Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 636: The returning traitor

? "I found that God Luna and the God-level Mage of the Naga Sea Clan are facing each other!" Shadow told the Elf King in a heavy tone. Tian" Lai "Fiction Ww


"I also saw it. I was planning to support Master Luna, but I was stopped by her Frost Giant, hum, the battlefield of the gods is not for us people to participate in..." The elf king sighed. With a cry, there was a lonely expression on his face.


   "Go and see what the outcome of the battle there is. If Master Luna is in danger, you can help!" After a moment of indulgence, the Elf King told Shadow.


"Yes!" After nodding and responding to the Elf King, the shadow was about to go out immediately. After all, the battlefield of the two fierce girls is still two kilometers away, and even if they run the fastest, it will take more than 20 seconds. , For the gods, more than twenty seconds, the winner can already be determined, so time should not be delayed.


At this moment, a cloud of "Boom..." exploded between the Shadow and the Elf King, and then there was another "Boom..." sound of a heavy object falling on the ground, and the fog immediately dissipated. There, Luna's current clone is floating.


   At the feet of Luna Shuiliu's clone, there was a large icy lump frozen in it. Inside the large icy lump the size of a small house, there was a sapphire and blood-covered female sea monster.


"This is the God-level Array Mage of the Naga Sea Clan. I heard that her name has only one word, called Miao," Luna's water stream clone pointed to the sealed female sea monster in the ice lump and explained to the Elf King "Now, I’m giving her to you. If you want to kill or kill her, I suggest you don’t kill her first, otherwise, it’s easy to let her soul run away. According to my observation, she seems She doesn't want to give up, so she will not commit suicide!"


"It's amazing, Master Luna!" After earnestly observing the frozen Naga Sea God-level Array Mage, the Elf King extended his thumbs to his dream lover, and gave a long compliment. , And then he continued: "Since you have already taken action, there are still many snowy orc enemies in the sewers. Can you help us solve it? I will have a great reward!"


"Huh! Your son caused me to end the trouble. I have nothing to say..." After complaining, Luna's avatar nodded and agreed to the elf king's request. It seemed that she had just agreed to help the elf king. In fact, her deity, along with her iceman subordinates, had already smashed into the sewers, and had already fought against the snowfield half-orcs.


   "That's right, let me tell you," the Elf King kindly reminded Luna: "I have ordered poisoning into the sewers, so you still don't go in by yourself, just let your iceman in!"


"Say it soon!" After grinning at the Elf King in disgust, Luna's current clone hummed the Elf King angrily. Then, Luna asked the Elf King ironically: "One of your sons is still under there, you Don’t you be afraid of poisoning him to death like this?"


   "He is going to kill me, do I need to care about his life and death?" The Elf King answered with a grin.


"You are such a good father!" Luna's avatar mocked the Elf King again, and then asked him resentfully: "What about your other son, Mario, he has such a powerful combat power. But he didn't appear on the battlefield. Isn't he a member of the elves?"


"His Majesty Nulio is back to Hill City," In order not to embarrass the Elf King, Shadow once again stated to Luna what he had guessed: "The enemy seems to have sent people to besiege Hill City, as you know, Hill City is the territory of Her Royal Highness Herio!"


"Huh! Insidious enough! Splitting the troops into two groups, one attacking the hill city and moving away from Mario, the other attacking the imperial city inside and outside, hum, Towns Wharton is so smart, I can think of this kind of plan!" Listen After Shadow's statement, Luna nodded and praised Towns Wharton.


Luna didn’t know, everything she heard was the speculation of the Shadow and Elf King. It was impossible for Downs Wharton to send someone to attack Hill City. Last time he was scared by Wang Xu. When he arrived at Hill City, he was frightened, but he lost the heartache of 40,000 wolf cavalry and a sword saint. Without clearing the obstacles in his heart, he really didn't dare to approach Hill City casually.


Of course, Luna did not tell the Shadow and the Elf King that she is a partner of Downs Wharton. In her eyes, except for the weird Mario Wharton, Downs Wharton is more suitable for doing Elf King.


   At this moment, an infantry squad of the Imperial Guard came over with a blood-stained, unkempt elf warrior in city defense costumes.


   "What's the situation?" After the guards came over, Shadow greeted him and asked the captain of the team.


"He said he had important information to report to His Majesty the King, but when we asked him who he was, he didn't say anything. Moreover, the commander of the city defense army did not know him, but we suspected that he was a spy we did not know, so ......" The team leader answered Shadow's question in a low voice.


"Oh, then you go first, I'll press him over!" Shadow took the beggar-like Downs Wharton from the two Imperial Guards soldiers at this time, and leaned him on the shoulders. Downs Wharton pressed in front of the Elf King and told the Elf King: "Your Majesty, he said there is something to report to you!"


"What's the matter?" Because Tangs Wharton's face was coated with a thick layer of furnace ash~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the Elf King who glanced at him casually did not recognize him. .


   However, Luna’s avatar saw the identity of Downs Wharton and couldn’t help exclaiming: "You..."


"Huh..." Tangs Wharton, who was sold by Luna's surprised expression, smirked, looked up at the Elf King, and greeted with a wry smile: "Father, you... don't come here unscathed. ..."


"You... the rebellious son Downs..." Just after taking a serious look at the face of Towns Wharton, the Elf King recognized the enemy who made him dream about. In an instant, he gritted his teeth and pulled out his waist. Long sword, ready to hack this rebellion directly.


Even more surprised than the Elf King was the shadow holding Towns Wharton's shoulder. After hearing that Towns Wharton had blew his identity, the shadow quickly let go of his shoulders, leaned out and glanced at the side beside him. A thin, tall elf with a black face as the bottom of a pot, suddenly, Shadow realized that he was really Towns Wharton!


Just when the Shadow was stunned, the Elf King slashed at Towns Wharton’s epee, which had already reached Towns Wharton’s forehead, and was about to open the head of Towns Wharton immediately. ...

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