Back to the main story, the representatives of those small states, many of them are orators in the parliament and have rich experience in struggle. They have no say at all in the meetings of the German Confederation as a weak country, and they usually dare not offend a big country like France. .

But at this moment, they represented the German Confederation, and Louis Philippe invited them, and these people began to jump up and down.

"Bragging! Bragging! France's technology is number one in the world!"

While the young official was hysterically rebutting the taunts of the German Confederation representatives, two French officers and soldiers took the former away.

A personable French officer said: "I deeply apologize for disturbing you. This person is trapped by love. What he just said may have been offensive to everyone in the German Confederation. Please forgive me."

All the veterans present knew that this was a public relations emergency. Although they didn't want to make the matter a bigger deal, they didn't forget to make a few mocking remarks.

"As expected of France, it's so romantic."

The officer continued to smile.

"Wish you all a happy journey!"

When he left, he passed by Prince Metternich, who couldn't help but take a second look.

"Your Highness, you still have a way."

As soon as Metternich came back, a representative from a small country gave him a slap in the face, but the Prime Minister has been in power for so many years and has long been accustomed to this kind of thing.

"That kid is so young, and he's not from a noble family. He's actually been able to reach such a high level. It seems like young people in France shouldn't be underestimated."

Everyone was a little confused by His Highness the Prince's meaningless words, but there is no doubt that today is the day of victory for the German Confederacy.

At the same time, the French troops in Alsace-Lorraine did not retreat. Although the king's order had come long ago, the local supreme commander, Marshal Emmanuel Grouchy, chose to ignore it.

Emmanuel Grouchy is the man who once made Napoleon dream of him, the first historical inventor in French history, and the originator of the blame game.

People say that Feng Tang Yi Lao, Li Guang was difficult to seal, and Grouchy "made the mistake of not obeying Napoleon's orders."

Grouchy was worthy of being an outstanding cavalry general during the French Revolution, and his performance was remarkable until Waterloo.

But after that, this man started a verbal spat with Napoleon, and the latter published a book "The War of 1815" to severely criticize the former.

Facing his old employer, Grouchy immediately fought back without fear and published a book "Views on the Narration of the War of 1815" in the United States to refute Napoleon.

(At that time, Grouchy fled to the United States to escape liquidation, and later became one of the first Bonapartists to accept the influence of the Bourbon family.)

It's okay to blame each other, but Grouchy's book contains many forged and tampered orders, quotes many famous quotes that have never been said by famous people, and even invented some histories that do not exist.

As a result, not only did Grouchy fail to prove his own success, but his credibility was compromised. However, hundreds of years later, some people complained about Gruxi and even classified him as a god general.

The German Allied Forces on the other side of the river, composed of dozens of countries, were naturally chaotic, which was severely despised by Marshal Grouchy.

"The Germans are still the same as before."

Grouchy raised his telescope again and saw that one of the armies was well-organized and well-defended, and everything in the camp was in order.

Another look at the flag shows the army of the Austrian Empire.

Grouchy managed to squeeze out a sentence.

“The Austrians are okay.”

But then he smiled.

"It's a pity that the commander of the army is an idiot. He actually set up his camp at such a low ground and by the river. He is simply the stupidest pig among stupid pigs."

At this time, the adjutant said cautiously.

"Marshal, how should Paris respond?"

"Paris? What news? Why don't I know about it?"

Seeing the marshal pretending to be dumbfounded, the adjutant naturally couldn't say anything else, because "I don't know" was his attitude.

However, the adjutant was still a little worried. After all, the German Allied Forces across the river from Marshal Grouchy's troops had nearly three times their strength.

If the two sides fight, no matter how weak the other side is, our side will still be left with nothing to eat.

Moreover, messengers from the coalition forces have come several times, with the purpose of urging the French army to leave Alsace-Lorraine as soon as possible.

The adjutant asked tentatively: "Your Excellency, Marshal, there is another letter from the Germans."

Grouchy: "We are French. The Germans have no right to order us to leave our own land. Alsace-Lorraine has been French territory since ancient times. I am here to protect France."

Grouchy turned to the reporter and said: "Have you remembered everything? Don't make a mistake in remembering a word. Napoleon is just a coward. I, Emmanuel Grouchy, am the most determined Frenchman."

The reporter on the side said: "I have remembered it all."

Grouchy took out a full envelope and handed it to the reporter and said quietly: "Write it carefully, preferably so that everyone in Paris can read my words. If the matter is completed, I will reward you."

"Don't worry, I will rush back to Paris now, and tomorrow this newspaper will be spread all over the streets of Paris."

"Okay! Okay! Okay!"

"Then I'll take my leave now." The reporter took off his hat.

Grouchy also waved his hand symbolically.

After the reporter left, Grouchy's tone suddenly became cold.

"Bring those people up."

Adjutant: "Your Excellency, Marshal, isn't it good? Now? And they are just farmers, there is no need to take it too seriously, right?"

In fact, the adjutant was beating a drum in his heart. After all, the last time Lieutenant General Montmorency was executed by the river, he angered the Germans on the other side of the river.

There are hundreds of thousands of people on the other side now, and His Majesty the King has ordered a truce. It might not be good if a fight breaks out.

Grouchy said angrily: "Aren't these crimes enough for collaborating with the enemy, wreaking havoc on French soil, and refusing to be drafted?

We are executing people on French soil, what right do they have to interfere? Montmorency only has a few thousand people, while I have an army of 100,000! And from my point of view, the German Allied Forces are no more than local chickens and Watkins! "

"Marshal is mighty!"

The adjutant was too lazy to persuade. In fact, he didn't think that the miscellaneous army on the other side of the river could win. After all, France was on the defensive. If the coalition forces chose to forcefully cross the river, they could choose to attack them halfway across the river.

At that time, maybe we can win a wild victory and make His Majesty the King change his mind?

After all, there are many examples in history of attacking halfway through and achieving great victories. However, in this Bonapartist's view, at least the French army would not be defeated.

A fight can completely boost the morale of France, and at the same time provide more bargaining chips for negotiations. It will also hurt the opponent before they dare to make any excessive demands.

In fact, the Bonapartists and the Orthodox faction chose to cover up the truth and spread rumors in order to attack the Orleans faction and gain more support for themselves.

"The Germans are preparing to attack France. They want to capture Alsace-Lorraine."

In addition to spreading in the army, these people also spread in Alsace-Lorraine, with the purpose of inciting hatred.

It's just that the locals had just been massacred by the French army and rescued by the coalition forces. At this time, they really couldn't muster any patriotic enthusiasm. Instead, some extreme nationalists took the opportunity to incite the people to do a lot of things, such as burning the French army's fodder. some type of.

That's why today's massacre occurred. Of course, these people later became known as the "Black Thirteen" to commemorate the sacrifices they made for the local area.

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