Villains Template

Chapter 749: If you are not at peace, I will help you at peace

"Since ancient times, reforms have always killed people, not the dead reformers, or the dead old forces that hindered the reforms."

"As for me, I definitely don't want to die, so I'll ask the old ninjas to die."

Above Mecha Godzilla's head, Yue Si said to Yuna.

Yuna was looking at the mechanical Godzilla who kept walking, watching countless houses collapse under the trampling of Mechanical Godzilla, and one street after another was destroyed: "Brother Yue, in my perception, it seems that there are not many people. Injured and dead."

"Of course, don't you think about it, when today is the final of the Chunin exam, how many people ran into the venue to watch the excitement, and there must be fewer people on the street." Yue Si patted the top of Mecha Godzilla's head: " Xianfa·Tailed Beast Jade Spiral Pill."

The Chakra battery in Mechanical Godzilla has been upgraded by Yue Si, and the broken horn of the eight-tailed horn left by Orochimaru was sealed into the body of a ninja, making it a human pillar of eight-tailed power.

At this time, the tailed beast chakra extracted from the eight-tailed man Zhuri was extracted, mixed with the fairy chakra in the mouth of the mechanical Godzilla, and the two chakras were forcibly compressed into a sphere in the form of a spiral pill.

This special skill, which mixes Tail Beast Jade and Xianfa · Spiral Pill, is very unstable, but what Yue Si wants is that it is unstable. Mechanical Godzilla opened his mouth and spit out a strange sphere, which instantly hit Konoha Village. A piece of land, the unstable chakra erupted instantly, forming a huge ball of light, which continued to spread until it engulfed a whole piece of land.

The light released made everything on the ground turn dazzling white. Under the impact of Chakra, the area was completely flattened, and a large piece of soil was lifted into the sky, and it crackled again. fall.

The smoke and dust lifted by the shock wave formed a huge mushroom cloud, and the area where the buildings were densely gathered now only has a huge pit, and it is impossible to find the slightest man-made object in it. Everything is there just now. Completely wiped out in a single blow.

"Not bad, I've been unhappy with that place for a long time."

With a pergola in hand, Yue Si looked at the piece of land with a satisfied smile on his face.

Yuna asked, "Brother Yue, where is this place?"

Yue Si said: "It is the clan of the Mito clan, that is, the clan of Mito Gate Yan, one of Naruto's advisors... I donated the relevant drawings of the Konoha 10-year grenade and mortar to Konoha— No, they were blackmailed by them under the guise of "everything for Konoha". They turned around and taught their family to produce two new ninja tools, and then made a lot of money in the third ninja war. ."

"Not only on my side, but they also used coercion, coercion and inducement. They obtained the technique of detonating clay from A Guo, and in order to ensure their monopoly, they also deliberately forced A Guo to go to the front line to die. Anyone with a discerning eye knows that they have the ability to detonate clay. It is more effective for Aguo, who is a jutsu, to stay in the rear to produce, and every extra shell produced is much better than releasing one more ninjutsu at the front?" New

Yuna recalled that the buildings in the Mito clan's clan's land were of a stand-out type. Compared with the surrounding dwellings, they looked taller and more splendid. When viewed from the large area of ​​Konoha, Mito There is a clear distinction between the buildings of the family and the surrounding dwellings, and it is obvious that the difference can be seen.

"And then, another Hokage consultant transferred to Xiaochun's family. She also has a share in this matter. I saw these two dogs and donkeys were upset a long time ago. Wealth and honor can be regarded as resentment.”

TMD, the money they make should be my money originally, they use my money to build their own family, who can stand it.

After wiping out Konoha's family from Konoha's map, Yue Si sensed it carefully, and sure enough, Mito Menyan and Koharu were still alive.

On such an important occasion as Sarutobi Hiizan's prosperous chunin exam, someone in Konoha Village must be in charge of handling affairs. At this time, it was time for Mito Kazuo and Koharu to take over Sarutobi Hiizan's work.

As Hokage consultants, they took away part of the power that belonged to Hokage, but did not have to take responsibility for Hokage. It was cheap for them to only need to deal with this kind of work. These two are now in the Hokage office in the Hokage building. Just escaped.

But Yue Si didn't intend to let them go like this: "High-frequency ion shock beam!"

Countless fairy chakras were extracted, compressed into beams in the mouth of Mechanic Godzilla, and lasing in the direction of the Hokage Building. The highly compressed high-frequency chakra beams reacted with the surrounding air, ionized the air, and covered the beams. Put on a purple glow coat.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}In Hokage's office, Mito Gate Yan and Kaoru Koharu are giving orders to Anbu ninjas and Konoha police forces, and Yue Si's psychic machine brother Sla is wreaking havoc in Konoha Village, and Sarutobi Hiruzen is at the venue of the Chunin Exam. It's too late for him to come, so they must do something during this time to minimize Konoha's loss as much as possible. The Nine-Tails Rebellion.

However, I saw a dazzling purple light in the direction of the window. Before the two could react to what happened, the entire Hokage office was evaporated, not even a piece of flesh and blood was left.

Taking a sip to the empty space next to him, Yue Si said cursingly, "Finally, I don't need to see these two **** stirrers anymore."

And then, Shimura Danzo, the cauldron of everything in this world, also shot an atomic breath, blasting the secret base of his roots and himself into the sky.

Without the pillar cell arm provided by Orochimaru for him, without the large number of writing wheel eyes obtained by Uchiha's extermination of the clan, Shimura Danzo couldn't die any longer, and Iyanaki didn't exist for him at all, even if he did, but It was Yue Si who controlled the mechanical Godzilla to perform a few mass-destruction ninjutsu.

After dealing with these guys who were unhappy with Yue Si, he smashed his home after living for about ten years with a backhand, leaving nothing for Konoha, and then Mechanical Godzilla took a big step. , officially heading towards the capital of the country on fire, leaving only his solemn announcement.

"A new era is coming!"

Looking at the big pits and ruins left by Mecha Godzilla, Naruto Uzumaki asked Hatake Kakashi in disbelief: "Kakashi-sensei, why, why did Mr. Guan do this? Why did he choose Destroy the village?"

In Yue Si, Naruto Uzumaki felt an unprecedented intimacy, even if Yue Si only taught him for a short period of time, and the learning process was very painful, but Naruto Uzumaki attached great importance to this teacher-student relationship.

Naruto Uzumaki couldn't understand what Yue Si's thoughts and what Yue Si was doing today, so he asked Kakashi Hatake for advice.

"Maybe, Guan Shanyue is disappointed with the current ninja world." Hatake Kakashi pondered for a long time, recalling Yue Si's past.

The first time he and Yue Si met was when Mitarai Red Bean urgently asked for help, and met the three of them brought by Mr. Minato, who had returned from the mission, and the five ninjas who attacked Yue Si, although the explanation given by the village was, Those five ninjas were Yun Ninja's spies who sneaked into Konoha, but Kakashi Hatake, who was paying attention to this matter, later found out that those five ninjas were actually Konoha's Anbu.

Afterwards, Yuna and Aguo, who had been friends with Yue Si at the ninja school, were sent to the battlefield by the village to die. Yue Si, who returned to the battlefield with anger, showed his terrifying combat power.

When the war subsided, Yue Si worked hard and made a lot of achievements, and even had the merit of going deep behind the enemy and successfully assassinating the three generations of Mizuying, but he only received a relatively insignificant reward.

"Naruto, did you know that when you were a baby, Guan Shanyue raised you, your father entrusted you to him before he died, and Guan Shanyue, who was about the same age as you now, took care of you. In order to let you have a bite to eat and to give you more professional care, he took the initiative to participate in the reconstruction of Konoha, and let the Konoha villagers who received help take care of you temporarily."

Hatake Kakashi looked at Naruto Uzumaki's red hair and told a secret story that was closely related to him, but he didn't know: "But later, Guan Shanyue's teacher, Orochimaru, betrayed the village, and you were also forcibly removed from the village. Take it away from him, and then it's the past as you know it."

"These...I don't know any of these." Naruto Uzumaki murmured. Ever since he can remember, he has lived like a wild dog. He never imagined that he would be loved so much.

Hatake Kakashi took a deep breath and took out a book from his body. It was a book with the name 'Guan Shanyue' written in the author's column: "Guan Shanyue expressed his love for a beautiful world in his book. Yearning, optimism, courage, perseverance, these are the qualities of the characters in his book, even ordinary people, even ordinary people who do not have chakra, can become the protagonists in his book, and those stories will never happen in Ninja world, but in a peaceful world, a better world."

"Perhaps, the world depicted in that book is what Yue Si hopes for the ninja world. He has been silent for ten years, hoping that the peace he has made in exchange will make the ninja world better, but he was disappointed and decided to create the world with his own hands. wonderful world."

Above Mecha Godzilla's head, Yue Si smiled inexplicably when he heard Hatake Kakashi's evaluation of himself, and recited the words he had spoken to the public before: "Ninja should not be anyone's tool, no It should be a tool for any careerist, the world of ninjas should not only be about fighting, fighting and killing each other, the power of ninjas, chakra, should be used to make this world a better place."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} "So, smart people always like to think too much, and a random word can make them misunderstand. I just see this ninja world unhappy. It's just, I simply want to do great things! Do great things!"

Mechanical Godzilla kept moving forward, and there was almost nothing to stop it. When he came to the outside of Konoha Village, Yuna made a seal with both hands and pressed it on the top of Mechanical Godzilla's head: "Mudun..."

Homologous to this book, the chakras that also come from the intercolumnar cells take care of each other, Yuna's ninjutsu activates the chakra battery inside the mechanical Godzilla to generate the magic chakra, and a large number of wooden stakes are like vines by the mechanical Godzilla. The soles of La's feet began to grow, wrapped around the body of Mechanical Godzilla, woven layer by layer, and woven into a set of close-fitting wooden armor.

Wood Dun is a blood-based boundary composed of two types of chakras, Earth Dun and Water Dun. After obtaining Wood Dun through organ transplantation, Yuna also mastered Earth Dun in addition to the wind and fire chakras that he had already mastered. and water escape.

"Immortal, Earth Escape + Fire Escape, Adsorption and Burning Technique!"

A layer of clay rose from the bottom of Mechanic Godzilla's feet, wrapping the entire Mechanic Godzilla, and then a layer of flames rose, burning the clay into ceramics, waiting for the high temperature to dissipate, Mechanic Godzilla's body became even larger, In addition to the body of steel, there are two more layers of protective armor, wooden and ceramic.

What can be predicted is that on the next journey, they will face the blocking of Konoha Ninja with all their strength to prevent Mecha Godzilla from going to the capital of the country of fire. It will be a terrible battle with extremely high intensity. Be fully prepared in advance.

The Kaleidoscope Shaker will not only greatly strengthen the original Shaker ability, but will also suit the user's area of ​​expertise. The ability of the Kaleidoscope Shaker in Yuna's left eye is ninjutsu control, allowing her to use two techniques at the same time. different types of ninjutsu

"Brother Yue, with your strength, you can go directly to the capital of the country of fire, and get rid of the big name. Why do you want to do this, driving the mechanical Godzilla through the long distance, step by step. go there."

After finishing her preparations, Yuna asked Yue Si, which was also something she didn't understand.

No matter what Yue Si does, she agrees with it, and she is willing to follow Yue Si to do But that does not mean that she is a puppet who can only obey orders, she will also question, to Yue Si The parts of the action that he did not understand expressed doubts.

Facing the wind, Yue Si slightly opened his arms and let the wind driven by Mecha Godzilla move the hem of his windbreaker and his black hair. His voice also reached Yuna's ears through the wind.

"Ninja - no, everyone in this world is not afraid of eating, fear of power or virtue, only if you beat them to fear, beat them paralyzed, beat them to kneel down and call Dad, they will follow you The establishment of the original ninja village system ended the slaughter of ninja clans, and the era of war and chaos in the ninja world ended through the first Five Shadow Talks, did all this happen by peace and love?"

"Wrong, terribly wrong!"

"It is due to the unparalleled force of Madara Uchiha and Chishou Hashirama, and the rest of Shinobu Village are afraid of their destructive fighting power, and dare not act rashly, otherwise they will usher in a devastating blow from the two of them."

"You don't want peace, then I'll help you make peace."

"And when Senju Hakuma passed away, there were three consecutive Ninja World Wars, because there were no characters who could oppress the Ninja World to deter those careerists."

"So, this time I went to the capital of the country of fire is not the purpose, and the elimination of the daimyo system is not the purpose. The purpose is to let the whole ninja world see my strength and make them 'fear' of me. In this way, the ninja world will be able to Reshape it the way I want it."

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