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Chapter 677: 1 thing down 1 thing

"What's wrong?"

Moonlight Blast quietly asked Yue Si by coughing.

"The war is coming soon." Yue Si didn't hide it, he wrote his speculation into a small note and passed it on to Moonlight Blaze.

Then there was a long-winded analysis, talking about what was there or not. According to the existing situation, the news of the upcoming "Third Ninja World War" was analyzed-because it was shooting arrows and then drawing targets, Yue Si analyzed it. How things make sense.

"How did you see it?" For what Yue Si analyzed, Moonlight Blast was astonishing, because he had never been exposed to such analysis theories before, and had never analyzed problems from such an angle.

From the price, the increase and decrease of the difficulty of graduating from the ninja school, and other seemingly inconspicuous things that are inevitable in daily life, discover the hidden crisis behind them.

They are just students, they don't have access to too much information, and they can't be as comprehensive as the high-level Konoha. However, they can roughly deduce the current form through the measures taken by the high-level Konoha.

This kind of intelligence analysis and acquisition ability, among the people that Moonlight Blast can reach, is not able to reach this level.

"What I mentioned in the notes left by the second generation of Hokage is a set of very simple but profound theories. You only need to put the changes in the things you can touch into it, you can analyze it roughly - the second generation of Hokage pair The description of this theory is that although it is a green leaf, I already know the green mountains.” Then he pulled out the second Hokage Senju Tobirama as a shield, and Yue Si wrote on the paper: “However, that theory is only used for Konoha. In the village, because it is just a set of unfinished theories, the second-generation Hokage-sama doesn't know much about other Shinobi villages."

However, Hattori Kirizou has put a patch on the ninja school's educational system. Although the ninja school has been changed from a six-year system to a four-year system, not everyone can graduate to become a ninja. There is still a six-year standard. The course has to be completed, but, when it comes to the fourth grade, the school will organize an assessment. If you pass it, you can graduate early and leave the ninja school to become a ninja.

There is no need to apply for early graduation, the school will arrange it for you - of course, whether you can participate in the graduation assessment depends on the teacher's daily evaluation summary, and only those who perform well can qualify.

This cheered those students, especially those from big families. The education and resources they received were far from what poor ninjas could enjoy. It was a good thing for them to graduate early.

As for those whose grades are not good enough and their performance is not good enough, then they can complete six years of standard courses, and finally get a chance to graduate the examination. If they pass, they can become Konoha Shimonin, led by a Shangnin. , teach them how to become a real ninja.

If you can't pass it, feel free to be a civilian.

Ninja school is just a place to lay the foundation. More experience of becoming a ninja and application skills of chakra need to be taught and taught by Shangnin, such as climbing trees and treading water, as well as countless low-level tasks to sharpen the mind.

Although the senior officials of Konoha are preparing to explode soldiers, they still have requirements for the quality of these ninjas. After all, it is not easy to cultivate a ninja. They are reluctant to put it on the battlefield and die. It is equivalent to killing chickens and getting eggs. Students, let them stay in school for a few more years!

The war is coming, but it has not yet come, and the situation is not yet critical enough to send the tails of those cranes to the battlefield.

Yue Si decided to stay in the ninja school for two more years, and then say after six years. In this case, you need to hide your clumsiness. If you are above average, you have to leave. He will be the kind of below average in the future. But not the kind on the back of a crane.

To do this, it is very simple. Although the ninja school teaches a lot of things, when the real test is conducted, only the basic three-body technique, shuriken throwing, and actual combat are tested. The most important thing is the first item, then Represents precise control of chakra, as well as an understanding of chakra flow and fingerprints.

As long as he only uses the power of [Current Push], then his performance will definitely be at a disadvantage, otherwise Matt Dayna's eight-door Dunjia will open and kick four of the seven members of the Ninja Sword of Death Mist. The sturdy combat power, why is Dan still a ten thousand years of ninja, not that he is a taijutsu ninja, and his mastery of ninjutsu is very poor.

With this plan, Yue Si began to formally implement it. After contacting the new semester and new courses, Yue Si's performance was not as good as that of the previous academic year, and his grades declined rapidly because the course involved Chakra. More and more, but in the actual combat class and shuriken throwing, the level is still maintained, and there is more and more external performance of a Taijutsu ninja.

After getting Yue Si's "inside information", Moonlight Blast also planned to finish the six-year course. After all, his health was not good, and there were good reasons.

The reason why Konoha's small family is a small family, in addition to not having a famous blood lineage, no strong secret art inheritance, and a small number of people, two people become ninjas on the battlefield, it can be called the power of the family .

Therefore, even if Moonlight Blast wants to graduate early, the more mature family elders will let him continue to learn. Yue Si's private teaching class last year was not a white one. The concept spread in the name has taken root in the hearts of a considerable number of Konoha people, making them question the current Konoha executives and some of the decisions of the Konoha executives.

As the saying goes, when people's hearts are scattered, the team is not easy to lead.

When Konoha is in chaos, Yue Si has a chance. This is the role of Yue Si as a spy.

For Yue Si, two more years of time would have added two more years of variables.

Compared with Yue Si's performance, Yuna's performance was excellent, and the most conspicuous was Ah Guo. With the method of making detonating clay that Yue Si taught her, although she did not use it directly, it was very important for Chakra's performance. Applied skills, as well as the improvement brought about by constant training, have allowed her to surpass a large number of her peers.

One weekend morning, as usual, Yue Si bought two three-color **** and wandered aimlessly in the village while eating. The brain records the distribution of each building, and finally draws a map, a complete map of Konoha Village, on which the distribution of key buildings in Konoha is marked.

This is the job of a spy, and Yue Si said that he is definitely not lazy.

From a distance, Yue Si felt the approaching of hurried footsteps and the avoidance of the crowd. Looking back, he saw two strange people—the father and son of Mattday and Maitkay, who exercised daily. This time, they were two strange people. A father and son in green tights chose to head upside down, that is, with their heads and feet upside down, walking around the village of Konoha on two hands to begin their exercise program.

Originally, the two father and son's dress and physical training were enough to attract the attention of others. Now this set is more attractive, and then the pedestrians in Konoha Village made way for the two of them.

Yue Si also took two steps back and stood by the street shop, watching the two father and son leave.

But who knew that Matt Kay suddenly stopped and said in an unexpected joyful voice: "Father, it's Yue Sang, I mentioned it to you, Guan Shanyue, Yue Sang!"


Yue Si's movement of chewing the **** stopped, his face collapsed, and he secretly said in his heart: "The last thing I want to see happened."

Even if he was walking with his two hands, his speed was faster than that of ordinary people. In just one sentence, he had already jumped out all the way. After hearing his son's words, he stepped back with both hands, and then met with him. My son came upside down together, played a 180-degree windmill, and returned to the normal posture of head and feet.

After seeing the slightly embarrassed Yue Si, Maitdai, who has very characteristic eyebrows and eyebrows, immediately bowed to him with his back parallel to the ground: "Yue Sang, thank you very much for your kindness! The knowledge imparted is priceless, I..."

As he spoke, Matty burst into tears.

And Matekai followed suit, bowing ninety degrees and crying bitterly, making Yue Si feel very embarrassed. His feelings were revealed, and Yue Si broke his defense, and he couldn't be cured.

"This set of clothes needs to be changed. Tomorrow, I need to change my clothes and style. I have to be low-key. I am afraid that I will also become one of the villagers in the wood industry. Different."

As a hot-blooded young manga, the characters in Naruto rarely change their appearance. After all, it is not a magical girl cartoon like "Variety Sakura Magic Card". The character's shape is also one of the selling points. After all, not everyone All have the treatment of the first-generation moe king Kinomoto Sakura. There is a rich friend named Tomoyo who can provide a set of magical girl clothes for each episode.

As long as you change a set of clothes and a hairstyle, you can make people who are familiar with it unrecognizable - this is evidenced by Hatake Kakashi. When he was instructing the seventh class, he deceived three people through a simple disguise. personal.

"Let's talk about this kind of thing in another place."

When Yue Si saw the surrounding villagers looking towards him, Yue Si hurriedly said that although his collar was standing up, covering the lower half of his face, no one could see his face clearly, but this kind of embarrassment Things are emotions that can directly penetrate people's hearts. Even Madara Uchiha recalled the embarrassment that someone stood behind him when he was young and couldn't solve the embarrassment, and still made some abnormal actions.

Then Yue Si took the two father and son to a relatively remote meatball shop, ordered ten strings of meatballs, a fish cake, and a pot of tea. The three sat on the chairs facing the street and ate and chatted.

Because the place is relatively biased, the meatballs are not so delicious. In order to increase the income, this store also sells fish cakes and other tea-accompanied things in addition to the meatballs. The surprise is that the tea used is actually better. tea.

However, if you want to chat, this is a good place, at least quiet enough.

Matdai was still in a very moved state, and said to Yue Si: "Yue Sang, the value of the secret technique you taught is unacceptable to our two fathers and sons, but what we have learned, we cannot. forget…"

As a ninja who has been exploring Taijutsu for 20 years, and has also developed a level of Taijutsu such as "Eight Gate Dunjia", Matt Day is very interested in the "Qimen Dunjia" secret technique that Yue Si taught his children. The value can be correctly recognized, and the "Qimen Dunjia" that can be judged is a technique no less than "Eight-door Dunjia".

And compared to the high load on the user of "Eight Doors Dunjia", and the combat power obtained by burning vitality after the eight doors are fully opened, Qimen Dunjia has a step-by-step cultivation method, although the basic requirements are quite high, but relatively In Bamen Dunjia, it is very low. Even if you only know how to control one acupoint, you can still gain strength. Afterwards, it becomes more difficult and stronger.

Yue Si so easily taught "Qimen Dunjia" to Matekai, who had only one relationship, and he learned this secret technique from Matekai. Combined with "Eight Doors Dunjia", it can play a role. One plus one is more than two combat power, which means that he owes Yue Si a favor.

For Mattday, who has a very low emotional threshold, this is a great kindness, how can he not shed the tears of youth.

Yue Si was eating a piece of fish cake, and then hurriedly interrupted Matt Dai's words: "This secret technique is not mine, it is a piece left by the second generation Hokage Senshou Tobirama-sama. This is an unfinished secret technique, I tried to complete it in a way I understand, but I didn’t expect it to be successfully practiced by others, taught to others, and others could learn it.”

Regarding the so-called "Qimen Dunjia" technique, Yue Si did not dare to take credit and raised the banner of "Second Hokage" again and again to cover up for himself, at least some Make yourself less conspicuous.

Whether other people believe it or not, Yue Si himself believes it anyway.

Matty at least believed Yue Si's statement.

Time is fast and fast, slow and slow, just like a certain sun **** fruit person who sailed to the Chambord Islands in an oak barrel, separated from his companions, and practiced for two years each. Although the comics have been drawn for several years , but only a few months' voyage in between.

Just like the vigorous Fourth Ninja World War, it was barely four days before and after.

Soon, another year passed.

Due to the adjustment of the school system of the ninja school, this year, students in the fourth, fifth and sixth grades will usher in their graduation period. A large number of students will become ninjas and take on tasks in the village. A real ninja.

Uchiha Obito, whom Yue Si is familiar with, and Matekai, who showed embarrassment to him after meeting with "crying tears", as sixth graders, they will graduate this year and become a real of ninjas.

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