Villains Template

Chapter 743: substitute teacher

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"Yue Sang, inside our Konoha, there is a spy of Yun Ren."

"That day, I was training in physical arts outside the village, and then I accidentally met three Yun Ren at the joint. During the exchange of information, in the part of the content I heard, the Yun Ren disguised himself and lurked in the wood. Ye Cunzhong used this to obtain first-hand information. Before I approached, the Yun Ren, who was lurking in Konoha, found my trace. , but I couldn't stop the opponent's blow, I was defeated in the physical competition, my leg was broken by the opponent's kick, and then I fainted."

"But maybe I was worried about being discovered by Konoha's patrolling ninjas. After they beat me down, they left in a hurry."

Matekai said to Yue Si seriously: "I was discovered by Konoha's patrol ninja and brought back to Konoha. I have reported this matter to Hokage-sama, and the village has begun to inspect the surrounding forests. "

Yue Si listened to Matekai's narration and nodded again and again: "With your current level of physical skills and the blessing of two martial arts, you can break through your defenses, that Yun Ren's spy will definitely not be a small person, such a Dangerous people are placed in Konoha Village, it is very dangerous."

Yes, it is quite dangerous. It has been lurking for more than ten years, and has fought for Konoha, and then disappeared for nearly ten years.

The Yun Ninja who broke his leg that Matekai encountered was actually Yue Si. Otherwise, in today's ninja world, who can do this kind of thing and have the ability to do it, which of those ninjas is not famous? surname, and will not be the identity of such a spy.

I don't know if Yue Si was big enough that day or if Matekai was not lucky enough. Mingming and the ninja sent by Yun Ren had chosen the time and place, and deliberately avoided Konoha's patrolling ninjas. Who knew Matekai? Where did one Shangnin come from on a whim, and he went there through physical training. In order to save the lives of the two Yunnin, Yue Si had no choice but to take action.

He took out a banana from the fruit basket, peeled it and ate it, Yue Si asked, "Also, apart from the Yun Ninja who is stronger than you, what else do you need me to help with? , is borrowing money, not to mention, I have saved a lot of net worth over the years, and I don’t have to worry about the large expenditure of buying a house, which is still very abundant.”

"It's not borrowing money, it's something else." Matekai looked at Yue Si with eager eyes. Seeing that Yue Si was uncomfortable, he stuffed an orange into his hand and peeled off the peel of the orange completely. Kai stuffed the whole orange into his mouth: "According to the medical ninja's diagnosis, the other party's ninjutsu has caused irreversible damage to my leg, and I can only rely on my self-healing power to repair it bit by bit. Medical ninjutsu is used to speed up healing, so for at least three months, I have no way to move freely."

"You know, as a jounin in the village, unless he has a special position, he must lead a team of newcomers to graduate from the ninja school. As for me, this year, three Konoha shinin were arranged for me, one of them. It's a good seedling I found in the ninja school long ago, and I carry out the same passion and youth as me."

Before Matekai finished speaking, Yue Si said first: "But because you are injured, there is no way to continue teaching - that is really gratifying, gratifying, with what I know about you, let you Taking students is simply a misunderstanding, and now your situation is good for those three unlucky guys."

Yue Si's words made Matekai wave his hands again and again: "No, it's not like this, Yue Sang, I want to ask you to help me take the three xiamen while I'm in bed, I just need to teach some of them in ninja. You can do what you can't learn in school."

"Oh, this's hard to do." Yue Si scratched his ears and said evasively, "If you say this, I may be powerless. I haven't been in touch with ninjas for a long time, and I stand by you. In front of him is the undeserved Konoha special Jonin, and the well-deserved best-selling author Guan Shanyue. You know why I followed Mr. Jiraiya to learn writing in the first place, just to keep myself away from the ninja life and live a prosperous and stable life life."

"I basically forgot about the talents that ninjas possess. I use them in and out. I'm just a young writer who can write such basic best-selling books. What ninjas are too far from my life."

"Moreover, during the time with the students, I can take the time to write a few words, and the whole money is much more than you earn by carrying out the task."

Matekai knew about Yue Si's slack, and took it for granted that it was the psychological trauma caused by Orochimaru's defection to the disciple, so he said in an encouraging tone: "Yue Sang, I know you well, Your youth and blood have never been extinguished, and you are still a ninja better than me in every way!"

"Even if you compliment me like that, I won't agree." Yue Si didn't respond to Matekai's compliment, and immediately changed the subject: "Mr. Dai, why haven't I seen him doing physical exercises with you recently? If it was him who went with you at the beginning, it is estimated that it is the two of you who are lying in the hospital bed now."

With the sound of "crash la la", the patient on the other side of Maitke's bed opened the partition curtain, revealing Maitday's face. Although it was only ten years old, Maitday seemed to be getting old very quickly. Hair and beard have turned grey.

"Yue Sang, I'm right here."

As he spoke, Mattey coughed twice: "Man, I can't accept my old age. I always thought that the blood of youth could flow through me, but when I woke up one morning before, I felt my whole body was stiff. , there is no place where the joints are not painful, and the whole person is like a rusty machine, and can only be treated in the hospital."

This is an inevitable thing. Matdai has explored the eight ways of dangjia from scratch. I don’t know how many detours I have taken in the middle. There are also exaggerated physical training practices. It can be said that Matdai’s body has long been sore. He has a hundred holes, all relying on young people to support him. As soon as the life cycle is over, all kinds of hidden injuries and hidden diseases will come in swarms. The so-called "Qimen Dunjia Technique" taught by Yue Si only slightly prolongs this time. , and now Matty has such signs.

However, proper recuperation can restore Matekai's physical condition. After all, Naruto World is a monster with 130 trillion cells.


Maitkay claimed that his youthful blood and blood were gone, which made Maitkay be shocked and wanted to hug and cry with his father, but the broken leg that was hanging hindered his performance.

"Okay, okay, I promise you, I will temporarily substitute for you for three months, and wait for you to recover from the injury." Yue Si hated that Matt and his son were playing tricks in front of him, so he didn't hesitate to change his style to prevent others. Identify yourself.

Furthermore, it was Yue Si who broke Matt Kai's leg. As a friend, he should help.

Seeing that Yue Si agreed, Matekai was even more moved. Before he was moved to tears, Yue Si quickly peeled an orange and stuffed it into his mouth: "Before we cry, let's discuss the business first, What are the names of your three students, what are their personalities, what do you teach them, what are their talents, where we meet, all these must be discussed and perfected."

Swallowing the orange vigorously, Metkay said, "My three students are called..."

The next day, on a training ground after the ninja school, Yue Si waited for three lower ninjas. They were the white-eyed ninja from Hyuga's house, a small Maitkay-like brow and green tights, and one with two Ball girl.

"Ningji Hyuga, there is still Tiantian in Li Luo, right, I think you all know about your teacher Matekai's broken leg, so they can't take you any more, so he took me, who has been idle for many years, The old friends have come, let me take you for a while, let you become stronger and dare not say, at least not let your strength decline."

Yue Si said in a greasy middle-aged tone: "My name is Guan Shanyue, I am twenty-four years old this year, and I am just a special Jōnin. You may not have heard my name before, but it doesn't matter, you There's no need to remember me... Now that you've introduced yourself, you can ask questions."

In the face of Yue Si's very unmotivated speech, the three xiamen in the third class did not look very good. Previously, their leading teacher, Matekai, talked about "youth and blood" and worked hard to practice it. , except for Lee Locke, who was learning from Matekai everywhere, the other two were inexplicably ashamed of his off-line behavior regardless of the occasion.

However, Yue Si, the substitute teacher, went to the other extreme with Matt Kai, very unmotivated, very lazy, only thinking about how to perfunctory things, and did not cultivate the new generation of Konoha.

Compared to Yue Si, they even think that Matekai is a very rare good teacher, and they are afraid to compare goods. At least Matekai really wants to teach them, and really wants to train them into powerful ninjas. .

Mr. Matekai, what kind of friend are you looking for, what kind of substitute teacher are you looking for?

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot, that guy Metkay told me about your abilities and specialties." Yue Si saw that the three men in the third class didn't answer, and he didn't have the slightest intention to ask himself questions. He took the initiative to provoke the topic: "You, Hyuga Neji, the white-eyed ninja, the genius of the Hyuga clan, is proficient in the taijutsu of the Hyuga clan; you, Li Luo, have been practicing with Matekai for several years, and have acquired his physique skills. You, Tian Tian, ​​are also good at taijutsu, but you are even better at using ninja tools, as well as time-space ninjutsu.”

"It just so happens that I also have a lot of research in Taijutsu and ninja gear. The best way for ninjas to understand each other's strength is to have a fight. When I was young, that's how I got to know your Matekai teacher. Our temporary class is familiar with it as soon as possible, it is better for us to play against each other a little here, so that the two sides can know each other's strength, and the next teaching work can be carried out more smoothly. "

After chatting on the phone, the expressions of the three people in the third class became more and more broken. Tian Tian said with hands on his hips: "Mr. Guan, can I ask you the number and level of tasks you perform?"

By the difficulty and number of tasks performed, the strength level of a ninja can be roughly judged. This is the last chance given to Yue Si every day.

"First of all, congratulations, for so many years, you are the first person to know how my surname is pronounced without taking the initiative to remind you, that guy Matekai, who has known me for more than ten years, has never shared my name with me. The surname is correct." Yue Si applauded Tiantian's address, and then made a 'zero' gesture: "You shut me up, teacher, and the number of tasks performed is 0."

Now Tian Tian and others are even more disappointed with Yue Si: "Then, Mr. Guan, you haven't performed any tasks, so how did you come to be this special Shang Nin?"

"It's through the back door." Yue Si smiled and said to the three people who were full of disbelief: "I graduated from the ninja school, and I didn't even take the graduation exam at all. The forehead protector was placed in front of me; becoming a special joinin also relied on human relationships, and it was the relationship between the four generations of Hokage that gave me the name of special joinin."

"I knew it! I shouldn't have hoped for you!" The fighting spirit and drive, etc. left Tian Tian's body, and the whole person seemed to have faded.

"Oh, let's not talk about this." Yue Si waved his hand, took out a blunt-pointed kunai cut from wood from the ninja bag behind his waist, and carefully painted red on the blade and tip. : "Let's start to compete with each other and test each other's strength. Although I haven't done it for many years, I should still have strength, and I'm still ten years older than you. ."

After showing the kunai in his hand, Yue Si said: "Have you seen this kunai in my hand? Next, I will use it to fight against you. You can hold the determination to kill me. Use all your means to solve me, detonating talismans, shuriken, kunai, all kinds of ninjutsu, please use them without reservation."

"The little girl over You can find anything and throw it away. When it hits the ground, the test between us will officially begin."

Hyuga Neji and the two teammates exchanged glances. Although Yue Si is a parallel importer, he has to be prepared.

Li Lok and Hyuga Ningji put on the posture of taijutsu, took out a smoke bomb from the ninja bag every day, and threw it in the direction not far or near. When the small ball exploded into a cloud of smoke, The battle officially started.

In an instant, the three people in the third class only felt a murderous aura coming towards their faces. Although the scenery in front of them did not change, they seemed to see mountains of corpses and seas of blood and endless killings. A layer of blood.

The three young men were instantly shocked by the murderous aura, their thinking seemed to freeze, they stopped in place, did not dare to move, and even stopped breathing, as if a little movement would lead to endless murderous intent, like a tree Tire clay sculpture in general.

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