Watching the Dawn

Vol 6 Chapter 72: If Cangtian knew my wish

This is a group of soldiers.

A day ago, they were just a group of scattered soldiers, a group of adventurers, with strong personal strength, but it was difficult to stop the troll army from going south. Among them, less than one-fifth has received regular militarization training, and they have never cooperated with each other-even some are enemies.

One day later, they have been the battlefield for the rest of their lives, and they have become an iron soldier. It may not be easy to become a qualified soldier, but my heart is hard enough.

They have achieved the most glorious victory against the trolls in the Northland in decades! They can already be heroes. But there was no laughter, no celebration, no relaxation in the camp. Everyone wiped the armor and grinded the sword, and a long dragon lined up in front of the blacksmith's shop.

And there are a group of people who are even more excessive. They are all wearing armor, all using two-handed swords and two-handed warhammers. They are tall and indifferent in expression. If you look closely, you will also find that these soldiers, all of them are knights belonging to Heim, 100% of the main force of war. Even, they are all composed of paladins and quasi-paladins.

They were silent, they helped each other, bit their white handkerchiefs with their teeth, pierced **** the armor of their arms, and tried their best to secure them.

They did not enter the camp because they felt like an army that had lost their commander.

An army with little loss made the commander die, shame!

It was a shame that a force full of men killed a female surname!

Their commander, their comrade-in-arms, and even their bodies were taken away by the enemy after the battle, the shame in the shame!

Thinking of this, almost everyone looked at the hillside in the distance with eyes, and looked at the figure of the two-headed troll sitting there.

At this time, it seemed that the camp was ready, and a group of people came out according to the queue, arranging a very neat formation on the wilderness. The paladins and guards are at the forefront, and the priest wears armor and stands on the second line of scattered soldiers with chains.

"Never back off!" The deputy head of the Knights of Heim, Smith of the Knights of the Great Temple of Heim in Bode Gate, a fifty-year-old paladin. He was the first to stand up, organize his full armor, pushed away the young man who wanted to help Kenny, and strode out. He used to be the most fierce tactical commander against Ukrainian military officers, but now he is also the most stubborn. He must carry the error on his back and must recapture the commander's body!

"Never back off!" "Never back off!" With a firm declaration, the warriors of Heim were silent, one after another, striding down the hillside step by step, standing in front of the center, the center, will also It is the most fierce battle position. In the last battle to determine the surname, the Knights of Heim was undertaking the heaviest task of toughness, and they exceptionally defeated the clusters of forest trolls, laying the foundation for victory in the entire battle.

To be honest, despite the death of the commander, the entire victory was overshadowed. But no one really blamed them. The two-headed troll Kara of the other party is really too powerful! Many people use Di Mogao as a metaphor. It is far beyond the level of normal trolls, and even three times four times is not enough to describe it. It is not an existence that can be overcome by the number of people! They are too late to rescue the commander, in fact they cannot be regarded as their fault! It's a pity they don't think so, only they can't forgive themselves.

They do not camp, do not live in the camp, just like punishing their sinners, eager to cleanse their reputation with blood, eager to redeem with victory.

Seemingly seeing the movement of the Allied forces in the Temple of Bode's Gate, the two-headed troll Kara stood up, waved the giant stick in his hand, and roared loudly, driving the trolls down the hills and gathering them down the hillside. All he had left was a troll standing at the top of a high hill. Since he was slapped by a mage with a slap in his hand, he has painfully reflected many times, and then decided not to charge down the hillside any more impulsively.

The main priest of the Great Temple of Heim looked helplessly at the knight chief Smith of his temple. He did not advocate fighting against the trolls again. The troll has been repulsed and we have won, which is enough. Moreover, the Knights of Heim not only took up the most difficult task, but the loss was not great. This could not be better!

As long as you stay here, the treacherous troll will soon be dissolved.

And he is also grateful for the female commander Wei, this victory is inseparable from her fascinating command. However, since she had already died in battle, her body might have been profaned. Without mentioning the huge cost of resurrection, it would also be impossible to resurrect. It is meaningless to take back her body. Moreover ... why do you want to take it back? The woman was on the way with Scar and Anne ...

But for the Knight Knight Smith, this stubborn man like iron, he could not persuade him. His pain is that this may be a battle that caused the Temple of Heim to lose a lot but has little significance, but he could not stop it. And for him and Anta? In terms of Silver Shield's plan, a strong Heim Knight is an indispensable pillar for gaining later benefits.

Now, he can only pray to Heim, even if he knows that Heim supports that side more.

The afternoon sun outlined the huge two-headed troll on the hill into a silhouette.

The guy also seemed to know how to anger the soldiers under the mountain. He hung Wei's body on the tree at the top of the mountain, shaking the tree from time to time, causing her body to sway and the nerves of the army under the mountain.

"What's that?" The priest stared at the troll's eyes and seemed to be stabbed by some light.

"Target," Smith Knight said with a tough line.

"What?" The priest was distracted.

"I said, that's the goal!" Smith pulled out his two-handed sword, and the reserve Paladin Kenny simply followed him, and began slowly advancing with the Knights. He walked at the forefront of the team, less than 100 meters away from him, where the trolls piled up. It ’s just that after the trolls were killed in the early morning, the rest had no morale, and they all gathered together, squeezed into the group one by one-if they were not photographed by the power of the two-headed troll Kara, they It's already running.

"No, Smith, wait," the main priest, who followed him, stretched out his hand and hurriedly pulled Smith, but he was almost led by him. "Look over there! Smith! Look over there! What is that ?!"

Smith finally narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction the priest pointed. He was already a bit pretentious. If it was not the priest insisting, if it was not the young quasi-saint warriors behind him, he suddenly gave unusual cheers, he would not pay attention.

He saw, a white horse ... No, it was a unicorn! She was carrying a knight in silver armor, like a lightning, running wildly against the horizon! Seeing her way forward, she will bypass the troll army under the mountain and take their leader, the two-headed troll Kara!

She was extremely fast, just blinked. It was originally expected that the Heim Knights first fought with the troll army, and then the silver armor knight attacked the two-headed troll Kara, but the order seemed to be reversed in an instant. "Speed ​​up!" Smith commanded loudly, no matter who the silver armor knight was, maybe Anne or someone else, he would attract the troll's strength for her, so that she could successfully attack Kara!

Beheading tactics are always good, provided they can be used well.

"I will treat the weak."

"I will fight."

"I will fight back all mistakes."

"I will fight for the unarmed."

"I will help those who seek help."

"I swear not to harm women and children."

"I swear to protect my brother-in-law."

"I will treat my friends sincerely."

"I swear I will never die of love."

Annie lay her entire body on Ronaldinho, retelling the Proverbs in a low voice. Her eyes crossed the huge body of the two-headed troll Kara and fell on Wei's body. Wei hanging in the tree was still wearing deformed armor, and the helmet did not know where it fell. She lowered her head, and her long blond hair was scattered in the wind. With Anne's prayer, the power of the surname fell on her and Ronaldinho. Ronaldinho's legs almost ran flush with his body, and he took the knight to sprint towards the hillside like a wind.

Annie pulled out her big sword, extended the blade diagonally, and took a posture ready to be lifted.

She remembered the prayers about the angel again. The bright light attached to her armor. Inside the armor, the light band extended, connecting her and the armor like muscles and skin. Annie had never felt this way. It was not like wearing a booth, it was more like entering a new body.

Carla finally heard Ronaldinho's running sound, but Ronaldinho's hoof sound was as light as the wind. When he found out, Ronaldinho had completed the final charge. She jumped up, her golden horn exploded like lightning, and as she moved, she swung a huge golden spear forward!

The saints and priests of Heim under the mountain saw the unforgettable sight of their lives. Kara at the top of the mountain raised his giant stick, blocking the golden light spear, and the giant wood stick and the light spear shattered together. And Ronaldinho jumped higher, she directly jumped over the area where the wooden stick exploded and jumped to the top, closer to the position of the head of the two-headed troll.

To this day, no one has been closer to Kara ’s vitality than she is today.

Annie's eyes still looked closely at the approaching dimension. For Kara, she just whispered "Broken Evil!", She lifted the big sword from bottom to top, with Ronaldinho's leaping gesture , Rushed towards Carla with a huge light blade!

Extreme terror fell on Kara, and he shouted, crossing his arms, trying to stop the knight's charge.

But at this time, the knight in silver armour had a brighter light on her body, and twisted into two huge wings behind her. As if the wings that covered half of the sky were full-strength, her person and the unicorn suddenly accelerated, and through the gap between Kara's arms that had not closed, she and the unicorn seemed to fly. Everyone saw that the tiny figure waved a huge lightsaber with a length of more than ten meters, and passed it!

Her heroic posture and Carla ’s huge body became silhouettes in the eyes of countless people in the afternoon backlight.

After crossing Kara's body, Annie drew a "Huguang" half-sword on the top of her head and slammed it out. The big sword hung with a screaming wind, and with a click, cut the rope together with the big tree behind it. The wings on Annie's armor fluttered again, and she and Ronaldinho passed by, grabbing Wei's falling body first, and hugged him tightly in her arms.

They saw her cutting the rope with a sword, and then caught the body of the Ukrainian officer with both hands. They saw her kneel down and took off her helmet. The long red hair under the sunlight covered her cheeks. Everyone could only see the faint silhouette, but countless people knew she was crying.

A dozen meters behind her, the once-incomparable two-headed troll Kara, seemed to stand there in a daze. But then a blood line appeared on his right neck, spraying green blood like a water dragon, and the right head fell off! Then there is the left neck, although only half of it was cut, but it is completely unable to support the huge head, hanging on the side. The most important thing is that the wounds are burning with white, seemingly sacred flames, preventing the troll's self-healing ability, he can only gradually go to death.

Seeing Kara first become a single-headed troll and then a headless troll, the dark green blood sprayed towards the sky and fell down the hillside. The human camp sent out earth-shaking cheers! A sword! Just a sword! She took back the body of the Ukrainian military officer, and Kara, who was once incapable of life, was beheaded and killed! Too strong! This is Annie! Our original commander, our knight Anne! The cheers beneath the mountain are layer after layer, and the frustration of the day is swept away! The morale of mankind has risen to an unimaginable level!

They do n’t calculate it. Although it seems to be a sword, in fact, Annie used Ronaldinho to launch the knight charge bonus, using the skills carried by the two armors of "Angel Descent" and "Angel Wings", and the help of "Knight Proverbs "Increase the status, turn the four" breaking evil "of the paladin into one, and use the strengthening of" angel coming "to slash it out. Other things like the enhancement of internal force and the increase of sacred fighting spirit are already small heads. Her sword has wielded at least forty times its usual power!

Now the thief went to hollow out and couldn't get her to stand up and cut a sword! But the sword just now, even a dragon can beheaded to show you!

The troll legion under the mountain was almost stunned. They looked at their commander in disbelief. The powerful two-headed troll Kara was actually killed by a sword!

"Attack!" The battlefield cried out with an exhausted cry from Smith's old knight.

"Attack!" Kenny behind him shouted the old knight's order with a louder voice.

"Attack!" It seems that he is used to such a passing of orders. The Heim Knights repeat the order with a neat voice, adjusting the front to strike forward.

"Attack!" Countless people followed happily, whether it was a priest or a warrior, desperately slashing the trolls that had begun to turn around and escape. The unprepared back put the battle into the harvest stage. The priests put all their flames on the surrounding swords and swords and burned the trolls to ashes.

This sword will cut down ten years of tranquility for business travelers and farmers in the Northland!

Fuck **** fuck fuck

The high priest at the Temple of Heim congratulated Annie with a smile, and only received a response from the courtesy surname. Compared with the respect and closeness that Anne faced when facing the old knight Smith, Jing Wei was distinct in comparison. The old priest knew that Anne was to him and Anta? The plan between the Silver Shield and the Grand Duke of Iltan is not ignorant, otherwise it will not express such obvious hostility.

Annie so clearly expressed the uncooperative attitude, and also pushed the old priest to an awkward position. That was like a sword from the gods, and he chopped Annie's position in the temple armor without explanation. Seeing Anne orderly began to arrange everything, chasing, annihilating, cutting off, and expelling, everything was organized in an orderly manner. At the same time, a variety of messengers were sent out. Some of them notified the Dragonspear Castle to block the mountain pass, and some took note of the Komiri Kingdom's cooperative destruction.

If you don't look at her, you will think that this man is a queen who has been in power for decades! Because of all these negotiations with various forces ~ ~ that the power of the temple and its own authority are exerted to the extreme, and it is very careful not to touch any sensitive red line. This kind of old-fashioned political skill is more valuable than the keen tactical sense of smell.

When she arranged it, the most experienced commanders summed up and were speechless. Where is it safe for ten years? This is to change the names of "Troll Roaring Forest", "Troll Mountain Range" and "Troll Claw River Beach" to completely expel the troll to the rhythm of the great wasteland! No wonder her sister and Uyghur military officer are so powerful. I really envy ...

Anne saw that the troll had come to an end, and then took a short break, briefly explaining what happened at the gate of Bode.

Ska suffered suicide, Flame Fist might be rebelled, and the Iron Throne occupied the city ... It was like a heavy burden placed on the hearts of the commanders, making everyone breathless again.

Annie glanced at the leaders of these temple armaments and said softly, "There is no need to worry about the Iron Throne, the door of Bode is at your fingertips." There was inexpressible confidence in the tone, and everyone was dumb.

When the main priest of Heim went out, the Knight Chief James quietly followed him. He seemed to say to himself, "Now, young people, one is better than the other. I should give Kenny another day. Find a good future! "

The old priest's eyes lit up and thoughtfully. Now it ’s time to meet both sides ... Is n’t it okay?

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