credit points in a memory stick, so don't look for it."

Paying the money with one hand and delivering with the other hand, Yue Si saw that Vincent completed the transaction so neatly, which was much more refreshing than Jules, who was swearing and swearing, so he used a woodcarving doll on the counter as a Sample, showing Vincent how to use hemorrhoid cream.

After sending Vincent away, Yue Si put the storage box into the cash register, then took out a thick notebook used as a ledger, and wrote down the contents of today's transactions.

These days, transactions that rely on storage as a carrier are very rare. The tax department also calculates taxes based on online transactions. Therefore, offline transactions are often cheaper. Yue Si is also happy to give his customers. Get a discount.

Especially in order to encourage online payment, the method of storage transaction is not protected, even if the product has a quality problem and takes life, the family of the victim cannot be held accountable.

After all, things purchased by paying with storage credits will definitely not be legitimate. According to the laws of this land, transactions that do not bring taxes are illegal.

If the customer pays online, he will sell him a cheap little thing in the store at a high price, and the thing he really wants to buy will be given to him in the form of a gift, and only that little thing appears in the data record— Anyway, things in the store are not clearly priced, as long as both buyers and sellers are willing, even a handful of dust can be sold for tens of thousands of dollars.

He hummed a song and transferred the credit points in the storage to his account. Yue Si looked at the balance and felt that life had meaning again. With just a little more money, he could buy an anti-gravity car that he was thinking of. The car is gone, and the driver's license in this world can only be tested after owning a car of your own.

Although it is a grocery store, Yue Si's main business income relies on this kind of transaction that has nothing to do with the grocery store. The world's supplies are quite abundant, and there are all kinds of strange things. "The medical knowledge learned there, Yue Si made a lot of ointments and patches by himself. I don't know if the effect is good or not. As Godzilla, he can't use it. At least his small shop is gradually becoming more and more in the circles such as Jules. Spread the Of course, most of the income is brought by part-time tattoo artists. Although the skills learned from an inexperienced villain jailer can only tattoo Chinese characters, the people here have a taste for Chinese. Dazed superstition, as if these square characters they don't recognize will bring them good luck.

For example, a couple of good sisters came to get tattoos a few days ago. Yue Si tattooed the message "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" on the back of one, and the other said that the beautiful words should be tattooed on her back. The tattoo of "Love Ping An Mei Xi Xing Fu" - the word "Fu" was wrongly tattooed by Yue Si, and they didn't recognize it anyway.

After completing a transaction, Yue Si went out to purchase.

In order to make himself more like a human being, he regularly purchases some food, drinks, etc., otherwise, in addition to various taxes, a person's consumption expenditure is left with the purchase of spiritual food books, which is abnormal.

Even if the food purchased is enough for a person to eat for more than seven days, it will all be filled by Yue Si in one meal, decomposed by the atomic decomposition furnace that replaces the digestive system, and ingest the substances in it. The body is involved in the fusion reaction.

But today's procurement trip was not smooth. When Yue Si crossed the long distance on his two legs and was about to reach the commercial street where he often buys food, countless anti-gravity armored vehicles fell from the sky, blocking the traffic. On the two sections of the street, people wearing full protective equipment and carrying long guns and short cannons got out of the cars and drove the crowd roughly, and those who wanted to leave the commercial street were also driven back by them.

In Yue Si's induction, there is an individual with very abnormal life signals in the commercial street, which is very similar to the life fluctuations of human beings but very different... This is definitely not a good thing.

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