Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 35 Chapter i.? ? ■Subspace chess and card room? ■

? Subspace, chess and card room? ?



It seemed like I had randomly found a piece of pure black space with an unknown height at the top, an unknown depth at the bottom, an unknown width on the left, and an unknown width on the right.

Paved with black and white squares, the stereotypical chess and card room floor suddenly appears in this space.

A white light hung swaying from the black space above, and the clear white light was monotonously sprinkled in a circular area.

On the black and white square floor, there is an ordinary maroon four-legged round table, neatly covered with a black velvet tablecloth. On the tablecloth, there are endless, countless chess pieces, large and small, arranged in rows and rows.

No one moves the chess pieces, but the chess pieces can move on their own. Each chess piece changes position on the chessboard according to its own rules.

Every second, countless chess pieces disappear, and every second, countless chess pieces appear.


Originally, this space was quiet.

But suddenly, as if opening and closing his eyes, five figures were already sitting around this small table.

There was a man with a big belly, and yellow-green pus could not stop gurgling out from his big belly. His chair was made of solid vines, half of which was full of life, with flesh and blood flowers happily spitting out pus and sewage.

The other half withered and withered, and a void of death and silence clung to the vine branches.

But if anyone else observes, they will see that the two sides of the chair are constantly changing. The half that was dead one second is full of life the next second.

His ichor splattered on the round table, and the foul-smelling liquid soaked the nearby tablecloth.

But the others at the table turned a blind eye to such a disrespectful scene.


A constantly flashing and changing Him "sits" on a crystal chair that is also constantly changing. For a moment, tentacles stretched out from His body, but in the next moment they turned into the sharp beak of a bird, chirping and screaming.

The only thing that remains unchanged is the blue light that is dark and bright at times, deep and shallow at times.

The crystal chair is constantly changing, shining with strange lights. Its shape sometimes becomes very strange, and it cannot be called a chair, but He can always find the right posture when sitting on it, "Sit" "In this chair.


Angry red light roared, and the chair made of countless skulls was plated with brass. Compared with the other seats, the seats made of skulls were somewhat crude.

But He loved it.

Next to the chair, a tomahawk full of violent aesthetics was chopped directly into the floor.

Countless blood burst out from the gaps in the skull, killing, destroying, beheading, and fighting. He who was in charge of justice and tyranny roared angry words all the time.


Next to Him, sat a graceful figure that was twisting constantly. The sparkling and strange purple light shone on His scales. It was perfect and strange. He was humming in pleasure, and his snake-like figure was wrapped around the chair. , from time to time, a certain part of the tail suddenly tightens, or suddenly relaxes, accompanied by an obviously abrupt hum.

The chair under Him is the ultimate work of art. Countless artists have spent their entire lives engraving patterns on it that they can imagine. It is perfect and charming.


These four occupy most of the round table. The green juice, blue light, blood, and lust that symbolize their territory soaked from their seats, slowly seeping into the black velvet tablecloth, and slowly corroding the tablecloth. chess piece.

Compared with the other four carefree people, the last remaining one occupies the smallest space on the round table.

But this cannot conceal his nobility.

He was wearing a white robe. The white robe was pure white without any decoration. Under the simple linen cloth was the most perfect muscular body imaginable by humans. His muscles were strong but in line with aesthetics.

Although he was obviously ignored by the four people at the table, occupying the smallest space and could even be called crowded, he still sat calmly, and the gold chair shone lowly.

On the round table, under the white light, at the top of the chessboard, there are twenty-one chess pieces that are obviously higher than all the other living beings. The finely carved textures shine without any light, attracting the attention of the four people on the field.

But currently, most of the delicate chess pieces are in the arms of the most inconspicuous player. The four gods all shook their heads and blinked dissatisfiedly.

Greedy guys must pay the price.

Contracts are not the same as rules. Breaking the contract requires punishment from them personally.

However, the trends on the chessboard are ever-changing, and the time has not yet come, and the story has not yet reached its climax.

On the table, near death and corruption, a delicate chess piece carved into a scythe stood proudly, moving in small increments according to its own rules.

Beside it, the loving father put down a rotten alien chess piece, and the two began to fight from the beginning. The small but delicate duel kept making the loving father laugh.

However, at some point, the tiniest chess piece near them suddenly grew larger, which of course did not escape the attention of the gods.

At first glance, this chess piece is the same as the other smallest chess pieces. It just looks like the most ordinary chess piece, and there is nothing attractive about it.

But if you pay more attention, you will find that there is a black spot on it.

Untouchable? These blackened chess pieces have always been disliked by the gods.

But if you look closely, the black spot on the chess piece is actually a tiny hole.

The deep hole leads nowhere, but the tiny dot seems to be connected to another infinitely vast and vast space.

Nurgle grumbled. He who was in charge of stagnation always disliked these little guys who appeared from time to time.

They occur very infrequently and are often confused.

According to the tacit understanding of the gods, these little guys who may threaten the entire world should be eliminated directly.

What's more, this annoying guy is next to his favorite chess piece.

He began to rearrange the layout, but there was a conflict at the junction with the Lord of Change at the far end of the chessboard.

Annoying guy.

Nurgle, the master of stasis, and Tzeentch, the master of change, are mortal enemies and are often at war with each other.

As Nurgle and Tzeentch battled, the Lord of Man continued to advance his pieces calmly.

Finally, he arrived.

The delicate chess piece holding the sickle and the inconspicuous little chess piece appeared in his hand at the same time.

He did not immediately erase the little chess piece.

"Oh - no way?"

Slaanesh twisted his body exaggeratedly, his face contorted, as if he had made the most exaggerated expression he could imagine.

"Do you want to change those little agreements between us?"

"You can't do these little tricks all the time!!! Doesn't that do the world any good?!!"

The red figure is furious,

The blue figure screamed with joy,

"You see, I'm not the first one to change my agreement?!"


His eyes shone with wisdom and cunning,

"If you insist on doing this, we can also change the agreement."

"It's obvious that you want to play, have you forgotten the beginning?"

Nurgle looked dissatisfied at Tzeentch, that damn bluebird.

"That's right, it's obviously you who wants to play! It's you every time?!"

Slaanesh winked at Tzeentch. He was not averse to these little tricks. Although it was dangerous, it would bring him a different kind of pleasure.

"Except for you two, none of us bothers to play these boring and risky tricks!!!"


Seeing that the emperor still insisted on holding his son, they didn't bother too much. The Lord of Change stretched out his "hand" and slapped the table.

Agree to rewrite.

The tiniest bits of the chess game produce changes.

No one noticed that the four gods were noisy and returned to their previous normal state, as if the scene just now did not attract much of their attention.

The Lord of Mankind seemed to be left out in the cold once again, but he took his time.


behind him,

The Fool, who was sneaking in the darkness outside the lamp, appeared silently. The loser of the previous game had already been ridiculed by the four gods and left the table.

From under the table, out of sight, he handed the two sons to the Emperor.

The twisted smile was full of unwillingness and anger.

The Emperor smiled.

Little knowledge: The protagonist's name - Hades (Hades) is the king of Hades in ancient Greek mythology.

In charge of the underworld, death, and pain. It is a symbol of the souls of the dead.

At the same time, he doesn't mind much.

It is often confused with the Grim Reaper by others.

There is no chess and card room in subspace, so this article does not exist. The above plot did not happen anywhere, it is all nonsense.

In addition, I have a conscience, I randomly picked up the main character's name from the foreign baby names website, and after reading the comments and checking, I discovered that there are so many coincidences! ! ! When I nicknamed him "Revenant", I had no idea the meaning of the protagonist's name! ! ! Damn it, am I not being targeted by Tzeentch? !

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