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Chapter 726: Tenmu Killing Road

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Yue Si walked around the streets of Konoha and found that all the shops, large and small, were closed. Even if the doors were open, they were the ones selling daily necessities. Even the most basic materials had skyrocketed prices.

As far as Yue Si has seen, it can be regarded as good quality and cheap, and there is only Yile Ramen. Although limited by cost, Yile Ramen will inevitably increase in price, but the price increase is not high. , is within the acceptable range.

Therefore, there is a long queue in front of the shop of Yile Ramen, all ninjas waiting to eat a bowl of Yile Ramen.

Standing in line, Yue Si thought about what kind of face he should put on now, what kind of emotion he should be in, and now his situation is like Chen Yongren who saw Inspector Huang fall to his death in front of him in "Infernal Affairs" The same, the person who knew his true identity and knew that he was actually an undercover agent is dead... Well, it seems that there are not many people who know that he is actually an undercover agent. The fourth generation Raikage Ai, Kirabi and Samui all know him. The existence of this undercover.

"Guanshan Yuesang!" Yue Si was lining up when he suddenly heard Uchiha Obito's voice. He turned his head and saw Uchiha Obito's figure. He was also in the line in front of Yile Ramen Shop. When Yue Si was in the team, he immediately said hello.

It's just that when I saw Yue Si, Uchiha Obito's expression was first of surprise, and then the smile suddenly faded from his face, looking a little lonely and a little sad. At this time, Uchiha Obito seemed to be a Qualified Uchiha.

"Yo, it turned out to be Obito. It turns out that you also returned to the village. Since that's the case, I'll treat you to this meal." Yue Si didn't know what happened to Uchiha Obito during this time, but he still followed the same way as before. He said hello.

Who knew that Uchiha Obito left the team directly, walked to Yue Si's side, pulled Yue Si and walked out: "Guanshan Yuesang, I want to take you to a place to meet someone."

Yue Si didn't know what happened to Uchiha Obito, but he still followed him in an unknown direction. The people behind them in the line were a little happier. There was one less person and two people in front, and it was their turn. A bit earlier.

As he walked, Yue Si found that he was familiar with the direction Uchiha Obito took him to. Yuna's home, which he hadn't seen for a long time, was in this direction. When he was studying at the ninja school, Yue Si would sometimes come to Yuna's house came to find her, and went out to eat or something.

It's just that after graduating from the ninja school and becoming a ninja, everyone has their own life and has what they need to do. It's not like when they were at the ninja school before. Except for the class time, they are all their own, except for weekends. There are also two holidays a year. Remember the URL m.xbeqge. com

Especially after the outbreak of the Third Ninja World War, for nearly half a year, Yue Si did not stay in Ninja Village, either on his way to the battlefield or on the battlefield, he hadn't seen Yuu for a long time. Nai.

Thinking of this, Yue Si suddenly said to Uchiha Obito: "What happened to Yuna?"

Uchiha Obito knew Yuna. Although it seemed that they didn't have much interaction, Yuna, Ah Guo, Uchiha Obito, and Nohara Lin actually knew each other, and they were friends who had dinner together.

"Guanshan Yuesang, I can suddenly understand what you and I said at the beginning." Uchiha Obito suddenly stopped and said to Yue Si: "Your talent is very powerful, and the talent you have has. You must also surpass the average ninja, and you will definitely become a powerful ninja in the future - but Guan Shanyue-sang, you have always resisted the identity of the ninja, wanted to stay away from the world of ninjas, and hated and spurned war."

"The world is like this, what you care about is insignificant in the eyes of others - this sentence seems so right now, the people you love, the companions you cherish, in the eyes of others, It's just an enemy who can be easily solved, or a little trickier, and in the eyes of others, it's just an irrelevant person."

Yue Si looked at this Uchiha Obito with a scrutiny look. This guy's eyes, the Shaker's Eye has been opened, and there are three gouyu flowing in the blood-red pupils. In the past time, his Shaker's Eye has been It has evolved to the extreme, unless the ritual of "killing relatives" is carried out, so that the three-gou jade writing wheel eye has evolved to the level of a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

In short, it is the only way for the Uchiha clan, who are born with abundant and sensitive emotions, to gain power.

Love everything you cherish with the most sincere feelings, parents, brothers, friends, teachers, lovers, this is not a difficult thing for the people of the Uchiha family, their sensitive nerves Let them love everything more strongly than others and keep it in their hearts.

Then, you must destroy everything you cherish, destroy your parental affection, the righteousness of your friends, the love of your lovers, and destroy these "little loves" for the sake of greater ideals and greater "love". All buried.

The more you lose, the stronger the "power" you have. Madara Uchiha started from the tail of a crane that couldn't even hit the other side of the river and walked the road of the strong man in the ninja world Shura, which is to kill. The friendship between him and Qianshou Zhuma was killed, and the bond between the two was stifled. The strong emotional impact made Madara Uchiha awakened Sharonan.

And if you want to truly take the road of "strong", you have to destroy and kill the person you "love" most with your own hands.

Then, feel the pain of that destruction and torment yourself with that extremely contradictory state of mind.

In that endless pain and loneliness, in that state of mind filled with anger and regret, Uchiha's people will become stronger.

Unparalleled and strong!

This is also one of the reasons for the birth of "Naruto Arc", that is, the transformation of Tianwu killing Dao from "love and justice" to "unfeeling and unrighteous", which is so similar to the awakening of the Uchiha family's kaleidoscope.

After giving a testimonial, Uchiha Obito stopped talking and just walked silently with Yue Si, which made Yue Si wonder if something happened to Nohara Rin, which hit him mentally.

After walking a short distance, Yue Si saw a figure across the distance. It was Nohara Rin. She was smiling softly and saying something. .

In Nohara Rin's hands, she was pushing a wheelchair.

Yue Si came to the side of the wheelchair using the teleportation technique. Nohara Rin was startled at first. After seeing Yue Si's face, she stepped back and pulled Uchiha Obito to the side, looking at Yue Si. .

There is a person sitting in a wheelchair, all the left leg is lost, the part of the right leg below the knee is missing, the left arm and even the shoulder are empty, the only intact limb is the right arm, but also lost two fingers.

The bandage wrapped it from head to toe, and the body was covered with a blanket. Only the right eye and mouth were exposed. Maybe he lost his limbs, or he was completely wrapped by the bandage. The figure in the wheelchair was thin and small. .

Yue Si seemed to smell the burnt smell from the other party's body. It was obvious that he had suffered very serious burns. He was silent for a long time. After a gust of wind broke the silence, he slowly said, "Youna."

Although the injury was serious and beyond recognition, Yue Si sensed through the breath of life that this person was Yuna.

After saying the name, Yue Si fell into silence again, like a wooden body clay sculpture.

Yuna, who was wrapped in a mummy in a wheelchair, raised her head slightly with all her strength and said, "Brother Yue, I'm really sorry for letting you see me like this - but you don't have to worry, if you can survive, I have already I am very happy, the gift you gave me, I have always carried it with me, and it is because of it that I was able to survive and not die in the war like our parents did."

Death is always an unavoidable topic for ninjas. Yuna is a war orphan. Her parents died in the second ninja war. She grew up in an orphanage without support. is a very powerful being.

Even though her body was bruised and bruised, in Yue Si, her words were comforting Yue Si.

Yue Si asked, "What happened?"

Nohara Rin came over and said for Yuna, "It's Iwa Shinobi and Sand Shinobi. On the battlefield of the Land of Rain, the new ninja gear played a very important role, which attracted the attention of Iwa Shinobi and Sand Shinobi, and they sent out A large number of ninjas hope to obtain new ninja tools for research."

"At that time, Yuna's class was responsible for the transportation of new ninja equipment and ammunition, so Iwa Ninja attacked..."

Because of her injury, Yuna's speech was a very painful thing, but she still insisted on correcting the mistakes in Nohara Rin's words: "It's Aguo, Aguo's class and my class acted together, and launched a campaign against us at Iwanin. When the attack killed the Jounin and his companions one by one, the two of us made a decision to release all the ammunition we were carrying, then detonate them all, and die with Iwanin."

After saying this, Yuna rested for a long time, and with the help of Nohara Rin, who knew some medical ninjutsu, she regained some strength and continued: "Brother Yue, you will detonate the clay technique. The church was given to A Guo, she knew how to detonate them, and A Guo succeeded..."

After saying this half sentence, Yuna stopped again, her breathing became heavy, and she needed a break to regain some strength.

"That guy Kakashi took us on a mission nearby, noticed the violent explosion, and went to check the situation together,"

Uchiha Obito looked at Yue Si, but he didn't see any emotion on Yue Si's face. Some of them were just very calm faces, but they seemed to be hidden in the shadows, pitch black as ink.

"Beside a huge pit, we found Yuna who was beyond recognition. She was in very bad condition at the time. We had to find a way to make Yuna survive." Uchiha Obito said: "At that time, there were still a few Iwanin. The strong men were alive, Kakashi fought them, and even his family's short sword, White Fang, was broken."

Yue Si took Yuna's bandaged hand and gave her part of the power of [Ultimate True Qi]. Without mastering the [Magnetic Field Rotation] and the corresponding power, [Ultimate True Qi] could only stay at Yunai's meridian. It's been a short while, but this has eased Yuna's pain a little and made her life source stronger.

[Ultimate True Qi] It is not that Yue Si has not taught Yunai, he even taught the father and son of Matt Kay and Matt Dai. Of course, Yue Si will teach her this friend who grew up in an orphanage. However, the cultivation of [Ultimate True Qi] requires two preconditions, one is [talent], and the other is [perseverance]. Matt and his son lack [talent], but have unparalleled [persistence], so they can put Yue Si successfully cultivated the by-product 'Qimen Dunjia Technique' found on the way of [Ultimate True Qi].

Compared to those geniuses, Yuna's talent is only at the level of the middle and lower reaches. Not much to say about [perseverance], it is not comparable to those two monster-like father and son.

"It's okay, Yuna, you will definitely get better." Yue Si comforted Yuna: "My teacher is Master Orochimaru, although he is not as proficient in medical numbers as Master Tsunade, but he knows a lot, yours He will definitely be able to figure out a way to solve the situation, don't worry, you will definitely get better."

Although it is under the banner of Orochimaru, Yue Si intends to come by himself. Based on the intercolumnar cells, he will cut genetic engineering with Yunai's cells, and then carry out directional cultivation to cultivate new arms. And legs, grow new skin, perform a transplant operation for Yuna, so that she can get back on her feet.

As for the lost eye, how many writing wheel eyes are hidden under Orochimaru's hand, although Yue Si does not know, but Orochimaru was able to hold the brothers Uchiha Yusei and Uchiha Shizhi in his hands, and search for them through war. I will definitely be able to do the work of writing round eyes. At that time, I will ask for one based on the relationship between master and apprentice, and Orochimaru will definitely give it.

What Yuna needs is bed I just went out to let the wind out. According to the medical ninja in the village, what Yuna needs now is a heart that wants to live. After all, judging from Yuna's situation , The ninja's career has been cut off, and he can't even move freely. Unless he transforms himself into a puppet like a scorpion, Yuna can only be like this for a lifetime. This is an unacceptable thing to the people of the ninja world. .

Nohara Rin and Uchiha Obito tried to make Yuna want to live, pushing her out to see the scenery in the village and the beautiful things in this world, while Uchiha Obito went to Ichiro Ramen for Yuna Buying a bowl of ramen that she longs for, although Yuna can only eat liquid food, a bowl of ramen can satisfy her wish.

"One bowl of ramen with two servings of char siew...?"

Standing on a high place, feeling the wind from the evening, looking at the heads of the three Hokage on Hokage Rock, and looking at the Hokage building in the distance, Yue Si recited what Yuna wanted to eat.

Yue Si felt that he should do something.

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