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Chapter 604: cosmic broadcast

"After you hibernated and before the penultimate war, I met a very interesting person." Ding Yi said: "His name is Luo Ji, a professor of cosmology, and he said that he discovered A cosmic sociology thing."

Afterwards, Ding Yi explained the general theories of the "Chain of Suspicion" and the "Law of the Dark Forest".

"Do you think this kind of thing is correct?" Yue Si looked at Ding Yi and asked.

"Correct, but a bit one-sided." Ding Yi made a judgment: "Luo Ji's chain of suspicion and the law of the dark forest are correct within a certain range, but they are wrong within a larger framework. Yes, just like some theories of classical physics are placed in the framework of quantum physics, it is not so absolute."

"Just like the existence in the underground base, breaking the boundary between matter and energy, those metaphysical laws of the universe, the physical rules that humans can only touch through experiments and complex and rigorous mathematical reasoning, there is no way in front of it. Hidden; at a glance, it can understand the origin and final end of human beings, the countless possibilities that human beings represent, and it is in its grasp, like the lines of a palm."

"The chain of suspicion is useless to it, and the law of the dark forest has no effect in front of it. The process of our research and cognition of it is no less difficult than cognition of the entire universe, just like an ant cannot imagine how human beings produce , living."

Yue Si sighed and said: "It's a pity that we recognize this, but we can't change the reality, and we can't change the reality that humans are actually bugs. The chain of suspicion and the law of the dark forest still apply to humans - what a lucky fate for humans. Under the manipulation, it has a connection with it in the underground base, but how sadly is it aware of its own smallness and vastness - thinking about the leisurely world of heaven and earth...Looking up at the greatness of the universe."

Ding Yi pointed to the direction of the sun, pointed to the shadow left by the array of sails, and said, "Stupid human beings! They have already broadcast their position to the universe."

"A long time ago, we discussed that there are four ways to send signals to alien civilizations, including radio waves, high-energy beams, gravitational waves, and visors. The first three do not need to be mentioned. The first way is for human beings. It has attracted the great enemy of the Trisolaran - today's human beings are attracting even more terrifying enemies for themselves."

Ding Yi stretched out his hand and tapped a finger on the porthole rhythmically: "The existence of the solar sail is just like a visor, and the act of constantly adjusting its position and state with the solar storm is correcting the The extraterrestrial civilization is broadcasting, like a flashlight to signal, constantly sending information."

"For the Trisolarans, we at least know of their existence, but what about the aliens who are attracted by unintentional signals? How will they view Earthlings? What is their attack like? Forms, none of which we have mastered.”

Time flies, and the Trisolaran probe, the existence aptly named "water drop", has entered the confines of the solar system, and in the process, the water drop is constantly slowing down.

The two human fleets are lined up in battle queues, forming an encirclement around the water droplets. The weapon system on the warship has been activated, aiming at the water droplets. Once there is any abnormal behavior, the warship will fire directly and destroy it at the first time.

If possible, people still hope to be able to capture water droplets, and from this technological creation, inversely deduce how far the technology of the Trisolaran has reached, and have an understanding of the enemy.

Relying on the infrastructure built by the previous cosmic race car, this contact was broadcast live on human settlements in the entire solar system. The size of the human battleship is in stark contrast to the size of the truck in the pre-civilization era of water droplets.

Even so, the people in front of the various screens slowed down their breathing, did not even dare to let out the air, and stared intently at this human activity.

The capture operation was completed by a small unmanned spacecraft, which was originally an automatic machine for collecting minerals in the asteroid belt, and was modified to capture water droplets - because of the need for preliminary sorting of the ore, this unmanned The spacecraft usually carry some analytical observation devices, which are now replaced by more sophisticated detectors.

The first optical detector to get feedback, the size and shape of water droplets have long been grasped by humans, but this is the first time to really observe closely, the first impression of a water droplet is its smooth surface, its surface Absolutely smooth, reflecting small unmanned airships, human battleships, and a starry sky.

The long space voyage and complex space environment did not leave the slightest imprint on the water droplets - even though most of the Trisolaran battleships had to slow down or even stagnated in the universe, it looked like a newly polished Like artwork.

Secondly, it is its low temperature. The temperature of the water droplets is absolute zero, minus 273.15 degrees Celsius, which means that the molecules of the matter that make up the water droplet's shell remain stationary. The Bumeran Nebula is the coldest place in the universe, and its temperature is also minus 272 Celsius, slightly higher than absolute zero.

It's not that human's technology cannot reach absolute zero, but it is unable to apply it, or, like the Trisolaran detector, apply absolute zero material to its own creation.

Further analysis and detection need to wait until the unmanned spacecraft captures the water droplets, the mechanical claw grabs the water droplets, sends them into the open hatch, and enters the cabin. Before the hatch door is closed, the unmanned spacecraft will turn red as a whole. Then it heated up sharply, and the brightness became higher and higher, just like the incandescent lamp two hundred years ago, emitting a dazzling light.

Thanks to the progress of human beings in materials science, although it is the most common unmanned spaceship for industrial mining, its hull structure is solid and reliable. Hold on for a few seconds.

This short few seconds gave the human warship valuable reaction time. The huge gyroscope of the inertial propelling engine has been running at high speed, keeping the hull in a stable state. With the command of the captain, the gravitational force The control of the son made the spaceship suddenly get a centrifugal force, and instantly obtained a very high acceleration, throwing the spaceship into the distance.

At the same time, countless alloy shells were fired from the muzzle of the battleship at an initial speed of 40 percent of the speed of light. With the help of the fire control system, they accurately hit the water droplets temporarily trapped in the unmanned spacecraft.

But it was too late. An invisible wave spread rapidly from the direction of the water droplet and spread into the universe. The process of transmission did not reduce the wave itself, which meant that it could travel very far—that was gravitational waves.

Human technology can analyze the information contained in this gravitational wave. It is broadcasting to the entire universe, announcing one thing - "We are here!"


Obviously, this is not good news, because if it were a good thing, the Trisolaran wouldn't take such a long time to do such a thing.

Humans could have prevented all of this. For the study of gravitons, a battleship could completely block the broadcasts sent by the water droplets, but at that time, no battleship was close enough to the water droplets, and they could only watch the water droplets. Broadcast across the universe.

At that time, the response of human warships could not be said to be wrong. In the face of the sudden change of water droplets, it was correct to use high maneuverability to stay away from it. In the development of space warships in the past 100 years, mankind has come to a conclusion that only the speed in the universe First and foremost, only by maintaining high-speed maneuvering can the battleship itself maintain its advantage.

However, Water Drops took advantage of this human tactic to deceive the human battleship out of the safe range, and it was too late to do anything else.

Obviously, the Trisolarans did not completely remove the sophons from the earth and the solar system, but have been lurking in human society, not communicating with anyone, hiding themselves, observing everything about human beings, and learning from human beings. , so as to find a way to defeat the human race.

Sure enough, in the space base of the outpost, Ding Yi said to Yue Si, "It's talking to me."

"Who?" Yue Si asked, and then he understood that it should be Tomoko.

Just in case, he is now wearing glasses that have disappeared, and the helmet of the power armor has become a barrier, preventing him from taking off the glasses neatly, which prevents Tomoko from observing Yue Si.

Ding Yi remembered that his colleague had a certain way to avoid being observed by Sophon. That kind of device was in the underground base, but he didn't bring it with him, so he relayed Sophon's words to Yue Si: "In the past 100 years, There is a sophon that never left the earth, but chose to hide himself, not to communicate with the outside world in any form, but as a channel to convey human history, human culture, and everything about war to the Trisolarans. The Trisolarans learned human tactics in the process and used it well."

"More than a hundred years ago, the Trisolarans learned that it is impossible to occupy the earth, but the existence of human beings is very terrifying, and we must be eliminated. Therefore, their probes have undertaken this task. Task."

"Their fleet, the destination is not to come to the solar system at all, the technology of human beings in terms of speed has surpassed them, the purpose of continuing to sail is just to confuse humans, and the loss of spaceships is just a strategy used to mislead humans— tmd, they have learned how to reduce kitchen stoves, and such a simple strategy has fooled us all."

Although human beings are cautious, they are not cautious enough in some places. Trisolarans took advantage of this, or deliberately made humans have this mentality, successfully sent a probe into the solar system, and then released it. deadly broadcast.

Ding Yi added: "Sophons have begun to popularize science for human beings, and they are still the ones of the dark forest law and the chain of suspicion. Although they have gone farther than us, their understanding of the universe is not as comprehensive as we imagined. , so profound."

Ding Yi chatted with Yue Si, and then said: "Sophon told us that their detectors have announced the location of the solar system to the entire universe, and other civilizations will soon detect the existence of the earth. According to the law of the dark forest, we Human beings will inevitably suffer the blows and destructions of other civilizations - although human beings are still very weak, but sooner or later there will be a day when they will develop and grow, and other civilizations will not sit idly by the day when humans are strong enough to threaten them."

"Oh, Tomoko also told us that human beings have been announcing the coordinates of the solar system all the time - that is, the energy harvesting array in front of Mercury, the shadow of the solar sail, has actually been continuously sending out signals, but the means are relatively backward, and it is not easy. Detected, so they added a fire to us - they even learned sarcasm."

"Sophon said that the Trisolaran galaxy is too close to the earth. Although the distance of 4.5 light-years is a gap between the solar system and the Trisolaran fleet, it is still too close on the cosmic scale, and the Trisolaran fleet will turn next. , exploring in other directions, the Trisolarans will emigrate, leave their home planet, and find a new home - it represents all Trisolarans, and good luck to humanity."

"Tomoko is gone!"

Ding Yi finally said: "It really left this time and followed their fleet. The solar system has lost its value to them."

During the shelling of the battleship, the water droplets were not damaged, not even a single scratch on the outer shell appeared, breaking through the flames, and its image was captured by the information system on the battleship.

The tip of the tail of the water drop suddenly lights up with a blue aperture, and this blue aperture spreads rapidly after it appears. In the process the water droplets obtained extremely high acceleration and charged towards the human battleship.

Obviously, the Trisolarans did not intend to let human civilization go. Although only one probe was sent, they tried their best to rely on this probe to bring as much damage as possible to human beings. It was one, and now it's the second.

Relying on the hard shell material and extremely high acceleration, the water droplets are intended to be destroyed by direct impact.

The target is the human factory - this is also what the Trisolarans learned in the war, fighting the enemy's logistics.

The high mobility of human warships makes it impossible for water droplets to strike effectively, and almost fixed factories are the best targets.

If human beings try to leave the solar system to find a new home, the supplies will come first, destroying human factories, then the preparation speed of the supplies will be greatly slowed down. A delay of one second is the danger of one more second. What's more, the current industrial chain of human beings has been established in decades. It is extremely difficult to rebuild after destruction. Human beings will lose at least 20 standard earth years.

Twenty years, that's a whole generation's time.

The human warships reacted quickly and will fight back with the strongest weapons of mankind.

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