Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 612 61 Malcador’s Dining Table

Chapter 612 61. Malcador’s Dining Table

They may be dead.

Just because of the raging anger of the underworld.


The Supreme Lord Admiral of the Imperial Navy, the Holy Emperor’s Holy Father, the Hades’ Holy Father’s mall team representative, the Imperial Interior Ministry’s director-general, the Lord Commander of the Astra Militarum, the Inquisition representative, the Legal Director…

There is also the current temporary acting foundry general Kirkland-584 of [Mars] who has just stepped off the battlefield, with scorch marks on his robes and feet.

The previously arrogant high lords either shrank or straightened their backs, standing together in front of the tight door of the restaurant.

The Forbidden Army and the Sisters of Silence lined up and stood on both sides of the corridor, but guarding the door were two Ultramarines.

Samuel swallowed subconsciously. The old man straightened his body, hoping to die with as much dignity as possible.

There was silence.

"Why aren't you letting us in?"

Samuel couldn't help but murmured in a low voice. He poked the Archbishop Meslin of the State Church beside him in white clothes and gold trim with his elbow. The two archbishops were similar in age, but the Archbishop of the State Church had well-maintained, long white hair and white beard.

Meslin coughed and silently moved away from Samuel.

"Not everyone is here yet."

The electronic sound sounded, and the mechanical sage who seemed to have been pieced together chirped. The mechanical body bowed happily and stretched out a hand towards Samuel.

"Nice to meet you, Samuel. I am the newly appointed Forging General, and we will work together for Hades from now on."

Religious madman, Samuel thought in his heart, but this may mean that he will not die for the time being. Samuel put on a smile and let his hand crackle when Kirkland squeezed it.

"People are not here yet?" He said casually, "It's the Star Language Academy, the Navigator, and the Star Torch Academy-"

Heavy footsteps sounded from the other side of the corridor, stepping through heavy dark curtains. The fresh blood on the helmets and boots was licked by the carpet. The brand-new and smooth silver plate was covered with a rounded silver cover. The deep red blood Seeps out from the gap between the dish cover.

The sweet smell of blood passed through their nostrils.

Buzz and Black walked over, each holding a silver plate. The Imperial Guards following behind them roughly pulled a pale man. The man almost completely lost his mobility, with bleeding from his orifices and empty pupils.

Samuel recognized the living person, Seke, the host of the Star Torch Court.

"It's not all here."

In the deathly silence, Kirkland said briskly, "I can't wait to offer my loyalty and victory to my Lord."

Samuel's modified hearing heard the sound of bones rattling, and some of his former colleagues and political opponents—the high lords—started to tremble.

They are all people with blood on their hands, and have faced countless moments of life and death, but it is another shock to see someone with equal power fall off their horse and die without shame.

He did not die in a life-and-death political struggle, but was casually and easily erased...

They can accept death, but they cannot accept that the power they once had was simply defeated in front of other beings.

Samuel felt his heart beating rapidly, not because he was afraid of death, but because he had really witnessed a miracle. These insects... He used to kill many people just to set a small obstacle for them, but now...

The blood dripped down and was quickly absorbed by the carpet.

There will be no echoes of the warp, this scene is so innocent.

"Good evening, everyone."

Buzz said easily that there was nothing wrong with the use of High Gothic language and etiquette. He walked to the front of the queue of high lords, holding a silver plate in his left hand.

"I am Buz Bella, the son of Hades, the former regent of the empire - in the name of Hades, I welcome you all to the dinner."

Kirkland bowed his robe, but no one except Kirkland made any move, and so did Samuel. The door was slowly opened...


"Old horse," Hades muttered, "Isn't it too weird to choose a restaurant?"

"I'm saving your non-existent image, revenant."

Malcador said calmly, "Show no mercy to the executioners - your idea of ​​equality is too ingrained, Revenant."

Hades sighed, he didn't want to eat in such a fancy way.

"You should believe me, Lao Ma."

"Then you should understand me - I want to do this."

Malcador said, "A little bit of my bad taste, I have endured these ignorant mortals for too long."



Samuel tried his best to open his eyes wide, with rational tears flowing from his eyes, but it was still pitch black and he couldn't see anything.

Buz made a gesture of invitation, but no one took action. Kirkland was no longer anxious at this time, and the mechanical sage looked at the high lords playfully.

Samuel took a deep breath,

"Okay," he made a prayer gesture, "praise Pluto." He bravely walked into the darkness, and the light on his head did not dim the darkness even half.

The Lord Commander of the Astra Militarum followed him, the second High Lord to enter the dining room.

The other high lords entered one after another.


Darkness enveloped the hall, and a lonely green light burned on the long table, reflecting on the silver plate, which successfully made people have no desire to eat.

The main seat was completely dark, and the candlelight could not penetrate the absolute darkness. The high lords stared at the dinner plates in front of them with eyes and noses.

It's very cold here.

Samuel shrank his neck. He sat second to the right of Hades. Next to him was the Imperial Regent Buz Bella.

The sound of friction between the stool and the ground could be heard from time to time, which was the nervous twitching of the host of Xing Juyuan. He looked like he was about to faint.

Opposite and beside him, there were two "empty seats". The silver plate that Mingzi was holding previously was placed in front of the empty seats, and drops of blood seeped out along the tablecloth.

If you think about it with your toes, you can tell what's inside.

"Hello, everyone."

A calm old voice sounded, and a young and fuzzy face walked out from the long table at the other end of Pluto. From the corner of his eye, Samuel saw the wide-open eyes and mouth of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - he knew that kid, that was the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. One of his men, William.

At this moment, William's red hair was gray.

"It's been a day, I think you guys can't wait."

William said, contemptuously ignoring the shocked eyes of the head of the Ministry of the Interior, "Then without further ado, let's serve the food."

First the appetizers.

The son of Hades, who was hidden in the darkness, came out and served "appetizers" to the high lords who were seated.

Samuel felt cold sweat falling on his forehead.

A stack of paper is lying quietly on the plate at this moment. The paper placed in front of each lord is different in size.


William said, Samuel stretched out his hand tremblingly, picked up the piece of paper, and opened it... Inside were some "little things" he had done before.

He seemed to hear the subconscious retching sound of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Still...well, Samuel comforted himself by deceiving himself. Compared with others, his paper was not too big - he hoped that the font size used by Pluto was the same.

"Second course."

William said, he clapped his hands, the second course was soup, this time it was something that could be "drinked", but it was not a delicacy.

In the white porcelain bowl, the pungent smell of white corn soup was like an eye, staring at them.

"A specialty from Barbarus, the hometown of Pluto, with the addition of Death's special wine to add a special flavor - the amount of wine added to each bowl is different depending on personal preference."

William said, at the other end of the long table, a pair of hands stretched out silently, and then a face as pale as a stone sculpture, reflected in the faint light.

Cold and inhumane, yet great and sacred.

Pluto picked up the silver spoon and naturally began to drink the soup in front of him. Anyone could tell that the soup in front of Pluto was the most "deadly" bowl.

The master has already started. In the cold light of candles, the high pressure almost grasps everyone's soul, making them breathless. In this atmosphere, people all know what to do, but they dare not hold the silver spoon.

Buzz and Kirkland picked up the spoons and began to drink the soup as if they were water.

Samuel swallowed and raised his spoon. The good news is that believers in the Hades have often tasted the Pale Lord's small drink. For someone with a high level like him, he has to drink it whenever an event is held. Not worried about that.

Seeing Samuel move, some of the other high lords exchanged glances with each other, while others directly picked up the spoons as if they were dead.

The poisonous soup entered his throat, and Samuel felt that his tongue was festering, and then his esophagus. The poison was eroding him from the inside out, like the whisper of death.

His vision began to become hazy, and the room seemed to become brighter. He saw the structure of this dim restaurant, and a Mona Lisa was hanging on the main wall, staring down at them.

Samuel heard violent coughing and vomiting sounds, and the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs seemed to spray out. The vomit spread all over the tablecloth in front of him. He struggled and grabbed his chest and fell into his own vomit.

Not only the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but also the representatives of the shopping mall team and the tribunal fell down in pain. The rest of them also more or less grabbed their throats and whimpered in pain.

On the contrary, the performance of the Lord Commander of the Astra Militarum and the Archbishop of the Ecclesiarchy were most similar to Samuel's situation, except that their faces were pale and their mouths were pursed tightly.

Pluto ignored them. The bowl in front of him was already empty. As if urging the food to be served, Pluto looked at William opposite.

"Side dish, the death of two psykers."

William said, "Anwar is the host of the Star Language Academy, and Hillard is the representative of the Navigator family."

The silver cover oozing with blood was opened, and the two heads stared at the people present.

Some people can only twitch under the influence of poisonous soup.

"The good news is," William continued, "our competent Star Torch Master Seike still fulfills his duties and has not crossed the red line - I think the psyker is between him and..."

"You don't have to be so busy,"

Pluto, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke, and people's eyes instantly moved away from William. They stared at Pluto in horror,

"Makado... we should believe in the wisdom of future generations. After all, personal abilities are limited."

Malcador smiled and said,

"Okay, okay."

"I'm impatient," Macado said, "Then let's serve the main course."

William walked behind the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who was opening his eyes in pain.

"The Death of Three High Lords."

Makado said calmly, he grabbed the high stool and knocked down the Director of the Ministry of Internal Affairs directly. The stool hit the ground with a muffled sound. The Director howled and spit out half-jelly blood from his mouth, and was then hidden in the darkness. dragging things into the darkness.

The sound of breaking bones was heard.

The smile on "William's" face widened, and his white hair appeared. He waved, and the stool stood up again. He sat on it proudly, and the original dirt on the seat disappeared instantly.

In the other two seats, representatives of the Merchant Marine Corps and the Inquisition also fell. Death fell on them, and their bodies were roughly dragged into the darkness.

"The air here is finally a little fresher,"

Pluto said, picking up the wine glass casually, "Thank you for your help."

Kirkland raised his glass first, "To Hades."

Buzz followed suit, "For Hades."

"Then..." Pluto lowered his voice, "I still need to eat something."

The normal food was finally brought out, which was a salad. Along with the salad, there were two new pale faces, pressed down on the seat vacated by the deceased.

Samuel pretended to eat some, his stomach was cramping, and it was a miracle he didn't vomit it out. The Astra Militarum commander stuffed vegetables into his mouth, as if he wanted to use these grasses to detoxify.

Opposite Samuel was "William". That man stared at all of them sinisterly. Who was he?

The dessert was served, and the sweet smell seemed to alleviate some of the heaviness. After death, Pluto's aura became significantly lighter and more relaxed.

"This is the pastry that the Lord of Red Sand liked back then," Hades said. He picked up another piece of cake and sighed again as if he thought of something.

Malcador's gaze swept across Hades like a knife, and Hades paused.


Hades said,

"Next are the transfer orders. Malcador with the magic pattern will serve as the director of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; Kirkland, the sage of Mars, will serve as the representative of the Mechanicus and the founding general; Tull will temporarily serve as the representative of the Merchant Marine; Venant will temporarily serve as the Tribunal. represent."

My life was saved.

Samuel thought that he thought he had understood everything, and all that was left now were Pluto's "own people," at least those who had gone through Pluto's first round of scrutiny.

Samuel breathed a sigh of relief, but the "tea" that came next shocked him. It was said to be tea, but it was still the drink of death.

It was as if Hades would drink nothing but Mortarion's brew.

Hades raised his glass casually,

"The rest depends on your wishes. It's just a formality. Someone will take over the work with you next."

Drink it all in one gulp.

Kirkland and Butz also raised their glasses directly after Hades, but Malcador looked at them coldly, picked up the glass, and the liquid in the glass was indeed changed, and he tasted it slowly again.

Samuel thought for a while, since he was already resistant...

With the determination to sacrifice his life for righteousness, Samuel picked up the cup and motioned for the son of Hades behind him to fill it up. He raised the cup and drank it all.

When he put down the cup in a daze and was about to fall unconscious at the table, he caught a glimpse of the shocked Pluto from the corner of his eye.

He made the right bet.

The pharmacist rushed in.


Everyone left their seats.

"It's just nonsense..."

Hades said tiredly, "I have never had such a depressing meal, old horse, don't bother me like this next time."

"This is necessary to establish authority."

Hades waved his hand, "Whatever you want, Lao Ma, I have something else... a bit of personal matter."

Malcador nodded. The old man took a deep look at Hades and then left the empty restaurant.

Hades stood up, touched his chin, and looked at the Tribunal representative who was ordered not to leave for the time being.

"...Don't be afraid," Hades said, "Can you call the Gray Knights over now? I have something to ask them."

The red stone around Hades' waist flashed.

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