Watching the Dawn

Vol 7 Chapter 72: Boli Shrine Spring Festival Continued 3

The small square in front of the Boli Shrine is a mess. At that level of chaos, even the maids of the Red Devils Pavilion went on strike (on the orders of dissatisfied Remy, they went on strike for an hour). Therefore, only a dozen "faceless men" who can only see their clothes are cleaning. They collected the **** and threw it into a trash can made of a dimensional hole-with the sound of a whisper, I don't know which plane was thrown-ha, the master's method ...

Invisible servants can only clean up scattered pastries, broken cups, plates, and food that has been thrown away. Their limited intelligence prevents them from doing more elaborate work without the wizard's command. But as long as they clear the hardest part, the remaining Red Devils can take over.

The banquets of the monsters have always been simple. Even wine and food are good catering. The only way to do this is to have the Red Devil Hall before, but now there are more Bo Li Shrines. But the experienced maid, that is not the grass in the wild, can grow out in spring.

The dim sum war is over, and the guests who are tired of playing gather in the hallway of the shrine and chat with each other easily. Youyou Xixi Temple yawned, leaned on the soul of the soul and took a nap ... it felt sleepy after eating, she was still a very new experience, in short, full of happiness. Soul demon dream ... she is thinking about love ... would I fall in love with Youyouzi? She secretly looked at the face of Lord Youyouzi, and her cheeks burned like fire. This is really too much! The Kendo girl hesitated ...

Eight cloud purple pulled out a crescent-like dark space on the eaves, sitting alone on the top, and drank to himself against the crescent moon in the sky. Also got a little drunk. Looking at the building materials piled on the side of the square, the shrine will be officially renovated tomorrow ... at that time. The traces of the past do not know how much is left.

Compared to the thousands of years of life of Yakumo Zi, the short 100-year life of human beings is as short as a short flower. Not to mention ... many people cannot live on the day when their life span is exhausted. But some humans are like torches. Burning violently in a short time, leaving immortal traces in her life-the young girl of the Xixing Temple family, the grandma of Bolishan ... she took the wine pot again and took a big sip , And then sprinkled the remaining wine on the roof of the shrine where she and grandma often sit.

Boli Lingmeng was lying on the floor at the side of the corridor. On her left was the screaming Yi Chu Cui Xiang, who was sleeping peacefully. As an active ghost king, he was exceptionally quiet when he fell asleep. On the right side of Lingmeng. Remilia Scarlett, the host of the Red Devil Hall. Her slightly smaller body was sitting on the court post, holding the cup in her hand, drinking the honey black tea that was finally available.

In the night sky, the crescent moon is sharp and the stars are bright.

Reimu stretched out his palms against the sky, and the wide sleeves slid down to reveal the slender arms belonging to the girl. She opened her five fingers, as if grabbing the starry sky ... "Remy, you say. It would be nice if I could keep it that way."

"My generation has always been like this." Remy was a little proud, and some ... said solitaryly.

"I really envy you vampires, think how long it can be." Xiao Lingmeng lowered his arms and lay on the floor in large letters. Talking casually.

"You can also ... Shall I turn you into a vampire?" Lei Mi raised her head and squinted, exposing two cute little dog teeth.

"No. The Witches of Bollyon must be humans, and wait until I leave ... The same is true of the next generation of Witches." Bollying said with a smile.

Remilia turned her head angrily. "But my friend will only be a Bollywood dream! Not a Bolly Witch! ... and, really. One or two ..." She lowered her head and complained. Remilia didn't understand why humans like Lingmeng and Sixteen Nights and Nights were reluctant to become long-lived monsters. Obviously, everyone will be together forever ...

"Remy, let's set off fireworks!" Boli Lingmeng changed the subject. "Dad ... Uncle Lu did a lot of fireworks, it must be superb!"

"Then ... that guy's workmanship is still good ..." Lei Mi reluctantly agreed, but she followed with an echo, "Well, I don't remember any fantasies in Fantasy Township!" Lei Mi said with interest. At the Fireworks Festival or something, she just heard Miye said. It is said that the colorful and splendid look is almost like playing a barrage with a lot of people-but I really want to see it.

"Cuixiang! Get up, it's time to start the fireworks display!" Lingmeng shook Yixiang Cuixiang. You can sleep at any time, but it ’s a pity to miss the rare fireworks display. Xiao Lingmeng dreamed of looking at the night sky, fireworks display, I have not seen it yet.

"Fireworks Conference! Fireworks Conference!" Cuixiang shouted after sleeping for a while. Relying on her great strength, she rushed into the shrine first and moved out the huge piles of fireworks. The gossip monsters have come together in twos and threes. With the help of invisible servants and machines, Lu Yuan did a lot more. Everyone first got a fire rope, and after it was lit, it spattered with sparks and swayed in his hand.

They laughed and flicked the rope of fire, drawing orange traces on the night.

In this scenario, even the night sparrow sings happily.

Sheming Maruwen was flying in the air with a fire rope. She dragged the orange fire and outlined the appearance of the monster mountain with a very fast speed. Everyone cheered and clapped hard ... Sheming Maru took out the camera quickly and took a picture! Tomorrow's headline has been thought out ... Wenwen. News will bid farewell to Lace News for the first time, reporting on the first fireworks festival in Fantasy Township, which is not bad.

Penglai Shanhui Ye and Fujiwara Meihong were noisy, but they couldn't help but get together. They sat side by side on the big rock, using fire ropes to say you and me, writing words that reprimanded each other, and then laughed happily. Two girls who have also taken Penglai medicine and also have infinite life ... In the future where there is no end in sight, in the deserted and lonely land, when all things come to an end, they will only have each other. Perhaps it is because of this that Meihong and Huiye will become the best Ji friends who love each other ...

At the temple house, Hakuryizawa Huiyin stood with Yongye Pavilion's Bayi Yonglin, watching Huiye and Meihong playing happily, all showing a paternalistic smile called "Children have grown up".

"Where did Marisa go ..." Bollywood looked around and muttered depressedly. The first time to start a fireworks display, all friends must share together to be satisfied.

She left the crowd and walked into the dark shrine. At this time, many monsters have returned from the cherry blossom forest. If Mist Rain Marisa was not inside those people, it must have fallen asleep somewhere.

"Morissa ... Morissa ..." Boli Lingmeng shouted her name and walked along the hallway of the shrine one by one.

Every room is dark ~ ~ If it wasn't for drying these days, many rooms haven't come to dream. Seeing the dark room, she was also a little scared. "!" She read a spell and released a white ball of light.

Even white light spilled into the surrounding rooms and corridors ...

"Ah!" Someone screamed out of the room and ran towards the end of the corridor. The man ran "click, click", obviously wearing shoes with hard heels. The point is ... that maid outfit and peaked cap are so easy to recognize!

"Marisha! Stop!" Lingmeng yelled, chasing a few steps wildly. Seeing that she couldn't catch up, "I said stop!" She skillfully pulled out the Yubi stick, and she threw it out handsomely with her arm! Only hearing a "bang" from the end of the corridor, Marisa screamed and fell to the floor.

"Marisha ..." She also wanted to chase the Bollinger Dream in the past. After she saw the appearance of Marisa, the cry stopped abruptly.

Ling Meng opened her mouth wide and looked at the misty and frizzy frizzy grievance, and ... the belly she held in her hands ... Looking at the high, uplifting curve, Ling Meng shouted out, "Marisha, Are you pregnant? "(To be continued ...) ()

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