Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 35: Evil Dispelling and Genealogy

Planet, Chemos.

This is a mining world that has been all but abandoned.

The difficult existence makes everyone give up any necessary entertainment other than survival, including any art and leisure.

Before the subspace storm began, this planet was once prosperous. At that time, a large number of long-distance ships came here to transport ore and various supplies.

But now, what people want is just food and clothing. If the drinking water source is clean enough, then it is a luxury.

Several huge factories stand in this world, relying on non-stop operation to maintain the lives of the vast majority of people.

They should have worked hard day after day, and finally died of illness.

But that day, a strange person came.

This made Chemos' planetary police force Carax feel uneasy. They did not find any spacecraft from outer space landing, but the other party appeared on the planet out of thin air.

"So, who is that guy?"

In the Quirin garrison of Carax, Captain Fendel dropped a document on the table.

He has a respectable job as a captain in the planetary police force of Carkras, so he is dedicated to his career.

The other thirty-five planetary police stationed in the station lowered their heads and did not dare to speak.

They were called by Fendel to investigate where the outsider came from, but they couldn't find out no matter what.

According to usual habits, in order to gain credit and get more rewards, six teams with a total of thirty-six people including the captain will use the reconnaissance methods they have learned to the extreme.

But they all failed. The most important thing is that Fendel noticed that several idiots had lost more than one finger.

He didn't know that those idiots didn't want to listen to his nagging now, but planned to continue looking for the outsider, even if they would lose more body parts.

"Get out! Get out of here!"

Fendel looked at a group of quails and finally kicked the table over to drive them away.

When these people left, Fendel gathered up all his anger, then picked up the information again, carefully dusting off all the dust.

Holding the pieces of paper in his hands, he came to a room at the back of the office.

There is a tall young man here. In fact, he is not yet fifteen years old.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Fulgrim, we really...can't find it out."

Fulgrim, the current reformer of Quirin's huge factory, the future figure of Chemos, a perfect white-haired human, he can achieve perfection in everything, and is the ideal leader of every Chemos people By.

He once relied on a thirty-second speech to persuade his opponents to kneel in front of him and become his most loyal followers.

Fulgrim was calm, even though the outsider made him uneasy, so much so that he quickly hid behind the scenes.

"It doesn't need to be like this, Captain Fendel, this is not your fault, it's just that this person's origin is too mysterious."

Fulgrim's purple suit was custom-made. He was too tall, with his white hair hanging down. Elegance and madness were perfectly coordinated in him.

Chemos will kill every abandoned baby because there are no resources left to feed the extra people.

People drink water extracted from the atmosphere and eat second-hand or even third-hand, fourth-hand, and fifth-hand food. It can be said that everyone is dying slowly, because resources will one day be exhausted.

This was before Fulgrim arrived.

When the perfect phoenix crashed into the wastelands of Chemos in the form of light, he was discovered by scouts and workers of the planetary police force.

When the three men arrived at the spot where the light fell, they found a perfect baby.

His warp nature attracts two of the three, but makes the other wary.

When the worker, who was not attracted by the Phoenix's beauty, tried to kill the baby, two other scouts killed the worker.

One of them took Fulgrim to his superior, eager to adopt the child.

Through hard work and hard work combined with Fulgrim's natural charisma, the child got a chance to grow.

He began to grow at the fastest speed and strive for perfection in everything. He saw the imperfections and shortcomings of the world, and he wanted to change the world.

He worked around the clock for days and nights in a huge factory, which earned him his first promotion, from a worker to a small supervisor.

With the first promotion, there will be the second, and even the third time.

After Fulgrim gained enough power, he began to reform Quirin's huge factory.

He even conquered the original owner of the factory with his personal charm.

When his reforms began to bear fruit, the scientists he promoted from workers no longer let people eat their own defense, and his reputation began to spread around Quilin.

The people of Quilin are proud to praise "Perfect Fulgrim". They yearn for the tall and perfect man. His white hair and face are the dreams of many people.

Even if there is no such thing as love and friendship, there are countless people who love Chemos.

The daughter of the original owner of Quilin's huge factory wanted to give everything to this guy. She would follow him every minute and second to waste and occupy any of his time.

Fendel carefully placed the information in Fulgrim's hands, and then waited for any instructions that might come.

In front of Fendel is a being who brings hope to the world of chronic death. Fendel can charge into battle for this ideal. He firmly believes that the person in front of him is the destined leader of Chemos.

The white-haired leader looked at the information.

According to the information, it is a man named Ibosas.

It is not written in the gender column, but it is marked.

This is what the planetary police responsible for investigating him said.

"We can't determine the gender of Ibosas, or this person is a combination of both genders. This is Ibosas's bet, and it is the bargaining chip that Ibosas uses to seduce others."

Ibosas had a face that could even be said to be a little ugly and twisted. Fulgrim couldn't understand why someone would gamble for such a living body.

"It seems that I need to go and see for myself."

Fulgrim already understood that the other party was probably coming for him, and he would not reveal any secrets until he saw him.

"I can drive for you."

Fendel asked for help.

Fulgrim nodded, and then the two of them left the station, and Fulgrim got into his exclusive car - he was too tall.

Fendel felt extremely glorious at this moment.

This abandoned world is surrounded by a special kind of haze due to pollution. There is no daylight in the world, only eternal dark dusk.

As the carriage moves forward in the dark dusk, people no matter how far away they are will hear the sound of the wheels and then see the sign on the carriage.

They will be in awe, and some will even kneel on the ground from a distance.

There was no one in Quillin who didn't love Fulgrim.

Fulgrim eventually found Ibosas in a wasteland.

There was a huge tent there, and people went in and out of the tent, and their limbs were more or less mutilated.

When these people noticed Fulgrim's arrival, they began to feel ashamed of their fall.

Some fell to their knees and began to confess that they had fallen into the abyss of desire, while others ran away directly, not wanting to be seen like this.

What's more, you will think about it - you never imagined that you, Fulgrim, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would come to a place like this.

Fulgrim's heart did not waver at all regarding these different attitudes. With the blessing of his strong aura, the people around him naturally made way for him.

He walked into the huge tent, and then he seemed to see a maze.

The tent was divided into many independent spaces, and the first room he walked into was probably the largest.

He smelled the smell of blood and some strange smell in the air, as well as a rotten sweet smell. This rotten smell was alluring and disgusting, very contradictory.

"Welcome, sir!"

A Slaanesh demon's eyes were fixed directly on the face, figure and white hair of the perfect phoenix, unwilling to blink or move away.

The demon's desire is endless beauty, and Fulgrim is the most perfect it has ever seen.

Fulgrim dodged the approaching hand of the ugly gadget.

"Where is Ibosas?"

Fulgrim asked the humanoid creature with female features in front of him.

His powerful subspace nature made him different from others, and he could tell that the life in front of him was not human.

This Slaanesh daemon is not an archdemon, possessing only one gender, but it prefers any gender.

It despaired of Fulgrim's neglect.

But it was still willing to show Fulgrim the way.

"Dear Sir, if someone else comes, they need to decipher the maze and walk step by step in front of Ibosas, but...

But it’s your words and I can lead the way. "

The Slaanesh demon opened a curtain and walked in with the purple phoenix.

The Slaanesh demon carefully observed Fulgrim's expression. It knew how dirty these rooms were and whether those sensory stimulations could corrupt the life it loved.

In this way, does it have a chance to get entangled with him and enjoy it for a day, a night or more.

Fulgrim has already investigated this place. This is a huge casino where gamblers' flesh and blood and even their lives are at stake.

A huge maze with special enjoyments in each room that gradually escalate as the gambler advances, like an endless abyss.

Here at the front desk, you can be assigned a free opportunity and be taken to a room next to the front desk, where there is a very tempting being (Slaanesh demon) to complete a free service for you.

When you are obsessed with that kind of pleasure, the waiter will tell you that there is a stronger stimulation waiting for you in the maze, and every room is a surprise.

In the two rooms behind the front desk, the stakes on the left are fingers, and the stakes on the right are foreign objects buried in the flesh.

But as long as you succeed, you can be exempted from punishment and enter the next room after enjoying yourself.

The punishment will escalate, the temptation will escalate, and each room will tell you that at the end, there is a maze called Ibosas where the final prize awaits you.

As the Slaanesh demon at the front desk, Fulgrim should have seen the other Slaanesh demon in this room entangled with the gambler.

But now, there is no one here, there is only one table.

Fulgrim was stunned and walked over.

Not only him, but the Slaanesh demon also walked over.

Fulgrim picked up a CD on the table.

"Garden Baby? Episode 7? The first stop of Xidisi and Xiaodian's trip?"


The moment Fulgrim said the words "Usidisi", the Slaanesh demon behind him who wanted to nestle into his arms melted instantly. Starting from the skin, this ugly life contained even more uglier organs specifically designed for pleasure. Revealed.

"Help me, please..."

The demon let out an unpleasant roar, which came from another head in the abdomen.

Feeling sick, Fulgrim avoided the front desk and entered the next room.

But he brought the CD used to ward off evil spirits.

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