Prussia, Silesia.

In the city of Katowice, in the house of Master Philpot, a little boy suddenly fainted.

Bengt Jung, who was sitting in the room inspecting the goods, didn't even raise his head. He just let out a disdainful snort, as if he had long been used to it.

Most of the weavers watched all this happening numbly. They had been tortured by the slave life day after day and were lifeless. It seemed that they could not even move their eyes.

In the end, it was only because of the constant shouting and begging of several young female weavers who couldn't bear it any longer that the "wooden men" in the room invited the doctor out.

Delce is Mr. Philpot's personal doctor. As soon as he entered the room, he covered his mouth and nose with a handkerchief. The sour smell in the air made him feel sick, and he wished he could immediately return to the warmth and smell of roses. in the arms of.

Dr. Delce looked at the boy on the ground with disgust and said without thinking.

"I'm so hungry."

"But you haven't checked yet? How can you draw conclusions so easily?" A young female worker asked with some confusion.

Dr. Delce suddenly turned his head and glanced at the female worker like a knife.

"A doctor's hands are extremely noble. Do you want me to touch this dirty garbage?"

Although Dr. Delce's words made no sense, they were so domineering that they shocked everyone in the room. Some even thought that the young female worker had offended the doctor.

After Dr. Delce left, several elderly weavers and women began to talk.

"There are always people fainting from hunger lately."

"There's nothing we can do about it. Wages are always being cut, and food prices are rising all the time. It's really hard to live!"

"Yes, I heard that the potato harvest failed again this year. How can people live like this?"

"It's strange, there are no natural disasters this year?"

"What's wrong, you don't even know this? Those inhumane guys would rather grow for animals to eat than for people to eat. We are worse than those animals."

"Oh, maybe we will all be like that child..."

"Why is this? I have tried my best to survive, and I have never done anything immoral. Why doesn't God look at me?"

At this time, Bent Jung couldn't stand listening anymore and said with a cold snort.

"You lazy guys, it's not easy to see God? You can go to the master to get a rope, and then go home and hang yourself like the Avra ​​family!"

Huh, if God doesn't care about you lazy fools, then no one will know. "

(It was impossible for the local factory owners to let the weavers know that the Avra ​​family was a typical negative example of immigrants to Austria, so this story had another version in Prussia.

That is, the Austrians also turned them away, and then Ephra and his lame husband had to commit suicide, while their children became beggars in Vienna after being tortured by unscrupulous priests. )

The weavers present could only look at each other in shock, then a young weaver spoke to comfort him.

"If you are hungry, pray to God. If that still doesn't work, pick up a stone from the ground and hold it in your mouth, as if it is a piece of candy that you can never finish. This is the method my mother told me. You are right. Isn’t that right? After all, only when people are alive can they enjoy the hardships.”

"I don't know if that's right, but I do know how your mother died. It turned out that she was choked to death!" Another weaver laughed, and the whole room was filled with lively atmosphere.

At night, the forest officer fell asleep listening to the barking of dogs and the screams of children and women in the forest. After all, these people couldn't make any money at all. It would be better to feed his own dogs and train others to waste time with them. Ferocious, after all, they still make money in the dog fighting ring.

Two forest rangers sat on the hillside holding guns and watching the chasing game in the forest. Their mission was to protect, but not to protect the children who went to the forest to collect firewood secretly from being bitten to death by vicious dogs.

On the contrary, their duty is to ensure that these people do not "jump over the wall" in order to avoid hurting the forest officer's beloved dogs.

After all, there was a time when a little boy blinded a pitbull in order to protect his sister. Although the guy paid the same price afterwards, this made the forest officer very angry.

You must know that the price of each fighting dog is more than 500 thalers, and their appetite is astonishing. They eat three to four kilograms of fresh meat every day.

These rangers definitely cannot afford this kind of cost. If they have so much money, they will definitely

Just when the two rangers were still immersed in their own fantasies, suddenly the fighting dog that had been chasing the prey excitedly just now let out a miserable cry.

A sharpened wooden stake passed through the body of the fighting dog. As it continued to struggle, its life was rapidly drained away.

The little girl who had been screaming and running away picked up a heavy wooden stick and hit the pitbull on the head hard.

After a few strokes, the pitbull's legs straightened up. She quickly took the bag from her body and put the dead dog into it. Then she took a few pieces of firewood and disappeared into the woods.

Due to the lack of proper maintenance of the forest land, resulting in overgrown weeds, the two rangers quickly lost track of their target.

The next day, the one-eyed boy smelled the aroma as soon as he got up.

It turned out that his sister had already prepared a large pot of soup with unknown ingredients. The boy and his sister had been dependent on each other for two years, especially after he lost his left eye, he almost relied on his sister to support the whole family.

"Good morning, Ace." Seeing her brother get up, her sister cheered up, but she couldn't hide her tiredness.

"Good morning, Ruibi." The boy named Ace stroked his sister's long hair and found that there were a few more blood stains on her hands and her clothes were even more tattered.

"Eat quickly, this pot of soup is delicious!" Ruibi advised with some pride.

"What's in this? It can't be frogs and snakes, right?" Ace joked. In Europe, frogs and snakes are actually symbols of witches. Plus, with the big dirty pot in front of him, its intention is naturally not the same. It goes without saying.

"Hmph, don't eat if you're afraid of death. You'll starve to death!" Ruibi scooped a large bowl for herself, then took out two lye breads and ate them in big gulps.

"Alkaline bread? Why are you eating so extravagantly today?" Ace asked curiously. After all, he works as a weaver at home every day and his income is only enough to buy some rotten potatoes.

But today there is meat in the soup and it is strange to eat bread with alkaline water.

"That noble man had a great harvest yesterday and was in a good mood to reward me, couldn't he?"

In fact, in order to support her family, Ruibi went to the hunting ground every day to apply for a job as a "hound". Most of the hunting grounds in Prussia are swampy wetlands, so retrieving prey usually requires hunting dogs.

However, ordinary hounds will lose their identity as owners, while excellent hounds are often very expensive and require a lot of patience to cultivate.

Therefore, ordinary small nobles and businessmen did not use hounds, but hired "hunting boys". These children would pick up the prey shot by their owners like hounds.

And these kids are smarter and cheaper than dogs.

There is also a small wooden sign in Ruibi and Ace's home with the words "I run fast and I am not afraid of death" written in chalk.

As for the lye bread and the pickled cabbage in the soup, it was one of Ruibi's gains last night.

In fact, when the two rangers chased her, Ruibi did not run away in a straight line, but made a half circle and stole the rangers' "home".

These lye bread and pickled cabbage were her spoils. In addition, there were two bottles of low-quality wine, but Ruibi planned to use them for disinfection or bribe others to use them.

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