Villains Template

Chapter 631: How to cheat people

"You, all, do, do, what."

Under the interference of electronic pulses, Tony Stark's electronic consciousness became sluggish, and the efficiency of data calculation was cut off by more than 70%. The controller's control program is used to control a steam-age machine, slow, cumbersome, and the most simple words can only jump out word by word.

Just like those video players in the early years, one step at a time, very chic. Stop and go, the card is stylish.

Excluding the OP, ED, as well as the previous review and the preview of the next episode, Naruto, who only has fifteen minutes to work, takes nearly forty minutes to make up.

The broadcasting system used on the steel battle suit belongs to the top-level configuration, but at this time, it is also like a worn and distorted speaker, making a harsh sound, accompanied by the word-by-word words, people who listen to it are a little tired.

Will determines matter. No matter how powerful Tony Stark's electronic consciousness in the data world is, it is still false. Interference in the material world must be done by manipulating machinery. Spirited up.

The electronic consciousness feels stupid, which is a very scary thing for a strong artificial intelligence shadow electronic consciousness.

"Why, you, want, do this, do it!"

"I told you that this is Dr. Octavius's gear specifically for artificial intelligence - I've only improved it a little bit. The reason I'm doing this is simple, it's just to see that you're upset, I'm almost I'm never humble, but I hope other people can be humble and polite in front of me." Yue Si said to Iron Man with a smile, and then threw the rattle to the big boy Peter Parker: "This thing, sent to you."

"This thing!" The big boy Peter Parker was at a loss when he received the rattle.

This is the equipment that Iron Man gave away at once, and it was too frivolous to give it to me like this!

"I'm just making gadgets to verify my ideas. I can make them at will, and I can save them with materials from the laboratory." Yue Si said: "The black brine egg said that the enemies of his world will equip the power armor with power armor. The most basic soldier, I tried to build related equipment, and the results were quite good, but it is not good to make a rash conclusion without actually facing the enemy and understanding the enemy's equipment status, it can only be used as a toy. ."

Yue Si waved his hand and said to the big boy Peter Parker: "Big boy, can we get everything we need in this world through you?"

He was soft-hearted and short-handed, and was given a good gift by Yue Si, the big boy Peter Parker nodded and said yes.

Yue Si said: "That's good, let's prepare a few sets of clothes for each of us. Everyone comes from different worlds. When they come, they basically have no other clothes except the battle clothes on their bodies. Change clothes. nothing."

Spreading out his hands, he showed Peter Parker the couture suit he was wearing, and Yue Si said, "It's like this outfit I wear when I go out. It's just fine as an office suit, but it's very uncomfortable as home wear. "

The big boy Peter Parker remembered this at this time, and quickly said that he would write it down.

He went back to the old castle, returned to the room assigned to him, took off his coat and lay down to rest. Sleep is not necessary for him, but just like snacks, it is good to come here occasionally.

Just like a writer who quit carbonated drinks and only drinks boiled water to make tea, Coke is not necessary in life, but one day I bought a 300ml bottle of Coke and just took a sip, feeling that life is wonderful.

Iron Man's negative state was lifted not long after, he didn't say anything, instead he lifted off into the sky, entered a state of invisibility, and returned to Iron Man's temporary residence, where he could be supported by advanced industrial equipment. .

Yue Si only showed his hand a little, which made the powerful and proud Iron Man suffer a loss, but under the influence of the immature Tony Stark's thinking, Iron Man's lost face will definitely be recovered by himself. .

But with the electronic pulse attack, Tian Ke, an electronic lifeform that relies entirely on mechanical equipment, could not immediately conflict with Yue Si. He will talk about it after he develops the anti-electronic pulse equipment.

In order to prevent his electronic consciousness from evolving into some kind of terrifying artificial intelligence, Tony Stark limited the backup of consciousness. Although there are multiple backups of consciousness at the same time, only one can be active, and as a With the electronic consciousness of human thinking, even though Tony Stark knew that a new self would appear after he was destroyed, he still felt scared.

There was a great terror between life and death, so he chose to avoid Yue Si first.

Let's get back to the place and wait for him to come up with a set of anti-electronic pulse armor.

Or, referring to the other party's suggestion, collect the genetic samples of Tony Stark in this world, clone a body, and then convert your consciousness from electrical signals to brain wave signals, input it into the body, and regain a body. body.

Only in this way can one truly live.

As for what Yue Si did, it was just to gain the trust of Spider-Man or Peter Parker and better integrate into this superhero group, otherwise he would not be able to really participate in this world without his peers. Nick Fury's plan to fight back.

Helping the weak and expressing a clear dislike for a certain type of people, so as to become one with them and blend in with them.

Just like in the sword and halberd films, the two brothers starred in the "Zatoushi" series and the "Zatoushi" series, the image of the blind swordsman Zatoushi is more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and has a wider influence, because compared to the belt wolf bowing down, Zatoichi is more close to the people, it is the bottom of the society, not a samurai who is obsessed with moral values, he will help the weak and has a bottom line.

After a few days, Peter Parker, the former lizard warrior, returned to normal and began to seek help from Yue Si. He couldn't wait to gain his own strength. He wanted to be able to contribute in future battles. Able to catch up with Spider-Gwen.

Gu Tang

And the former lizard warrior Peter Parker didn't come alone, the other Spider-Man and Peter Parker came.

Although Peter Parker has the status of a science tyrant, they are all related to poverty. Basically, after graduating from college, they did not pursue further studies. Instead, they chose to enter the "Clarion Daily" as a reporter. Go through the streets, then transform into Spider-Man to fight evil and save the weak.

And the boss of the Daily Bugle, Jonah James, is a black fan of Spider-Man. Even if he can't get any news, Peter Parker can still use selfies in exchange for compensation, which has been tried and tested.

Except for very few possibilities, Peter Parker's wisdom has not really been applied, because it costs money to engage in technology, and Yue Si is a high-level executive of a large company who has led many projects, standing there and talking As soon as he spoke, the aura of the leader was invisibly exuded, and a group of Peter Parkers were like assistants, sitting there and listening to Yue Si's speech.

Even though some Spider-Man did not understand what Yue Si said because of their low education, they still listened here.

"Well, in this case, I think Spider-Man's ability is very suitable for you." Yue Si, wearing a white coat, looked around Peter Parker and said, "Look at this, Peter Parker from another world, you and Spider-Man is inextricably linked - tell me how you both got your powers."

"Bitten by a genetically modified spider in a Columbia University science lab."

"Bitten by genetically bred spider while visiting Osborne Industries."

"...bitten by a radiant spider."

"...bitten by a radiant spider."

The origin of Spider-Man's ability is basically a bite from a spider, Yue Si said: "That's right, find a radiation mutant spider... Big boy, where did you get bitten by a spider, that Are there any other spiders of the same type in the area? You look like you haven't been bitten by a spider for a long time. Have you kept the body of the spider that bit you?"

Peter Parker, the big boy of this world, said: "That place is no longer found, and then something happened, it has been destroyed, and it is impossible to find the same spider."

"Since it is impossible to gain strength through the repetition of cases that require collision probability, then we can only rely on biochemical technology and electronic technology." Yue Si has been planning for so long, and finally revealed his true purpose, which can be described as a poor picture. .

Gentlemen deceive them. For superheroes, it is impossible to use intrigues and tricks to calculate them. They must use their sympathy, tolerance for the weak, etc., and only let them make choices willingly.

Especially Peter Parker, the big boy in this world, although he also has the name of Spider-Man, but he has no ideological cognition as a superhero. After many days of observation, Yue Si can judge that he is a person with a flood of Virgin Hearts. , such a person could not be easier to use.

"I need your contribution - well, I need you to participate in my research, study your bodily functions, so as to find out what has changed in your body, and then restore that change through biotechnology, and then transplant it to us on Peter Parker."

Yue Si said: "Of course, this matter is entirely voluntary. I declare in advance that I am not interested in your abilities, and I will not record your genetic map, clone 20,000 copies, conduct evil experiments or something."

For Yue Si's words, the Spider-Mans have no doubts, because of Yue Si's strength, they can sense that they can't use their genes to do any evil research, and they really want to help this rough Peter Parker, From him, Spider-Man and Peter Parker saw the shadow of their past self and wanted to change their cowardly and inferior self in the past.

Yue Si can provide them with channels, of course he is willing.

After all the Spider-Man agreed, Yue Si began to work, collected the body data of the Spider-Man in batches, and obtained a part of the other party's blood samples with the consent of the other party.

And these physical examinations are not done for nothing. Yue Si let Venom secretly take over all the equipment in the laboratory, and when doing physical examinations for Spider-Man, he copied their abilities and recorded them.

"I'm sorry to tell you that I managed to create the Spider Enhancement Serum, but you can't use it."

After some time, Yue Si took out the research report he had already done, and informed Peter Parker, the former lizard warrior with regret: "The effect of the lizard serum on you is beyond my expectations, although the antidote I have developed is The lizard serum has been removed from your body, but your genes have been irreversibly damaged. If the spider serum is used on you, the biggest possibility is that your genes will collapse and dissolve into a mass of compounds."

When I got this news, the ex-lizard warrior Peter Parker looked very disappointed. During the time when Yue Si was immersed in his research, he got along well with other Peter Parkers and Spider-Man, and imagined to each other that he had acquired the ability of Spider-Man. Afterwards, they will train him in a "come over" attitude, allowing him to make better use of his powers.

In particular, the attitude of Peter Parker brought by Ultimate Spider-Man and Yue Si is the most enthusiastic, because among these Spider-Man, they are led by teachers and have received professional and comprehensive training. Not only can they use their abilities flexibly and maturely, And master the tactics, can think from a strategic level - the process of learning and training is very painful, they want to bring the pain they have experienced to Let the world feel the pain!

But the rest of the Spider-Man have been out for a long time and have their own set of mature tactical literacy, and they don't need to be retrained, and this Peter Parker is completely a newcomer, a blank sheet of paper, and can draw casually.

"Doctor..." Peter Parker, the former lizard warrior, said disappointedly, and he didn't know what to say when the words came to his lips.

"I haven't finished my words yet, don't give up yet." Yue Si said, "Although biochemical technology cannot be used, then use electronics and machinery to make up for it - the Iron Man in this world is an ordinary man with no power. People, all rely on the steel battle suit on your body to make a great name, you can too."

"With that body data and genetic samples provided by other Peter Parkers, I have bioengineered an implantable armor that uses biomaterials."

"Through the implantation of minimally invasive surgery, this armor can strengthen your bones, muscles, and skin, and has a neural sensing device based on the principle of spider sensing, as well as a spider web transmitter integrated in the body, which can pass through the wrist. The firing holes fire spider silk, and these implants connect to your nerves via neurotransmitter fibers, allowing you to manipulate them freely."

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