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Chapter 747: destiny? Watch me smash it to pieces!

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On the day of the Chunin Exam finals, Konoha became lively.

The streets were crowded with people, the stalls were crowded with people, and there was a long queue in front of the Yile Ramen shop. Among them, in addition to the Konoha villagers who came to live by the name of the Chunin Exam, there were many other village ninjas and Figures of civilians.

The significance of this large-scale cross-village competition is not only to promote national strength, but also to drive consumption and stimulate the economy.

Not to mention the tickets for the finals of the Chunin Exam, Konoha can already recover the cost of holding the Chunin Exam, and there is even a considerable surplus.

In Yue Si's two-entry home, Yue Si was arranging his clothes in front of the full-length mirror. Today is an important day, so of course it must be formal.

Yuna stood aside, looked at Yue Si who was humming a little song and asked with a smile on his face, "Brother Yue, are you really going to do that? Isn't the current village and current life not good?"

"Yuna... I came to the ninja world just for today, maybe more than ten years ago, I should start doing what I'm going to do today." Yue Si looked at Yuna and said, "You stay at home, really If it doesn't work, go to the Hyuga clan to find Hyuga Ripa, or go to the Uchiha clan to seek shelter, they should take good care of you because of my previous face."

When he entered the world of "Naruto" and came to the ninja world, Yue Si was targeted by this world, his self-will and body were reshaped by this world, and he was endowed with the 130 trillion cells belonging to the indigenous people of this world. The body and the will add some elements of the hot-blooded youth.

All of this is accompanied by the improvement of Yue Si's strength. After years of practice, [Magnetic Field Rotation] has been pushed to the realm of 250,000 horses, which is the so-called [Broken Star Realm].

In terms of strength, at this time, Yue Si, if he is willing and necessary, can burn the valley of life with all his strength and shatter the stars under his feet.

From the indescribable, mysterious and mysterious level of fate, Yue Si broke all the constraints imposed on him by the world, found himself, and found the original "Yue Si", so he no longer had to play super-real games with people in the ninja world. The house wine game.

At this time, Yue Si can completely put down his rhetoric: "For something like fate, watch me smash it!"

There is a saying that "Wang Mang was humble and humble before usurping the time". Before usurping the Han Dynasty, Wang Mang was almost a perfect man. He was humble, self-disciplined, upright and honest, virtuous and corporal. Almost all the virtues of human nature can be found in him. turn up.

Before officially showing his strength and ideas, Yue Si was still playing the role of 'Guan Shanyue'. Because of past friendship, because of the embarrassing situation shown by the father and son of Matt Day and Matt Kai, he agreed to replace him. Matekai took his apprentices and tried his best to teach the three of Hi Xiang Neji, and he also taught Naruto Uzumaki the nature changes of the three types of chakras that he had carefully researched.

Even if they may become their own enemies because of their ideas and positions.

"Then I'll go with you. I'm also very strong now, and I can help you a lot, brother Yue." Seeing that Yue Si was so determined, Yunai said.

"Okay." Yue Si agreed to Yuna's request without thinking about it: "Mattkay gave me two tickets for the finals of the Chunin Exam, just to invite us to go together."

Yuna happily went back to her room to change her clothes. The original home clothes were replaced by ninja clothes that were easy to move around. The outside was covered with a long trench coat like Yue Si, and the ninja bag was hung behind her waist. The ninja's forehead guard was also tied to his forehead.

After going out, Yue Si turned around, looked at the house where he had lived for ten years, and said, "Youna, take a look at this place again. After today, we will never be able to return here again."

In the venue of the Chunin Exam, although the game still has some time to start, the audience has already entered the arena one after another. This is a arena-like building, enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people. Under the command, the audience did not have any accidents, and the seats were filled smoothly.

As the instructor of the contestants, Matekai got the tickets in the front row.

Yue Si, Yunai, Matekai, and Hatake Kakashi sat side by side, looking at Genin who entered the field below. Matekai was the most excited. All three students from the third class made it to the finals. bright.

Although this credit was brought by Yue Si, the three students in the third class basically used what Yue Si taught them, and Li Luo would also use some moves like Konoha Whirlwind because of his habit. Hyuga Neji directly gave up the soft boxing technique of the Hyuga family that he learned, and didn't even use the white eyes.

The Matekai over there is still promoting his youth and blood, but Yuna is a little restless. First, because of what they are going to do next, and second, in the past ten years, Yuna has never participated in such a grand event. Occasion, never seen so many people gathered together.

"Youna, don't be nervous, just watch the game seriously." Yue Si comforted Youna so that she didn't have to be too nervous: "I have some snacks here, you can take them and eat them. Eat something to relieve the tension."

Yue Si took out two large bags of snacks: "This is the potato chips I made. They are made from thinly sliced ​​chicken, coated with potato starch and egg liquid, and baked to taste."

"Thank you so much." Yue Si's left hand was empty, and the snacks in his hand had been taken away.

No need to look back, Yue Si knew who was coming: "Hongdou, aren't you the examiner of the Chunin Exam? Why do you have time to watch the game?"

"The game I was invigilating for the exam is over." Mito wash red beans carelessly sat next to Yue Si, opened the snack bag and ate: "Yue Sang, I sensed the breath of Orochimaru, the guy who betrayed the village came back, It's hidden among those who took the Chunin exam, but I can't tell who he is disguised as."

"Orochimaru?" Yue Si said with a smile, "It's okay, I am here today. What he wants to do, Orochimaru, will eventually run away. He can't cause a big disturbance at all."

Afterwards, Hokage and Kazukage boarded the highest viewing platform, and the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hizan delivered a nutritious speech, and then the last Chunin exam officially began.

In the first game, I don't know if it was fate or someone operated it behind the scenes. It was Neji Hyuga against Naruto Uzumaki. Both of them had learned from Yue Si for a period of time, and showed their amazing combat effectiveness.

Uzumaki Naruto's left hand Feng Dun · Blazing Sky Covers the seven-layered ring for escape, and his right hand holds Feng Dun · Spiral Sword as a ninja tool to slash, and it was a wonderful fight with Hyuga Neji. The ninja wondered in his mind what method he would use to achieve victory if he replaced himself with one of the two of them.

Hatake Kakashi watched the battle for a while, then turned his head and said to Yue Si: "During this period of time, you really taught Naruto a lot of good things, and it has been obsolete for that hot-blooded idiot to learn the book of shadow clones and transformation. It took me a lot of work, how did you let him learn."

"With his fists, Naruto Uzumaki can't remember, but his body can remember." Yue Si said.

The audience was watching the two terrific games with all their attention. A large-scale illusion was quietly performed, countless phantom-like white feathers quietly fell, and the audience fell asleep one after another.

Illusion, the technique of Nirvana.

As if to confirm something, a signal flare was launched into the sky, and the sound ninja who had already prepared launched an attack. The four generations of Kazekage in the stands suddenly took the three generations of Naruto Sarutobi Hiizan and held him to jump on the roof.

The sound ninja disguised as the guard of the fourth Kazekage took off his disguise, revealed his true colors, fought the four purple flames together, opened the barrier, and isolated the fourth Kazekage and the third Hokage on the roof.

The Konoha collapse plan was launched, and the Chunin exam has been interrupted since then.

Mitarai Hongdou solved the illusion for the first time, and said to Yue Si: "It's Orochimaru, it's a familiar breath, that four-generation Fengying is fake, it's Orochimaru disguised."

But when Mitarai Red Bean looked at the seat next to him, he found that Yue Si and Yuna had disappeared.

"Long time no see, teacher." Four generations of Kazekage uncovered the disguise on his body, revealing his true colors, and it was Orochimaru himself, but then he let go of Sarutobi Hizen and stepped aside.

Hiizan Sarutobi used a typical manga change of clothes, and when he put his hand on his body, he changed from the cumbersome and procrastinated Hokage robe to a tight-fitting combat suit. He was hunched over in his prime, like a big monkey. .

"From you, I see the ruthlessness of the years, teacher." Orochimaru said with a gloomy smile.

Sarutobi Hizen was looking at Orochimaru, his brows furrowed, because ten years did not seem to have left Orochimaru the slightest trace, and he even appeared younger than ten years ago. Fei Rijian believes that Orochimaru can live another 100 years without hindrance.

"Orochimaru, you have completed the research on your immortal body." Looking at Orochimaru's young face, Hiro Sarutobi subconsciously recalled the time decades ago, when the name of Konoha Sannin Not out yet…

Orochimaru said: "No, teacher, I would like to thank my beloved disciple, whose research has brought me all of this today."

After defecting, Orochimaru ran his own forces while conducting research on immortality ninjutsu. Although there are many research results, there are always some defects.

In the end, out of trust in Yue Si, Orochimaru applied the "unreproducible" medicine that Yue Si gave him before leaving the village on himself, and then Orochimaru gained huge vitality. According to the test of Orochimaru , After using that bottle of potion, his lifespan has been extended to at least 300 years old, and he no longer has to change his body through reincarnation. With the secret technique he developed, he can be called half an immortal body.

"Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Orochimaru." On the other side of the roof, Yue Si's voice sounded: "I haven't seen you for ten years, but your style is still the same."

In the corner over there, Yue Si and Yuna were standing there. When Orochimaru made a move, they had already arrived here. Before the barrier of the Four Purple Flame Formation opened, they had already stood on the roof. superior.

"Long time no see, Yue Sang." Orochimaru said to Yue Si as if he had seen something strange: "That girl is the one who was pushed around by you in a wheelchair ten years ago— It seems that in the past ten years, you have done a lot of work. After all, when I proposed to take you to leave, you stayed because of her, otherwise, with your talent, you would not be as unknown as you are now. "

Although Yuna's life breath was different from ten years ago through multiple operations, it was very easy to analyze this point after Orochimaru's analysis.

"Yes, her name is Yunai." Yue Si introduced to Orochimaru: "Teacher Orochimaru, I have already conquered all the two research topics you left behind in the past ten years."

The original Yuna was standing one position behind Yue Si, but at this time she took a step forward, holding up the long forehead hair that was blocking her left eye with one hand, while the other hand used the forehead guard to secure the strand of hair. Well, so that it cannot cover its face.

Closing her right eye, Yuna's left eye opened, and it was a three-hooked jade writing wheel eye.

After seeing this sketch, Hizan Sarutobi's expression became more solemn. In the information he obtained ten years ago, Orochimaru admired Guan Shanyue as a disciple too much, so he did not let him touch the part about the experiment, and This is also corroborated by the information provided by Mitarai Red Beans.

But judging from the current situation, this is better hidden between the master and the apprentice. Compared with Miten Washing Red Beans, Guan Shanyue is the true successor of Orochimaru. Although I don't know what the so-called research topic is, it must be related to Sharonyan. related.

If it was Orochimaru alone, Sarutobi Hizan still had a certain degree of certainty that he would take him down today, but if Guan Shanyue and the ninja transplanted with Sharinyan were added, the situation would be difficult to say.

Orochimaru said with a smile: "Yue Sang, I know you well. If you speak in this way, you must have made an important decision... Are you here to stop me too?"

"Yes, it's not right." Yue Si spread out a hand and said, "First of all, I want to ask Mr. Orochimaru to give up your Konoha collapse plan."

" I'm here this time to announce something to you, the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi."

"I want to destroy and reshape the entire ninja world, I want to make the existence of ninjas completely history, I want to completely destroy the five major countries and countless small countries of the ninja world, I want to completely destroy the daimyo and the ninja village system, and then Build a new system on top of the ruins, a new system, and I will completely destroy the war in the ninja world."

"Emotions such as hatred, hostility, jealousy, etc. cannot be completely eliminated. The era of mutual understanding between people is destined to never come. What I hope is to build a world where there will never be war."

"The past is irretrievable, so don't let what you have lost... How about it, Mr. Orochimaru, do you want to come and help me."

Before Orochimaru could answer, the three-generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiizan trembled and shouted angrily, "Damn it!"

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