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Chapter 764: Ning Caichen

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After leaving the mountain village, Yue Si separated from the three knights and began to walk towards the direction of Guobei County on the map. Don't expect the accuracy of the map in this era. You can only point out the general directions of the southeast, northwest and northwest of the city and village. How many rivers have you crossed, how many mountains have you crossed, so that you don't run too far and miss your destination.

Yue Si, who set foot on the journey again, dressed up more like a scholar. In addition to the original scholar's robe, he also carried the box and cage that scholars often carry on his back. The rope, and then covered with a layer of tarpaulin, is very strong.

Because Yue Si's box was not carrying books and clothing, but a set of armor, he used the armor left by the little monster to re-refined some black slender armor pieces, and used cowhide to make ropes to wear them into half sets. The Zhajia has only four parts: body armor, shoulders, arm guards, and greaves. It is also lined with a whole piece of cowhide. It looks like a layer of armor, but it is actually a double layer of Zhajia and leather armor.

But now the body armor is worn by Yue Si inside the scholar's robe, and the other three are packed in a box and carried by him.

Wearing armor and holding a sword in his hand, Yue Si thought that no one would treat him as a scholar anymore, but it backfired, except that there were no Jianghu people or those who robbed the road to provoke him again. When eating, staying, and shopping, other people still Treat him as a scholar.

After walking for about half a month, on the loess road formed by people walking and horses, Yue Si finally saw the boundary monument of Guobei County.

When I was in the last town, I heard that Yue Si was going to Guobei County, because Yue Si gave a few pennies for a tip, and the shop assistant, who seemed a little enthusiastic, said: "Guest officer, I heard that Guobei County is not a good place to go. , Although I haven't been there, but I heard from those Jianghu people who have some martial arts skills, there is a lot of chaos there, there are often murders in the street, robbery and theft are everywhere, and ordinary Jianghu people are reluctant to go to that place. "

"Don't the government care?" Yue Si asked.

The shop assistant looked around, but no one noticed him, so he whispered: "The county magistrate of Guobei County, the position of the county magistrate is relying on donations, and there is no ink in his stomach, that's true The problem is that they don't recognize the six relatives, have all the five poisons, don't say anything, and focus on making money. Although the county magistrate here is a scumbag, he still has something in his stomach. Although the county magistrate's position is for money, he still goes. After taking the imperial examinations, I still have a good face, although it is not as good as it is, but it is still good on the bright side."

But Yue Si just smiled and thanked the shop assistant for his kind reminder.

Crossing the boundary monument in Guobei County, Yue Si walked with great strides. From a distance, he saw a scholar-like person walking there. Unlike Yue Si's leisurely walk, he looked like he was working hard with a box on his back. After wiping away sweat, tired from walking, I sat on the side of the road to rest.

It didn't take long for Yue Si to catch up with the other party, who was holding a steamed hair harder than a stone with a bitter face.

"My dear friend, please, walk along this road, and Guobei County is ahead, right?" When Yue Si passed by the man, he stopped and asked the man.

The scholar hurriedly hid the steamed bun that had almost lost his teeth, stood up, tidied up his clothes, and saluted Yue Si: "Exactly, exactly, I don't know if my dear friend went to that Guobei County, what's the matter? ?"

"Oh, I sold a knife to others before, but that knife is not something that ordinary people can afford, so I want to get it back. I heard that the place in Guobei County is not peaceful, the so-called grinding teeth **** blood, Killing people is like hemp, that's what I said, so try your luck there and see if you can get my knife back." Yue Si said to the scholar very seriously.

It's just that the scholar looked at Yue Si and wanted to laugh out loud, but he was immediately choked by the saliva and coughed again and again.

Yue Si slightly tore open the scholar's robe, exposing the Zhajia on his chest, and said, "Why, don't I look like a Jianghu person?"

"No, my dear, you have a temperament from head to toe, with a handsome face and fair skin. At first glance, it looks like you were raised by a wealthy family with meticulous care, without any trace of rough work. It may be confused, not a scholar who is successful in reading, but someone else." After the scholar coughed, he explained to Yue Si.

Touching his face, Yue Si sighed and said helplessly, "It's my fault that you look handsome."

"By the way, haven't asked your name yet?"

The scholar responded, "I am under Ning Caichen."

"Good name, at first glance you are the kind of upright gentleman who has the same life, good conduct, and is not close to women." Yue Si didn't care what words were inappropriate, then Ning Caichen listened, and his back was much straighter. He calmly accepted Yue Si's praise for him.

Judging from his demeanor, it was as if he was saying - yes, I am the kind of upright gentleman with good conduct.

"Brother Ning, looking at your appearance, you are also going to Guobei County." Yue Si looked at Ning Caichen and asked.

Ning Caichen looked at the cage he had put on the ground and said, "I am forced to go to Guobei County to collect bills for others..."

After chatting for a while, Ning Caichen hadn't rested enough, and Yue Si didn't wait for him. He went on the road by himself, but just said before leaving: "Brother Ning, I advise you to hurry up, I think this day, I will Watch the wind, it’s about to rain, if you don’t want to get caught in the rain, go faster and find a gazebo to shelter from the rain.”

After saying that, Yue Si continued to walk. It didn't take long for the sporadic raindrops to fall. Yue Si took out an oil-paper umbrella and propped it on top of his head, and then it was pouring rain, but if you look closely, the raindrops did not come close to Yue Si at all. , The muddy water under his feet did not touch Yue Si's shoes.

After walking a few steps, Yue Si heard hurried footsteps behind him, and Ning Caichen's shout: "Brother, wait for me, Xiongtai, wait for me."

Standing still, Yue Si saw Ning Caichen, who was already wet, chasing after him, and panted, "Brother, lend me an extra umbrella, I don't know when my umbrella will change. It's in tatters, only the handle of the umbrella is left."

"It's easy to talk, easy to talk about." Yue Si took out an oil-paper umbrella and handed it to Ning Caichen: "But looking at you, your whole body has been soaked by the rain, and holding an umbrella won't help."

This oil-paper umbrella is not one that Yue Si has deliberately carried. It is normal for people who travel far to carry two oil-paper umbrellas. Although they are umbrellas, oil-paper umbrellas are oil-paper after all. They are not as good as nylon umbrellas. It must be put away to control the water, and another umbrella must be held at this time.

Ning Caichen took the umbrella and propped it up, and said, "Although I'm soaked all over, it's better to take less rain for a while."

After walking for a while, I saw a pavilion on the side of the road. Although it was a rudimentary pavilion with rubble as the foundation, dead wood as the pillar, and withered branches and weeds on the top, it was better than nothing. I would rather see the pavilion. Cai Chen hurriedly said, "Brother, there is a pavilion in front of us to shelter us from the rain!"

After a few steps to the pavilion, Ning Caichen put away his umbrella, twisted up his clothes, and wrenched out a stream of water: "Brother, thank you for your umbrella, otherwise I will be drenched even worse... Hey, how come your body is so clean that there is no water on your body?"

"As I said, I am from Jianghu, and I have martial arts skills on my body. It is normal for water to not get in. A sword dances so tightly that a bowl of ink is splashed on my face, and not a drop of ink can stick to my body. "Yue Si sat in the pavilion and gestured to Ning Caichen.

Regarding Yue Si's remarks, Ning Caichen perfunctory said a few words, then looked at the wind and rain outside the pavilion, and imagined the future: "When I get to Guobei County, I will open a room in the hotel and let the shop burn up. A bucket of hot water, a good hot bath, and a bowl of hot noodle soup."

Yue Si said: "Brother Ning, you are so petty, take a hot bath, and a bowl of hot noodle soup will send you away."

"Brother, what are your thoughts?" Ning Caichen asked Yue Si.

Yue Si waved his hand and said, "Of course there are two or three stunning maids, strong in martial arts, wearing white clothes and gauze skirts, waiting beside him, holding an umbrella next to him, sheltering from rain in rainy days, sunshade in sunny days, and raising the stove during the day. Incense, and lanterns open the way at night."

"Ordinary inns don't look down on them at all. They drink nectar and jade liquid, eat dishes made by the royal chef of the palace, cover them with embroidered quilts, and sleep...cough, warm jade and warm fragrance."

"Brother, stop talking nonsense." Ning Caichen looked at the rain outside and said to Yue Si, "What you said is very unrealistic."

Yue Si laughed twice: "Hehe, I also read this in the book. Those people who have mastered one or two magical powers have golden beauties, which the emperor enjoys. What they like to do most is to be a poor scholar like you. Showing off in front of you, deliberately in this remote and poor place with a beautiful maid, and then deliberately showing favor to people like you, making you look envious, he will be very satisfied. People like this go to this pavilion to take shelter from the rain, and he will also bring out wine, meat and pasta to make friends with him.”

"So you read it in the book." Ning Caichen listened to Yue Si's description and thought it was Yue Si's own personal experience, but he didn't expect that he only read it in the book, and he didn't know what kind of novel it was. , find it for yourself.

The two chatted one after another, waiting for the heavy rain to pass, but at this time, there was the sound of shouting and fighting from not far away, and the movement of footsteps quickly trampling in the muddy ground.

Ning Caichen probed his head to look, and found that several Jianghu swordsmen were running fast, escaping as if someone was chasing and killing them.

And this is not an analogy, but an objective description. There is really a swordsman chasing these Jianghu people behind. This swordsman moves sharply, makes a ruthless shot, swipes left and right and stabs, and that group of Jianghu people will be killed. Only one left to kill.

This group of Jianghu swordsmen wore armor, and the swordsman's blade focused on the gaps in the armor and the places not covered by the armor to attack.

The last Jianghu man saw that he had no escape, and his accomplices were all killed by the swordsman, and his spirit of being brave and ruthless also dissipated. The package was raised above his head, and he begged for mercy in a low voice: "Uncle, forgive me, I will return the money to you!"

Back then, he and a group of brothers raised their eyebrows when they saw the money. Seeing that the swordsman had made a lot of money, he was able to fight back if he was found, so he stole the other party's salute package. As a result, the swordsman was a tough guy who would kill people if he didn't agree. More fierce and ruthless than them.

How quickly he started stealing things, how much regret this Jianghu person is now.

"You dare to steal your money, sir, it's really courting death!" The swordsman took back his salute with murderous aura, and said to the younger generation who was kneeling in front of him, "I want to live, okay, there are just two irrelevant people next to me. Here, let them judge, if they say they can let you go, the uncle will spare your life."

After all, the swordsman and the Jianghu people turned their attention to the two people in the pavilion at the same time, and the swordsman said: "Two scholars, you judge, should I spare him."

The Jianghu people kowtowed to Yue Si and Ning Caichen again and again, begging: "Two champions, please say two good words!"

Ning Caichen had just seen the killing, and was so frightened that his face was pale and trembling, how could he say anything, and Yue Si said: "To deal with such a person with dirty hands and feet, it would be too cheap to deal with him with one sword. , you should take the file, start from his fingertips, and frustrate his hands little by little. When the two hands are gone, he can let him go before he hurts to death; if here During this period, he died of pain, so even if he deserved it, he deserved it."

The Jianghu people were dumbfounded when they heard what Yue Si said. They originally thought that Yue Si was a living Bodhisattva who saved lives, but who knew that he was a living King of Hell.

"Hahaha, you scholar is really interesting!" The swordsman laughed a few times, killed the Jianghu man with one sword, and walked into the pavilion.

"I'm not a scholar, he is." Yue Si opened the scholar's robe, revealing the Zhajia inside: "Actually, I am also a Jianghu person."

"Not wearing a layer of armor, carrying a sword, claiming to be a Jianghu person, but a Jianghu person." The swordsman laughed again, and like the others, he judged people by appearance, thinking that Yue Si was a scholar.

Seeing the murderous swordsman sitting in the pavilion, Ning Caichen wanted to get up and leave, but his legs were so frightened that he couldn't move at all.

The swordsman asked, "Are you two scholars going to Beijing to take the exam?"

Yue Si said: "The capital will be tested every three years, and the most recent one is next year. We have our own business, and we are going to Guobei County. The two of us only met on the road. , Hero, when you traveled from south to north, have you ever seen a knife?"

"Knife? What knife?" the swordsman asked.

"A treasured knife, anyone who sees that knife will think it is a good knife." Yue Si said: "Around this knife, it will definitely cause killing and competition, attracting attention, so I think it is still It's better to take it back yourself."

Then Yue Si repeated what he told Ning Caichen before about his reason for going to Guobei County.

The swordsman thought about it carefully and said, "No."

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