Villains Template

Chapter 624: parallel universe

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Although Yue Si had not seen the symptoms on Peter Parker's body before, he knew what was going on.

That is the multiverse resonance caused by magic. A avatar of Yuesi has gone to Kama Taj to study, and he still has some understanding of the characteristics of magic, and can distinguish the different performances of magic and technological power when they achieve the same effect.

And he should not be too familiar with the multiverse resonance.

It's just that Yue Si couldn't know one thing. He didn't know the reaction of Peter Parker, whether the person who summoned him came to summon Peter Parker's individual or the individual who was Spider-Man.

The concept of the multiverse is the different timelines derived from countless possibilities, the difference between space and time, and a certain existence is calling Peter Parker or Spider-Man in different possibilities.

Just like this world, because there is no mysterious power, it suppresses spells and the like, so the person who summons Peter Parker or Spider-Man must be in another universe.

Yue Si did not prevent this kind of thing from happening, but used spells to bind himself to Peter Parker, temporarily becoming an individual in concept, and then he felt the vibration that Peter Parker felt, it was a shuttle An inevitable phenomenon when there is diversity.

"Come on!" Yue Si shouted.

The wolf skin that he laid on the chair and used as a cushion automatically rolled up, folded and shrunk, turned into the size of a handkerchief, and flew into Yue Si's hands.

That stood aside, the power armor equipped with the symbiote started, and walked towards Yue Si's direction. During the walking process, it began to deform and compress to the middle. Almost every part was disassembled and reassembled, and finally turned into a The shape of a box fell at Yue Si's feet.

The next moment, the scene in front of Yue Si and Peter Parker changed, a golden light flashed, the figure disappeared from the laboratory, and when it reappeared in an unfamiliar environment, the surrounding was no longer a laboratory full of technology. But the bathroom, with a faint smell of disinfectant in the air.

And looking at the facilities in the bathroom, it is a subsidiary facility of a place with good conditions - the environment of a writer's high school dormitory is really not as good as the toilets in some places.

No urinal, still a women's toilet.

"I feel the flow of power."

Although the fluctuation of magic power has subsided, Yue Si can clearly feel that it is the power of magic, someone summoned Peter Parker in this world, and this world has mysterious power, compatible with various power systems.

In just a short moment, Yue Si has switched to a variety of different powers, each of which is unlimited.

"Doctor." Peter Parker said to Yue Si alertly.

"Leave here first." Yue Si lifted the box transformed from the power armor and said, "If you have anything to say, let's find a suitable place to stay. Now is not the time and place to talk - if you don't want to. It was taken as a pervert who entered the women's restroom and peeped."

When Peter Parker heard Yue Si's words, he immediately stepped forward and followed Yue Si out.

His spider sense told him that several women were heading towards the bathroom. If he didn't leave quickly, he would bump into them head-on. Now he doesn't know what happened to him, and it's not good to be treated as a pervert.

"The Marvel Universe is right, the upper limit of the power level is very high, but it is not the kind that is high and boundless." After leaving the building where he appeared, Yue Si kept perceiving and analyzing the world along the way, finding useful information from it. .

First of all, the current world is very likely to be a world derived from film and television dramas or animations. Limited by funding and imagination, the expressiveness of these worlds has not reached the level of destruction set in the comics.

Secondly, this world is not the Marvel Cinematic Universe that the deity Yue Si entered with the fleet, because there are no huge warships docked in low-Earth orbit, which can be seen by people looking up, which brings people an infinite sense of oppression. The order of life has not been disturbed by external forces at all, and it is still what a beautiful world should look like.

In the end, the cause of the matter was Peter Parker. The other party spent so much effort to bring Peter Parker into this world. He must have his purpose. Although he didn't know whether the other party was a friend or an enemy, as long as he followed Peter Parker, Then the question can be answered.

Yoss and Peter Parker wander aimlessly on the streets, gathering information about the world in the process—they are still in New York, but not in the twentieth century they recognize The eighth year, but 2023.

They go on a time travel and come sixteen years later.

But there is no Black Company, no Osborne Group, no Iron Patriots in this world—but there are superheroes.

There is Iron Man, there is Captain America, there is Thor, there is Hulk, there is the Avengers... This world also has Spider-Man.

They are billionaires, super soldiers born during World War II, legendary gods, monsters born in experiments, and superheroes who save half of the earth from some alien.

And that Spider-Man was a rookie who had just debuted - he disappeared for five years in the middle, and his reputation was not obvious.

It can be seen that this is not just a time travel, but to another world.

The reason is unknown, but apparently related to his previous abnormality.


Peter Parker and Yue Si finally chose a back seat in a park to temporarily settle down to review the information collected, then Peter Parker frowned and Yue Si took out a wallet and a mobile phone from his pocket— It wasn't something of Yue Si, but something that Yue Si got from a passerby on the way.

With superhuman reflexes and speed, it's not too easy to be a thief, but this goes against Peter Parker's moral values. He who is not possessed by venom is just Spider-Man, not the bully Maguire, Yue Si's behavior make him incomprehensible.

Gu Xin

"You have also noticed that we have come to an unfamiliar world. If we want to live in this world, living resources are necessary, and common sense knowledge of this world is also very important."

Shaking the wallet in Peter Parker's hand, Yue Si said: "The meaning of living resources is food and drinking water, which all need money to buy. Whether the currency of our world and the currency of this world can circulate with each other? It's an unknown thing, so getting the currency of this world is my method."

"And how to recognize a world as quickly as possible, the Internet is a good medium. I learned from people in this world that the most commonly used Internet access tool is this kind of thing called a smartphone, which is a A mobile computer that can make phone calls has more computing power than even the home computers of our time."

"Isn't it more valuable that they help us live better in this world than the trivial acts of lawlessness I've done?"

Using a crooked reasoning to make Peter Parker acquiesce to his behavior, Yue Si didn't know whether Peter Parker believed it or not. Anyway, he said so, and Peter Parker didn't object, so he took it as his agreement.

In fact, Peter Parker actually had a sense of guilt for Yue Si. When he had an abnormality, if he did not go to Yue Si for help, or went to the laboratory to seek help from Yue Si, then Yue Si would not be involved. Will not bring Yue Si into this world.

Although the measures taken by Yue Si are not correct, they can undoubtedly help them who know almost nothing about this world to gain a foothold in this world. Only in this way can they help them figure out what happened to them. For what reason, and by what way, he came to this world from his own world, and then found his way home.

Spider-Man, who has not been beaten by society and is well protected by Black Company or Yue Si, is still a big boy with a simple mind.

But what Yue Si did next surprised Peter Parker. Instead of fiddling with the smartphone, Yue Si stuffed it into the metal box that he had been carrying around.

The metal box that was originally carved from a whole piece of metal actively formed a "window" when Yue Si Sai's mobile phone was used, and at that moment, Peter Parker had a creepy feeling, as if the metal box had it. As if alive, like some very terrifying beast.

"Doctor, what is this?" Peter Parker's muscles were tense, he subconsciously put on a fighting state, and looked at the metal box very vigilantly.

This is growth. In the face of the deterrence brought by Yue Si, Peter Parker was so stiff that he was about to faint, but now he can enter a fighting stance.

"The product of the fusion of biotechnology and mechanical technology, a set of living armor, but also a universal auxiliary device."

Yue Si said that under his targeted cultivation, the symbiotic venom has evolved into another life form. Although it cannot exist as an independent life form, the host that needs to be attached has expanded from the organism to In a wider range, such as complex technological creations, the power armor he made at hand has become the carrier that the symbiote venom is attached to, and can take over the hacking of technological creations, strengthening the host by constantly swallowing technological creations.

After swallowing the smartphone of this world, Venom has the ability to enter the Internet in this world, and then with its huge data computing power, it begins to enter the ocean of data, collecting, filtering, and summarizing useful information.

At the same time, Venom is also dismantling and combining the parts of the smartphone and the power armor, and using some of its own cells to mimic some components, making two smart glasses and giving them to Yue Si.

"Put it on. It is a smart terminal. It can be captured and controlled by the retina. It can simply receive some brain commands, such as text input, which can help you search for the information you want."

Peter Parker took the glasses, and when he saw Yues wearing his pair, he leaned back on the bench and stared at something.

Then, Peter Parker put on his glasses and entered the ocean of data. First, he started a high-intensity self-search - Spider-Man is a little more well-known than Peter Parker, a poor little guy, but there is a lot of information about Spider-Man. Little, after all, he has only debuted for a short time. Unlike him, after joining Black Company, he has been entangled with mutants for several years, and there is also a huge publicity team to advocate and build momentum.

In Spider-Man's resume, there is a five-year gap between his debut and his continued activity. In the related events, an alien named " Thanos " and six Infinity Stones are mentioned. There's the Avengers.

Then, Peter Parker began to search for his own name, and the names of his own family, the names of Uncle Ben and Aunt May, and he got the news that Uncle Ben died in a robbery. Peter Parker and Aunt May of this world are " One of the victims of Thanos' Infinity Stone Time, but the Avengers tried their best to bring themselves and Aunt May back from death.

Then Peter Parker began to sort out the history of the world from the beginning, trying to find out when the world started to be different from his own world, and that was until World War II.

From Captain America to Hydra, from Project Paperclip to S.H.I.E.L.D., from Iron Man to the Avengers.

Peter Parker discovered that the world is far more complex than the history he knows, and that there are too many superhumans and hidden organizations involved in the transformation of this world.

And this investigation was directly from noon to evening, and Peter Parker, who was engrossed in understanding the past and present of this world, ignored the passage of time.

The same is true for Yue Si. He found that the past history of this world is similar to that of the Marvel Cinematic Universe where the deity is located, and that in this world, there are no traversers, and it is a world that has not been polluted by traversers.

According to the tonality of the transmigrators, he will definitely not be willing to be ordinary. If he wants to live in this crisis-ridden he must master strong financial resources and strength, so they are destined not to be unknown, and they will inevitably appear in the In the online world, there is no relevant content in the information retrieved by Venom.

Suddenly, a golden red spark appeared in the void in front of Yue Si and the two of them, and began to rotate and expand, forming a huge circle.

It is the portal of the ancestral Kama Taj.

Before the person on the other side came out, Peter Parker suddenly reacted, took off the glasses on the bridge of his nose and put them aside, and quickly took a fighting stance.

In his spider sense, the other party is a very strange existence, just like himself.

Then a man in casual clothes walked out of the portal—no, he couldn't be called a man, his face was immature, his demeanor still maintained the immaturity of a teenager, and he was still a big boy.

"Hey, I have no ill will." The big boy gestured without malice and made a calm gesture, and said, "Peter, calm, I have no ill will."

"Introduce myself, my name is Peter Parker, and I'm also Spider-Man."

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