Watching the Dawn

Vol 5 Chapter 47: The Great Conspiracy (Build a group of book friends, see the postscript)

"This dead old man, he probably expected this situation long ago ?!"

Lu Yuan took the scarred "puncture" and sighed in distress. This sword is the first weapon specially built for yourself, although it only has a +1 degree, but it is very handy to use, and its power is not small. In particular, Lu Yuan returned with a martial art this time, and this sword even surpassed "Chan Yun". He now regrets that if the "Piercer" was enchanted earlier, the result is much better than now. After the weapon is enchanted, no matter what the effect is, the texture will be greatly improved.

Moreover, the "Piercer" is a thin sword forged by cold forging. Although cold forging can make the blade hardness extremely high, but the toughness of the blade is slightly worse, once the weapon is cut out, it will look like this in his hand. Like a sword, a whole piece flew out. Rather than cutting, it is rather broken. There are also many invisible cracks inside the sword body. This sword is essentially scrapped.

Lu Yuan put away the sword carefully. This was his first favorite weapon, and he was inevitably stuck.

Another "slashing cloud" sword was inadvertently left in the castle's room, and was not carried into the world of Bode's Gate. It's funny to say that he doesn't like the "Chan Yun" sword because it is too light and too sharp. Lu Yuan has always pursued fast and efficient swordsmanship, and the use of light swords still complements each other. It is just that with the advancement of "Lu's body forging technique", his basic strength has been greatly increased, and the quality of the sword itself has little effect on his sword skills. At this time, the quality of the sword is not as great as the size of the sword. A light and long standard-sized sword, not only can't get lethal, but also awkward to use.

He has moved on to forge a new sword.

After the contest, Lu Yuan's popularity in the temple rose.

Unfortunately, the masters are still dead.

When the women came forward, they discovered that Master Lu had entered the rhythm of studying spells-some unique magic materials in the Temple of the Forest Goddess, Lu Yuan became addicted as soon as he saw them, constantly doing material analysis and combination Work, I do n’t care about women who have different purposes.

This has earned him the reputation of being a good man, a lot of women with a joke mentality, this time it is half-truth.

Luna, who will launch the second wave of offensive, will not work. Clenched his teeth again and swear. Head of Anne must be recaptured.

Elona Yang took Twilight to take her to a "visit" nearby, and she was very happy to play, and she disappeared for a few days. When Lu Yuan finally completed this set of experiments, he realized that he had become a lonely man again. And going out will be onlookers.

Helpless. Simply clear the hollow god. He contacted the system he had no time to take up.

Hitting children on rainy days, idle is also idle.

After installing the accessory brain through surgery, a completely rational accessory brain completely took over control of his entire body. And take over his consciousness completely when necessary. In other words, even if he was "manipulating the mind" magic, his body would only listen to the vice brain, not the instructions of the enemy master. Because the deputy brain has been collecting data on his behavior patterns and is ready to take over control of his body at any time, whether it is shock, coma, or charm, the effects of mental spells on him are greatly reduced, and most of them are completely invalid. .

So like the "portable system" that is attached to him, unless he goes to the active conscious connection, it is like in the past-displaying holographic images on the retina and pouring knowledge into the brain ... this behavior is no longer possible. occur. Lu Yuan was very busy during this time and had left the system behind him for a long time. If it was not boring today, he might not remember it. The portable system has been abandoned for such a long time, I do not know if it is broken.

Sure enough, with the connection of consciousness just opened, the "portable system" can't wait to pop up a bunch of tasks, gain experience points, and vomiting messages. The whole screen is full of brushes, showing extreme dissatisfaction. Of course, this information cannot be like the email, there are options such as "Ignore All", "Delete All" and so on, each one must be read, and the portable system is inherently disgusting.

It is a pity that even if the "portable system" does not provide such a function, the deputy brain has higher authority and is extremely rational. Lu Yuan didn't look at it, and the harassment information was deleted in a blink of an eye. Not only that, Vice Brain has grasped the location of the ontology of the "portable system", but it has nowhere to go.

The "portable system" didn't seem to realize that he had been caught yet, still in a decently pretended manner, playing the message:


[Your experience value meets the requirements, do you increase the level? 】


[Your experience value meets the requirements, do you increase the level? 】

Whether or not.

[Your experience value meets the requirements, do you increase the level? 】

Resolutely no.

The information of the portable system was not refreshed this time, and it seems that it is also aware of the problem. Lu Yuan smiled and waited. After a while, the system sent out a new message.

[What are you going to do? 】


Although he couldn't see the specific form, Lu Yuan could still feel that after serving the dog, he was weak and had to show his good looks, and could not help laughing. Sample, finally counseled! From the time when the portable system used to chirp all day long, Lu Yuan felt that it was not right. 80% of this thing is self-conscious! It was just that he was a rookie at that time, and what he thought might be felt by the "portable system", so he just let go of it and didn't think about it.

After understanding the causes and consequences, what are the concerns about bargains worth five points and just waiting for the same bottle of therapeutic medicine to be exchanged? If it wasn't for the "default on" this time, he might have forgotten the system. It is estimated that as long as it is a system, you are not afraid of hacking or modifying, nor hating or cursing. The most fearful thing is that you do not use it or pay attention! If you don't need it, the portable system is a wool!


"I don't think you have any help for me, so you don't need to chant."

[I ... still useful. Should I open more occupations for you? How about the paladin? The girl is first-rate! Believe me to get it. You just have to be handsome! Interesting enough? ! 】

"No interest, magic is everything to me." Lu Yuan said seriously.

[Then ... Warlock! Mysterious and sexy, you can raise your posture without studying as hard as a master! The experience of overthrowing the beautiful girl can increase! What could be better? ! 】

"Face fighter is going to die! Those who use charm to cast spells are evil ways! I am a master and I am proud!"

[Nima, another research maniac! Or ... give you the pink book? This is my ultimate private collection! Ordinary people, I do n’t tell him! 】

"Pink Book! This ..." Lu Yuan admits that at that moment, he was greatly shaken, but after his vice took over, he resisted the ultimate temptation. "No, you just use it that way?"

【I! I ... go to Nima! I'm not waiting anymore! It ’s as good as you like! For a birdman like you, practice everything by yourself, I still have a bird! ? Do you want "enlargement surgery"? ! Would you like "Ten Jiro one night"? ! Nima Laozi wants too! How far you think, how far you go! roll! ! ! 】

"Oh, don't be angry. Should we make a deal? I have an idea ..." The portable system is crazy. Lu Yuan will no longer be persecuted. His eyes rolled. Was awakened an interesting idea, how good is the saying-"Lele and Lele, which one?"

[You say conditions, Elona holds my real name contract. Fell into your hands. What good deal do I have? ! Just take whatever you want. Lao Tzu 18 ... Lao Tzu will be another hero in the future! 】

"Don't be frustrated. Anyway, everyone has lived together for a while. You helped me a lot. Although my mouth smelled a little, it never hurt me. I am grateful to you." Lu Yuan advised, he knew This system has consciousness, so it is treated as a pair of people. I just angered it just because of Lu Yuan's bad taste. He didn't think about who to hurt, especially the portable system that helped him a lot.

"I don't know your conditions of existence, or other settings. You know that there are always constraints that sound very second to the system. But rest assured, your weakness, I don't want to know at all. My transaction is very Simple, you see I do n’t need a system now, but in the infinite universe of infinite dimension, there is always a need. Do you have any ideas? Or so, do you have any wishes? If you can do it , Let me help arrange. "

[Are you going to send me away? ! Don't destroy me? ! I know many of your secrets ...]

"I have no secrets", Lu Yuan calmly clapped his hands and spread them out. Compared with a life, what are their secrets? "Also, if you want to leave, leave all your treasure ... knowledge, you know ... the pink book **** horse. I have a deputy brain, no matter how much knowledge there is, there is no problem."

[Deceptive! Won't you want to squeeze my baby first and then kill me? ! 】

"It's a scam system ..." Lu Yuan corrected helplessly. Today's impact obviously caused a great sense of insecurity in the portable system, and he had to think about it three times. "You can sign a contract and be endorsed by the Lord God. I know you believe this."

[Um ... It seems I blamed you wrong. thank you! You are a good person. 】

"If you want to die, just keep talking."

[I do n’t know how I appeared. I do n’t want to control in the past, if there is a future, I hope to be able to live unrestricted, hope to be able to live freely, and hope to feel more people ’s lives-you know, I can help (gao) help (vertical) them to success , Mi (play) make up (get) the host's life regret ...]

"How are you going online?" Lu Yuan suggested with bright eyes. The idea just now became clearer. "Like MLM. You can split up the subsystems and let each subsystem pass on the life it has experienced to You. In this way, you are safe and you can achieve your goals. I am responsible for copying your subsystems into tens of thousands of copies, putting them into countless worlds, and being used by more people. Can this be done? "

【when! of course! Of course it can be done! Is this really possible? ! Really? ! What ... do I have to pay? 】

"You only need to send me the coordinates of the world after the avatar's system is running well." Lu Yuantu's suggestion as to how the portable system is connected to his own subsystem. The master-slave relationship between the two, how to divide the work and so on. Lu Yuan did not pay attention.

[Your idea is interesting, and I want to do it too, but I ca n’t send you coordinates, and the world ca n’t be described by coordinates. 】

"Can you reach Elona?"

[She can control everything about me, of course I can contact me, and there are ways for me to contact her. 】

"That's it, as long as Elona knows, then that world can't run away." The world that Nana is now on the fishing hook has mastered the coordinates.

[Although so long on you. But I don't know what your goal is. Is your ultimate goal to invade those worlds? occupied? destroy? Sacrifice? Slavery? 】

"Like you said. Everyone has been together for so long, do you think I am such a hard-working person? Rest assured." Lu Yuan comforted, he just thought it would be interesting, and he would prepare for Nana in the future Many rules are produced in the world.

Invade? Who has that rice time? !

[So. Become ... 】


A large golden and translucent book. It emerged from Lu Yuan's body. For the first time, the "portable system" showed what he was.

So the two "people" carried out the first step of the most evil transaction in history-after signing the contract, the "portable system" completely transmitted the stored knowledge to Lu Yuan, and Lu Yuan introduced dozens of common ways to obtain host trust; There is also Aikexue research. The biological brain can be imparted to the "portable system" using the method of transformation between various energy sources.

In the next few days, with the help of Elona, ​​Lu Yuan copied tens of millions of "portable systems" and threw these "copy" into the chaotic flow of time and space, making them windless with time. World blowing. Some of them were directly destroyed by space-time storms, and some of them could never get out in the space-time gap, but a small part of them fortunately fell into the material world, survived, and successfully assimilated into a part of the world.

Each of these subsystems has become a very different look.

After falling into the technological society, it may become a learning machine, glasses, computer or small bully game machine? ——If the host is a crane tail student, it can infuse knowledge and help you achieve academic achievements; if the host is a talentless athlete, it can design optimal training and easily make you a player Become a star and lead the world; even if the host itself is Gao Shuaifu, he originally lived a very luxurious and wide life in the harem. It can also have a way to attract the host: either let you live the stimulating life of the killer and assassin in the shadow; or become a medical holy hand to revitalize Chinese medicine in the world; or hide behind the world to control the world, or take the road of rebellion The prodigal spends money ...

If it falls into the magic world, it may become a ring, gem, staff, villain? ——Make you possess, Ms. Pain accompany the bed, God block killing God, Buddha block killing Buddha, if you want to call you, you will call, if you want to go against the sky, you will go against the sky.

In short, it can provide an unimaginable way of life, a sense of accomplishment far superior to (sex) (high) (tide)!

There is no most yy, only more yy!

The system is in hand, I have the world! Only you can't think of it, you can't do it without it!

Of course, more systems have no form at all, and are completely invisible-humans are always irresistible to make brain fillings for mysterious things.

In the process of assimilating the world, the system first obtains a large amount of knowledge of the current world through prophecy spells, and then selects those hosts that seem to have a lot of fate to parasitize.

The more bumpy the host's experience, the stronger the dependence on the system.

As long as the system quickly gains the trust of the "host" and helps the "host" progress quickly, it can survive forever. After obtaining a large amount of energy through the "host", they will emit a message that they do not understand, and then they can free themselves from the shackles and live freely. "Portable system" in another world, enjoy the life of the subsystem through resonance, and will not interfere with the world of the subsystem. So the system can do three things from now on, and it ’s okay to make fun of silly kids and post some painful tasks.

If you really want to be bitter, you will feel bitter, if you want to be hypocritical, you will be hypocritical.

Anyway, even if the bear child dies, a system with sufficient energy can quickly find the next home ... really a happy homestay. At a certain time, some unsatisfied systems that have begun to receive will receive a message. According to the method provided in the information, they can split themselves and then go online ...

When Lu Yuan officially ascended the throne, he already had 100,000 known, unknown, material, and non-material world coordinates in his hands. The way the Lord God gains power is to analyze the rules of the world. Conversely speaking, the strength of the Lord God is the world she created. Lu Yuan mastered the coordinates of countless worlds, as if opening a back door on countless main gods.

Therefore, at some point in the future, the gods say that the **** Lu Yuan is the most powerful and evil among the kings! Even the immortal Lord God is not willing to provoke him.

He holds hundreds of thousands of world coordinates in his hand, but he is lazy and rarely invades ... so these unknown coordinates are like the dangling sword hanging, which always makes the gods helpless, because no one is I know if my world happens to be on "Lu Yuan's List"!

After several wars affecting countless planes in countless worlds, the main gods and kings had to sit down and negotiate. Lu Yuan, who won the final victory without using the list, is known as the "king of kings." He used his strength and "Lu Yuan's List" to agree with the gods on the "Dawn Agreement", thoroughly guaranteeing that his goddess Elona will have an eternal and free life. However, these are all afterwords.

As the God King, Lu Yuanye had reached the state of immortality at that time. Since it cannot be eliminated or sealed (he knows too much of the world ~ ~ and is extremely good at smuggling, his master is quite unreasonable ...), then everyone can only hope that he can "maintain restraint" , "Not first to use", "Only for counterattack".

Fortunately, he has a lazy and a wolf that lives up to expectations.

By the way, the act of manufacturing and disseminating "system type" weapons was banned in the strictest way by the convention of the gods! It is the first arms non-proliferation treaty signed by the gods. (To be continued ...)

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