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Chapter 728: The fallen Uchiha Obito

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Yue Si took out a kunai from the ninja bag at the back of his waist and held it in his left hand. Under the [magnetic field rotation], the lightning force, one of the five poles, was attached to it, forming a three-foot-three-inch three-level thunderbolt. The blade, the whole body is a mass of light, and an arc flashes occasionally.


A tornado emanated from Yue Si's palm, shot straight into the sky, swallowed the clouds above his head, and absorbed a large amount of air into it.

"With soil!"

Yue Si shouted, and Uchiha Obito immediately understood, and his hands formed a seal: "Fire escape, the art of fireball!"

The technique of the fireball rushed towards the tornado, and was instantly engulfed by the tornado. The fire took advantage of the wind, and the tornado in Yue Si's hand was ignited into a fire tornado, which was compressed by the magnetic field force into a long eight-foot long spiral sword in Yue Si's hand. , Wind and fire intertwined, the heat and pressure radiated, even the surrounding Konoha ninja subconsciously stayed away from Yue Si.

On the opposite side, the commander of Iwa Ninja looked at the tornado that soared into the sky and quickly disappeared, and he knew it in his heart: "The ninja of Konoha have discovered us, we don't need to hide anymore..."

After simply assigning personnel and arranging tactics, the commander of Iwanin said: "Rush out in one breath, leave all Konoha ninjas here, and don't let any of them go."

Afterwards, the commander of Iwanin did not stay behind, but rushed out ahead, holding Kunai in his hand, his hands behind his back, and his body lowered, ready to perform ninjutsu at any time.

The commander charged ahead, and the morale of the rock ninja was high. Although there were only a few dozen people, it was like a galloping army of thousands of horses, which made people tremble and give birth to an unmatched mind.

However, to the surprise of Commander Iwanin, there was only one ninja from Konoha. Although Yue Si also put on a green vest after being promoted to Chunin, he covered it with a trench coat, but the young The face and the body to be grown cannot be faked.

According to their information, it was Konoha's vanguard who came, but at this time there was no one, only Yue Si, who was wielding two ninjutsu swords.

But the matter has come to this point, we can only behead Yue Si, the Konoha ninja - Konoha's commander is really ruthless. First, he will make a big move to lead himself out, and then send such a little devil to charge forward to kill him. Lead yourself out and let your trap fall into the void.

Fortunately, he hid two secret tricks, and there were two groups of people who were hiding in the dark to outflank, not putting all their power on the bright side.

"First-class in two days, behead!"

Yue Si shouted angrily, shouting the name of the plausible move, / With a long knife in his hand, he slashed through the nearest rock ninja, and the raging flames clambered up, quickly burning it into coke , the Thunder Blade in his left hand couldn't stop spinning, splitting the Yannin one after another.

Under the blade of thunder and lightning and the blade of wind and fire, the ninjas of the rock ninja were chopped melons and vegetables, and fell to Yue Si's hands one by one. In the ninja's formation, none of those rock ninjas were Yue Si's enemies in one round.

When there was no other figure of Iwanin in front of him, Yue Si stopped, turned his direction, waved two long knives condensed by the force of the magnetic field, and charged towards the direction of Iwanin.

"Tu Dun·Tuliu City Wall!"

"Tu Dun · Tulong Spear!"

"Tu Dun · Earth Dragon Bomb!"

After being killed by Yue Si, the rock ninja finally reacted, and the remaining ninjas used ninjutsu to drag Yue Si into the battle.

Either raise the ground, change the terrain, make the terrain more complicated, stop Yue Si's sprint abruptly, and create a bunker to provide shelter for your own ninjas, so as not to be cut off by Yue Si.

Tudun and Tuliu River turn the ground into a swamp that flows like a river. Each rock ninja controls a big muddy river, and the turbulent flow formed by different flow directions makes people have nowhere to go.

The Tudun and Tulong Spear continued to grow spikes from under the ground, and the Tudun and Tulong bullets gave birth to dragon heads beside them, spit out mud bullets one after another to cover Yue Si's direction, compressing Yue Si's activity space.

The swordsmanship of Yue Si's "Two Heavens First Class" shouted out indiscriminately is incomparably exquisite, and the blade condensed by the power of lightning and wind and fire is even more unmatched. Just a short encounter has already made the rock ninjas feel palpitations, as if Hatake Sakumo, who was famous in the ninja world with a short sword back then, was reborn—well, it seems to mean taking advantage of Kakashi.

"Do you know that I'm so angry right now!"

Yue Si let out a roar. After returning to Konoha from the front line of the Land of Water, what he saw, what he heard, all kinds of people and things made a fire burn in his heart, but this anger was not enough. I don't know where they are going and who they are going to burn. These rock ninjas are just catching up, and they are just being used by Yue Si to vent their anger. They will endure Yue Si's most brutal attack.

Stepping on the air, Yue Si was as strong as climbing a ladder, leaping to a high place step by step, out of the attack range of the rock ninjas.

Not to mention the Tudun and Tulong guns, the Kunai with the detonating talisman had not approached Yue Si's feet, and the force exerted on them at the beginning was no longer able to resist gravity, and they fell to the ground one by one. Under the control of Jōnin, the mud bombs fired by the earth dragon head made by Tu Dun and earth dragon bombs can approach the height of Yue Si, but the accuracy is much worse, and it can't get close to the range of Yue Si at all.

Perceiving the area where the rock ninja was located on the ground, Yue Si swept his right hand, the spiral long sword intertwined with wind and fire was released, and the fire tornado reversed down, covering the direction of the rock ninja, covering all the rock ninjas, stirring in the tornado. Below, the air becomes a turbulent flow, and the high temperature formed by the flame radiates heat outward, burns the air, and evaporates the water.

The mudslide swamp was dried and hardened into slabs, and the soil dragons also solidified into statues.

Soil things are still like this, so what can the ninjas with flesh and blood be like? Although they are powerful beings with 130 trillion cells in their bodies, they also fell to the ground one by one in the high temperature and hypoxia environment.

Either die of high temperature, or die of lack of oxygen, the former is okay to say, the latter is in all kinds of pain before dying.

In addition to this wave of rock ninjas that dealt with Yue Si head-on, the other two rock ninjas who were the secret hands of the ambush were also included.

However, there were still some rock ninjas who survived. They dived into the ground through the earth escape for the first time, avoiding the high temperature and lack of oxygen. However, Yue Si fell directly from the sky and stepped on it heavily. The powerful force directly dented the ground, like a spider web. Cracks spread all around.

Those who were sneaking underground were thrown out under the impact of force, Yue Si stepped on them, and the lightning blade in his hand had already cut them apart - except for one person, that was the commander of Iwanin.

Yue Si grabbed Commander Yan Ninja and threw him to the ground, smashing half a hole directly on the ground. Commander Yan Ninja was also a physique practitioner who could smash ordinary ninjas to death. When he fell, he was only slightly impacted and tried to fight back.

With the palm of his hand, he pinched Commander Iwanin's cervical spine, and the current surged in, cutting off the signal from his brain to the body. The muscles relaxed, and the Commander of Iwanin became soft and collapsed, and was held by Yue Si with one hand.

As a commander, this Iwanin commander has a means of self-destruction, but what he can mobilize now is only the part above the neck that can move, and even if he has the means, he can't use it.

This is a blow to Yannin's side. As a high-level Yannin, the intelligence information in his brain is very important. If it is obtained by Konoha Ninja, Yannin's troops, materials, roads, strongholds, etc. will all be Presented to the Konoha ninja, if the Konoha ninja launches a targeted attack, the rock ninja will suffer huge losses.

They are ambushing here for the same purpose. According to their information, high-level officials of Konoha ninja will pass by this road and obtain information by capturing high-level Konoha. This is their plan.

It's just that the plan fell through, and they were finally defeated by the Konoha Ninja.

"I won't say anything!"

Iwanin's commander looked at Yue Si and said, "My brain has set a formula, and you can't get information from my brain by means of illusion."

"Are you guarding against illusion and torture and the techniques of the mountain family?" Yue Si said, not to mention illusion, but the mountain family's ninja and mind-reading technique can directly read each other's thoughts, which is really terrifying.

"In this way, you can only take the initiative to tell the information you have on your own initiative through torture."

"It just so happens that I also have a lot of experience in torture. Don't worry, I will guarantee that you will speak willingly, and tell us everything we want to know and what you know."

If you ask who knows how to interrogate, although Yue Si cannot be said to be the first-rate in the ninja world, he is also considered to be in the first echelon. method of personal will.

Under the torture of Yue Si, the commander of Yan Ninja told all kinds of information about the war situation, and even the various people in Yan Nin Village, they said it one by one, even the people who practiced themselves. The ninjutsu "melt escape" has been explained.

This commander is none other than one of the direct disciples of the three generations of Tsuchikage Onogi. He came to the battlefield to gild him for military exploits, but instead fell into the hands of Yue Si.

And after the torture, Konoha Ninja looked at Yue Si in the wrong way. Electricity flashed in his hand. Commander Yan Ninja twitched, his eyes were round, his teeth were clenched, and he didn't even scream. Commander Shinobi broke out in sweat instantly, crying for his father and mother.

Just like the chakra attributes, the earth chakra was restrained by the thunder chakra, and under Yue Si's thunder chakra torture technique, the commander Yannin's so-called "rock-like firmness" was instantly defeated.

However, Yue Si did not directly ask Commander Yannin, but repeatedly tortured the other party without asking a single question.

When the Konoha Ninja couldn't stand it anymore and pleaded for the commander of Iwa Ninja, the chance of the commander's personality was destroyed by Yue Si, and he answered whatever he asked.

With this information, the Konoha Ninja gained a very large advantage on the battlefield. Although it was only a few small victories, it gradually accumulated and formed a huge momentum. With the belief of invincibility, Konoha Ninja, There is also the morale accumulated by the continuous victory, all the way to conquer the base and the army of Iwa Ninja, the original situation where Iwa Ninja and Konoha were evenly matched was broken, and the balance of victory gradually tilted in the direction of Konoha.

On the battlefield, Yue Si's figure was the most active, and the battles involving him were the quickest to end, with the lowest casualties on his side.

No one can keep up with the speed of Yue Si, and no one can match the strength of Yue Si. In the continuous battle, Yue Si has become stronger and stronger!

In order to allow Yue Si's power to be properly applied, Minato Namifeng asked him to temporarily transfer him from his Minato class to form a team with other ninjas, mainly reconnaissance type ninjas, such as the ninjas of the Hinata clan, who only need to take the enemy out. Report the location and approximate number of people to Yue Si, and then you need to wait.

However, after returning to the camp one time, Yue Si heard a not-so-good news.

Uchiha Obito was killed in battle, with no bones left.

Namikaze Minato is known for his telekinesis and flying thunder gods, but just like DC's Flash Barry Allen, because he is a speeder, he has the ability to violate the physical rules of "speed force". Lun was often late, because the speeders' perception of time would be affected by their speed.

In the battle with Yannin, Namikaze Minato had a lot of fun with the technique of Flying Thunder God, but Yannin used a lot of human life to play a set of 'Taking Tigers and Leaving the Mountains', transferred him from the main force, and then ambush and reappeared, Attack the rest.

It was the rock ninja that was three times the size of the Konoha ninja, and it was still a team dominated by the above ninjas. Facing the gap between the number of people and the overall strength, the Konoha side was defeated.

When Namikaze Minato realized something was wrong and rushed back to the I only had time to save the seriously injured Hatake Kakashi from Iwanin. There were only a few Konoha ninjas who survived. Next, many Konoha ninjas don't even have complete corpses, including Uchiha Obito.

Lying on the hospital bed, Kakashi Hatake, who was wrapped like a mummy, felt sorry for himself and fell into endless self-blame. After seeing Yue Si, he handed over a broken ninja tool in his hand to Yue Si. : "This is a gift from Obito. He said it was the ninja tool you gave him to celebrate becoming a ninja. It saved my life, but I lost its Obito, but..."

"Chakra shield generator..." Yue Si whispered as he looked at the shield generator that was damaged due to excessive power usage.

This is an accessory product in the development of his ninja tools. Due to the limitation of size and power, it can only be used once, but it can create a chakra shield that is enough to block the blow of the tailed beast.

"Where is the location of Obito's death, I want to take a look!"

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