Villains Template

Chapter 595: The escape should be a three-body man

Yue Si punched Wallbreaker A in the face. Wallbreaker A only felt pain, soreness, numbness, and various sensations rushed to his brain. Uncontrollable snot and tears flowed out together. Losing the ability to resist, he knelt on the ground with his face covered.

At this time, the live broadcast signal was urgently cut off—Wallbreaker A's wallbreaking of Yue Si had not been reviewed by the Planetary Defense Council, and Yue Si's identity as a Wallfacer had not been terminated by the meeting, and he was still a Wallfacer.

The safety of Wallfacers is a matter of concern to countless people in the world. The occurrence of Wallfacers being attacked in public broadcasts has a great impact on public opinion. The news director immediately cut off all transmission signals.

"ひんじゃく! ひんじゃく!"

Looking at Wallbreaker A who was knocked down by his own punch, Yue Si made a strong speech.

The security personnel responded quickly and immediately pulled Yue Si away from the spot, and then used the grabbing technique to push Wallbreaker A to the ground.

"The great man said that the spirit of civilization, the physique of savagery, physical training, combat training, etc., I will not pull it down at all!" Yue Si waved his hand and said to the security guard that he was fine, and then watched his cheeks being killed. Wallbreaker A, who was pressed to the ground, said, "Although I can't say that I'm a master, I can still do it if three or five people can't get close."

Although Yue Si's words sounded like an exaggeration to Wallbreaker A, in fact, Yue Si was extremely modest.

Turning his eyes to Yue Si as much as possible, Wallbreaker A said with difficulty: "I was almost deceived by you, Wallfacer, Yue Si!"

"It turns out that you discovered my true face, it's amazing!" Yue Si motioned for the security personnel to relax Wallbreaker A a little, but only allowed his head to move freely, and the rest of the body that was held down could not move at all.

Under the power of the power armor, Wallbreaker A's identity seems to be clamped by a vise, and he is not worried at all that he can break free.

However, Yue Si's generous admission caused Wallbreaker A to choke in his throat and forget what he wanted to say.

"Why, don't you continue talking?" Yue Si lowered his head, looked into Wallbreaker A's eyes, and said, "Then let me tell you, I'm not actually from this world, I'm from another The non-human beings in the world, all the information about me is false, the purpose of my disguised entry into human society is to use the earth civilization as a testing ground, trying to use human civilization to incubate a whole set of technological context, and then I will be on earth When human civilization develops to a certain level, pick it away."

Yue Si's **** was white, but the Wallbreaker A couldn't get it right: "What are you talking about?"

"Oh, I thought you saw my true face and made me waste so much saliva." Yue Si said, "What did you see again, what did I deceive you?"

"Why, we failed to break your wall twice! Why, when you faced our broken wall, you were so confident, because you didn't have your own strategic plan at all!" Wall Breaker A said : "None of the four of you Wallfacers have a fixed strategic plan, they just conduct research in a certain direction. When the technology develops to a certain level, they will combine with the research promoted by the rest of the people to conceive a practical and feasible solution. If a certain technology fails to meet the requirements, the previous plan will be scrapped and a new one will be considered.”

Although Wallbreaker A had tears in his eyes and still couldn't see Yue Si, he stared in his direction and said, "It's like the first time we broke the wall for you, the reason for the failure of the wallbreaker is that human thinking and memory are digitized. The upload and download of this technology could not be completed in the expected time! The plan existed, but it did not really take place.”

"Also, this time, although you flatly denied my breakthrough, and came up with a seemingly feasible plan to refute me, don't you think that the plan you mentioned is full of loopholes? ?"

Yue Si thought about it for a while and asked, "Do you think there is a loophole in my plan?"

"Hahaha, don't you think?" Because of his posture, Wallbreaker A gasped and snarled hysterically: "Wallbreakers will never be able to successfully break walls against you Wallfacers, because you are only in Do something and have no idea what you're doing, you don't have a practical plan at all - you can never beat a non-existent thing, and likewise you can't break a wallfacer with a strategic plan that doesn't exist at all. "

"Similarly, what we did to you to break the wall is actually correct and correct, but at the moment we announced it, you immediately abandoned that plan, and then made up a somewhat logical plan on the spot. , I succeeded, but also failed!"

Yue Si: "…"

How many times do I have to say it, smart people think too much.

"Don't you admit it? No, you don't need to admit it, your expression says it all!"

Wallbreaker A thought he understood everything, and continued to laugh loudly: "I understand! It turns out that the Wallfacers of the Wallfacer Project are not only referring to you, but also us Wallbreakers!"

"We are also facing a wall, closing our thoughts. At the moment when the information is revealed, the wall-breaking for you wall-facers is completed. However, our wall-breaking also failed. You can adjust your strategy at any time. The plan, as if everything before it didn't exist."

Listening to the almost roaring words, Yue Si only felt that human beings were very scary, and this kind of strategic confrontation between rings and rings could be imagined.

"Mr. Wallbreaker, I think you may have misunderstood something. What I said is true, except that some things need to be kept secret, and I can't disclose this to you." Yue Si squatted down and let the broken wall Person A tried not to work so hard when looking at himself: "I really launched an aircraft to the Trisolaran, and it was equipped with a big killer, a big killer capable of hitting the Trisolaran."

"At this time, you are still using lies!" Wallbreaker A said: "Do you think it is possible for me to believe you? As you said yourself, you are an existence from another universe. , your purpose is to pick the fruits of human civilization, who would believe this kind of words - you might as well say that you have infinite knowledge and can directly build a space battleship for human beings that is comparable to the Trisolaran fleet, but you don't have Doing that is to prevent the technology you bring from contaminating the human civilization we are familiar with."

"You might as well say that you have a method that can directly observe the basic rules of the universe without the need for particle accelerators. Sophon's blockade of human technology is completely ineffective! The three-body fleet is completely self-defeating!"

"Hahaha, do you think I would believe this kind of thing? Who would believe it in the audience?"

"Whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway." Yue Si reluctantly said that Wallbreaker A has some brains, and he really saw through Yue Si's thoughts. Wallbreaker.

It's just, these days, no one believes the truth, even if the truth comes out of his mouth, he takes it as a joke.

Although Wallbreaker A was pinned to the ground, he couldn't move, but his eyes were fierce and he stared at Yue Si fiercely. .

It looks like you know that Wallbreaker A is very angry at Yue Si's behavior. You say one thing very seriously, but the person opposite you has been playing tricks and rogues. How can you not be angry.

In this regard, Yue Si also felt very depressed. He kept telling the truth, and even revealed some news that he had been concealing, but helpless Wallbreaker A did not believe it, but thought that it was Yue Si lying.

After a while of silence, Yue Si said, "Then, have you ever thought that part of what I said is true?"

"What?" The expression on Wallbreaker A's face changed from anger to puzzled.

"Although the weapon that Wallfacers can use is only lies, then, have you ever thought that my lie is wrapped in a part of the truth." Yue Si gestured and said: "A completely fabricated thing with very low credibility. , However, if you add a little lie to the truth, then it will be completely deviated, just like now, you think that what I say is all lies, then, have you considered that there is a truth in my words Existing - for example, a blow to the Trisolaran galaxy."

After he finished speaking, Yue Si breathed a sigh of relief and uttered a foul language to enhance his tone. It was really tiring to talk to such a smart person who sticks to his own opinion, is stubborn, and is horny. Come to him insane.

If you want him to communicate normally, you can only follow his ideas and follow his ideas.

"According to game theory, as long as there is a certain possibility for a thing, it is not perfect." Yue Sihu said something inexplicable, unnutritious, and inexplicable, and then said: "Although I and I Do you dare to gamble?”

"Bet what?" Wallbreaker A asked.

"I bet whether what I said is true." Yue Si said: "The bet is the Trisolaran. If the strategic plan I announced is true, then I will win. Among the Trisolarans, the Trisolarans belong to the Trisolarans. The planet will be destroyed; if my announced strategic plan is false, a lie, then I lose, and the Trisolaran home planet remains there, still tormented by three stars."

Yue Si explained the content of the "gambling game", and Wallbreaker A understood that it was not him who bet against Yue Si, but the ETO he represented, the Tomoko who could not be represented by him, and the whole three behind Tomoko. body civilization.

The Trisolaran civilization regarded as "Master" by ETO.

"The strongest way to strike is a physical one, and the strongest way to fight is a logical one—this is a sentence I don't know where I've seen before, and now I'm giving this sentence to you." Yue Si opened the topic again with vague words, and continued: "I will play a logical game with you now, do you dare to bet? I bet what I said is a false lie."

"I lost, and you lost nothing; I won, and you lost everything but the Trisolaran fleet."

"Dare to take a gamble, it's very exciting, anyway, even if you lose, you won't lose anything."

"Ah!" Wallbreaker A let out a roar that didn't resemble a human being. He didn't dare to gamble, so he could only plan for the worst - what Yue Si said was true, he did what he said and did.

"Do you still remember what that beautiful little girl did to me before? You borrowed her mouth and said that I was a fugitive, ready to take all mankind to escape and escape from the solar system." Yue Si said with a smile: " But, I'm sorry, you guessed wrong, it's the three-body people who should flee now, they are the existences who can't protect their own homes!"

"No, you're lying, you're lying!" Wallbreaker A said hysterically: "As long as you find a way to stop your aircraft, your plan will go bankrupt! As long as you can stop your aircraft, Trisolaran's Technology can do it!"

Yue Si shook his head lightly, and said, "You still don't understand, you don't know how everything on the astronomical scale challenges human's conventional cognition. If you want to intercept an aircraft that is launched towards a star, the difficulty is equivalent to intercepting a plane. Like a 'needle' that flies from the atmosphere into the Earth's surface, even so, I exaggerate the size of the needle."

"What's more, the three-body galaxy has three stars, and the difficulty is exponentially higher."

"Now, there are only three choices left for the Trisolarans, one is to bet that my aircraft can't fly to the Trisolaran galaxy, the other is to bet that they can stop my aircraft, and the third is to move quickly, Build as many ships as you can and escape from Trisolaran with as many people as possible."

Standing up, Yue Si took out his glasses from his chest pocket and put them and said to the host of this ad hoc meeting: "I have already said what I should say, I am qualified as a Wallfacer. Whatever, you can do it yourself, and notify me when there is a final result."

Facing the pressure of Yue Si's aura, the host of the temporary meeting could only nod his head again and again, and then watched Yue Si leave.

On the way, the staff of the subordinate agency of the Planetary Defense Council came forward to stop Yue Si, but not for Yue Si, but for Wallbreaker A. Those who can become Wallbreakers must be the top executives of ETO.

Humanity's current understanding of Trisolaran civilization comes from ETO, but that's it, so a high-level ETO is very important. Whether it is to understand Trisolaran civilization itself or ETO, it can be obtained from him. Open the notch.

At the very least, it would be very helpful to be able to get a few lists of members of the ETO organization from Wallbreaker A.

"Give him to them."

Yue Si asked the security personnel to hand over Wallbreaker A to the staff of the Planetary Defense Council, and then left.

He still has a lot of things to do, and it's a waste of time to mess with these worms.

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