Villains Template

Chapter 579: Is this also in your calculations?

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As Yue Si said before, the most sci-fi thing in science fiction is that human beings are united and united under the same framework of interests.

Just like the topic that appeared in the conversation between Yue Si and the top person in charge, it is impossible for human beings to have the same language, the same language, and the same thought.

Even if mankind faces the threat of Trisolarans, mankind is destined to have no future, even if a considerable part realizes that it is time to change, otherwise mankind will have no way to survive, but it will shake the status of vested interests, and they will not allow it. of.

For example, some special drugs can cure diseases and save people, but they cannot provide benefits for the manufacturers and groups that produce drugs, so they will not produce them. What they need are products with long treatment cycles and high profit value.

In their eyes, medicines are just commodities, not medicines that can cure diseases and save lives.

These principles are understood by the four Wallfacers, and they are even the most simple principles in human society. They can be obtained with a little research. In order to pursue profits, the face displayed by capital is very ugly.

However, the simpler the problem, the more deadly it is. Times have changed. You can't really find a rope around your neck and hang them from a street lamp. Then the world will be messed up. Who would know that they are trying to protect themselves? what kind of things happen because of the existence of the economy, such as the economic crisis.

This is the price of global integration, which affects the whole body, and almost no country is immune.

"This is your problem. I have made my plan clear. If you agree with my ideas, please cooperate with my strategy; but I cannot help you. The rest of the work needs to be coordinated by you."

Yue Si stretched out his hand to the purposely made non-portable shielding device: "This fusion reactor can supply the electricity consumption of a million-person city for a day, but it can only maintain the shielding device running for a short time. Time is about to reach its critical value, I'm going to turn off this device, and please don't disclose the content of our conversation for the next time!"

After a pause, Yue Si said, "For mankind."

After turning off the shielding device, Yue Si closed the two suitcases, one in each hand, and left the room carrying the two suitcases. Then Lao Xu took the two suitcases from his hand and left.

At the same time, eto's leadership, the person codenamed Qin Shi Huang, showed a look of panic. He was in the virtual game and received a message from Sophon: "Lord, Wallfacer, they disappeared?"

"It's not disappearing, but with Sophon's ability, they can't be observed, just like Yue Si before."

"According to the reactions of the others, there is a great possibility that Yue Si brought them into an unobservable state. Thirty-seven minutes ago, they received a request from Yue Si to meet with them. Three The Wallfacers entered a room together and had a conversation about the Wallbreaker."

"They appeared again, except for Yue Si, the other three Wallfacers, and they have returned to a state that can be observed."

Sophon presented the picture he observed to Qin Shihuang: "According to their reaction, Yue Si should have conveyed some information to them, but they did not talk about it."

Qin Shi Huang understood what Tomoko wanted to convey, and the situation began to turn against eto.

Yue Si's inability to be observed makes the Trisolaran feel terrified, and has made him a thorn in eto's eyes. signal of.

That shows that there is a possibility of failure of eto's wall-breaking plan. According to Murphy's law, as long as there is a possibility for something, it will inevitably happen - like the wallfacer, the wallbreaker has the right to use all of eto's resources.

But for Wallfacers, their biggest reliance is their brains and their own thinking; for Wallbreakers, their biggest reliance is not eto's resources, but Sophon, who presents Wallfacer's every move to In front of them, and then find their true intentions in the countless actions and words.

And now, this biggest reliance has failed, even if it is only for a few minutes, but the possibility it represents is very dangerous.

Even if the Wallfacer "disappeared" for only a minute, what happened in that minute was unknown to Sophon, to eto, and to the Wallbreaker, if the Wallfacer was truly in that minute. Carry out their respective strategic plans and spend the rest of the time in strategic fraud, then the judgment of the wall breakers will be violent interference, and eventually their thinking will be directed in the wrong direction.

"Lord, we must find out the reason for their disappearance." Qin Shihuang knelt down to Zhizi, showing his determination.

The rest of the eto members present followed Qin Shihuang's actions and knelt down to Sophon: "We must do our best to find the reason for the disappearance of the Wallfacer."

Of course, the Wallfacers here refer to the three Wallfacers such as Frederick Taylor. Yue Si Shi is a dangerous person. Whether it is the Trisolaran or the eto, the countless failed assassinations organized by the eto are proof. .

Whenever an assassination operation fails, Yue Si's security force will increase by 10%. After countless accumulations, only in terms of the strength of the security force, Yue Si is the most important person on earth, and every time At one time, Yue Si could always come up with some small equipment, and the level of technology was so high that they couldn't understand it.

Eto turned his attention away from himself, which was what Yue Si wanted to see, and was part of his plan, otherwise it would reveal where the fusion reactor has come, and the existence of the shielding device is only to show the other three Wallfacers It would be too wasteful to pass on information.

The repeated assassinations made Yue Si tireless. Although he had the means to successfully escape again and again, it would waste his time and energy and delay the schedule. The work that could have been completed in ten days might end up taking half an hour. month time.

Therefore, the distraction of eto's attention to the other three Wallfacers was something Yue Si was happy to see and deliberately induced.

This move can be called a disaster.

In addition, Yue Si really got Sophon's attention. It was when the Eden Organization attacked the nuclear power plant. His unobservable characteristics and the spells he used aroused Sophon's alertness, and then an ordinary scientist became a threat to the Trisolaran in one fell swoop. The confidant of a major event, being selected into the Wallfacer program to become a Wallfacer, there is no reason why Trisolaran and eto are indirectly promoting it.

If you let eto figure out the causal relationship before and after, it is possible to say the lines of "Is this also in your calculation? Yue Si!"

Our space elevator project is named "Jianmu", which is a legendary tree that penetrates the sky and the earth, and is a bridge between heaven, earth, man and god.

Although there are ready-made things in the underground base, cable tracks, carrier modules, geostationary satellites, and space stations are all ready-made, but we should start from scratch step by step, teach more people about this technology, and use it to drive industry. It needs to be operated by human beings no matter how advanced the weapons and equipment are. Before the space elevator and the supporting space station are established, the selection and training of personnel will be carried out during this period.

That is, the training of the newly formed space force.

Like the establishment of the navy, the establishment of the space force is to select personnel directly from the army, navy, and air force.

However, in the field of space, all countries in the world are on the same starting line. No one has relevant experience and cannot cross the river by feeling the stones. They can only explore it step by step and become a benchmark for other countries.

"Next, you will officially become a member of the space force. On your shoulders, you will bear the cornerstone of mankind's march to space and the first step in resisting the invaders of the shape!" The head of the space force stood in a neat queue, standing In front of the upright person, he spoke solemnly and solemnly.

Because the uniforms of the Space Force have not yet been formally designed, the personnel from the navy, army and air force only wear the most common training uniforms, and the military emblem of the Space Force on the armband proves their identities. While listening to the speech, the blood is surging, but also with the puzzlement about the future.

The personnel of the Space Force have gone through two batches before and after the recruitment. The first time was to recruit personnel from the three armed forces of the sea, land and air. Although there were no space stations belonging to the Space Force, the number of candidates for the Space Force directly reached 300 people.

These three hundred people were gathered to study, train—learn how to properly use and repair some equipment, learn some obscure knowledge, and conduct astronaut-level training.

The second batch of screening was completed during the learning and training process. Only thirty people were selected in the end. They will be the first batch of soldiers stationed in space by the Space Force. After the completion of the space station, they will officially set foot into space. 's journey.

And they will also become the first people in space.

After the head of the space force delivered his speech, he said: "However, the first batch of space is limited, only five, you have to conduct further review, and the final list of candidates will be selected by Dr. Yue."

Yue Si, who had been waiting by the side, walked to the queue, holding the information of the thirty people in front of him in his hand. He had already learned about the information of the thirty candidates in detail, and had a preliminary understanding: "Humanity is a person living in The races on the land, our physiological structure is destined that we cannot be separated from the ecological environment on the surface of the earth for a long time, but we cannot hope that when the Trisolaran invaders are at war with us, the battlefield will be placed in the atmosphere and the outer space will fight. It is the mainstream of future warfare.”

"What we lack is a theoretical system of warfare, a theoretical system for fighting in the universe, which requires a lot of basic knowledge. You need to do a lot of learning now and in the future, and then in constant practice and provide theoretical support. Scientists and engineers summed up what was useful and built this system."

"The ultimate factor that really determines the war is still people. The human physiological structure is destined to be unable to live in space for a long time. The unit of the spaceship's flight speed will be the ratio of the speed of light, just as the unit of Mach is the ratio of the speed of sound."

"The fragile human body can't bear that kind of powerful acceleration at all, up to tens or even hundreds of g. The best fighter pilots can withstand 9 g, and the best aerobatic pilots can only ensure that they do not faint under the acceleration of 11 g. ."

Yue Si paused and continued: "So, we have carried out a study to enhance the physical strength of human beings through biochemical surgery, and improve the survival ability of human beings in harsh environments - this is the purpose of my trip. ."

"Because of issues such as cost and technology, the first batch of strengtheners will only have five places, and they will be born among the thirty of you."

Yue Si looked at the thirty people in front of him and said, "In addition, let me add that the technique of strengthening the surgery itself is quite successful, which has been verified through experiments, but the long-term impact on the human body and the impact on human psychology , the effect on future generations, these are unknown."

"I have already told you this clearly. How to choose is left to you."

For Yue Si's arrival, the soldiers of the Space Force have long known that he was standing on the side after all, that is the Wallfacer, in a sense, one of the four most powerful people on earth.

After Yue Si's words were finished, the head of the space force immediately added: "Now I'll give you five minutes of free discussion time. After the time is over, sign up voluntarily."

It didn't take five minutes. After two minutes, all the thirty candidates expressed their willingness to be the first batch of candidates to undergo intensive surgery, and they were willing to sacrifice their lives for mankind.

This made the head of the space force very happy: "As expected of our children!"

Then, he said to Yue Si: "Dr. Yue, these are the elites of our space force, all the best men."

Yue Si nodded noncommittal, and then randomly selected 15 out of the 30 documents, and then the head of the space force named him.

The vehicle to pick up the person was already ready. The fifteen named people packed their luggage, got on the bus, and went to a base in the suburbs. After a simple resettlement work, they went through a full set of medical examinations. The five people resumed the monotonous life of learning and training before.

It's just that this time, the things they have to learn are more difficult and wider, so they only scratch their heads.

And the difficulty of various trainings is directly doubled, as if to push them to the limit, until the physical and psychological collapse.

Yue Si said to the fifteen people:

"You still need to go through the third audit, and then screen out some people, and finally finalize the final five candidates, and these five people will undergo biochemical modification surgery."

"However, the five people who have undergone biochemical surgery will not reveal that they are one of the five candidates. They will continue to learn and train with the other ten people. This is the control group in the experiment."

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