Villains Template

Chapter 641: Amazonian

Fall in love with, the villain template of the heavens

"Perhaps there was indeed the protection of the Sea God. We really didn't encounter big winds and waves along the way. Even once, our ship was surrounded by a group of pirate ships. At that time, I had already picked up the knife, and those senior sailors had Loading gunpowder into the muskets, ready to fight to the death, but a sudden storm saved us, the wind and waves slapped the pirates' ships on the bottom of the sea, we only lost a few unlucky crew members and some cargo, they were a few in the wind and waves. Just a hapless **** who accidentally broke his neck."

"It's just that every time a sick and dying black animal is thrown into the water, I can see the active dolphins in the boats that follow, and the strange creatures hidden in the waves, but every time, I shout Let the other crew members see those strange creatures, but they can always hide under the sea for the first time, avoiding the attention of others."

"A sailor told me that it is the evil spirits in the sea. They fear the living, but they feed on the souls of the living. Those black animals that are sick and dying are their food. They are like scavengers. Vultures, waiting for the natural death of their prey, and then eating their souls. Captain Senor's peculiar act, his act of soothing the souls of the dead, is actually protecting them, bulls, horses and dolphins are symbols of the gods of the sea, those The evil spirits of the sea will not be able to take their souls, and the souls of the dead will return to the kingdom of the gods under the protection of the **** of the sea."

"But anyway, after a long voyage, we finally reached our destination, a place called Paradise Island."

"As you have heard, the island of paradise is also called Shemisgara. An island created by Zeus, king of the Olympian gods, inhabited by the Amazons, and protected by a magical protective field, unless Those who get permission, otherwise the rest will not be able to get close to Paradise Island."

"In the beginning, our fleet was wrapped in a sudden fog and lost its way, but Captain Senor was very happy, he told us that we had reached the right place when we encountered the strange fog. "

"Through the fog, we came to an island, and the first time I saw it, I knew it was Paradise Island, it was a very beautiful island, the mountains were covered with vegetation, and there were waterfalls pouring down from the cliffs on the top of the mountain. Next, the huge unknown statues standing on the coast, the tall rock buildings built against the mountains, and the most dazzling, tall palaces made of gold - in this, Captain Senor did not lie We, what he described, is true, this is a rich country, and there are palaces of gold."

Speaking of which, perhaps impressing Trevor with wealth and making him feel that these two beers are worth the money, Zadok focused on the palace:

"It was a typical Greek temple-style building on the top of the highest mountain, with beautifully carved pillars supporting the dome, and in the sun, the palace glowed with golden light, and at night, the interior of the palace lit up. Arm-sized candles lit a giant bonfire, and the ingenious design of the palace will spread light over the entire island, allowing people to see the road clearly in the dark. In rainy weather, dark clouds will split thunder and lightning, accurately Split on the palace, but the palace made entirely of gold, instead of being destroyed by lightning, becomes brighter, as if carefully polished, I have seen thunder and lightning in the palace like flames Scroll on top."

"It's just that, except for the aborigines of the island country, the rest are not allowed to approach the temple. Even the aborigines on the island can only get close to the temple within a certain range. Only a few people can really enter the temple. It's Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons, and her bodyguard, and some Amazons of identities I don't know."

Zadok is not a well-educated person, or he is a fisherman who can't read at all, his description of the palace is very poor in words and words, but very directly depicts the golden palace scenario.

"By the way, where did I say, oh, Amazons." Zadok said a lot in one breath, gasping for a while, and then continued after a while: "The Amazons are all women, tall women, every One is powerful and powerful, wearing armor made of gold and leather, and their armor is very beautiful, with beautiful patterns carved on it, as if it were some kind of writing."

"The Amazons have always lived on this island called Paradise Island, relying on farming and farming to make a living. Their land is very fertile, and they harvest so much grain every year that they can't eat them all. The wine is hot as fire; the horses they tame are very tall, the meat of their livestock is very delicious - the Amazons tell me that it is the blessing of Demeter, the goddess of agriculture, and Dionysus, the goddess of wine. The brewing skills taught by Sri Lanka…”

"But, that's all, they have never mastered the skills of smelting and forging, because that is the authority of the **** of fire. They can't produce on their own."

"At that time, we were very happy when we learned about the situation on Paradise Island, which means that the goods on our ship are completely what the Amazons need. Cloth, sugar, books, pocket watches, cameras, and black slaves are all Amazons. What is needed, and it is, those tall women who are very happy to trade with us, they don't know the price of our goods, they just give gold and silver in exchange for what we have in our hands - there is no trade and The concept of purchase is exchange, and they don’t understand the real value of the gold and silver they take out, the value in human society.”

"Under the temptation of gold, we emptied everything on the ship and traded it with the Amazons, muskets, gunpowder, artillery, and shells. We almost broke the ship and sold it to the Amazons. In short, everything could be sold. All of the goods have been sold, and every shipment can basically be exchanged for the same weight of gold or more, and the heavy gold has arrived, and each of us is going crazy, and we can’t wait to sell ourselves to the Amazons.”

"However, Senor really did that, and the cargo he brought on this trip included us, besides what we thought it was! Like the black beasts, we, the sailors of his crew, were also Senor. Goods for the Amazons, but unlike those black beasts, we don’t know our own destiny as goods, we think of ourselves as people who manage the goods, people who work for Senor.”

At this point, Zadok cursed again, cursing everything about Senor, and after waiting for a while, he seemed to remember that he was still telling Trevor about his past experience, which was just a story in the eyes of others. Experience, for the sake of those two beers, he's going to keep the story going.

"On Paradise Island, only women are allowed to live, and only Amazon female warriors are allowed to live. The magical barrier imposed by Zeus will prevent men from entering Paradise Island. However, that is not inevitable. Every thirty-three years, the magic imposed by Zeus The barrier will take the initiative to weaken once, still sheltering Paradise Island, while allowing men to enter."

"Although the Amazons of Paradise Island will not die due to aging under the protection of the magical barrier, the rest of the deaths are unavoidable, poisonous snakes, swords, and falls. Therefore, the Amazons will die every thirty-three years. They hunt in boats, hunt the adult males, mate with them, and kill the males when they become pregnant."

"The offspring of the Amazons, if female, will be accepted by the Amazons, raised, educated, trained as an Amazonian until they become a qualified Amazonian, and under the influence of magic, they will become tall and strong , just like any other Amazonian."

"If a male is born, he will be abandoned and offered as a sacrifice to Hephaestus, the **** of fire, who will send his servants with armor and weapons, and some things the Amazons need. to the Amazons."

"On Senor's last voyage, his ship encountered wind and waves and shifted its course. One was overturned and sank to the bottom of the sea by the wind and waves, and the other two strayed into the range of Paradise Island and were captured by the Amazons. At the beginning of the thirty-three-year cycle, the Amazons were on their hunt."

"But that old dog of Senor, that old dog, he persuaded the Amazons to sell one of his ships and the crew of that ship to the Amazons, and said he could bring them for the Amazons In exchange for his freedom, come more adult men, and other goods that the other paradise islands lack."

"The Amazons agreed to Senor's deal, took the ship, its crew, and the cargo of the two ships, and gave Senor a large sum of gold and silver, and let him and the rest The ship left, but before leaving, Senor and the crew were enchanted, and within a year he had to return with enough cargo and adult males, or they would die of magic. Meanwhile, They also taught Senor the wicked sorcery that allowed him to sail smoothly over the sea without losing his ship and cargo."

"Then Senor did exactly what he promised, and he and his sailors concocted a lie, a lie of a dream of making a fortune, a lie of a lost ancient kingdom based on a paradise island, to cover up The disappearance of those two ships lured a large number of people onto his ship with wealth and willingly sold themselves, including me."

"Those books, those scholars, are additional requests made by the Amazons. They want to use this to understand what the outside world has developed into, and to understand the progress of human civilization."

"After the transaction, the Amazons brought a lot of food and drinks, and lent us a piece of land to hold a banquet, and we were laughing and banqueting as much as we wanted, but when we woke up the next day, The boat we came in on is gone, there is nothing on the sea, and the Amazons are not serving us with fire-like wine, but with spears and swords."

"We want to resist, but in the previous day's transaction, we sold our weapons, muskets, gunpowder, swords, and we are not capable of resisting with our bare hands, and those Amazon female warriors have been trained to fight since childhood, and they also With the blessing of magic, we can't win even if we fight them with bare hands."

At this time, Zadok's voice was crying, full of annoyance, but the surrounding spectators started to make noise one by two, and it was inconvenient to write what they said, because they were basically in a yellow accent, and the sentences were separated from each other. Without going the next three ways, I urged Zadok to talk about his mating with the Amazons. They could wait patiently until now, just waiting for this section.

They are all vulgar people, and the next three things are the most attractive, otherwise they would not have collected half a glass of beer for old Zach before.

The experience that old Zadok talked about was very painful. For him, it was not a "happy" thing as others thought, but the rest of the people listened to blushing and thick Both eyes lit up.

"After we've done those missions, it's not necessary for the Amazons to live, but the Amazons didn't kill us directly, they gathered us together, gave us weapons, made us fight each other, and finally survived will be freed.”

"The Amazons told us that their queen, Hippolyta, was pregnant and was the child of the **** Zeus, and the child born was a born demigod, with the blood of the gods flowing in her body, just like the children of the legendary gods of Zeus. , destined to become a famous hero, or a new god."

Zadok took a sip of beer and said:

"Remember what I said about the thunder and lightning bombardment of the temple? That night, Queen Hippolyta stayed in the temple to welcome the arrival of the **** Zeus. Queen Polyta was successfully conceived—the Amazons held a celebration to celebrate that the **** Zeus was about to have a new child. The main item of the celebration was the slaughter among our men. The last survivor, that group of people, will have a chance to live, and the Amazons will give him boats and food to send him off Paradise Island."

"Are you the last winner?" Trevor looked at Zadok's face and understood the origin of those injuries and his disability. If what Zadok said was true rather than just making up stories If so, then he must have suffered a tragic fight.

"I, no, I don't have that ability." Zadok touched the bridge of his nose with his only three fingers, and said, "I was able to survive, it was just an accident, it was my luck."

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