"In the end, thanks to Astarte's efforts, Alibaba, Avanti, the Avatar and the Absolutes lived happily together."

Raste closed the book in his hand, which in fact every page was blank, and with forty-four pairs of expectant little eyes, he was ready to end today's happy time.

He told stories to the disciples full of nonsense, but luckily they were still listening with interest.

"Tell me one more thing!"

Some disciples who are greedy for this kind of warmth act like a spoiled child.

"Okay, then let me tell you a story about magic beans..."

Ten minutes later, the story ended, the books on the high-backed chairs disappeared one by one, and the disciples returned to their adult state.

The mind became like an adult again, and some disciples felt ashamed of their previous coquettishness.

Especially Governor Doan, she acted like a spoiled child more than once.

But that feeling always left her with endless aftertaste.

A few disciples stayed behind to clean up the mess in the church. Rasta stood up and left the church, with Osiris following behind him.

"I'm a little uneasy."

Guangyu is worried.

"What do you mean?"

"Nusglin won too easily. From the beginning to the end of the rebellion in the world of Ankarin, the time spent on it was not even as much as our dinner."

Rasta saw this victory more deeply.

"You knew something was wrong, but you didn't explain it to him because you were afraid of hurting him?"

Osiris could understand what Ralast meant.

"Yes, he led those people to victory, he correctly identified Slaanesh, and he clearly knew that after his missionary behavior, he was not suitable to continue fighting with the Sons of the Fire Dragon.

He is so good, so sane, and perfect in every sense of the word that I have given him. "

Rasta's face slowly darkened.

Osiris realized the seriousness of the problem.

Not many people in the empire now know the truth about Chaos and Subspace. Even when the Astartes faced the devil, they just thought it was a biological weapon created by a heretic from an alien civilization.

The Emperor wanted to nip the Four Gods' contamination of the galaxy in the bud and implemented the Emperor's Truth.

This situation will continue for a longer period of time. Before that, even some of the Primarchs know very little about the subspace, and do not even know about the existence of the evil god of the subspace.

This is why Nusgren must leave the Salamanders after praising the Lust of Light, and the Empire of his words will take notice.

In addition, it is very likely that the evil god of subspace will take advantage of it and sneak in.

Nusgreen performed so well, with wisdom, perfection, and courage so vividly displayed in him that he was enough to attract the attention of at least three Chaos Gods.

Nusgreen's perfect handling made Rasta feel that he might not be able to do such a good job, and he could not find a reason to attack the heir.

"You generously gave him enough strength, and his easy victory is not unreasonable..."

Osiris still offered comfort, and the next focus was to transform Li Ting and make the empire less hostile to Li Ting's changes.

If the Empire completely targets Li Ting, Rasta's only option is to take the entire planet into subspace and return to his pod's realm of chaos.

"I admit his excellence, Osiris, but I failed countless times, but he succeeded once, and it was so short-lived.

I'm not jealous of him, my countless battle experiences tell me that after I rejected the olive branch offered by those four old guys a long time ago, they were crazy about me.

They did not allow me to succeed, so every attempt I made would be targeted as much as possible. Fortunately, my efforts were not without success.

Their targeting of me led to a weakening of the offensive elsewhere, which gave humanity some advantages, and the Emperor recognized the legitimacy of my temptation and gave preferential treatment to the material providers.

I've always been a target, so I know that when Nusgreen walks out, he's going to be another target.

I was worried that he would become the target of public criticism, so I was worried about him leaving.

Now, what worries me the most is that the arrow shot at him deliberately deflected him, hoping to feed his arrogance and then completely knock him out at a critical moment.

I know very well what those four old guys are good at. Those demons can delay the war for a long time and can easily revive it.

Nusgren was not targeted too much. He even only faced a Slaanesh demon in a sneak attack.

It is unreasonable for those demons that could have delayed the war for another year or two to disappear like this. "

Light lust revealed Slaanesh's plans.

Slaanesh is deliberately making Nusgreen perfect. His impersonation is just to test Nusgreen's loyalty. He does not have much confidence that he can succeed.

Then He made Nusgren a great success, pampering him with perfection like Slaanesh tending a flower.

Tzeentch was also very interested in Nusgrim's wisdom, and Khorne was also impressed by Nusgrim's courage to smash the projection of Slaanesh with his fist.

Of course Rasta would be worried if three shameless old guys fell in love with their own big devil.

"After all, he has experienced a lot. Although he is a novice in war, I don't think he can't handle the setbacks in life."

Osiris mentioned the painter's experiences twenty-six years ago, as well as his twenty-six years of soul-training journey in various lower-class cities.

"I hope so. Regarding the changes in Li Ting, I will go talk to the person who can decide the direction of this matter."

The person Rasta was talking about was a guy who refused to become a god.

"Yes, my lord."

Osiris bowed, he quietly retreated, and began to deal with some matters, while rehearsing the diplomatic etiquette that Li Ting should have in advance.

Rasta's gaze began to spread towards the depths of the starry sky.

An incarnation of him, the material provider, appeared on a certain planet.

This is an alien civilization that has fallen into the arms of Slaanesh. Just now, the Emperor destroyed it. At this moment, the human army is destroying all kinds of pollution.

The Emperor, the leader of humanity who was said to be able to transform into the most perfect image of the person in front of him, was sitting alone in the largest library of the alien civilization.

After Rasta arrived, he appeared outside the library door.

The guards guarding the gate have become somewhat accustomed to the sudden appearance of the light. This light often came to visit when the material provider first appeared.

Rasta stood in front of the door, the Custodes bowing their heads slightly in respect for the Emperor's collaborator.

"Please come in."

The Emperor's attitude toward Rasta was hard to say, but he was wary of the young god.

The Imperial Guard opened the door and Rasta walked in.

In order to show that he and the Emperor were at least on the same side in some aspects, he expressed his position.

"The atmosphere of Slaanesh is like a scourge, harming the emperor... the emperor?"

Rasta saw the Emperor at the end of the library, and his expression suddenly became a little strange.

Because the Emperor was there, flipping through the pages of the xenos' Slaanesh ethos.

The image of a human leader is not special in Rasta's eyes. Now he is sitting in a pile of uncleanness and looking at an alien book that cannot be complimented. What do you want Guangyu to think?

"...Here is the riddle of Trasinliu. I am not interested in aliens."

The Emperor closed the book, and with a final burst of psychic energy, the books ignited.

Trazyn the Infinite is a Necron who loves collecting galactic history.

Before humans became the overlords of the galaxy, the last people to rule the galaxy were the Eldar, who were once affiliated with the Old Ones.

The Old Ones perished in a war with the C'tan, the god of matter in the real universe, and the Necron were, at that time, the C'tan's servants.

The Necrons were tricked by one of the three most powerful C'tan into replacing their weak flesh with mechanical bodies, which gave them a rather bony appearance, hence their nickname.

Just like the empire also likes to call the tall but slender Eldar with sky-high braided bean sprouts.

The Emperor chose to cooperate with this Paigu because the other party was not interested in conquering the universe or taking action against the Empire. Trazin was not keen on participating in wars. He was only keen on collecting key things or people in major historical events.

"What did he say?"

"I can't tell you."

This ended the chat between the two enemies of the Four Gods.

Guang Yu revealed the purpose of his visit this time.

"I need to make a world independent. The Empire once destroyed it. With the Extermination Order, I resurrected that world. It deserves to be mine."

Rasta's attitude was very tough.

The Emperor did not refuse, and he was the biggest beneficiary when Rasta's incarnation acted as a target on the front lines of the battlefield to attract firepower, allowing his Great Crusade to overcome obstacles in more places.

It is a cost-effective deal to hand over an already destroyed world to the lust of light.

The Emperor has not yet planned to directly confront an evil god who can roam freely in the material universe. Taking Liting away is Rasta's bottom line.

The Emperor's starting point is always the overall interests of mankind.

"Yes, Malcador will soon contact your world, and you can change it into what you want."

It's just a new garden world that's about to be born, no big deal.

"Come for a walk with me?"

The Emperor kindly invited Rasta to accompany him on the trip.

The two walked out of the collapsed library in the light of fire. On the alien planet, the newly rescued captive humans were being reviewed.

Their devotion to the Emperor is conceivable.

Neither Rasta nor the Emperor revealed their well-known characteristics as they traveled the land.

Finally they came to several rescued humans.

"You know why I can't trust you completely?"

The Emperor looked at those few humans and turned a blind eye to the tragic situation in front of them, but was worried that the entire human race would completely become like that under the shadow of the Four Gods.

"Because you are afraid that a god like me will be overly paranoid, disappointed with the dark side and corruption of the empire, and disgusted with your ruthlessness, so that he will go crazy at some point in the future, destroy this cold and ruthless universe, and destroy the one you love most at the same time. of human beings.”

Guangyu's answer was straightforward.

Then he asked, "So, do you know why I can't completely trust you?"

The Emperor didn't answer. He had already shown the reason for Rasta's repulsion.

Two rescued children came to the two inhuman beings. They looked around and circled around the two people who were not wearing power armor, curious.

"May I have your name?"

Rasta knelt down, took out a handful of candies, and asked one of the children.

"My name is Macabaka."


After unwrapping the beautiful candy wrapper and putting it away carefully, the child carefully put the taste that he had never tasted on the tip of his tongue.

Raste choked on the name.

Makabaka replied politely, vaguely.

"What about you? Which legion are you from? Are you qualified to see the great Emperor?"

Macabaka had already received all the descriptions of human leaders from the Emperor's angels, which made the child yearn for the light of humanity and wanted to become a powerful angel wearing power armor.

Lassite did not hesitate at all. While pointing at the Emperor, he began to make up stories.

"My name is Wusidisi, his name is Yigubigu, we are from the Garden Baby Legion, he is the fifth baby, and I am the sixth baby."

Emperor: "?!"

Do you want to hear what you are talking about? What are the other four babies? Who is the first?

"Who is the first baby?"

Macabaka also asked the Emperor's question.

The voice of Light Desire even reached the subspace.

"You have to fight to know!"

The playful provocation here ended here. After distributing candies to these children again, the Sixth Evil God left the planet.

The Emperor looked up and looked at the bleak green sunset here.

"I will never become a god..."

The Empire does not need gods!

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