Villains Template

Chapter 713: ? Sword "; ⒈? Break the fist!

Just like the saying that World War II was the continuation of World War I, the Third Ninja World War is also the continuation of the Second Ninja World War, and it is a contradiction that will inevitably erupt.

A long time ago, when Yue Si did not even grasp the power of electric current, he had noticed this from all aspects of his daily life, such as the high prices of goods and the insufficient subsidies for orphans in the village. The meals in the orphanage cannot satisfy everyone, and they must be robbed from the weaker by force and the like.

And this is still the result of the resource-rich Fire Nation being the victor in the Second Ninja World War, not to mention those countries whose finances are already tight and resources are scarce, and the internal conflicts are even more intense.

Everything indicates that there must be a war between the five nations of the Ninja world.

Through war, transferring internal conflicts to the outside world is the most simple, direct and effective method. The disappearance of the three generations of Kazekage is just an introduction. Even if he does not disappear, there will be other events to detonate all this.

Therefore, in addition to the country of water that continues to fight infighting and is surrounded by sea and has no land borders, Sand Ninja Village, the country of wind, which ranks last in strength among the five ninja kingdoms, is the first to attack the outside world, so that the most acute internal conflicts can be resolved. Transferred to the outside world, and at the same time, without Kazekage, a strong leader, he can also gather together the interior of the scattered sand Ninja Village.

In this way, the Third Ninja World War inevitably happened in an accidental way.

However, because it is the early stage of the war, the battles between the major powers only occur in the small countries between the big powers and the big powers. Wars are controlled within the borders of small countries, and although the flames of war cannot be extinguished, they are committed to keeping the flames of war from igniting within the borders of the country in the early stages of the war.

This is a difficult thing. Except for those small countries that are small in size, the small countries that are interspersed between big countries and large countries are all narrow and long, and the national territory is not deep enough. The buffer zone between the big countries is not spacious .

If it's just a battle between a certain big country, Konoha's family background can still hold up, but this time it's a battle between five big countries, Konoha sent a large amount of troops, but they can only be distributed on the border. Diluted a lot.

Fortunately, Konoha prepared countermeasures a few years ago, and changed the school system of the ninja school to a four-year system, which is equivalent to two more years of ninja school graduates. Promoted to Chunin and became a new force.

After many days of discussions, the top management of Konoha finally decided to first solve the enemies in the direction of the water country. First, the comprehensive strength of the water country is at the bottom of the five countries. Secondly, this time the water country participated in the ninja war. , Declaring war on the country on fire is not without the intention of taking advantage of the fire. Island countries all yearn for a vast land.

And the country of water is surrounded by the ocean, and their logistics and personnel transportation are very difficult due to the lack of road communication lines.

Therefore, first concentrate your strength and knock out the country of water, that is, persimmons are especially soft to pinch and cut off one side of the force, which can free up manpower to deal with threats in other directions. It is also a warning to the other big countries. The daring and strength of the people, let them weigh it when they think about the country of fire that they shouldn't have.

Because of the application, Orochimaru, the leader of the team, was also active on the border between the land of water and the land of fire, so Yue Si was temporarily incorporated into Matekai's class and rushed to the border battlefield with them, carrying supplies , to support the front lines.

Of course, to support the front line, of course, it will not just send them a small team, assemble a team of dozens of people, and set off together. For the elite ninjas, this is already large-scale.

After all, the ninjas who put into the battlefield are at least ninjas, and there is no such thing as cannon fodder to fill the number of people.

Now is the time of war. It is normal operation to encircle points to help and destroy logistics. Small groups of ninjas are very easy to be robbed and killed, and large groups of troops are relatively safe. Just like in ancient times, when samurai gathered, peasants behaved very cowardly. But once a warrior is left alone and defeated, he will be robbed and killed by peasants, taking away his money and valuables.

Matekai's guide is a Konoha ninja named Saiga Bankuro. Although he is a jounin, he has a dragon-like figure and has no characteristics except for middle-aged prosperous.

Looking at his age, Caiga Hankuro should be someone who has experienced the second ninja war. The upper ninja looked at the enthusiastic chunin and lower ninjas, showing a state of sorrow and sigh.

"You little bastards, take me seriously, this is a war, you must have a little sense of crisis, this is not when you were on a mission before, and you were going to be a small fight. The place you are going is the battlefield. It is also possible to die on the battlefield by Kunai and Shuriken!"

"On the battlefield, you are nothing but a weapon..."

Saiga Bankuro's words can be said to be insightful, a summary of what he has experienced in a tragic war, and insightful insights. However, his three subordinates almost went in from the left ear to the right ear, and did not listen to what Saiga Bankuro said. , but with a kind of longing for making achievements, thinking that their level is enough to deal with the ninjas of the Water Ninja, and when they reach the IQ of the battlefield, they can kill the Quartet and lay a illustrious name.

Therefore, unlike Caiga Hankuro, who is pessimistic and uncertain about the future, the younger generation of ninjas maintain a "naive" who is not familiar with the world. The two fathers and sons of Tedai and Maitkay often talk about "youth".

And this situation not only happened to a few people in Matekai, but the young ninjas in the team basically behaved like this, even if their leaders taught them their awareness and experience about war, but, Even if you can listen to it, how many can actually practice it?

Yue Si somewhat understood the practice of the three generations of Naruto Sarutobi Rizan and the senior executives of Konoha to shorten the school year of the ninja school, that is, taking advantage of these young people's hot-blooded age, to fool them into the battlefield as cannon fodder.

No matter how precocious people in the ninja world are, they are lacking in this aspect of life experience, which has become a point that can be used.

Just like what Miyamoto Musashi said - who can stop young warriors from dying, they can't hear them - young and vigorous warriors face life with the enthusiasm to die, and they can't hear anyone's advice .

After all, they didn't know that, compared to making contributions and making a career, returning to the village alive and safely was the most important thing they should do.

The speed of the ninjas is very fast, and the materials can also be sealed into the scroll through the sealing technique. There is not much load, and they travel all the way. It took a few days to reach the border with the country of water. .

Matekai's father, Maitdai, was also incorporated into the team as a ninja. The two fathers and sons took advantage of the opportunity to hurry and still insist on their physical training. The pace of other people, the behavior that consumes a lot of physical strength, is also a way of physical training for them.

"Wait a minute!" Yue Si suddenly shouted during the march.

When the people in the team heard the words, they stopped one after another, and Matt Dai, who was very confident in Yue Si's strength, asked, "Yue Sang, is there an enemy?"

"Yes." Yue Si said, "I feel the killing intent."

"Killing intent." Mattday and Mattkai immediately assumed a serious fighting stance, as if in the next second, countless kunai with detonating charms would shoot from all directions, covering their direction.

The perceptive ninjas in the team immediately focused their attention and went to investigate the surroundings - after all, even a ninja with perceptual talent could not be like the white-eyed ninja of the Hyuga family, who could get a telephoto eye within a kilometer range by doing nothing. and perspective eyes.

They need to use additional spells to enhance their perception abilities,

"The distance is too far, I can't feel it." The perceptive ninja said that within the range of his perception, there is no ninja other than his own ninjas.

However, he didn't say anything completely, but left room to avoid blowing Yue Si's confidence.

"Then you stay here for the time being, and I'll come when I go." Yue Si did not argue, but made a suggestion, and then rushed towards the direction of the killing intent he felt.

Magnetic field rotation]

Rusty red battle lines appeared on Yue Si's face, which was revived in his body by his deliberately silent power, greatly enhancing his physical strength, strength, speed, neural response ability, and perception ability.

In Yue Si's perception, a group of Mist Ninjas from the Land of Water were hiding in the direction where their group was going, ambushing them, and kept approaching in their own direction. Obviously, they came to besiege and kill.

Although the killing intent on their bodies was well hidden, only the slightest hint was revealed. Even a keen perceptive ninja would not be able to detect their existence from such a long distance.

However, in Yue Si's perception, they have nothing to hide.

"Five-pole power, gust of wind!"

The power of magnetic field rotation] coiled in Yue Si's palm, and a tornado emanated from his palm, swept across the front, and the two mists were caught off guard by the tornado of the wind, and were torn and rotated by the wind. It made them lose their balance, and then, like the stone in the sling, it was thrown far away, hitting the tree trunk or the ground at a very high speed.

Then, their bodies were twisted into a weird shape in the violent collision. Without Tsunade's Yin seal storing a large amount of chakra and the terrifying self-healing power brought by the first-class medical ninjutsu in the ninja world, or thousand hands The huge vitality of the pillars, then they must be dead and hopeless.

When the rest of the ninjas saw this, they hurriedly avoided the tornado, which destroyed their strict and effective formation, and opened a passage for Yue Si to enter their queue.

Yue Si skipped the first few mist ninjas at a high speed and did not make any move against them, but those mist ninjas found that Yue Si threw a few half-fist-sized metal **** in their direction, and everyone got a share. A: "What is this?"

For the ninja, these metal **** were not incapable of hiding, but before they could move, the metal ball burst into flames and exploded.

With the sound of successive explosions, the flames engulfed the mist ninjas, the power of the immortal art detonating clay erupted and the shrapnel splashing around, even though some of the mist ninjas responded quickly to use the substitute technique, but the grenade The killing radius is very large, and even if they use the substitute technique, they still cannot escape.

To a certain extent, A-level ninjutsu is similar to kunai. Crispy ninjas are still life-threatening as long as they are pierced by kunai.

One after another, Mist Ninja's corpses fell to the ground. Their bodies were either burnt black by flames, or riddled with holes penetrated by shrapnel. In short, they lost the breath of life.

"Be careful with this guy's ninja gear, it's similar to Konoha's new type of ninja gear called a grenade, and its power is terrifying."

Ninja Yuri reminded the others: "We have surrounded him, and we need to fight quickly!"

"I'm so angry, I just want to kill some people to relieve my anger." Looking at the mist ninja who surrounded him, Yue Si said grimly: "I just want to rest in the village for a while, It's you guys who made me lose my peaceful life! Because of the war, the Konoha market has become a lot deserted, prices have soared, and many shops have closed because the business can't continue. The meatball shop I often go to It's like that, and the kebab shop is like that, all because of you."

"Wind Dun..." Yue Si's ramble was not heard by Wu Ninja, there was a ninja's hand seal, ready to use Feng Dun, but Yue Si's figure disappeared from the place and appeared in front of him.

"So fast, this guy is just forbearance!"

How to distinguish Konoha ninjas, the ninjas of the mist ninja also mastered it. As for Yue Si, who was not wearing a ninja vest, they judged that Yue Si was just a ninja. Not as good.

The ninja stopped Yuyin instantly, held a kunai, and slashed towards Yue Si.

But Yue Si came close to punching, and his fist came towards Wu Ninja's kunai.

The collision between the flesh-and-blood body and the iron ninja equipment, the mist ninja thought he had won, but when the kunai in his hand collided with Yue Si's fist, he was horrified and felt a huge force coming. , his wrist was instantly fractured, and even Kunwu shattered under the fist.

"Ha! Haihu Blasting Fist!" He read "ya", Brother Wufly "Shoot you", Liu Xing "Shoot, Liang Feifan"

Unstoppable, Yue Si's fist slammed into Wu Nin's chest against the shattered kunai, and the unparalleled fist force slammed into his body and exploded in his body.

Flesh and blood were splattered out in the form of a fan.

The broken bones and the fragments of the ninja tools splashed out like fragments of cannonballs, and the power carried on them completely wiped out the mist ninja within a fan.

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