Virtual World: Conquering the World

Chapter 748: Infinite totem flow

(Second more today.)

Snow moon vs blue sky.

In the first game of four 1V1 games, Ice Tea VS Fanatics, the difference between the two sides is 7 levels.

Ice tea is a destiny suit, holding the blue sea, standing in the forest clearing, and shining brightly, the opponent of ice tea appears, is a middle-aged mad soldier, a 230-level fantasist!

The difference between the equipment level of the fanatic and iced tea is that he is wearing a whole set of ice bone suits with ice-colored shields around the armor, which can reduce the damage by 50%. Obviously, the iced tea has to eat a lot of defense. Deficient, but the iced tea holds the Bihai sword of the timeless sacred weapon, and the fantasist is a tomahawk of the superior fairy. Obviously, the iced tea is far better than the opponent in the output of the attack.

On the game interface, the number of spectators has exploded, and the number of online spectators has reached 727732341. What is this concept? More than 700 million people are watching the same battle. Today, with the development of science and technology, the network can be realized. If you return to China Telecom many years ago, cough, what a joke, can you wait for a 10-year delay? ?

The wind was bleak, and the flowers and grass were blowing, and the grass waves were rippling.

Ice tea clenches the Bihai sword tightly, and Meimu stares tightly at the opponent. Obviously, she is a little nervous, and her sword-shaking hand trembles slightly. Anyone in this battle will be nervous, although ice tea is usually invincible to the Quartet. However, they will tremble when they face international PK.

In contrast, the fantasist is much calmer. He is a middle-aged uncle. He has experienced so much and is naturally not comparable to iced tea.

The fancier slightly raised the corners of his mouth, smiling a little arrogantly and disdainfully.

Ice tea couldn't help but slump, immediately slightly lowering the body, a faint smile appeared in the beauty, the whole person's momentum changed, at least, everyone felt that the mood of ice tea was very calm.

At this moment, the system began to count down-




The battle begins!

The figure flickered by, iced tea shot first, Jianguang flew, and his hand was a beating thunder!


A ray of thunder and lightning jumped endlessly. The fantasist waved his shield and took a blow. The whole person took two steps back and forth, and a hurt figure jumped out of his head-40982!

The attack of iced tea is half ignored, and naturally it is much less, otherwise a single blow and a lethal word may be enough to make the fanatic cry.

In the wrong body, the fantasizer threw out the tomahawk and yelled, "The full moon is cut!"



Sure enough, iced tea is hurting in damage numbers, and the equipment is inferior to the opponent!

"Rustic ..."

Then the opponent's impact force retreated a few steps in a row, ice tea Qing Jian smiled, his body sprinted, and rushed towards the opponent again after passing a reverse S.

The ecstasy laughed, a red glow appeared on his body, and roared, "Rage rises!"

"Ding ~!"

Combat Tips: The player fanatic uses his skills to rise angrily, which greatly increases the chance of a fatal blow. The effect lasts 10 seconds!


gosh! It is actually a skill that increases the chance of a fatal blow, and this is very stressful!

At this point, the iced tea has rushed to the opponent, starting between the electric light flint, thunder cut! Lightning Storm!

Double-clicking continuously, the fanatic was caught off guard and the whole person was stunned.






Lightning Storm and Thunder Slash attacks are frequent, but unfortunately they cannot kill the opponent! The ice reduction suit is really powerful.

When the fanatic's blood is less than one-third, the iced tea can't hold it, Qingjian rushes over!

However, the fantasist showed a touch of color, and the whole person retreated backwards, facing the iced tea. At once, his figure showed a trace of blood, and suddenly he rushed back to the iced tea with a thunderous speed!

Special Skill-Chase!

The iced tea simmered for a while, and the whole person stood there, unable to move, and fell into a 3-second stun phase!

The fanatic screamed, the axe fell on the ice tea's shoulder armor with a trace of blood, and the axe suddenly triggered a thunderbolt!

Thunder's Wrath? Kill!


The thunder and lightning covered the whole body of iced tea, a white light scattered, and she had lost the first match.


Iced tea flew back to the sidelines with a shocked expression.

None of us comforted anyone, who is stronger than our expectations. Rage rises, chases, and thunder of the thunder? Beheading, these are all anti-level heads-up skills, now all in him On one person, there is more ice-bone suit to help out, and it is reasonable to lose the ice tea.

"No ... I didn't expect that the blue sky was so powerful ..." Bingcha muttered.

I patted her on the shoulder: "Go, play the second game well, we all believe in you, kill the fantasists, and get a point for Xueyue!"

Iced tea looked up at me, a little blank, but nodded again: "Well, I try my best."

Seeing the ice tea flying into the scene, Ling Xue said, "Sister Ice Tea seems to be a bit wrong ..."

I smiled: "Her faith has been hit."

"It seems, really ..."

In the second game, iced tea continued to play against fantasies.

This time, Ice Tea learned that the opponent has a lot of skills, so he changed his strategy.

The fantasist first launched the Rage Ascension skill, with blood on his face, and then chased it. This is a skill that can be launched in the homeopathy. It ignores the attack status and others, and is considered an enhanced version of the charge. , Very practical.

Seeing the adversary's immortal killing, Bingcha pulled out and retreated sharply, holding the sword with one hand, and a thunder ray glowing in the other hand, suddenly blasted on the ground!


The thunder and lightning raged away, and the fantasist immediately entered the power grid, and the thunder and lightning were paralyzed!

Here comes the opportunity!

Iced tea chuckled, swung the sword, and swept across the army!

God bless, come out with a blue-dragon attack, you only need to solve the opponent once!

Ice tea must have the same idea as me. The advantage of Bihaijian is here, but it depends on the RP value.

It turns out that the goddess of fortune did not patronize, after five combos, fanatics still have most of their blood!

Iced tea slammed a Ben Lei chop, turned and left.

Can not kill in seconds, but can only fight.

In the next two minutes, although the iced tea hit the target with all its might, the dragon in the Bihai sword seemed to fall asleep and refused to appear. Instead, the iced tea was chased by the fanatics for the second time. Thunder's Wrath? The two combos of beheading sent the venue out!

With a big score of 0: 1, Xueyue lost one point first!


The iced tea went wild, and stomped angrily: "No, no!"

I smiled: "You ca n’t beat but you ca n’t beat, you are not undefeated in the east, but you are normal. Besides, this fantasist is definitely not a rookie, at least it is better than the full moon dance, and lose it if you lose it. Next time, let ’s prepare more powerful equipment and win back. "

Ice tea gave me a stern glance and said, "Your games must win, I don't want to be eliminated in the top 16!"

"I see, you watch the battle quietly!"

There are people outside the sky, there is a sky outside, there are many more powerful than our Xueyue on the Lingdi continent, not only we are lucky, overseas teams that have buried their bones and assembled their equipment have appeared. The blue sky is clearly there. It seems that after the WSL is over, we should go to explore the ancient sword pond. We cannot always fall behind.

After losing a point, Xueyue ushered in the second matchup. It's time for me to play. The opponent is the evening wind in the jungle, a hidden class of 233-Totem Wizard.

We don't know much about this profession. When the Jungle Evening Wind confronted the special forces, it just put a flame totem, but it directly consumed the opponent. Obviously, he was saving his strength and reserved for the next opponent. Obviously, Xue Moon is a good opponent worthy of going all out!


I entered the map, the Boulder Valley, a hateful and loving map. On this map, WSL dedicated a long and arduous battle, through the ages.

Evening wind in the jungle also entered the map quickly, wearing a dark blue robe with glossiness, which is obviously very high-level equipment. At least it should be a top-quality fairy set. Maybe there is a sacred artifact. Kit!

"Hey, the first team in China really deserves its reputation!" Evening Jungle smiled slightly and raised his staff, and said, "The Thunder Swordman just now made our team members very struggling, you know? This is in It's never been before in a WSL competition. "

I smiled: "So, should we feel honored?"

It is estimated that the ice tea is now thundering on the sidelines!

The evening breeze of the jungle snorted softly and said, "It's nothing to be honored or honored. We just want to kill all the opponents who are in front of us, and then we will reach the final throne!"

"Throne of WSL?"


"So, I wish you success."

"Thank you!"

The conversation is over and the battle is ready to begin!

The evening wind in the jungle took a deep breath and drank a little. The gem at the tip of the staff lit a ray of flame, and then a flame totem appeared on the ground, a summoning unit that could attack the opponent by itself.

I can't let the opponent release the skill calmly, I still flew forward, the sword sharpened!


The jungle breeze obviously did not expect my speed to move so fast and hurried back, but the flame totem hit me with a sword!



The flame goes out, and the totem has less than 50,000 health, which is basically one sword at a time.

Again, Dragon Binding!

The dragon's shadow pounced on the opponent, and the response speed of the jungle evening breeze was extremely amazing.

I was horrified to see that I had covered up the lead time of Dragon Binding in a hurry just now. In fact, the response time for the evening wind in the jungle was definitely less than 0.5 seconds. He actually escaped! I am afraid that this agile, global player can not pick much!

"Drink! Crazy Totem!"

It was a light drink, and another blood-red totem appeared. Within 100 yards, the movement speed and attack speed of all units were increased by 75%, which is another anti-sky skill!

In addition, two jungle totems were inserted next to the boulder during the escape of the jungle breeze. The flame totem has a CD time of less than 5 seconds. No wonder his previous opponents have fallen off the horse. This infinite totem stream may only give you Over time, if you have been attacked, you can't stand it.

I stepped back two steps and planted an elf dragon trap, not far from the boulder. Evening jungle wind was going to die a war of attrition around the stone, otherwise it would die terribly. Otherwise, I would fire a fire dragon bow. He is still a dead.

After a few seconds of confrontation, the jungle evening wind once again summoned a green totem, a life totem, and quickly regained the vitality of your unit.


After inserting a lot of totems in the surroundings, the evening breeze in the jungle stood in place, with a blue light on the staff. It was a skill of the fountain of magic, and it returned to magic in situ!

T *, isn't this too much?

Want to use this infinite totem flow to kill me, but there is no need to be so arrogant?

Without a word, I laughed deeply, and the whole person disappeared into the wind.

Shadow 遁!

The evening wind in the jungle was shocked, and a few earth-colored totems were hurriedly thrown around. It was a totem trap. After stepping on it, there will be a period of dizziness.

The fire light illuminated the sky. The flame totems and totem traps were almost all around. The late evening wind in the jungle looked cautiously, trying to calm down as much as possible, and summoned a shield skill to wrap itself.

"You are also the No. 1 master in China, and you are so embarrassed to attack me as a defenseless little mage with sneak attack tactics?" Evening wind in the jungle waved his staff and shouted: "If you have a seed, come out and talk to me Totems win! "

I can't help laughing, just come out, as you wish!


The golden light bloomed, and the dragon appeared in the void.


The jungle breeze's shield was crumbling after being hit.

And I did not give him the flashing time at all, and I replaced the fire dragon bow almost at the moment when the dragon cut, and the stun arrow was faster than the dragon cut!


Bizhong's advantage was revealed, and he instantly fainted his opponent, followed by a five-shot burst of torrential rain!


A series of damage numbers flew up, and the broken shield did not give any protection to the evening wind in the jungle. A little mage without a shield was undoubtedly very fragile. With a roar, he flew out of the field and said something before leaving: "You are so insignificant ..."

I smiled a little, was it insignificant? To deal with such insignificant tactics of infinite totem flow, obviously you must also be a bit inconvenient. You are not willing to fight with me and you have to fight for tactics. I am naturally willing to accompany you!

Soon, the second game begins!

Evening wind in the jungle looked at me cautiously and said, "This time, don't be invisible."

"Then you can't have more than 50 totems!" I bluntly said.

Evening breeze in the jungle was embarrassed: "Can't exceed 50? Oh my god, I always start from 200, you let me not exceed 50, kill me!"

"Then I continue to be invisible ~ ~ you ... but really insignificant."

"Everyone." I smiled slightly.

As a result, the totems interspersed randomly, and ordinary soldiers would surely be trapped inside, and my shadow cricket skills became a must-have stunt, sneaking behind the totem sorcerer, starting with a knife and falling, one point to the hand!

1: 1, Xueyue pulled back a point!

Back at the table, Ling Xue laughed: "The scholars are good. The final goal of the game is to win. Regardless of what others say, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, it's your turn next time, alas, your opponent is a 235-level swordsman, a strong female warrior!"

"Oh, right? I'll go back and go ..."

Ling Xue flew into the field, and in front of her, she was indeed a beautiful Croatian girl.

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