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Chapter 654: Bandage Freak

The deity of Yue Si once discussed a question with the people of the Multiverse Administration, that is, whether the multiverse is bigger or the Daozu is bigger.

The answer is that Daozu is great.

On top of the multiverse, there is another [reality]. Daozu exists in [reality]. His name will always be passed down, and his existence is rare.

And the multiverse, the countless multiverses, are just a reflection of [reality], seemingly powerful, but in fact extremely fragile.

What these people can do is to reflect their existence into [reality] in the multiverse, and that is a story one by one, and their behavior will exist in the form of "story" in [ Reality】.

The Thunder and Lightning King Yang Mouxin's card does not bring great power to Yue Si, but it is the projection of Yang Mouxin in the multiverse in [reality], which is of great significance.

In more straightforward words, that is the popularity of Yue Si's rubbing against Thunder and Lightning Dharma King Yang Mouxin.

There is a saying, there is a sequence of hearing the Tao, and there are specialties in the art industry.

The four basic forces of the universe have been studied by Yue Si, and the human beings have also been studied by Yue Si, but he has never studied how to master the four basic forces of the universe from the perspective of an ordinary person.

Just like a person with sighted eyes, who doesn't think about how to get his vision, or how to restore his vision to a normal level, what you have is usually not pursued again - except money.

Even at the very beginning, the deity was in the state of the laboratory cultivation tank, which was beyond the starting point of many people. In the later years, there was no weak state at all. Until now, this Yue Si, the Yue Si targeted by the world consciousness.

What's more, Yue Si is not bored enough to conduct current experiments with thousands or even tens of thousands of people. This aspect is his shortcoming.

After sitting cross-legged, Yue Si was confused for a while, then he began to adjust his breathing, restrained his mind, and suppressed the thoughts that came up and down in his mind. , as if breathing with the whole world, blending with nature, and his hands naturally formed multiple handprints.

Mudras represent different meanings and identities, symbolize their special aspirations and karma, and also represent various teachings. Yue Si, who has a "Great Sun Tathagata" card, uses mudras to help him subdue his heart.

During this process, Yue Si's spiritual energy became active, pushing Lei Dun Chakra to converge in a specific way, flowing around Yue Si's body, inspiring the ubiquitous charges in the air, and converging into a stream on the body surface. powerful current.


Yue Si let out a silent roar, the electric current shattered into tiny electric arcs, wriggling like a snake, coiling and wrapping Yue Si, and then the arc merged into Yue Si's body.

People in the world of "Naruto" also have meridians, with "acupoints", a total of 361. The soft boxing of the Hyuga family is to see through the meridian system of the human body through the "white eyes" of the blood, and by attacking the acupoints , meridian system, and internal organs to interfere with the enemy's chakra flow and the release of ninjutsu.

And the place where the electric arc pierces is Yue Si's own acupuncture point. The stimulation of the electric current makes Yue Si like a hundred claws scratching his heart, ten thousand ants eating his body, sour, itching, pain, and numbness gushing out from every cell. The body's ability to withstand is far lower than Yue Si's expectations, but under the control of strong willpower, Yue Si perseveres.

"Current push!"

When he felt that the time was right, Yue Si began to take the first step and tried to push the current with Lei Dun Chakra.

The current began to be based on the acupoints of the whole body and began to affect all cells. As the first driving force, the cells began to [rotate]. After that, the chakra system could be discarded and the power of [current push] could be used alone.

However, this time it happened unexpectedly.

With his eyes closed, Yue Si suddenly widened his eyes. An uncontrollable electric current erupted from his body, his hair stood on end, and then the arc generated by the power he released slapped into the air, releasing heat, and the temperature in the room rose rapidly. , while his clothes began to catch fire.

The water in Yue Si's body evaporated, causing his body surface to burn into blisters, which then burst and scorched. There were scorch marks one after another on his body, and veins of blood vessels appeared on the surface of the skin, like spreading tree roots. .

He opened his mouth and let out a breath of hot air. Yue Si coughed again and again, and spit out a few black saliva on the ground. Then he tore off the burning clothes and threw them into the pool with the technique of throwing a shuriken. Accumulated in the sink, the food residues blocked the drain, and there was half a pool of water in it.

Then Yue Si struggled to get up, climbed to the bathroom, cooled himself with cold water, and rinsed off the dirt on his body.

As a person in Naruto World, especially in a big place like Konoha, it is very common to have a medicine box at home, such as burn medicine or something. After all, it is very common to be burned by fire escape.

After simply cleaning up the burn on his body, Yue Si found out the burn medicine, performed simple treatment on the wound, and wrapped it with a bandage to prevent the wound from becoming infected-although in Naruto World, there seems to be no wound infection.

"Sure enough, the establishment of a new power system is not achieved overnight."

Get rid of your tattered clothes, open the windows to ventilate, let the hot air and burnt smell circulate to the outside by the air flow, cool down the air in the house, and make it less unpleasant.

Yue Si stumbled onto the bed, panting heavily, and began to review his failures. For scientific research, failure is very possible, not to mention creating a cultivation system from scratch and learning from failure. Experience is what needs to be done after the experiment is over.

"The operation cycle of Chakra is based on the five meridians and seven chakras, and the magnetic field rotation I developed is based on the eight extraordinary meridians and the Zhoutian acupuncture point. The two power systems conflict with each other...and the most important thing. , This body is still too young and has not yet been fully developed. The cultivation of spiritual power is carried out according to the standards of ninjas, but it is difficult to accurately control 130 trillion cells and currents!"

"In addition, the experience of Raiden Dharma King is applied to people with 40 trillion to 60 trillion body cells, and the difficulty is exponentially increased by analogy with 130 trillion cells now."

"It's my lack of thoughtfulness. A child's brain really can't hold an adult's soul, and there are deficiencies in thinking."

"And, most importantly, the target of this world - there is natural energy in the Naruto world in nature, and cultivating immortality requires the introduction of natural energy into the body. My attempt to push electric current is not intentional, but natural energy is As my power entered my body, it broke the balance in my body and caused my power to run wild."

"Fortunately, I released the power of the electric current from my body in time using Lei Dun Chakra, but there was only a slight burn. Otherwise, I would have been completely turned into coke by the violent natural energy."

In the world of Naruto, the cultivation of immortality is very dangerous. It requires ninjas with strong chakra reserves to cultivate. The absorption of natural energy requires a perfect one-to-one ratio with spiritual energy and physical energy to be refined. The immortal chakra, and once the natural energy is out of balance, it is swallowed by the natural energy and assimilated into a part of nature.

For example, when Miaomushan's celestial arts are practiced, there is a risk of frog turning into a frog, and it will also become petrified.

The natural energy that Yue Si inadvertently absorbed, in addition to interfering with his chakra and the power of [current push], almost coked his body and smashed it.

"Next, I can't be so impatient. Fortunately, my body is still young, only less than six years old, and there is still a lot of time to develop."

Thinking of this, Yue Si added: "As long as you don't act so genius, don't be so perverted, stay in the ninja school for a few more years, you don't have to be like those geniuses, as if challenging some records, five-year-old, six-year-old He graduated from the ninja school and became a ninja at an early age. He left school early to take on the task, supported himself, and was mercilessly thrown into the tragic war by the village."

After the review, Yue Si was silent again. In strict terms, he is also a part of those [genius]. He has become a qualified ninja at the age of less than six years old, and he has high expectations. , was sent to Konoha from Yunyin Village, the Land of Thunder, to carry out the lurking mission.

"Since this is the case, it is better to obediently study in the school step by step, read his nine-year compulsory education, eat the benefits of Konoha, wait until the age of fifteen or sixteen, when you grow up to a certain age, and can work and live independently, then Let's talk about it."

"I need time, enough time, to perfect the current push step by step, perfect it under the interference of natural energy and the chakra system, perfect the power of [current push], and then perform [magnetic field rotation] to completely get rid of the investigation. Carat system, and getting strong enough to protect."

"In that case, you can't perform too well, and you can't be the tail of the car. You should be mixed in the middle and lower reaches, the kind of existence that attracts the least attention. Only in this way can you live a peaceful life, and be able to spend your study life in a stable manner. Graduating early because of the needs of the war and being too good, and not attracting attention because of the tail of the crane, it is better to be stable and slow to grow like a plant."

The ninjas in the Naruto world, except for very few cases, are basically glass swords, with high attack and low blood resistance, and they are very sharp to cut people, but when it is their turn, a detonating talisman and a kunai , a shuriken can take a life,

In addition, some ninjutsu and illusion techniques are developed for ninjas, or people with "chakra" power. For example, as an example, the Hyuga clan among the three Konoha families, their soft boxing is aimed at " meridian system" and "acupuncture points" to strike.

And illusion is basically done by interfering with the other party's five senses and disturbing the chakra in the opponent's brain to cause it to fall into hallucinations. After getting rid of the limitation of "chakra", a considerable part of the illusion will fail.

Moreover, using things like chakra will hinder your lifespan. The magicians next door have exhausted their physical and magic power. They can still squeeze a little out of their willpower. After a good rest, they can recover. Chakra here Running out of space can be life-threatening.

"Go to sleep, take a nap first, and talk about it when you wake up tomorrow."

The body was injured in the previous strength experiment, and the chakra was almost exhausted. Yue Si felt a little tired. After all, he is only a five or six-year-old child, even if it is still early and the sky is still dark.

In addition, the next day was the opening ceremony of the Ninja School. According to the practice of previous years, Hyundai Hokage will come to the school to give a speech to the new students, just like the principals are always happy to hold a meeting for the students.

Early the next morning, Yue Si, who had slept for half the day and the whole night, woke up, untied the bandages, checked the wound, and found what was expected. One night's cultivation could not make the injury too good. More, he needs at least two weeks or more to recover.

"Now I can only be a 'man in a cover' for the time being."

After dressing the wound and changing the bandage, Yue Siji became a bandage freak. After thinking about it, he found his clothes in the closet, put it on the bandage, put the collar up high, and covered his eyes. Then he put on a coat with a hat and a long hem, and covered his hair that had not been 'docile' after frying himself. Only the eyes and toes of the whole body were exposed - Naruto World People generally like to wear open-toed sandals, which is no one anymore.

After getting dressed up, Yue Si walked in the direction of the ninja school. On the way, he bought two strings of three-color **** to fill his stomach, right for breakfast.

"Oh, I thought it was a meatball like fish balls, at least it was a salty one, but it turned out to be a dessert, I'm a salty party, and bean curd brains are all salty - in other words, the mixture of Hu spicy soup and bean curd brain Is a type of salty tofu brain?"

"And in the early morning, only sugar is added, no meat and salt, how can we maintain the body's consumption."

However, through the purchase of balls, Yue Si made sure of one thing. His current dress is actually not conspicuous, and it will not make people feel that there is something wrong with his head. Ninjas dress up. A family of ninjas basically cover themselves with clothes.

There are all kinds of strange people dressed as ninjas, and the people of Konoha Village are not surprised.

As the first day of the ninja school, many people rushed to the direction of the ninja school. Among them, there were children who were alone, and some were sent by their parents. It was very lively.

Some of the children who are alone are independent and self-reliant, able to live alone, and rely on going to school alone to prove themselves.

Yes, just like the character background set by Yue Si to perform the hidden mission in this world and in Konoha, he was an orphan of war and possessed the qualifications to become a ninja, so he left the orphanage early and went to the ninja school.

The impact of the war made the latter not in the minority.

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