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Chapter 656: 2nd Hokage's Legacy

The adults who entered the classroom at this time were undoubtedly their teachers. Those children who were chatting about the sky immediately stopped the topic. The noisy classroom was like the pause button was pressed, and it instantly became silent.

"My name is Hattori Kirizou, and I'm your head teacher. I'm twenty-seven years old this year. Next, I will lead you through six years of lessons." Hattori Kirizou is not a soft-spoken person. In fact, if he It's a ghost to speak softly.

The Second Ninja World War has just passed, and the pain brought by the war has not been completely smoothed out by time. There are big flowers in front of Konoha's memorial monument every day. It is people's tribute to the dead. The deceased whose name was engraved on the cold stone tablet couldn't let go.

As a ninja, it is very likely that this Hattori Kirizou came down from the battlefield, and he did not know how many enemy lives he had taken away, and he stood there murderous.

"As classmates who are going to get along for six years, I hope you can introduce yourself first, so that you can get acquainted with each other as soon as possible... After graduation, you will be the closest comrades in arms..."

Thinking of something, Hattori Kirizou started the normal school opening process, asking each student to introduce himself in front of the podium, and then Yue Si took this opportunity to learn the names of his classmates, except for some civilians In addition to the students, there are students from big families such as Hinata, Uchiha, and Inuzuka.

In addition, there are well-known dragon sets such as Mitarai Red Bean, Shenyue Izumo, Gangzitie, etc. Through their self-introductions, you can roughly understand their personalities, but without exception, they all want to become great ninjas. In other words, there are also some people who coveted the seat of Hokage, but the speeches are all high-level, although the words and rhetoric are a little immature, but basically they have the taste of 'will of fire'.

When it was Yue Si's turn, he stood on the podium and said, "My name is Guan Shanyue, my interest is to be alone, and to have a full sleep that can completely release fatigue and stress. money man."

Different from the speeches of the other students, Yue Si's speech seemed to be too maverick, but Hattori Kirizou, who had obtained all the student materials, knew about Yue Si's identity and background, an orphan who came out of an orphanage, who has feelings for certain things. Cravings are justified.

For example, the care of others, friendship, recognition of others, etc., in the words of the second point, that is, as orphans, without the company of their parents, there is a missing piece in their hearts, and they need something to fill. to become complete.

What Yue Si used to fill the gap in his heart was his thirst for money.

Yue Si said this matter very calmly, indicating that he has faced his own heart.

Moreover, Yue Si's pursuit of money is not wrong. At least in the ninja school, the existence and role of money is also very important. Those students from big families receive education from their parents before they enter school. Sufficient supplies are provided to them.

Although the ninja school will provide a lunch to the students, the tuition fee is comprehensive, and the books are free, but the kunai and shuriken need to be prepared by the students themselves. Of course, students from big families will not lack such things. , those civilian students can also provide part of the gritted teeth, but the orphans who lived on the village's relief funds, want to use the ninja tools can only be saved from the teeth.

However, Hattori Kirizou's evaluation of Yue Si is just that. How far a civilian ninja from an orphanage can go in the future depends on Yue Si's own talent and hard work. Only mature and determined The heart can't.

For example, Kakashi Hatake, a famous genius in Konoha, had graduated from the ninja school at the age when these students entered, and was promoted to Chunin in just one year.

Of course, in addition to the name of genius, Hatake Kakashi's most attention is his father. Not long ago, he was accused of giving up his mission to save his companions. He couldn't bear the inner pressure and committed suicide. Mao.

The preschool education in Konoha Village is doing a good job, not to mention that the children from big families have special 'private schools' and 'family education', and the children in the orphanage also have a certain degree of cultural classes, and they are basically literate.

Therefore, the courses are all centered on becoming a ninja, and there are no basic and most tedious courses such as literacy and sentence segmentation.

In addition to some ideological teaching, the first-year courses are very simple, such as the extraction and use of chakra, the throwing method of shuriken, and simple physical skills.

Of course, there is also a math class. As a ninja, the investigation and acquisition of intelligence is also a natural part. Of course, the application of mathematics knowledge is included in it, and it will definitely be taught if it can come in handy.

Of course, those are the basics. The ninja school has a total of six years of courses. It is a long and gradual process to train students to become a qualified ninja. Those who have family education and are exceptionally talented can apply to graduate early to become ninjas. , or the war is tight, and manpower needs to be replenished, so that outstanding students will be isolated and graduate early, become a glorious Konoha ninja, and be sent to the battlefield as cannon fodder.

Oh, wrong, for the village to shine.

This behavior is easily reminiscent of a period of foot pot chickens. In order to prepare for the "local decisive battle", the age of military service was expanded from an average of 18 to 25 years old to 15 to 60 years old. At the end of the war, even children were mobilized.

In the course of the class, Yue Si had a dual purpose. While listening to the teacher's lecture, he carried out the study of [Current Push], and began to study and understand his own body from scratch.

Because of the scattered energy, and the body was injured in the study of [Current Push] before, even if Yue Si is already a qualified ninja, among these children, only the middle and lower reaches are shown. The level, the refining and manipulation of chakra can be successfully carried out, but the performance is not very good, the throwing of the shuriken and Kunai is not enough, and it is more than the lower, so the written test part is better.

The poor man and the rich man made the most of this.

Those students from big families can use the ninja tools vigorously. Although there is no "flower rain" like the big local tyrants in the future, it is not a pity at all, especially the powerful dynamic visual capture ability of the Uchiha family. The "Uchiha Shuriken Throwing Technique" passed down by the family made them firmly occupy the first sequence in the practice class.

Those students from civilian backgrounds are second to none. Their ninja tools are bought by their parents. The civilian family has little surplus, but they will try their best to support the education of their own children.

As for children from orphanages like Yue Si, who live on Konoha's relief funds, they can only save money to buy ninja tools and use them carefully, lest they bump into them. It's broken. When practicing throwing lessons, the students who use tattered ninja gear are basically from orphanages.

But things like shuriken and kunai are used as consumables. No matter how careful you are, you can't avoid the result of wear and tear. children, you'll have to save some money, like halving dinner or something.

In her spare time, Yunai will find Yue Si. She is sure that Yue Si will also encounter the problems she encounters. It will be much easier to deal with these problems by two people holding together for warmth. The money is definitely more than one person can replace the damaged ninja gear for another person faster.

"Brother Yue, I heard what you said when you introduced yourself, you want to be a rich man." In front of a humble noodle stall, while waiting for the ramen to come, Yunai whispered to him. Yues said.

When it comes to Konoha's catering industry, you should think of the famous Yile Ramen, handmade by the owner Otsutsuki. This is the leading enterprise of Konoha catering, even if the price of Yile Ramen is relatively affordable, it is more expensive than a barbecue restaurant. Much cheaper, but still relatively expensive compared to roadside ramen stalls pushing food carts.

For the two people who have no income and live on the relief funds in the village, every penny (the currency unit of Naruto World is two) is precious. Before Naruto Uzumaki became a ninja, he put Eating a bowl of ramen at Yile Ramen is regarded as "eating out".

"Yeah, if we have money, we can go to Yile Ramen, and add two pieces of char siu to one piece of ramen." Yue Si said in a tone that he should have at his age, like a boy who has done nothing to describe to his little girlfriend His equally humble ideals.

Yuna looked at Yue Si with a smile and said, "After we become ninjas and earn money, we will go to Yile Ramen to eat ramen with two servings of char siu!"

"When we have money, we don't have to save money to buy ninja gear. The kunai and shuriken that we throw out don't need to be recycled."

Yue Si was silent, this feeling is too strange for him, although his words and deeds, it is normal for him to play the role of "Guan Shanyue" as a spy ninja in Yunyin Village, and it fits his character very well. character, but showing such an appearance goes against his cognition.

"Hey, please use it." The owner of the ramen stall put two bowls of ramen in front of Yue Si and Yuna.

Yuna put her hands together: "I'm going to start."

Before Yuna opened her chopsticks to eat, Yue Si pulled both bowls of ramen noodles in front of him, put the ingredients such as barbecued pork and eggs in his bowl into Yuna's bowl, and then put the bowl of ramen noodles. Pushed in front of Yuna: "Eat more meat and supplement with fat and protein. If you want to grow up healthy, these two are essential, and they are more conducive to the recovery of the body."

Yuna's talent is not very good, but unlike her soft and cowardly appearance, she is a strong person in her bones. If her talent is not good, she should practice more frequently, and use twice the effort to catch up, her body will be exhausted. very large.

Refining chakra is equivalent to squeezing the cells of the body. After practicing, you will feel tired. What's more, Yuna also has physical training. She is already quite tired. At this time, in addition to enough rest, she relies on food to supplement her body. The required nutrition is the most feasible way.

Yue Si's approach did not conform to the dining etiquette in this world, but... who cares, Yue Si is not from this world.

I am also a barbarian.

Yuna didn't move her chopsticks, but stared at her bowl for a while, then turned to look at Yue Si, who was eating smooth noodles, and said, "Brother Yue, what are those fat and protein things?"

"Oh, you said that." Sucking down the chopsticks and eating the noodles, Yue Si recalled: "That was written in a book I saw in the school library, the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama The adult's book, which contains one of his ideas, and the research conducted for this idea, is carried out in conjunction with the ninja school, called the Nutritious Meal Plan."

"After years of research, the second-generation Hokage Senju Tobirama believes that protein and biological fats are very important for the growth of children. Sufficient nutritional supplements can help children grow up healthily, and it is also conducive to refining chakra. The recovery of the body and the healing of the injured person’s injuries means eating more meat and drinking more milk.”

"In the book of the second generation of Naruto, it is believed that Konoha should provide three meals for each student of the ninja school. According to the age, each meal should have a certain amount of rice or noodles, meat, vegetables, fish..."

In order to speed up his research and complete the power of [Current Push] as soon as possible, in addition to exploring inwards on his own, Yue Si will also go to the school library to read books on the human body and medical treatment, and learn from the human beings in this world to himself. experience from research data.

It's just that those really valuable things will definitely not be placed in the school library and will definitely be strictly guarded. Yue Si can only find some relatively simple But from those medical-related books Here, Yue Si can also learn a lot of ideas.

The ninja's research on himself from the ninja's own point of view, as well as the research on the "magic oil" Chakra, has provided a lot of help to Yue Si.

As for the "nutritious three-meal plan" and the "Books of the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama", all of them were made by Yue Sihu, and there was no such thing at all.

Having said this, Yue Si said regretfully: "Unfortunately, I just read the book in the library and didn't lend it out. When I went to look for it again, it had already been borrowed. Based on the idea put forward by the second generation Naruto, even if we just eat, we will definitely grow into a powerful ninja."


"What's the matter? Brother Yue."

"Tomorrow is Sunday, let's go to the woods outside the village to hunt some game, or catch some fish in the creek, gather some wild vegetables or something." Yue Si said: "The second Hokage said in the book , In the face of financial crisis, open source and throttling are the only solutions, so I think that we have no way to make money now, we can only save a little as much as possible, collecting ingredients to cook by ourselves is a good way. "

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