Villains Template

Chapter 699: psychic scroll

Fall in love with, the villain template of the heavens

Therefore, those who engage in the arms business can really make money.

A few chainsaw swords were sold, and Yue Siming reverted to a small fortune on the surface. Compared with many Chunin, he had more wealth at his disposal. His actual funds and materials were all converted through the attack. underground.

Like his teacher, Orochimaru, Yue Si also has his own small ideas, and these small ideas need material and financial support to realize. He used to sell ninja tools and sell drawings to the village to obtain research funds and patent authorization. Waiting for these accumulated money to be consumed by Yue Si through the excuse of this incident, so that he has a fund that can do his own affairs.

Not to mention, Yue Si also has the identity of a spy in Yunnin Village. Without the financial support of Yunnin Village, he would definitely have to raise funds himself for the activities.

More importantly, because of the adverse effects of this incident, Konoha executives are trying to calm down the rumors. No one thought of going to carefully check Yue Si's capital flow and material consumption, basically what Yue Si said. that's what.

Even Yue Si, the party involved, was a minor part of the whole incident. Except for Orochimaru and a few acquaintances of Yue Si, basically no one cared about Yue Si's affairs.

The transaction was completed, but the group of people did not disperse, because Yue Si was obviously not just selling ninja tools and chainsaw swords this time, but there were other things to talk about:

"Now that the three generations of Hokage are over fifty years old, although the combat power has reached its peak, the golden age has passed, and physical fitness and energy have begun to decline. It is estimated that it will not be long before the replacement of the position of Hokage will take place. The main purpose of my visit this time is to vote for my master, Orochimaru, when the Hokage changes."

"In terms of reputation, the name of my master Orochimaru is obvious to all, and the title of Konoha Sannin is released. Let me ask who in the ninja world does not know, who does not know, if the next Hokage is by my master Orochimaru-sama Being in charge and speaking out can convince the public.”

"In terms of ability and contribution to the village, my master, Orochimaru, can be said to have worked hard. Everyone should know how many A-level and S-level tasks he has performed. Even in terms of qualifications, it is enough."

"No matter from which point of view, the next Hokage position will definitely belong to my master, Orochimaru-sama, but until that day comes, no one can be sure about this matter, so I need everyone's support at that time. "

A representative of a small family raised an objection: "We don't have the right to vote on the position of Hokage, even if we stand on the side of Lord Orochimaru, it is useless. The choice of successor is made by Hokage and Konoha. The senior advisors will jointly decide, and then hand it over to the daimyo for formal appointment.”

Yue Si thought for a moment and said, "I know about this matter, we can't directly influence who the candidate is for the next Hokage, but the opinions of the middle-level Konoha are also very informative. The name of the candidate cannot convince the public..."

"At that time, you don't need a clear-cut opposition from you, just yin and yang will be enough."

"If the position of the next Hokage is taken by my teacher, Orochimaru-sama, then the resources in the village will be tilted towards the small clan and civilian ninjas, forming another force against the Hinata and Uchiha clans."

Yue Si's words were not too full, but what he wanted to express was enough.

Outside Orochimaru's secret laboratory, Yue Si tried to unlock the laboratory using the seal that unlocked the barrier, but found that he failed.

Obviously, the barrier used in this laboratory of Orochimaru is different from the previous laboratory. After all, there are so many laboratories in Orochimaru, and they will definitely not use a set of passwords.

However, the barrier was triggered, and Orochimaru in the laboratory also walked out of the laboratory to meet Yue Si. After seeing Yue Si, Orochimaru said with a hoarse smile: "Yue Sang, I didn't expect you to find it. Come here."

The Three Caves of Crafty Rabbit can no longer describe the secret laboratory set up by Orochimaru. After all, it is a kind of laboratory that can be placed on the bright side to deal with the high-level Konoha; another kind of laboratory is the secret research laboratory that cooperates with the root; It really belongs to Orochimaru himself, and it is another kind of laboratory that does research that he likes.

Now this is the third type of laboratory that is not known by the senior officials of Konoha and Anbu. Orochimaru vaguely disclosed to Yue Si, but did not accurately inform him of the exact location of a laboratory.

"Of course, Mr. Orochimaru, the location of the laboratory you chose is too similar, and you can find it after careful screening, so I advise you to choose an unexpected place for the next laboratory, such as the Hokage Rock. What are you hollowing out?" Responding to the question of Orochimaru casually, Yue Si took out an envelope from the inside of his clothes and said to Orochimaru: "Teacher Orochimaru, this is what I promised, with interest and interest. ."

Taking the envelope from Yue Si's hand, Orochimaru squeezed the thickness, and then smiled brighter, not because of money, but because of Yue Si's attitude: "Yuesang, you are really talented in making money!"

"It's not that I have a talent for making money, it's that I like money, so I let myself study everything about it, and then I found the one with the fastest money." Yue Si said to Orochimaru: "Before The promise, nine out of thirteen returns, the money is here."

Following Orochimaru toward the interior of the laboratory, Orochimaru said to Yue Si: "My experiment has reached a critical step, and the results have begun to bear fruit. If you come, you can witness my research results...and let you witness it. , my concept is correct."

Orochimaru didn't really care about Yue Si's repayment of money and finding his secret laboratory. Instead of being disgusted by Yue Si's being too truthful and clever, he wanted to prove himself to Yue Si through the experimental results.

Nothing proves the validity of an idea more than the results of a research study - Orochimaru thinks so.

Continuing to rotate down the stairs, Orochimaru still set up his laboratory in the basement, where the lights were bright, and the fluorescent tubes poured cool light into the laboratory.

On one wall of the laboratory, different from the style of the Shinobi world, there were twenty cultivation cabins, which were filled with nutrient solution, but only five of them were soaked as experimental subjects, and the rest were empty.

In the five culture cabins soaked by the experimental body, countless pipelines extend out and link to the monitoring equipment with the characteristics of the ninja world, detecting various physical data of the experimental body, and there are various medicines on the side. If the subject's body reacts abnormally, a drug can be used to stabilize the subject's condition.

From these aspects, Yue Si can see that Orochimaru has listened carefully to his opinions. Compared with the previous grass stage team-style experiment, it can be said that it has improved a lot now.

In the past, Orochimaru would directly fix the experimental body on the iron bed, and when the experiment was carried out, it would be ignored. That's it, for example, the one that was later called "Yawa", the only surviving experimental subject of Orochimaru's experiment on inter-column cell transplantation.

Handing a piece of experimental data to Yue Si, Orochimaru said: "Yue Sang, take a look, this is my latest research data, which can prove that my concept is correct."

After taking over the experimental data, Yue Si looked at each item and then heard Orochimaru start talking.

"Your idea is very inspiring to me, the intercolumnar cells are too aggressive, I have only considered how to successfully transplant, but ignored the acceptability of the recipient and the fusion of the recipient and the intercolumnar cells. Ability - I used to attribute that to the recipient's endurance and willpower, but now it seems to be a big mistake."

Orochimaru looked at Yue Si, who was attentively staring at the experimental data, and said, "From you, Yue Sang, I learned about the concept of transplant rejection, and then starting from this aspect, I have developed graft preconditioning and receptor preconditioning. , the use of immune rejection drugs, etc., greatly improves the success rate.”

"The receptors are adapted to the intercolumn cells by micro-injection of the receptors using the extract of the intercolumn cells..."

Yue Si has a dual purpose, watching the experimental data of Orochimaru while listening to the experimental procedures of Orochimaru, his brows are wrinkled into the word "Chuan", because Orochimaru's experiment still has the style of 'taking it for granted', Know a theory, try and use it ambiguous.

How can I say it, courage is commendable, and the spirit of exploration in scientific research is worthy of praise, but this kind of behavior is not worthy of encouragement.

"But the success rate of your experiment is still too low. Of the twenty experimental subjects, only these five survived. Whether these five people can obtain the powerful vitality of the intercolumnar cells, or even master the power of the wood tunnel, is still uncertain. Unknown."

At this time, Yue Si once again raised an objection: "Besides, before conducting human experiments, you can do animal experiments. Mice, rabbits, pigs, monkeys, dogs, huskies, etc., are all good experiments. After the technology is mature, human experiments can be carried out - the price of pigs and huskies is always cheaper than that of people, and it is easier to be accepted by people to make a dog who can master the wood escape as a ninja than to mass-produce ninjas who master the wood escape."

After Yue Si finished speaking, Orochimaru said meaningfully: "Yue Sang, what made you think that it is more expensive to use a human as a test product than to use a dog as a test product."

Orochimaru's words made Yue Si's expression freeze, at least as Guan Shanyue's Yue Si's expression should freeze, as a normal ninja who is full of hope for the village when he hears these words.

"Yue Sang, I know that the notes left by the second Hokage have a great influence on you. The above ninjutsu, secret techniques, and various concepts, you are learning them, you can say that you can really be called your teacher. , is the second-generation Hokage who has long since passed away." Orochimaru spit out a letter like a snake, revealing those unknown things to Yue Si: "Yue Sang, compared to my teacher, the third-generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiizan, you He is the one who has inherited the concept of the second Hokage, and he is more like the Senju Tobirama-sama that exists in my long-term memory."

"Your perception of the village, of scientific research, is what the second Hokage expects, and it is what he wrote in the notebook - but, unfortunately, today's village, today's Konoha, is not The Konoha Village that the first Hokage and the second Hokage wanted to build."

Looking at Yue Si with a slightly collapsed face, Orochimaru smiled hoarsely: "Hehe, Yue Sang, do you feel that your concept has been impacted, this ninja world is so dark... But, Yue Sang, do you willing to change it."

"That guy Jiraiya has always believed in the legend or prophecy of the Child of Destiny, saying that when the Child of Prophecy appears, the entire ninja world will change. I don't believe in his theory, I believe more in my own. Destiny will be in your own hands, but if it is Yue Sang, I hope that you have the ability to change the entire ninja world."

Putting down the experimental data, Yue Si appeared to be in a heavy heart. In fact, he had already made an evaluation of the Orochimaru experiment. Although his experiment seemed to have an improved success rate, it did not allow the receptor to obtain the same effect as a thousand hands. Vitality and huge But it is not that they have not been improved. The body's ability to resist blows and the ability to heal after injury are better than ordinary ninjas, which can be called "super ninjas".

The chances of the test item gaining the ability to use the wooden dung are also very low. Even if the wooden dung is mastered, at most one or two small saplings with the thickness of an arm will be released, which is far inferior to Yamato.

If you just want to build that kind of super soldier-level ninja, this kind of experiment is enough.

But whether Orochimaru himself or Danzo who secretly supports Orochimaru, he wants more.

Leading Yue Si out of his laboratory and back to the part on the ground, Orochimaru said hoarsely: "Yue Sang, I know that you have a lot of questions and indignation in your heart now, but you can only survive if you live. It's the most important thing you need to do right now."

"The art of psychic."

Orochimaru bit his fingers, pressed his hands to the ground, and channeled a python.

Fortunately, the part on the ground is not inhabited by people, there are not so many furniture facilities, and it is empty, so there is enough space to accommodate such a python that is at least ten meters long. Even so, the snake needs to entangle its body. .

The python's head was facing Orochimaru, but its icy eyes stared at Yue Si, as if to swallow Yue Si whole, but Orochimaru glared back, the python opened its mouth obediently and spat out a Comes in a kid-sized scroll.

Orochimaru opened the scroll on the ground and said, "Yue Sang, as your teacher, I didn't teach you much useful things. This is where I neglected my duty as a teacher. Now I apologize for this."

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