Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 60 Too humane

Two garden babies followed "Cicada", "Mantis" and "Cicada's father oriole".

"This thing destroyed my empire? Indirectly killed my best friend, and even made my son betray me?"

The Emperor felt a little incredible as he looked at the beast that was so weak that it could be easily killed by any Astartes.

"What is this? In the ancient Terra period, there were some even messier ones.

I remember there was a personnel recruitment requirement. What was it like?

Oh, now that I think about it, it’s completely outrageous to ask for 4,500 years of management experience while also looking like a twenty-five-year-old young man. "

Rasta always felt that anyone who could write such a recruitment notice had more or less excrement in his mind.

"No, this is not outrageous, they have recruited it."

The Emperor was as calm as if he was recounting personal experience.

"?!" Rasta was defeated.

Then he realized that during the ancient Terra period, a guy who looked like twenty-five and had at least 4,500 years of management experience seemed to be right in front of him.

He was angry: "You're going to pay five hundred a month?"

"My weekly salary is 13,000 yuan."

While chatting about their job hunting experiences, the topic of the Emperor's current career came up.

"You've been out with me for so long and you're not in a hurry to go back? You don't care about anything except the Great Expedition." Xiidi said.

Yigubigu explained: "You know me, and I will not leave until I see this spark that can burn up my empire completely annihilated.

Moreover, other forbidden troops will help handle all matters. "

The Emperor's Imperial Guardsmen have received various alchemical technological transformations and comprehensive education since childhood. They are all masters of art and are even good at handling government affairs. It is not difficult for them to temporarily help the Emperor with some matters.

"Do you have an extermination order in Li Ting? In the face of threats, you must have some deterrence methods and be gentle. It is not good."

The Emperor had been trying to hide his humanity. He had it, but he didn't dare to show it. This time, being deliberately stimulated by lust, he simply let go.

"Not yet, the extermination order is too inhumane, but I have another plan to replace the extermination order."

Rasta had already thought about how to deal with this situation.

"you are right?"


He took out a magnifying glass and handed it to the Emperor.

The emperor took the magnifying glass and looked left and right, but found nothing unusual.

"What's the function?"

"In one millionth of a second, all the energy of the entire star in the next minute can be condensed and used to strike the target planet."


Do you call this humanity? My extermination order is not as cruel as yours!

This is even more outrageous than having the Emperor's Dream launch multiple Extinction Order strikes against a planet!

"If you are not satisfied with this, I have forty-three similar methods, such as decomposing planets into nebulae..."

"No, I don't want to know. The show is about to begin." The Emperor felt that Guangyu was indeed more professional when it came to being an evil god.

"Wait a minute, give me back the magnifying glass first!"

Rasta put away the magnifying glass that the emperor almost ignored and the planet crusher that he called a vacuum cleaner, and quietly followed it.

Resurrecting a planet is indeed a big burden for him, but destroying a planet or even a star is like a joke.

In the snowfield ahead.

Erebus was stopped by a voice, a voice that was somewhat familiar to him.

When he turned around, he saw an uncomfortable face.

Erebus had seen each other, Paul from the same village, who often wandered in the cemetery and woods, and his smile could scare all the other children in the village to tears.

Paul looked at Erebus. This was the second time it had tried to kill this guy.

The first time was during the birth baptism. He crawled over and failed to see the other person away.

"Is something wrong?" Erebus felt a little uneasy.

"My parents asked me to give you something."

Aribas proposed a large bag of food. This was winter, so there was no need to think too much about preserving food. In other seasons, the food containers would have been replaced.

The wind and snow made Erebas shiver, and he politely rejected the other party's kindness.

"I understand. I have enough food to travel far away. I don't need to worry about my uncle and aunt. You can bring this food back."

Erebus was very wary of Paul, and he felt that the other party had evil intentions.

"I traveled such a long way to bring you food, shouldn't you thank me?"

Paul threw away the dry food bag in his hand and did not intend to act anymore.

It's so cold that it has to kill Erebus immediately and then become Erebus, otherwise the skin fusion will go wrong.

"what do you need?"

"Give me your name, identity, life, everything! Give it all to me!"

The greedy beast no longer hides its ugly face, it pulls out a blade made of bone.

This knife has become a special cursed item under the pollution of Chaos over the years.

Paul took this vicious weapon and rushed towards Erebus who dropped his backpack.

Erebus, who had been practicing hard and didn't have many means of self-defense, panicked.

He started to run away, but he couldn't compete with that born bad guy.

At this moment, a very strange sound sounded, much like the old sound of a lantern swaying gently.

The sound was so decayed that it sounded like it sounded from another world.

Erebus didn't notice the sound, but Paul became alert, sensing danger.

Paul turned around and looked around cautiously.

The snowfield behind him was calm, and he could still see the village whose roofs were also covered with snow. Between him and the village, the only ones he could see were the footprints of it and Erebus.

When Paul suspected that he was delusional and was preparing to chase Erebus again, something tapped him on the shoulder.

Paul turned around suddenly and saw nothing, but there were many messy footprints on the snow behind him, which did not look like human footprints.

Paul held his cursed dagger tightly and waited for a long time, but did not find any enemies.

Its body was stiff, feeling like it was being watched by something dangerous.

At this time, something patted its shoulder from behind.

The moment Paul turned his head, the other shoulder was tapped again somewhere he couldn't see.

"Come out! Get out!"

The furious Paul began to feel a little scared.

A beast that had been hanging around the cemetery for years eating corpses felt uneasy at this moment.

No one responded and it went into a rage, roaring at the "coward" to come out.

"Do you really want us to come out?"

Many chaotic voices sounded in Paul's ears, incredibly close.

Paul's shoulders were put on by multiple hands at the same time.

This beast knows that even if he looks, he can't see whose hand belongs to him.

It responds to the other person's question.

"I told you to get out."


Paul's abdomen, which had digested countless corpses, began to swell, and one hand after another was trying to disembowel it.

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