Although the current corruption and immigration issues in Austria are already very difficult, the previous gold ship incident is the most urgent one that needs to be resolved. After all, it involves money and wealth.

California's gold was very important to Franz and his country. It was with the support of this windfall that the empire was able to develop its colonies while developing domestic industry, and even paid welfare benefits to its citizens (shareholders).

But now that Americans have learned the secret, it is impossible to sit back and relax.

Although France and the United States had previously learned about the blockbuster news about the California gold mine from successive pieces of information, they did not know the specific output and detailed information of the gold mine before this.

But things are different now. The officials responsible for transporting gold are stealing it, taking away not only the gold, but also the secrets of California's treasure land; such as troop allocation, defense focus, maneuver strategies, and even urban and industrial structures.

Franz has no way of knowing how many secrets these guys took away. As for the method of assassination, don't think about it for the time being. Because of the timeliness issue, too long has passed between sending people from the other side of the ocean to investigate, draw conclusions, and then report to the home country.

Besides, the so-called assassination is not a Wushuang assassin, nor is it possible to fight head-on like Naruto. It requires a lot of intelligence support, a long period of lurking, and patient waiting, and the success rate is very low.

Now Franz is not sure whether the Americans will publish this information, or whether they will draw on the rich experience of their Anglo-Saxon ancestors and rob Austrian merchant ships everywhere from now on.

But given the situation in North America at this time, Franz had the worst inference, that is, John Tyler might restart the U.S.-Mexican War.

Although this is inevitable in a sense, the future prince still does not want to come so early.

In fact, the United States was also facing many resistances at home and abroad at this time, the first of which was the French colony of Texas.

That’s right! The emergence of the French has greatly reduced the Americans' ability to act and greatly inhibited their ability to expand. The latter also had to think about the possible impact of their actions on the former.

The French made a deep impression on them when they first fought against the US military in Texas. Eight years later, those who participated were still fresh in their memories. However, the United States did not have much of a standing army at that time.

After all, this costs taxpayers' money. Although successive presidents have argued for it, there is a saying that there are policies from above and countermeasures from below.

So taxpayers decided to fund their own militia groups, which sounds ridiculous, but is actually legal.

Yes, some people say that the early U.S. Constitution was a huge business license, and this is indeed true in a sense.

As long as you have enough financial resources, you can even raise an army yourself and contract the defense of the lower state.

This so-called militia group naturally does not pay attention to so-called "talent", but focuses on efficiency. So what kind of corps has the highest efficiency?

The answer is to live on free wages and hire temporary workers. That's why the former Governor of Texas said that he was sure to get back the land that France had lost.

What's interesting is that the US military at this time actually had no fear of the French army, and even thought the tactic of skirmishing and lining up to kill was ridiculous.

The funniest thing is that the French cavalry actually used sabers when charging, instead of the more efficient pistols.

You know, even children in the United States know that a cowboy can deal with twelve Indians at the same time, because a cowboy only has twelve bullets in his gun. (a cold joke at the time)

John Taylor was a very pragmatic man. He didn't believe those generals who sat in the house all day long. He sent people to the militia on the border to ask the local soldiers what the strength of the French was.

The results he obtained made him feel excited. The French army was already vulnerable.

However, the British in Oregon were a real threat. Palmerston was very difficult to deal with, and those western immigrants seemed to only care about immediate interests.

The United States seems to have every advantage on this road to the Pacific, but it has never been able to overcome this obstacle.

To be honest, Palmerston worked hard for the interests of the British Empire this time. He refused to implement the appeasement policy of the Tory Foreign Secretary, used thousands of colonial troops to fight wits and courage with hundreds of thousands of immigrants in the United States, and deceived the other party's life almost Not being able to take care of myself is truly a stroke of genius.

However, his series of unnatural operations made the Governor of Canada, Sir Charles Metcalf, a little embarrassed.

You must know that the latter was forced by John Tyler to re-build the U.S.-Canada border as soon as he took office, and in a series of subsequent events, he was even more suppressed by him.

But at this time, the former reversed the situation between the United States and Canada in the Oregon region as soon as he arrived, which made him even more incompetent. So John Taylor and the Canadian Governor-General resorted to a trick at the same time, which was to bribe senior British officials with money.

Once the money was in place, things became easier to do, and soon Whitehall (another name for the British government in London) issued an order to transfer Palmerston to the Indian colonies.

As for the reason, it is of course whatever it takes, and usually this domineering politician offends a lot of people.

Naturally, there are many people who want to see him suffer misfortune at this time. After all, India is now a powder keg with constant internal uprisings and two powerful enemies externally, the Sikh Empire and the Afghan Empire.

He was also helpless, but this genius who jumped repeatedly could not disobey London's orders. Even if he wanted to go beyond the level and ask the Queen for help, Victoria, who valued morality very much, would not do what Palmerston did at Windsor Castle. Talk to such a guy.

Prince Albert was a wise and informal ruler, but Palmerston also had a bad relationship with him because the latter was an old fox, while the former was a born hunter.

But the most important thing is that the two men have different political opinions. The latter's radical diplomatic strategies disgust the former; the former is more inclined to solve domestic conflicts and reform the existing system of the British Empire.

Prince Albert is a politician who is close to the people. He understands the sufferings of the people, is rigorous, rational, and very pragmatic.

Enthusiastic about science, established public libraries, museums, funded universities, and even held the first World's Fair (Exposition of All Nations' Industry), the 1851 London World's Fair, to show the public the miracles of the Industrial Revolution and effectively enhance Britain's international prestige.

They campaigned for the unemployed, worked hard to raise wages for workers, and tried to change the treatment of the poor, showing great concern and sympathy for the poor.

At the same time, he took a tough stance and banished the Queen's former mentor William Lamb, Viscount Melburn, and fired Palmerston, the "popular" foreign minister.

He was the first royal husband to dare to say no to Parliament since Mary II's husband William III in 1689, and he could be called the strongest son-in-law in the 19th century.

Transforming London's public health facilities and personally delivering food and medicine to the most dangerous places when a plague broke out can almost be called a heroic figure.

Palmerston knew that his transfer was a foregone conclusion and did not hesitate, but he still left a "gift" to the Americans, which could be regarded as a beginning and an end.

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