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Chapter 671: I want to learn, I teach you

When the pot was set on fire, Yue Si cooked a pot of porridge with minced fish and wild vegetables, all made from the leftovers from the previous meal. It was an ordinary pot of things, but Matekai smelled the smell and saliva was drooling. Now, after the surimi and wild vegetable porridge is cooked, I ate all of it by myself.

After scraping the last grain of rice from the bottom of the pot, Matekai sat happily on a stone, stroked his stomach lightly, and gave Yosby a thumbs up, revealing a mouth full of teeth that were white enough to reflect light. : "Really saved!"

Like Yue Si and the others, Matekai also came to practice in the forest, but he was adhering to "passionate blood" and "youth", and his father, Matt Day, was divided into meager tasks as a restraint, which made it impossible for Matekai. Provided too much material help, except for the clothes on his body, Matekai brought almost nothing.

And Matekai was immortal and had the problem of forgetfulness. He didn't know what he had forgotten. In short, he stayed in the forest for a long time and ran out of food for several days.

Even on an empty stomach, Metkay did not forget his daily training.

Until just now, the explosion caused by the detonating clay thrown by Yue Si was sensed by Matekai. The violent explosion overwhelmed all the noise, and the huge fireball pointed him in the direction.

The forest is not a quiet place. The sound of wind, water, insects and birds, etc. are mixed together, coupled with the obstruction of trees and leaves, and the terrain. Once came to a place ten meters away from them, Matekai could not detect any signs of people here, until today's big movement.

"But how did you do it? That violent explosion can at least be achieved by a B-level fire escape." Matekai asked Yue Si, "If this is your secret, I don't need to know it. "

Although the father and son of Matt Dai and Matt Kai are not very good at ninjutsu, but they also have the basic vision as a ninja, so he only asked this question. The nine people of Yue Si are all second-year students of ninja school calibration. It's not his best friend Ka~Casey, the kind of genius who can graduate in one year, that level of fire escape, they may not be able to master it.

"It's this thing." Yue Si took a boiled egg yolk-sized blasting clay from Ah Guo and said, "This is the product of the secret technique of earth escape studied by the second generation Hokage, and it is named blasting clay. It seems that It is something used in conjunction with a certain forbidden technique, a secret technique with the effect of an explosive talisman."

Still that sentence, everything is right to push the second-generation Hokage.

However, in order to create this small piece of detonating clay, Ah Guo almost drained his mental strength, and is now sitting on the side to rest.

Hearing the name of the second-generation Hokage, Matekai did not doubt that he had him, but just exclaimed: "As expected of the second-generation Hokage-sama."

Moreover, Matekai admires Yue Si's magnanimity, which can be called a killer thing, but Yue Si directly answers his questions, which is really touching - as everyone knows, this is a passionate young manga characteristics, and after showing unique abilities, will introduce the characteristics of their own power to others.

Then Matekai cried bitterly, moved by Yue Si's "youth", but he saw black lines all over his head.

"After eating your meal, I can't repay Matekai. I'm not very good at ninjutsu, so please allow me to guide you in taijutsu!" Wait until the food in the stomach is slightly digested. , physical strength recovered a little, Matekai said to Yue Si.

Said to be a guide, in fact, Matt Kay still wanted to compete with Yue Si.

Before, although he was hungry and lacked physical strength, his kick and punch, who was specialized in physical art, could not be resisted by ordinary ninjas, but Yue Si was able to compete with him in physical art and blocked his attack. Kick skills "Knoba Gangli Whirlwind" and a straight punch.

And after the punching, Matekai felt that half of his body was numb, and Yue Si's punching power directly slammed into his meridian muscles and bones, making him unable to lift his strength at all, and it has not recovered until now.

This unique physical technique gave Matekai a raging fighting spirit. He was full of food and drink, and he was going to verify the results of his practice during this period of time. An opponent who can verify one's own strength can be met but not sought after.

Just like his Matekai and Hatake Kakashi - but, Hatake Kakashi graduated early because of his excellent ability, and became a Chunin in the second year, he still needs a year to be in the ninja school Study and pass the graduation exam to become a ninja.

"Guide or something, forget it, just look at their expressions and you'll know." Yue Si pointed to the children beside him.

The physical training of the Matekai father and son, the people of Konoha Village are obvious to all, and they refused to become like the two fathers and sons in order to practice physical training.

"However, I also need to verify the results of my practice during this period of time. It is impossible to have a strong opponent." Yue Si smiled and said to Matekai: "When the contest is over, we will have dinner and have a good evening. Take a rest and go back to the village tomorrow."

The power of [current push] has been completed, [magnetic field rotation] is still far away, and the rest is water mill work, and the tool maker who makes the 'detonating clay' has been identified as Aguo, she has also mastered this skill, stay in Cultivation in the forest is no longer necessary.

The field for the actual combat training was placed in an open space by the river, just like the actual combat training of the ninja school, Yue Si and Matekai stood face to face, standing at a distance, with the sound of Yuna, who was temporarily serving as the referee. "Start", the two began a formal contest.

Matekai thought that Yue Si was also a ninja who was good at taijutsu, so he rushed directly to Yuesi, preparing to compete in taijutsu, but Yuesi's actions exceeded Matekai's expectations.

Yue Si, who activated "Character Card Bullseye", quickly took out several boomerangs from his body, threw them in the direction of Matekai, and then took out the wooden kunai and shuriken from the ninja bag. Throw it with precision and lethality aimed at the vital point of Matt Kay.

Although those ninja tools were made of wood, they were training for actual combat after all. Matekai regarded them as real ninja tools, stopped charging and started dodging.

But Yue Si took advantage of the opportunity that his attacking rhythm was disrupted, rushed in front of Maitkay, and kicked Maitkay's waist with a kick.

Seeing this, Matekai also kicked sideways and kicked with a leg for a leg. The strong whip legs of the two collided, and the air that was expelled instantly made a blasting sound, bringing a gust of wind and a burst of dust.

Yue Si took one foot after another, and used a series of quick kicks. The two legs took over and kicked out. It was so fast that only the afterimage of the legs could be seen. Matekai counterattacked with a similar move, and the whole person spun around. , with alternating upper and lower kicks.

"The big whirlwind of Konoha!"

The two of them made dozens of moves in one breath. Yue Si suddenly withdrew from the battlefield, raised his hand to catch the two boomerangs that were rolled back, and then raised his hand to face Matekai. thrown in the direction of the .

Seeing the two boomerangs flying in front of him, Matekai didn't have time to change his moves, only to hear the sound of hunting wind behind his ears, and the other two boomerangs slammed into his back, making two muffled noises.

It didn't hurt. The collision that would make the average person take a breath of fresh air was within the tolerable range for Matekai, but Matekay knew that he lost this contest.

If the two boomerangs were made of iron, he would have been mortally wounded now. In a fight, this injury would undoubtedly greatly reduce his strength, even if Yue Si's strength was slightly inferior to him, he would still be able to beat him in this situation.


"It's Ayue who won!"

"Yue Sang is doing beautifully!"

Just like the cheers when Yue Si tried to detonate the clay before, the children who served as the background board let out a proud laugh.

When a lot of people don't understand the existence of boomerangs, Yue Si will use boomerangs a lot, but Matt Kay doesn't understand the characteristics of boomerangs.

"In addition to his own strength, the application of strategies and tactics, and the grasp of timing are also qualities a ninja should have, and it is also a measure of a ninja's strength." There was some emotional fluctuation, and in a communicative tone, he said to Matt Kay:

"The second Hokage summed up a sentence, the small stone thrown by the master is more powerful than the shuriken of the mediocre, because the master's grasp of timing, accuracy, and the formulation of tactics are stronger than the mediocre, among which The gap is far beyond what weapons can make up for."

Matkay listened carefully to Yue Si's words. He was not frustrated by his defeat. Instead, he still maintained a high fighting spirit. After reading Yue Si's words, he felt that he had benefited a lot, and then he was moved to tears instantly: "Guan Shanyue, you are really a reliable partner. You gave me delicious food when I was hungry, let me see my own shortcomings, and taught me valuable experience."

After speaking, Matekai immediately lay on the ground and put his hands on the gravel ground to do push-ups: "I have decided that I will increase the training volume for myself in the future, and the daily push-ups will be increased from 800 to 1,000. If you can't do it, then throw your fists 1,500 times, and if you can't do it 1,500 times, then jump sideways 2,000 times..."

Seeing that Matt Kay didn't agree with each other, he did physical exercise and added weight to himself. The expressions of the children watching were all crossed, and their heads were full of black lines.

"Ah, it's better to stay away from this guy in the future."

"Yeah, yeah, he and his father were that weirdo when they were in the village."

"Fortunately, it's only us here. If other people see us gathered with him, they will definitely think of us as weirdos."

The children talked about Matekai without hesitation. After all, his thick-line style made him look too different, and almost no one wanted to have a relationship with him. To be a foreigner in the eyes of other people is a very special way. Bad experience - especially for this group of young children from orphanages.

For other people's evaluation of himself, Matekai can be said to turn a deaf ear. He and his father's daily training in Konoha Village has caused a lot of discussion from others. He has long been used to it. The father and son of Mattday and Metkay don't care about the ups and downs of others at all, they only care about "youth" and "perseverance".

"If you want to practice, wait until you return to the village. We don't have a lot of food reserves, and we need to stay on the way back to the village to eat. The more physical training you are doing now, the more food you need. To supplement your own consumption." Yue Si looked at Matekai who was doing push-ups with his arms on his side, and said, "The pot of porridge you just ate is for the five of us, and we divide our food among them. I gave it to you as a companion..."

To deal with this kind of hot-blooded guy, moral kidnapping is the most effective, and Matekai immediately stood up from the ground and bowed ninety degrees to the children who were talking about it: "I'm sorry, I ate the food that originally belonged to me. Your food - I will save the training plan for the past few days, and double the training when I get back to the village!"

This time, Matekai made the group of children unable to control them. One or two said that this was "just a meal". "If you need to thank Guan Shanyue, the one who should be thankful is Guan Shanyue, because he cooked the meal." such words.

Helping Yue Si retrieve the boomerangs and wooden ninja tools scattered on the ground, Matekai raised his own question at the same time: "That, Guan Shanyue, is your Taijutsu also left by the second-generation Hokage-sama? "

Matekai's physique was practiced by his father. All kinds of rigorous training turned him into a, which was developed for Mateday after 20 years of research and development. "Eight-door Dunjia" lays the foundation, and everyone knows how strong the eight-door full-open Maitke is.

That was the comment that Liu Daoban said, "Your physical skills are unmatched, and I would like to call you the strongest".

Although Yue Si used ninja tools and tactics in the previous contest, the two sides were evenly matched in physical skills. , Judging by the state of Yue Si, he was still able to do it with ease.

"Yeah, it was left by the second-generation Hokage, a body technique called Qimen Dunjia, which is different from the existing chakra physique. It is a new concept." Yue Si used the name of the second-generation Hokage. , to sell what he has researched to Matekai: "If you want to learn, I will teach you! This is a requirement for the ninja itself. If it is Kai, you will definitely be able to learn it."

"Furthermore, that is what the second generation Hokage left behind, and the second generation must want more people to master it."

From Yue Si's words, Matekai felt the sincerity, and suddenly, the whole person's soul seemed to be sublimated.

With a thud, Metkay took a seat at Yue Si and said moved: "Please!"

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