Warhammer Wizard

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Few authors have written testimonials.

Yesterday I asked the editor and said that I should write one. I just have a few words to say, so I wrote it.

Everyone should have read my listing notice. At that time, the results were so bad that I didn't have much confidence in myself. Fortunately, my mentality was relatively stable, so I just wanted to try my best to continue writing.

Later, my grades gradually improved, my subscriptions rose steadily, and I got a boutique badge. I even got on the big seal today, which was beyond my expectation.

At that time, I said, "Maybe there will be a miracle?" Now the miracle really happened!

For many authors, this achievement is nothing, nor is it worth expressing any comments.

But in my opinion, this is a miracle!

I want to thank you all for every recommendation vote, every monthly ticket, every subscription, every reward and every comment for this book. It is these help that put me in the position of blocking and tweeting. ,thank you all. I know that some readers may not read the original version at the starting point, but it does not matter. As long as you read this book, you support me. Of course, I still hope to subscribe, haha...

At the same time, I also want to thank my editor Dan Qing. I have consulted many questions and responded enthusiastically. Thanks!

Let me say a few digressions.

My first codeword was in 2008. At that time, I was very young, didn't understand anything, wrote scribbled on the tickets, and got good results but I didn't know how to cherish it.

During this period, I also wrote two or three other books, but never achieved any results.

It can be said that this seal was postponed to 12 years.

I have had a few 12 years in my life. When I received the notice that day, my mood was really complicated, with mixed flavors...

In the past ten years, I can say that nothing has been achieved. Most of the time I have been messing around. Sometimes I think, if I could seize the opportunity and work hard, maybe my life would be different.

Haha, it's far, but it's not too late to work hard.

Let's make it together!


PS: Finally, sacrifice a book as usual, "Sequence Player", I had PY with the author yesterday, hehe...

To [player]: This is the mystery of life, the journey of all things.

You will be stronger, become superheroes, and even touch the authority of gods. But if it fails, it is death.

Because you have embarked on the highest sequence evolution game!

"Is this just embarrassing Darwin?" Li Changhe muttered as he looked at the [player] who had stepped into the air in the distance: "I also embarrassed Newton by the way."

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