Vienna, Schönbrunn Palace.

Franz hated sitting in the center of the venue like a mascot. What was even scarier was that from time to time, people would send random gifts and say some inexplicable flattery.

There are also some people who want to show off their literary talent or think they are superior to others, such as several foreign guests, who used French or even Latin when they met with Franz.

Franz always answered in German first and then translated it in the language they used.

After a while, these people felt bored and stopped trying. Of course, there were also some who came to seek death, such as the several new Hungarian nobles in front of them. They said some things in their native language that they should not say.

Franz didn't know how these people got in, but he believed that they would explain everything clearly in the secret police prison.

This time Franz did not answer directly, but called the guards to send them to where they should go.

These people wanted to take the opportunity to shout, but the royal guards were professionals in doing this. Their mouths were silenced before they could scream, and they were unable to even commit suicide.

Although Colonel Bordeaux is usually suspicious, he is especially reliable at times like this.

In the audience, Adjani, Thalia, Karolina, and Kagura (Oh Shiosugi) gathered at a table

In fact, because Franz needed to speed up the progress of some things, he started special training for Kagura.

The first thing is the name she chose for herself. Any shogunate official with some brains can find out her details.

With how perverted Little Japan is, it is very possible to find out some of her old acquaintances and cut off some parts such as hands, feet, ears, etc. to threaten her. Franz doesn't want to watch a morality play.

Although Oshiosugine has always said that she has completely broken off from the past and devoted herself to it, Franz still insisted on changing her name to "Kagura" just to be on the safe side.

When you hear this name, you know it's a pseudonym, but it's so common that it's impossible to know where to start. There are shrine maidens with this name all over Japan, and there are even more witches and prostitutes in the area who can't be counted.

And since I was going to Japan, of course I had to find a down-to-earth name.

As for the training content, in addition to some necessary knowledge and common sense, Franz also wanted to instill some principles in her.

These so-called "principles" are of no use to her in theory, but they are the key to ensuring that she can carry out Franz's plan.

In addition, Kagura must also learn the use of weapons and close combat skills.

Franz had given her a gun and twenty rounds of ammunition when he was in Africa, but at this time there were only seventeen rounds left in the gun.

As for where those three rounds went, Franz didn't want to pursue it, but since she was connected to Schönbrunn Palace, she had to shoot a hundred rounds every day.

The usual training is basically answering questions and fighting with people at the same time.

Fortunately, Kagura has some background in karate and shamanism, so it is not difficult to learn in this area. She can often beat Franz's friends until their noses are bruised and their faces are swollen.

Occasionally, Franz would teach by himself, but he was good at judo, wrestling, and some joint skills, so the fights were very ugly and easily misunderstood.

Kagura was able to fight and retreat under the attack of three boys of the same age, but in front of Franz she had no choice but to turn around and run away.

Franz took into account the height and physical fitness of the Japanese at this time, and he felt that Kagura could defeat these young masters, which would be enough to deal with ordinary Japanese.

Moreover, Kagura also has an advantage as a woman, that is, she is easily looked down upon by others, and her opponents are easily careless.

Especially as a beautiful woman, it increases her chances of winning.

Back in the ball hall, these four people sitting together were quite eye-catching. Thalia and Adjani were old acquaintances, so they had a very good conversation.

Kagura on the side looked worried, while Karolina looked at the three women around her with an unhappy expression.

But they were still young after all, and they were quickly brought into rhythm by Adjani. Then a group of girls started chirping and laughing at Franz, who was poking in the middle of the venue like a mallet.

Soon a melodious waltz sounded, and the band conductor beside him was the old Strauss. Franz didn't like this musician very much.

Although the elder Strauss himself can be said to be infinitely loyal to the Austrian royal family, after all, the latter is the former's biggest patron and his bread and butter.

However, Franz really couldn't praise his character. His wife and son lived in an old house and were short of food and clothing, while he and his lover spent every day extravagantly.

At this time, Strauss Sr. was the most profitable musician in Europe and even the world. But after his death, he left little Strauss no money, because his lover even stripped off his clothes and took away his clothes after his death.

As the music started, Adjani, Thalia, Karolina and Kagura also had to enter, but they had no intention of dancing. In order to avoid being invited, they decided to turn their backs and eat.

This time it was Franz's turn to laugh at them.

"Grand Duke Franz, it is an honor for me to meet you. On behalf of His Majesty the Tsar of Russia and His Highness the Crown Prince, I would like to present you a gift."

Franz was a little surprised that the other party was actually a young man similar to himself, and that Tsar Nicholas I actually entrusted him with such an important matter. It seemed that Russia's diplomatic etiquette was still as bad as before.

In fact, Neserlov should have done this himself. Of course, it is also possible that the young man skipped the former, but this was not important to Franz.

"Your German is very good."

"Thank you, my mother is Prussian and she taught me German."

"Have a good day, Prince Uvarov."

"You know my name?" Andrei Uvarov was a little surprised.

Franz was a little embarrassed. He couldn't say that your country has my spies and your personal information has long been exposed.

"It was written in the newspapers. They said there was a genius who almost convinced the Ottoman Sultan. I think it was you."

Franz's explanation is a bit far-fetched, but it is enough for such an overconfident person.

Andrei Uvarov felt that he had done a good job in Constantinople and deserved to be remembered.

But he still remembered the name Franz. After all, many nobles did not know much about the world. The Grand Duke in front of him seemed to be younger than himself, but he could read newspapers and even remember his own name. He must be an amazing person. people

Then Andre, like most young nobles of this era, began to look for his favorite partner at the ball.

Soon Andre found a table eating with his back to him. Andre chuckled. He was very confident in his appearance, temperament, intelligence, and origin.

Andrei Uvarov felt that he could charm them just by walking around them.

But when he walked over, his heart suddenly stopped as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer.

Then Andrei Uvarov broke a rose from a nearby vase and prepared to invite his beloved to admire it.

"Please dance with me and I will show you how a real man takes care of you."

But no one paid attention to him. The four women just regarded this most promising young man in Russia as nothing, and they all took what they had.

So Andrei Uvarov felt that he must not be proactive enough, so he grabbed him and was held down by four people and beaten violently.

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